Love Left Behind

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Love Left Behind Page 10

by S. H. Kolee

  The stage darkened and when the lights came back on, the stage was set as a diner and Jackson was onstage. As I watched the story unfold, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was mesmerizing, his presence commanding the stage, and the audience was quiet and still as they were absorbed in the play. Jackson's intensity rolled off of him in palpable waves. I could feel his exhilaration when his character and Claire's were discovering each other, and his pain and anguish when they were separated.

  A part of me had been worried that I would feel jealous watching Jackson and Claire pretending to be in love with each other. Jackson had warned me that they had kissing scenes and I had braced myself for it, not wanting to let it bother me. But as I got involved in the story, I forgot that it was Jackson and Claire on stage. I got wrapped up in the story of Matthew and Annie, Claire's character. I laughed at their missteps of getting to know each other. I cried when they realized that a future together would hurt the people they loved. Until finally it was just Annie on stage by herself again, addressing the audience.

  "I still live in Bankford, Missouri. I still spend my days serving pie. But my nights belong to the memories of Matthew. I'm not sure if my life is better or worse now. But I know I wouldn't change a thing. Because for a brief period of time I knew what true happiness was. True happiness was choosing Matthew."

  The theater darkened and the audience rose to their feet, cheering. I stood up, clapping loudly, and noticed that I wasn't the only one wiping away tears. The stage lights came back on as the cast came out for their bows. Everyone drew loud applause, but the audience was thunderous as Jackson stepped up for his bow.

  I clapped my hands until they tingled. I knew that I had seen something special in Jackson tonight. He had the ability to draw you in and believe everything he was feeling. It was because of his eyes. His eyes had the power to show every emotion he was experiencing, making you experience them as well. The small theater was an unintended benefit since the modest size allowed you to see every nuance of his expression, every shifting emotion of his eyes.

  Jackson grinned at the crowd and my heart skipped a beat when he caught my gaze and winked at me. I smiled up at him, feeling ridiculously happy and proud.

  After the cast returned backstage and the theater lights came up, I maneuvered my way through the crowd towards the stage. I heard snippets of conversation as I was jostled around and I knew I hadn't been the only one affected by Jackson's performance.

  "The guy who played Matthew was amazing! What's his name?"

  "Oh my God, I was practically sobbing when Matthew confessed his feelings to Annie."

  "The guy who played Matthew is seriously hot."

  Hearing people gush about Jackson made me ecstatic and proud. It also gave me a secret thrill that the man all the girls were gushing about was interested in me.

  I stood on my toes and craned my neck when I got to the backstage entrance. I had expected to have to give my name to some bodyguard or security person to gain entrance, but since this was a small do-it-yourself production, people just swarmed in unchecked.

  I caught sight of Claire and waved my hand, catching her attention. She smiled widely and motioned for me to make my way to her through the crowd.

  "Excuse me," I said repeatedly as I weaved through the crowd. I gave Claire a hug when I reached her.

  "The play was great, you were amazing! I almost bawled like a baby."

  Claire's eyes were dancing and she looked exhilarated. "Thanks! It never gets old, being onstage. I'm glad you liked it." Claire nodded to her right and I looked in that direction. I saw Jackson being mobbed by audience members and he looked in his element, talking and laughing easily amongst them. He caught sight of me and said something to the crowd around him. He then started moving towards me.

  "What did you think?" he asked, grabbing me around the waist. His eyes were sparkling and their green depths shone with happiness.

  "You were incredible! I got so caught up in the play that I forgot who you were and believed that you were Matthew."

  "Thanks," he said, giving me a quick kiss. "Now let's get out of this mob scene."

  "Don't you want to soak up the adulation of your fans?" I asked wryly.

  "I appreciate it, but I'd rather be alone with you."

  "Actually, I told Claire earlier that we would get a few drinks with her after the show."

  The corners of Jackson's mouth turned down. "Can't we do it another night? I thought we could just go back to my place."

  "I know what your nefarious plans are," I said with a smirk. "You're just trying to have your way with me."

