psychology, 109–10
Ptolemy V, 237, 240
Quadricycle, 81
radioactivity, 193
radium, 30
Ramachandran, V. S., 15, 315
and fact of great yield, 210–14
mentoring of, 110–11
personal niche discovered by, 32–33, 35
strategic experimental guidelines for, 212
Ramses, pharaoh of Egypt, 240
rational thinking:
fusion of intuition and, 247–310
instinct vs., 4
intuition vs., 256–57
reality, return to, 267–69
rebellion strategy, 36–38, 111
rebelliousness, 180
creativity as, 203
recitatives, 174
recursion, 301–2
relativity, theories of, 66, 183, 198, 259, 278–79
religion, see Christianity; Sandemanians; Zen Buddhism
Rembrandt, Creative Task of, 180
apprenticeships in, 88
ideal of, 86, 309
interconnected knowledge in, 268
Resistance Practice, 80–81
Rhode Island School of Design, 88
Riebau, George, 96–97
rigidity, as Deadly Reality, 141, 142–43
risk taking, 83, 109, 181
Roach, Freddie, 15, 315–16
adaptation strategy of, 38–40
apprenticeship of, 67
mastery achieved through widened vision of, 294–98
mentoring of, 119–20
Pacquiao mentored by, 120–21
robotics, 34–36, 111, 228–30
Rodriguez, Cesar, Jr., 16, 316
in air combat, 286–87
Apprenticeship Phase of, 75–78
mastery achieved through practice by, 285–88
Romanticism, 305
Rommel, Erwin, 258–59
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 185
Rosetta stone, 236–41
Royal Institution, 97–100
Royal Society, 98, 101
Ruskin, John, 252–53, 260–61
safety bicycle, 215
St. Denis, Ruth, 224
salons, 250, 252
Salzburg, archbishop of, 172
Sandemanians, 95–96, 105
scale, sense of, 243
Schiller, Friedrich, synesthesia for, 198
Schoenberg, Arnold, 116–17
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 133–34
science, 95–101
creative thinking in, 98, 100, 101
intuition in, 257–58
sculpture, 153–56, 242–45
outdoor, 243
scurvy, 194
search engines, 193–94
seashells, 32
Seattle Cloud Cover (Fernández), 243–44
seeing more (heightened intelligence), 256–57
in life sciences, 257–58
in warfare, 257–59
authentic voice as expression of, 209
being true to, 22, 24–25, 29, 42, 118–19, 310–11
body image in sense of, 213
creativity and, 179
detached view of, 55, 61, 63, 80, 155, 157–59
false, 310
mastery of, 54
as subject, 254
withholding of, 154–56
self-apprenticeship, 54–56, 66, 71, 89
mentoring vs., 105, 122–23
self-criticism, 61, 80, 81, 199, 297
as motivation, 223
self-discovery, 89
self-observation, 55, 61, 62
self-obsessiveness, as Deadly Reality, 141, 143–44
self-reliance, 123
Semmelweis, Ignaz, poor social intelligence of, 147–49
senses, 198–99
serendipity, 184–87
in the arts, 186
in discoveries, 185–86
serendipity (cont.)
notebook for cultivation of, 187–88
two steps to invite, 184–85
Ser Piero da Vinci, 22, 289
Seven Deadly Realities, 141–46
Sforza, Francesco, statue of, 23–24
sfumato, 292
Shakespeare, William, 175, 183
Shawn, Ted, 224–26
Shoju Rojin, as Hakuin’s mentor, 113–15
shortcuts, ineffectiveness of, 9, 13–14, 61, 90
Silsbee, Joseph Lyman, 109
“Silver Blaze” (Doyle), 194
Sistine Chapel, 23, 24
skepticism, 102
and speculation, 189
automatic, 288
basic principles of, 60
hardwiring of, 61–62, 77
intellectual vs. manual, 64
internalization of, 3, 8
Skills Acquisition (The Practice Mode), 56, 58–62
smell, sense of, 198
social intelligence, 6, 7, 15, 71, 125–65
autism and, 43–45, 156–58
detached observation in, 130–31, 136, 137
discarding the Naïve Perspective in, 135–38
effective strategy for, 149–52
as expressed through work, 152
four strategies for acquiring, 146–64
keys to mastery of, 133–46
manipulation in, 132–33, 159–64
overcoming naïveté in, 129–31, 135–38
persona as key element of, 152–55
poor strategy for, 147–49, 151
in presentation of work, 147–52
Seven Deadly Realities as impediments to, 141–46
supreme acceptance of human nature in, 130–31, 136–37
thinking inside others as key to, 8, 127–33, 136
