Into the night: The rogue series book one

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Into the night: The rogue series book one Page 9

by Toni Goode

  “She’s from another pack?” George and Marcus said in unison. They weren’t twins by any means. Marcus was actually two years younger but with them both growing full beards it was hard telling one from the other at times.

  “This isn’t good Nick. Did she take off from them or did she do something?” Sal asked with concern.

  “I don’t know Sal. Maybe you should have been more concerned when you ran to mother.” Nicholas said dryly as he walked past him. “No one is going to freak out, ok. She is fine and she is staying.” Nicholas began as Marcus and George began to protest. “I said my piece and what I say goes. Now you are either with me or you’re not.” He said seriously.

  “I didn’t run to her to get you in trouble.” Sal began as he looked at Nicholas.

  “Well it’s a good thing that I am an adult not to mention the Alpha of this fucking pack!” He snapped. “Anyone else have something to say?” He said angrily as he looked at everyone. Jack turned and looked at him, but no one said anything. “Good, meeting adjourned.” Nicholas said as he stormed out of the room. Sal went after him.

  “Nick, wait.” Sal said as he ran up to him and Nicholas spun around.

  “What the fuck Sal!? Running off to mom like when we were younger! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” He snapped angrily.

  “I was concerned ok. I know if anyone can talk sense to you, it’s mom.” Sal said honestly.

  “Yeah well maybe you should go talk to her then because it’s her idea.” He said as he continued walking to his truck.

  “What?” Sal said in shock, but Nicholas ignored him.

  “Excuse us.” Jack said as he walked past Sal and over to Nicholas. “We need to talk.” He said seriously.

  Nicholas sighed heavily. “Fine then get in. I need a drink.” Nicholas said as he got into the car and so did Jack.

  By the time Emma left the horse stable she headed back to the pool. The weather was beautiful for a swim though she had no swim suit. She dipped her toe in the water and made a last-minute decision to go in with her bra and panties. They resembled a bathing suit, and no one was around so she stripped down quick and jumped in the pool. She couldn’t remember the last time she was able to just swim in a pool. Her father always kept such a strict routine for her and that’s why he was so mad when she began hanging out with Lexi. Her mind went to her friend as she swam to the side of the pool. Lexi. She had to get her friend.

  “Looks like someone has the right idea!” Steele said as he walked over to the pool and looked at Emma. She jumped as she turned and looked at him. She wasn’t expecting anyone to show up there.

  “I didn’t expect anyone to be here.” She said as she kept her body covered in the water.

  “It’s fine. You’re staying here now so might as well have fun.” He said with a grin. She was taken back by how big he really was. His body was not only extremely tall but also very broad and muscular. “How’s the water feel?” He asked as he leaned down and ran his hand in it. He stood up and proceeded on taking off his shirt and she turned around quick.

  “What are you doing?” She said in shock as she kept her back turned.

  “What’s it look like? It’s hot. I wanna cool off.” He said and then seconds later she heard a splash as she spun around.

  Her heart began to race as his head came out of the water. He brushed his long dark hair back and she couldn’t help but see how gorgeous this man was.

  “So, have you thought about what you want to do since you’re staying here?” He asked as he stayed a few feet away from her in the water.

  “I haven’t really thought that much about it.” She said nervously.

  “What do you mean? You’re the daughter of the infamous Midnight Pack Alpha, surely you had a plan?” He said as he swam a little closer to her and she backed up some as she swallowed hard.

  “I um. I was going to school. College. For forensic science.” She said and he blinked in shock.

  “Forensics? You want to work in law enforcement?” He said with surprise in his voice.

  “That was the plan. I don’t know what I am going to do now.” She said honestly.

  “Why not join the police station here?” He asked as he moved closer to her.

  “I don’t know. This is all really new for me.” She said seriously.

  “Well it’s a good town to be in. I grew up here.” He said as she watched him intently now.

  “But you have your own pack?” She said in shock.

  “Yeah well I am not one to follow the rules.” He smirked.