  Jackson widened his eyes innocently. "I just thought you'd want to get your skirt." He then gave me a slow smile. "And I'd like to see you wearing it again with nothing else but those heels.

  I laughed, shaking my head, but I couldn't deny the heat shooting up inside me at his words. "We can do that afterwards. I don't want to just abandon Claire after I agreed to drinks."

  Jackson gave a small sigh but acquiesced. "Alright. You win. Let's just try to keep it to one drink. Claire has a tendency to drink a little too much after a show."

  We weaved our way through the crowd towards Claire who had moved across the room to speak to some fellow castmates. Jackson was stopped every few steps by someone expressing their enjoyment of the show.

  "Ready to go?" I asked Claire when we reached her. She had just finished talking to another cast member.

  "Yeah, let me just grab my bag. Why don't I meet you guys outside in front of the theater?"

  Claire disappeared into the crowd and Jackson and I made our way outside. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to an awning a few doors down. We were in front of a flower shop and Jackson hid us behind a large flowering potted tree.

  "Let's wait here. Otherwise, I'll have to make small talk with everyone."

  I laughed at Jackson's evasive tactics. "What are you going to do when the paparazzi chase after you when you're famous?"

  Jackson grinned. "I doubt that'll ever happen, but if it does, you can be my personal bodyguard."

  "Considering you're probably at least six inches taller than me, I doubt I'll be a good shield for you."

  Jackson leaned down and kissed my neck, working his way up to my ear and lightly biting my earlobe. "You'd be too distracting for me anyway. If you were in front of me, I couldn't keep my eyes off that sexy little ass of yours." To make his point, Jackson reached down and gave it a squeeze.

  "Behave!" I laughed, shooing his hands away. "Otherwise, the owner of this flower store is going to have us arrested for public indecency."

  "I can't seem to keep my hands off you," Jackson said with a wicked grin. "It's not my fault you're so irresistible."

  I squealed as he made a grab for my behind again and I was pushing against his chest, trying to evade his hands, when I caught sight of Claire a few feet behind Jackson. She was watching us with an unreadable expression, but when she saw me notice her, she just gave me an amused smile.

  "Hi, Claire," I said loudly, giving Jackson a look of censure.

  Jackson turned around, still smiling widely. "Hi, Claire," he parroted.

  "I can take a rain check on drinks if you'd like," Claire offered with a raised eyebrow.

  I shook my head. "No, no, we still want to get a drink. Jackson is just trying to be charming and failing miserably. He doesn't realize women don't respond well to grab-ass."

  "And here I thought I was being smooth," Jackson said with a shrug. He grabbed my hand and led us towards Claire. "Should we be predictable and go to Max's?"

  "No, let's go somewhere else," Claire answered. "There's a lounge a couple of blocks away that we can go to. It won't be as noisy as Max's."

  Jackson looked to me and I nodded. "Sounds good to me. I don't really care where we go."

  As we walked over to the lounge I couldn't help gushing about the play.

  "Seriously, it was amazing. I completely forgot who you guys were. You just became Annie and Mat
thew to me.

  "Trent, the director, really wanted the audience to feel the despair and love between me and Jackson. During rehearsals, he used to make us sit completely still across from each other and had us just stare into each other's eyes without saying a word. He said it brought our emotions to the surface."

  Jackson snickered. "I kept telling him that all I could think about was the cramp in my leg from sitting still for so long. That, and what I was going to eat for lunch later."

  "Jackson," Claire said scowling. "Don't make fun of the process. I think it really helped us."

  Claire looked upset so I discreetly elbowed Jackson. He grunted and then nodded at Claire in agreement, but not before giving me a rueful look.

  "You're probably right," he said agreeably. "At least he didn't make me walk around clucking like a chicken."

  Claire's peal of laughter lightened the mood. "Emma, you should've seen the acting teacher we used to have. He told Jackson that he epitomized the essence of a chicken."

  Jackson smiled wryly. "If I remember correctly, he said your interpretation of a goat gave him chills."

