Meant to Be Yours: New Adult BBW College Romance (Derek and Jaike Book 2)

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Meant to Be Yours: New Adult BBW College Romance (Derek and Jaike Book 2) Page 8

by Marian Tee

  Oh God.

  Oh God.

  Oh God.

  Jaike couldn’t help but cover her face in embarrassment even as more of that unnamable emotion filled her heart. When she finally looked up, Derek was gone, and she reluctantly turned away.

  One day, she told herself. She’d be able to tell him she loved him back. One day, she’d be free from—

  A shadow fell in front of her, making Jaike look up.

  She stilled in shock when she realized who it was.

  He looked far from his usually immaculate self. He had shadows under his eyes, and stubble darkened his usually clean-shaven face. When their gazes met, Angelo sucked in his breath.

  “You read my letter, haven’t you?” he whispered.


  When Derek got back home, the first thing he saw was Jaike’s organizer, lying forgotten on the center table. Should he text her about it? But then, knowing Jaike, she’d probably deny she needed it even if she did. His Sub always did hate relying on him and only allowed herself to be obedient and submissive when they were in bed.

  Grabbing the organizer, Derek left the room again and jogged back to school. He tried to recall what her first class was. Taxation? Literature?

  He was about to approach the first student he came across when Derek happened to turn around and saw—


  He closed his eyes but when he opened them, Derek could see them through the cafeteria’s glass windows. They were seated at one of the corner booths, with Jaike’s head bent down.

  What the hell was she doing with Angelo Valencia?

  His heart exploded in pain when he saw the other man reach for Jaike’s hands…and she didn’t pull away. She didn’t fucking pull away.

  Slowly, Derek turned away and started walking back to Blake Hall. On his way, he took out his phone and sent her a message.

  You forgot your organizer. I’ll head back there to give it to you.

  Jaike replied right away.

  It’s okay. I’m already in class.

  Chapter Nine

  Jaike’s emotions were in a turmoil as she found herself seated in front of Angelo. Just like that, memories of their time together came to her and it made her want to cry. When she found out he had cheated on her, all she could remember was the devastating pain of his betrayal. But now that she knew the truth, now she could remember the good times they had shared.

  He had loved to comb her hair, with Jaike seated on the floor while he was on the couch, running the comb through her locks. Unlike Derek, who liked spending most of his time out of the house, Angelo had been the opposite. He was content staying in her place, both of them reading together, their hands entwined.

  He had been her best friend for three years, she acknowledged painfully. But the secret Angelo hid from her had also kept him from being something else – even if he had been her boyfriend.

  When he suddenly reached for her hands, she couldn’t make herself pull away, knowing it would hurt Angelo if she did.

  “Cara, are you mad at me? Is that why you are unable to look at me now?”

  Her head jerked up. “No. Of course not.” Her voice broke. “How could I…after what you’ve done for me?”

  His lips formed a bitter smile. “You mean what I’ve done to you.”

  She shook her head vigorously. “No. What you’ve done for me,” she repeated emphatically. Swallowing, she said haltingly, “I won’t deny I was shocked when I found out about the relationship between you and…him. But Angelo, you’re not him—”

  “I was the one who argued against my mother’s decision to put him in an institution. I thought he was being more arrogant than usual, that was all.” Angelo’s hands tightened over hers. “I didn’t know,” he said painfully, “that he was cruel like that. I didn’t know he was treating your mother like that—”

  “You couldn’t have known. No one could have known except those he and my mother chose to involve in their…games.” She couldn’t help cringing as she said the word, knowing how unsuitable it was to describe the many horrible ways Diana had to prove her love for Anthony Carras.

  Angelo said jerkily, “I know I have no right to ask you of this now but…are you…are you and Christopoulos okay?”

  Jaike blinked back tears. Angelo was a proud man, and she knew how much it cost him to ask that question. “Yes,” she answered chokingly. “We’re okay. We’re…happy.”

  “Do you love him?”

  Did she love Derek?

  She gazed at Angelo, and it struck her then, the resemblance he shared with his uncle. Looking at Angelo reminded her of all that had been safe and peaceful in her life. With Angelo, she had nothing to fear about being her mother’s daughter. But she had not been living, either.

  With Derek, every little thing he did, every word he said and every way he looked at her – all of it made her heart beat madly. There wasn’t ever a second she was afraid of losing herself in him.

  Slowly, she said, “I can’t answer that, Angelo. When I say it for the first time…” Her smile was fragile and strong at the same time, a smile tinged with both fear and hope. “I want to say it to him first.”

  At Jaike’s quiet words, the piece of his heart that belonged to Jaike shattered, a death that was long overdue. It saddened and freed Angelo at the same time, and he knew he had no one to blame but himself. He could have taken a risk from the very start, telling Jaike his real feelings. He could have been like Christopoulos, who had worn his heart on his sleeve and didn’t give a damn about what other people said – or even when Jaike herself had pushed him away.

  Maybe, if he hadn’t had too many walls around his own heart, things would not have turned out this way.

  But he hadn’t, and so the better man – the one more deserving of Jaike – had won.