  “And so, you just left? You didn’t get in trouble?” She said with confusion. It wasn’t often that someone left a pack. When you did you were considered a rogue and that was never a good thing. Oddly enough now she was a rogue herself.

  “Yeah it was a complex thing. Nicholas was Alpha, and he knew I needed to spread my wings. So, I left and he was ok with that.” He said as he continued to near her.

  “Well you are lucky to have a friend like that.” She said honestly.

  “Yeah I am.” He said with a smile. “You want to get something to eat? I’m starving.” He added.

  “Oh um.” She swallowed hard.

  “Come on, you need food. I know a good place across town.” He said as he began to swim to the edge of the pool. She watched him get out and she watched his exposed gorgeous body. He wore only a pair of tight black boxer briefs. As he got out, he smoothed his long hair back. “Are you going to come?” He asked as he looked at her and she flushed as she looked away from his nearly naked body. “I will get you a towel.” He said as he walked off and towards the house. She took the opportunity to get out of the pool. She grabbed her clothes from the ground, and she put the clothes on her wet body. By the time Steele came back out with a towel, she was already dressed. “Wow you move fast.” He grinned as he held a towel in his hand.

  “I’m quick and resourceful.” She said awkwardly.

  “I see that.” He walked over to his clothes and wiped his body down with a towel. She looked away.

  Meanwhile Nicholas sat across from Jack as they shared a pitcher of beer at the local bar and grill. “You know who this girl is, don’t you?” Jack said as he stared at Nicholas.

  “Yeah. Unfortunately.” Nicholas said dryly.

  “You know what this could mean for the pack?” Jack asked seriously.

  “Yeah I do. You think I am making a wrong decision?” Nicholas looked at him.

  “I just want you to think about the impact this could make for all of us. There has been word that Lawrence is enraged and desperately looking for his bride that ran off.” Jack added.

  “Since when did we start forcibly marrying off people? There was always a god damn choice!” Nicholas said angrily.

  “And I don’t disagree with you, but it is not our place to save this girl.” Jack said seriously.

  “I can’t just hand her back to him. We both know what he will do. She would be better off dead if that is the case.” Nicholas said seriously. “It’s not like I went looking for trouble. I am not my father.” He said angrily.

  “You’re actually very much like your father Nicholas and that isn’t a bad thing.” Jack said softly as he looked at him.

  “Yeah well he went looking for trouble. She just ended up in one of my traps.” Nicholas said quickly.

  “Ok. So now we figure out a plan. Have you thought about going to the council?” Jack asked.

  “Well I’m going to have to go soon. Word will spread quickly.” Nicholas said as he downed his beer. “I gotta take a piss.” He added as he stood up and walked across the bar.

  Steele and Emma drove up to the small bar and grill in town. The car ride was relatively quiet except for the radio. Steele seemed like a decent guy though. He was at least nicer than the grunt she would be forced to stay with. Every Alpha she met had a bad side. She hated the idea. She just wanted to live her life. Humans got to do what they wanted. She envied them.

  “Want a beer and a burge
r?” Steele asked her as they walked inside the bar.

  “Sure. I’m going to use the ladies’ room.” She said as she saw the sign for the restroom across the bar.

  Steele grabbed the pitcher of beer as he waited for their order to be ready. His eyes immediately went on Jack who sat at a table with a beer in hand. He walked over to him.

  “Well I’ll be damned. How many years has it been?” Steele asked as he came over to the older man.

  “Holy shit. I heard you were in town.” Jack said as he stood up now and the two men embraced. “I hear that you have quite the makings of a rogue army going on.” Jack smirked.

  “Well I am anything but predictable.” Steele smirked.

  “Still in town I see. I would have thought that you would have taken off by now.” Nicholas said as he came over to them and he looked at Steele.

  “I’m taking a mini vacation here.” Steele grinned big.

  “Better than Disney.” Nicholas said sarcastically and then his eyes darted to the door as Veronica came in. Her eyes landed on him as she rushed over.

  “God damn it there you are! I have been texting and calling you all day.” She said with annoyance as she got over to him. She looked pissed and he sighed as he closed in the distance between them.