  Claire bit her lip, her eyes dancing. "I drew the line when he brought in some hay he wanted me to graze on."

  I kept silent as I walked in between them, feeling a little left our by their shared remembrances. I tried to not let it bother me. Claire and Jackson had been friends for a long time and it was only natural that they had a lot of memories together. Besides, I owed Claire a lot. Not only had she given me a place to live, but she had also taken me into her circle. Most importantly, she had introduced me to Jackson.

  Jackson grinned and looked down at me. "I'll give you a private showing later. I don't do my chicken imitation for just anyone. I wouldn't want to give away all my tricks."

  I smiled in return. "I'll remember that promise."

  Claire stopped in front of an entrance. "Here it is."

  We stepped into the lounge and the dark coolness was welcoming. Even though it was nighttime, it had been a little muggy outside. We were just a few days away from June and the humidity was steadily increasing.

  We snagged a table next to a couch and settled in, sinking into the depths of the leather cushions.

  A waitress came over to take our order.

  "Vodka tonic?" Jackson asked, looking at me. I nodded and he ordered my drink for me. I was quickly getting used to his chivalrous ways. He glanced at Claire, indicating that she should order. After Claire asked for a dirty martini, Jackson ordered a beer.

  I raised my eyebrows after the waitress had walked away. "What, no scotch?"

  "I like savoring a scotch," Jackson replied in a low voice so that I could only hear him. "I can down a beer quicker and then we can go back to my place."

  "One track mind," I muttered, although I was pleased at his eagerness to get me alone. I cleared my throat, turning back to Claire. I didn't want to be obnoxious with our infatuation with each other.

  "How much longer will Choosing Matthew be running?" I asked her.

  "I'm not sure," Claire answered. "I would love it if we could get into a larger theater so that we can get a bigger crowd in. We're normally sold out every show so I don't think it would be a problem filling a larger venue."

  "I kind of like having it in a small theater," Jackson countered. "It gives it an intimacy that I think we'd lose in a larger space."

  Claire frowned. "I don't agree. Besides, even if that were true, it's worth the tradeoff of having a bigger audience and more ticket sales. I don't want to spend my career in some dinky theater."

  The waitress returned with our drinks and I used the opportunity to change the subject. Claire seemed a little on edge tonight and I didn't want to aggravate the situation.

  "I'm excited for Nathan's art show on Sunday," I said brightly. "Where's the gallery?"

  "It's in the West Village," Claire replied. She leaned forward so that she could look at Jackson since I was sitting in the middle. "You're going, right?"

  Jackson nodded and looked at me. "I was actually going to see if you wanted to go together."

  "I thought we could all go together," Claire said, taking a sip of her martini.

  "It'll be fun if we all go together," I agreed, giving Jackson a smile.

  "Sure," he replied, nodding agreeably. He looked at Claire. "We can swing by and pick you up on our way there."

  "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Wouldn't you be picking the both of us up at our apartment?"

  Jackson had a sly glint in his eye. "We'll discuss sleeping arrangements later."

  I flushed at Jackson's provocative statement, a little embarrassed that he was being so obvious in front of Claire. I turned to Claire with a strained smile, but she just raised an amused eyebrow.

  "So what's the story on Nathan and Mia?" I asked, clearing my throat. "Are they just friends or something more?"

  "Strictly friends," Claire responded. "Nathan answered Mia's ad looking for a roommate when he first moved to the city five years ago and they've been like brother and sister ever since."

  "According to Nathan, he made a pass at her when he first moved in and Mia kicked him in the balls. Ever since then, he's had a healthy platonic respect for her."

  I laughed at Jackson's assessment of their relationship. "I'm glad to hear they were able to work it out."

  Jackson took a healthy gulp of his beer and then looked meaningfully at my glass. I rolled my eyes but dutifully took a sip.

  "I'll be right back," Claire said as she stood. "I see a friend over there."

  I watched Claire walk over to the bar and tap a tall dark-haired man on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled widely in recognition and they started talking animatedly to each other.

  "Do you have to be so obvious?" I admonished. "It's a little rude to be so eager to leave."