  Jaike was on her way back to class when her phone beeped. As she fumbled for her phone in her bag, she couldn’t help but think back at how her talk with Angelo went. She had always thought that when they would talk again, she would end up crying or raging at him. But now? After what Angelo had revealed in his letter, it was impossible not to understand him. Not to forgive him.

  When she found her phone, she saw the message was from Derek.

  Derek: You forgot your organizer. I’ll head back there to give it to you.

  Jaike: It’s okay. I’m already in class.

  Biting her lip, she wondered if now was a good time to tell him about Angelo and decided not to. That was something they should talk about in person.

  Jaike: I think I’m going to skip classes. Are you still at home?

  Derek: No. I have some stuff to do for the family. How about we go out later tonight? I have a surprise for you.

  Jaike gulped. The last time he had a surprise for her, she ended up receiving a collar. What would she end up getting tonight? An engagement ring?

  Jaike: Just tell me – is it going to make me cry?

  Derek: Absolutely.

  Jaike: Do I need to wear a blindfold?

  Derek: Yes. See you later.

  Jaike: See you.

  She waited for Derek’s usual way of ending their text conversations. He either said ‘I love you’ with ‘I want to fuck you’, but now there was none. It made her uneasy, but she told herself she was worrying over nothing. Tonight, she promised herself. She would surprise Derek, too. She would wear a turtleneck and under it her collar, and when he took off her clothes – that was when he’d see it. That was when she’d tell him she loved him.


  “It’s done. She’s coming.” Derek shoved his phone back in his pocket and faced his friends.

  Nick shook his head. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” He and his twin were seated at the couch, identical in every way except for their preference in clothing. While Nick always looked like the young tycoon he was, Jason had more laidback tastes, preferring to dress in shirts and jeans.

  They were at the Christakos’ head office, a p
lace they occasionally used to enjoy a drink when they tired of the crowds in Christien’s nightclubs.

  He headed to the bar at the corner, where Reid was pouring whiskey into several shot glasses. “Thank you for letting me use your showroom.” Reid’s house parties were an urban legend in their school, notorious for the wicked and depraved acts that often took place in it. The “showroom” was located at the back of Reid’s property, with one of its rooms made up of two-way mirrors. It was often used for BDSM activities between students who knew early on they were Doms and Subs. As Derek was no exhibitionist, he never had a reason to go to the showroom. But for Jaike, he was more than willing to make an exception.

  “You know, Derek, I’m never the one to be the voice of reason among us but…” Reid’s green eyes were serious as he said, “I don’t think what you’re planning to do is a good idea.”

  “If you want a consensus on how rash you are being, then you have it.” This from Christien, who stood next to the windows, which boasted of Miami’s panoramic cityscape. “You should talk to her first—”

  “I gave her the chance to tell the truth,” Derek cut his friend off, his tone savage. “But she lied. She fucking lied.” His fists clenched in impotent rage. “I’ve told her endless times that I loved her. And she never said it back. I fucking thought she only needed time, but of course now I know the truth.” A hollow laugh escaped him. “She can never love someone like me.”

  “When you do this,” Nathan said, “she may never forgive you.”

  He answered flatly, “That’s fine. I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive her either.”

  Chapter Ten

  So this was Reid Chalkias’ home, Jaike thought. It was nothing like she expected. Secured with high walls and automated gates, the property appeared more like a military fortress, especially with the guards regularly patrolling its perimeters. Why would a varsity athlete with a playboy reputation need this kind of security? She thought of asking but decided it wasn’t worth risking her life for. She had a feeling the answer would be that…classified.

  Everyone around her was wearing masks. She was, too, a simple black one that covered half of her face. It had come with Derek’s written instructions, which also included not talking to anyone at the party except Reid himself.

  People around her turned to stare and whisper as she walked past them. She couldn’t fault them. She was the only one here who wasn’t dressed for swimming. She was gawking, too, unable to believe how lurid the goings-on were around her. There were girls frolicking at the illuminated infinity pool, and they were all topless. At the far end of one of the landscaped gardens, she could have sworn she saw another girl on her knees, giving head to a guy.

  She had heard about the Prince of Darkness’ parties being “wild”, but now she knew that was a vast understatement.

  This was beyond wild. This was immoral, and she couldn’t understand why Derek wanted to meet with her here. The sick feeling in her stomach came back, stronger this time. It had been there since she had her talk with Angelo. It was probably guilt, Jaike thought with a gulp. She had the strongest urge to tell Derek right away about what happened, but she was terrified of doing it over the phone. If she did and he got mad, she had to be there with him to make sure Derek understood nothing had happened. She didn’t want Derek to disappear on her again like before.

  Her masked escort took her to a pathway lined with stone steps that wove around the house. At the end of the pathway was Reid Chalkias, mask in hand. Dressed completely in black, he really did look like the Prince of Darkness, with the way his sinfully good-looking appearance beckoned women around him to indulge in debauchery.

  He was the proverbial bad boy, irresistible and ruthless in the way he loved and discarded the women who came to him.

  “Is Derek inside?” She couldn’t help stammering, feeling extremely ill at ease with the way she stood out like a sore thumb in her surroundings.