  “Hey, I told you I had things to do.” He began a bit bitterly as he looked at her.

  “Yeah well rumors are spreading that you have a fucking rogue girl staying with you!” She yelled at him and then without warning she slapped him hard across the face. “You bastard!”

  “What the fuck Vee!?” He stepped back from her.

  “Why don’t you tell me what the fuck is up? Huh?” She yelled at him as the bar got quiet.

  “You need to calm the hell down!” He snapped at her as he grabbed her by the arm roughly and walked her across the bar.

  “And that is why I stay single.” Steele smirked at Jack.

  Emma got out of the bathroom and saw Steele talking to an older man. She quickly walked over as they both looked up at her.

  “Now no one mentioned how beautiful the rogue was.” Jack said charmingly as he walked up to Emma. She felt her heart race as this older man walked over to her. She had no idea how the people here would regard her. It wasn’t every day that a rogue was allowed to stay in another pack. It just didn’t happen. “My name is Jack Jeffers.” He held his hand out to her.

  Emma shook it slowly as she looked at him. “Emma.” She said as he released her hand.

  “Well I hope you find this pack to be better than most.” Jack added with a smile.

  As Jack spoke, Emma couldn’t help but hear a small commotion going on across the bar. When she looked, she saw Nicholas in a heated argument with the woman from earlier.

  “Screw you, asshole!” Veronica yelled at him before storming out. He ran a hand through his hair before turning to look directly at Emma. A shocked look on his face.

  Chapter Nine

  Emma felt her heart racing as she stared across the bar at Nicholas. He looked incredibly pissed and then he was walking over. Steele walked over to him before he got to Emma.

  “I brought her here to get something to eat. So, don’t go all halfcocked.” Steele said quickly.

  “So now we are just prancing the rogue around. Great. So much for trying to keep it quiet.” Nicholas said dryly as he shook his head.

  “She isn’t a bad person Nick.” Steele began and Nicholas cut him off.

  “Oh, so now all of a sudden you are an expert on her?” Nicholas said sarcastically.

  “Dude you’re drunk, ok. Don’t make an ass of yourself.” Steele said low.

  “Seriously? Don’t make an ass of myself? Fuck you!” Nicholas shoved Steele hard as he stumbled back. Emma gasped as she watched it all unfold.

  “You don’t want to do this Nick. Just sleep it off. It’s been a long day.” Steele said as Nicholas began to laugh sarcastically.

  “You have some fucking nerve! I invite you to my land and now all of a sudden you’re going to start telling me what to do?!” Nicholas snapped.

  “Nicholas, come on. Let me get you home.” Jack said as he rushed over.

  “You know I am the fucking Alpha here! I don’t need a god damn babysitter!” Nicholas barked out as he pushed Steele once more.

  “You’re like a brother to me Nick but if you push me again, I will take you to the ground.” Steele warned.

  “Oh, is that a threat I hear?!” Nicholas said loud.

  “It’s a promise my friend.” Steele said as he stood tall and then seconds later Nicholas was running at him as the two men began to fight.

  “Stop it you two! Stop it now!” Jack yelled as the owner came running over.

  “Cut that shit out in here!” The owner yelled out as the men swung their fists at one another. They made contact a few times. Both of them had bloody noses as they stepped back from one another.

  Nicholas used the back of his hand to wipe his bloody nose. Steele did the same. Nicholas looked to Emma.

  “Come on we’re leaving.” He snapped at her as she jumped some. “NOW!” He yelled as she rushed over to him.

  “You’re a real asshole. You know that!” Steele snapped at him as Emma and Nicholas walked past him and Jack. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Steele called out to Emma, but she kept walking. Now she felt like she had a responsibility to make sure he got home alright.

  “Can you drive?” He asked angrily as he looked at Emma and all she did was shake her head yes. “Good. Get me home.” He said as he tossed his keys at her. She hated that she was stuck with him. Honestly, she was wondering if her chances with Lawrence would be better than this!