  Jackson picked up his beer and drained it in response. He set the empty glass on the table with a grin. "It's just Claire. She doesn't mind."

  "I mind," I said exasperatedly. "I owe Claire a lot and the last thing I want to do is hurt her feelings."

  Jackson frowned. "Why do you owe her?"

  "Well, she gave me a place to stay."

  "She needed a roommate. She found one in you. How exactly does that make you obligated? Unless she's letting you live there rent-free."

  "Of course not. But I was grateful for the offer. It made moving here a lot less scary. Plus she kind of took me under her wing. She could have treated me like someone she just shared an apartment with, not a friend."

  "I'm not so sure about the 'taking you under her wing' part. Claire's a good friend but you've got your stuff together way more than she does. I don't think you should be looking to her for guidance."

  "Well, she did introduce me to you," I said with a placating smile, not wanting to argue about Claire.

  "That's true," Jackson replied, his eyes darkening. He lowered his voice, bringing his head closer to mine, his lips brushing my ear. "That's one thing I'm grateful for. I'd be even more grateful if we got out of here so that I can bury my head in between your thighs."

  I felt a flood of wetness and I squirmed against the leather couch, knowing that my panties would be soaked through.

  "Jackson," I hissed, my breath hitching unsteadily. "You can't say things like that to me in public!"

  Jackson smiled wickedly. "So let's go somewhere private."

  I picked up my vodka tonic and drained the glass, the cold liquid doing nothing to dampen my desire. Screw politeness. Jackson's words had me thinking of nothing else except getting naked and sweaty with him as quickly as possible.

  "I'm ready," I announced breathlessly as I set my glass on the table. Jackson threw some money on the table, way more than I thought our drinks actually cost, but I was in no mood to comment. He grabbed my hand and stood, pulling me up with him.

  "Let me get Claire in a cab home and then we can go to my apartment."

  We walked over to Claire who was still talking to her friend
at the bar.

  "Sorry to interrupt," Jackson said when we approached them. "I'm beat, so we're going to head out. I just want to make sure you get in a cab before we leave."

  "Sorry for the abrupt departure," I added, feeling bad that we were abandoning Claire. "We can wait a little bit while you guys wrap up your conversation."

  Jackson gave me a baleful look but I just ignored it. Claire looked unperturbed by our announcement.

  "Don't worry about it. I'm going to hang out here for a while. I'll see you guys later."

  Jackson frowned. "I think we should make sure we get you in a cab first. It's late."

  "I'll make sure she gets home," Claire's dark-haired friend volunteered.

  I glanced at Jackson, unsure if it was a good idea to leave Claire behind with someone we didn't know. Jackson didn't look too happy about it either. Claire caught the look and laughed.

  "Relax. Craig is here with his boyfriend. He doesn't have any nefarious designs on my virtue. I'll be fine. Go on ahead."

  Jackson nodded, seemingly placated by the clarification. "Alright, see you tomorrow."

  Claire smiled and nodded, turning back to her friend. Jackson and I hailed a cab once we got outside, the ride seeming much longer than it actually was since I was taut with anticipation. I felt tightly strung and about to snap from the desires mounting in me. Jackson squeezed my hand, letting me know that he was feeling it too.

  Once we got to Jackson's apartment building, I barely registered Sam's greeting as we rushed to the elevator. After Jackson pressed the button for his floor and the doors closed, he wasted no time in grabbing me and lifting me up, pushing me against the elevator wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist so I was intimately pushed against his arousal.

  "You drive me crazy," he muttered before he slanted his mouth over mine, not asking for my surrender but demanding it. Not that it was ever in question. I wanted Jackson as badly as he wanted me. I clutched the back of his neck as he supported me effortlessly, plundering my mouth with his. I could taste the beer on his tongue and the bitterness of it heightened my arousal. It was as if I couldn't taste enough of him, feel enough of him. Even though I was pinned between the wall and Jackson's chest, I felt the desperate need to be closer to him. I wanted to sink into him and lose myself inside him.


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