  She expected Reid to laugh at how awkward she was, but his tone was surprisingly gentle when he answered. “Yes.”

  She might be imagining it, but she thought she could see regret darkening his green eyes as he continued, “This part of my property, however, requires Subs to come in blindfolded.”

  Jaike’s whole world fell out of its axis at the word Reid had just used. Sub. How did he know? Had Derek told him?

  Reid looked at her straight in the eye. “If you are not a Sub, I advise you not to go in there.”

  Jaike’s nails dug deep into her palms. She wanted to run away. This really didn’t feel right. No one was supposed to know that about her. Surely Derek knew that? But…he had promised her a surprise. He loved her. He would never do anything to hurt her. If she really trusted him—

  Ignoring her clamoring instincts, she forced herself to nod. “I’m…a Sub.” Her body shook as she admitted the truth. “I’m…Derek Christopoulos’ Sub.”

  Reid’s eyes became hooded. “And so you are.” Stepping forward, he pulled out a silk handkerchief from his pocket and carefully wrapped it around Jaike’s eyes. “We have very simple rules inside the showroom.”

  Her stomach dropped at the term Reid used to describe the place behind him. The showroom? More alarm bells rang inside her head, but she told herself she had nothing to fear. She trusted Derek. He loved her. He would never do anything to hurt her.

  “A Sub is not allowed to speak. All you can do is to listen to orders and follow them as well as you can. It’s how things work at the showroom. Only Doms are allowed to speak inside.”

  Stunned, she asked, “T-there’s more than one Dom inside?”

  “No.” Reid’s tone was expressionless as he answered Jaike honestly. He waited for her to ask another question – the one that truly mattered. Goddammit, he wished she would ask and then they could put a stop to this bullshit. Maybe, maybe then he could save his friend from committing possibly the worst mistake of his life.

  But Jaike didn’t.

  A smile of relief broke over her face, and Reid cursed silently at the innocent reaction. He had a feeling this would not end the way Derek Christopoulos expected it – and in the end, Derek would only have himself to blame.


  The showroom was cold. It was the first thing that struck her, and she found herself thankful she had chosen to wear her turtleneck. Without it, her teeth would probably start chattering anytime now.

  Reid was long gone, having left her at some place inside the showroom, commanding her not to move before leaving her. She listened to the sound of footsteps receding and when she heard the door close, Jaike couldn’t help but shiver, realizing that she was alone with—

  “I’m the Dom here, and what I say goes.”


  She would have known his voice anywhere. He sounded like he was a good distance away from her, too far for her to reach out and touch. His voice was cold and clear, certainly nothing like the warm, husky tone he often used with her. She wanted to ask what this was about but bit her lip instead, telling herself she owed it to Derek to show her trust. She would be the perfect Sub for him, would do whatever he wanted. She loved him, and what he wanted she wanted, too. It would always be so because he was a man she could trust. The only man she could trust with her heart.

  “I want you to touch yourself.”

  Touch herself?

  “Start with your breasts. Play with it.”

  Swallowing, she did as asked. Her hands shook as she cupped her breasts and started kneading them. Fear and desire blended together inside her body as she continued to touch herself.

  “Play with your nipples.”

  Her fingers slowly crept up, tweaking her own nipples. A silent cry escaped her as she imagined it was Derek playing with her nipples. She didn’t understand why he wanted her to do this, but she would do it.

  “Keep one hand on your nipple. Keep tugging it. Use your other hand to touch your pussy. Just slide your hand inside your panties and start stroking yourself.”

bsp; Her hand dipped inside her panties, and she began stroking herself. Silent whimpers escaped her at the combined pleasure of her nipple being tugged and her pussy being stroked.

  “Now push one finger inside you. Start thrusting.”

  Her finger started to move in and out of her own pussy.

  “Move your hips up and down to meet your finger’s thrusts. I want to see on your face how much you want it.”

  At Derek’s command, she lifted her hips up and down, meeting the thrust of her finger. She began rubbing and tweaking her nipple harder as the pleasure began to build inside of her.

  “Pretend it’s me fucking you with my cock. It’s not as big, but I want you to pretend anyway. If you want to be my Sub, I want to see how good you are at fucking. One look at your face and a man should know how much you want it.”

  She did as asked, letting all her inhibitions go. Her mouth parted in desire, and she felt her cheeks heating up as she thrust her finger in and out of her faster and harder, wishing it could really be as big as Derek’s cock.

  “Now, I want you to come. Do what it takes and come.”

  She thought of Derek licking her pussy, his tongue swirling against her clitoris and biting her lip hard, she thrust her finger inside her as deeply as she could. It was more than enough, fireworks exploding behind her eyelids as the wetness gushed out of her pussy, soaking her finger completely.

  “Call my name out as you come.”

  She moaned, “Derek—”

  And that was when she realized she was not alone, with other girls echoing the very same thing.






  Oh God, there were too many to count—

  She tore the blindfold from her eyes and found herself gazing straight at Derek’s cold blue-gray eyes.

  Her wild gaze took in her surroundings and this time, an audible gasp broke out of her as she saw that there were at least twenty other women inside the “showroom”—


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