  He didn’t say anything during the ride back to his house. She was uncomfortable to say the least. As soon as they pulled up to his house, she looked at him. He was passed out. Apparently, that was why he was so quiet. She wondered how much he had drank. It was incredibly hard to get a wolf drunk. Their metabolisms were incredibly fast, and it helped to expel alcohol quickly.

  She sighed as she looked at him and then she got out of the truck. She walked over to the passenger side door and she opened it. He was snoring loudly now. “You’re home. Wake up.” She said as she tapped his arm gently. He didn’t budge at all. “Nicholas you are home.” She said once more, and he just groaned as he rolled his head to the side. She huffed loudly as she stood there. This guy was a train wreck for real! “Nicholas!” She said loud this time as she shook him hard but what happened next not only shocked her but frightened her at the same time. Seconds after shaking him, Nicholas grabbed her arm and yanked her in the truck. Literally pulling her body half on his as her legs hung out of the truck. She let out a loud yelp as he held onto her arms. His eyes opened and it was clear that he was disoriented as he held onto her and looked around.

  “Can you let go? You’re hurting me.” She finally managed to say as she looked up at him. His bloodshot eyes got wide as he looked at her. Seconds later his mouth was crashing into hers in a sloppy and surprising kiss. She pushed on his chest and it broke the contact as she looked at him. Her heart racing as she stared.

  “Shit. I didn’t mean to.” He said as he ran his hand over his face, and she moved out of the truck. He finally got out now too as he refused to look at her.

  “Do you need help?” She said as she went to grab his arm to steady him, but he snapped his arm back.

  “I got this ok! Fuck!” He snapped as they both got into the house. He went up the stairs without another word as she stood in the living room. Her fingers going to her lips as she touched them. She quickly shook her head to get the images out of it and then she also went to bed.

  Emma had a bad time sleeping that night. She kept replaying that kiss in her head. There was something in his eyes when he kissed her. It was almost like he was looking at a ghost. She was also starving since she had not eaten at the bar since the visit was short lived. By nearly three am she headed into the kitchen. She needed to eat something
, or she would never fall asleep.

  She went into the fridge and pulled out a few eggs and sausage. As she began to cook a sound caught her attention as she turned to see Nicholas standing in the doorway. He wore only a pair of shorts and she quickly looked away. He ran a hand through his hair as he stood there for a moment.

  “I was hungry.” She said as an explanation as she brought her attention back to the eggs. “Do you want some?” She asked without looking at him.

  “Yeah, sure. What time is it?” He asked as he pulled orange juice out of the fridge and poured himself a glass. Images of kissing her filled his head and he had to keep shaking them off. He couldn’t tell if it was real or not. It couldn’t have been real. He kept telling himself.

  “Like 3 am.” She said as she kept her back turned to him.

  “Want some orange juice?” He asked as he held the container.

  “Sure. This will be done in a minute.” She said as she flipped the sausage some and he began to grab some bread as he made toast. It was odd working side by side with him. She was sure this was the first time since she had arrived there that they weren’t yelling at one another. It was odd to say the least.

  “How did I get home last night?” He asked more to himself as he put bread in the toaster.

  “I drove you home.” She answered as he looked at her now and images of him fighting Steele filled his head.

  “Shit. I was that well off, huh?” He said with embarrassment as he ran his hand through his hair.

  “Yeah something like that.” Emma looked at him now for a moment and she saw that kiss in her head again. She quickly looked away as she silently cursed herself for being worked up over a drunk kiss. He was clearly drunk, and it wasn’t even a good kiss.

  “Did I get kicked out?” He asked and she shook her head no. “Good.” He said as he grabbed the toast from the toaster and then he put more slices in.

  Emma put the eggs and sausage on plates as she put them on the table. He was busy buttering toast as she grabbed a fork and began to eat.

  They both ate in relative silence as they finished off their plates and the toast. He grabbed the plates and began to put them in the sink. It was odd having someone there with him. Granted that Veronica at times had spent the night but he made sure that it wasn’t something that happened often.


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