two components of, 137–38
social signs:
interpretation of, 8, 137–40, 250
misreading of, 7, 129–30, 135, 156
Socrates, daemon of, 25
Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), 160, 305–6, 308–9
Sound of Music, The, 208
specific knowledge, 137–40
speculation, and the Current, 189
instinct and, 262
“velocipedic age” of, 308
spider metaphor, 255, 273
squeeze chute, 44, 280
Stacked Waters (Fernández), 244
Sternberg, Josef von, 160–61
Stockade Building System, 41–42
Stoicism, 268
strengths, in achieving mastery, 274–84
Strindberg, August, purported madness of, 245–246
structure, parts vs. whole in, 83, 192–93
“Suffer Fools Gladly,” 164
suffering, learning through, 113–16
contemplation of, 41–42
romantic, 306
Sullivan, Louis, Wright mentored by, 109
Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), 72, 298
superiority, as impediment, 73–74, 299, 302
Swann’s Way (Proust), 254
Swiss Patent Office, 66
synesthesia, 198–99
synthesis, 304–9
tacit knowledge, 59, 61–62
Taoism, 258
Tatum, John, 97
technical lock, 230–31
apprenticeship in age of, 63–64
computer, 87–90, 222, 231–36
vs. creative thinking, 212, 219, 222, 273
of flight, 217–19
as ineffective shortcut, 9, 13
startups, 233–35
Stone Age, 270
challenges fueled by, 62
embracing of, 60
passing beyond, 77–78
telegraph, 185–86
tension, value of, 201
Tesla, Nikola, as visual thinker, 197
Thierry, Augustin, 249–50, 251
creative, 52–56, 62
higher way of, 77, 256–62
inward vs. outward, 139–40
thinking inside, 8, 127–33, 136, 146
Thoth, 240
thought experiments, 275
Thuthmose, pharaoh of Egypt, 240
tics, 295
absolute, 274
for animals, 9
as critical factor in mastery, 9, 259–60, 264, 269
human relationship to, 8–10
as magic ingredient in skill development, 77–78
slaves to, 9
toolmaking, 6, 8, 9, 214
torso, in dance, 226
tough love, 116
of creative process, 242–43
to creative thinking, 54–56
of Darwin, 53–54
first, 49–54
as goal of Apprenticeship Phase, 55, 64
through intellect, 15
overcoming limitations to, 156–58
through practice, 61–62, 285–89
second, 169–75
through social intelligence, 127–33, 136
third, 247–55
through work, 153
trial and error, 87–90
in Creative Task, 179
in learning process, 75–78
in social interaction, 138
ultimate reality, 267–69
unconventionality, 180
Underhill, Craig “Mole,” 286–87
uniqueness, 11–12
in Life’s Task, 25–29, 311
Universal Grammar, 301–2
Universal Man/Woman, 268
in achieving mastery, 304–9
defined, 309
Unix, 232
upright stance, 6
Vance Air Force Base, 75
vandalization, 293
Vasari, Giorgio, 292–93
Verrocchio, Andrea del, 22, 63, 290
Viaweb, 88–89, 233, 234
vicarious sensation, 7–8
Vienna, University of, 147
vision, achieving mastery through widening of, 294–98
visualization, 157, 216
in creative thinking, 197–98, 227
of parts and whole, 83
visual prowess, development of, 6–7
visual thinking, 197–98, 274, 281, 284
vitamin, C, 194
vocation, 25, 27
see also Life’s Task
Wagner, Richard, Creative Breakthrough of, 200–201
warfare, seeing more in, 257–59
War of Independence, 133
Watson, James D., 197–98
Watts, Isaac, 96–97, 104
Way (Tao), 91, 256, 258, 268
weaknesses, practice to overcome, 81
web applications, 232–33
Weimar, court of, 159–60, 306
Weimar, duke of, 306
whale, as architectural model, 221
Wheeler, Wheels, 76
Windows, 232–33
Wollaston, William Hyde, 100–101
women, in Leonardo’s art, 292–93
World War I, 41, 254, 255
World War II, 298
Wright, Frank Lloyd, mentoring of, 109
Wright, Orville, mechanical intelligence of, 215–18
Wright, Wilber:
mechanical intelligence of, 215–19
visualization skills of, 216
X factor, 269–70
X-rays, 185, 290
Yahoo!, 88, 233
Y Combinator, 89, 164, 235
Young, Thomas, 237–38, 241–42
Zen Buddhism, 113–15, 201
Zenji, Hakuin, 15, 90–91, 112–15, 266
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