Ride or Die 2

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Ride or Die 2 Page 23

by Claire C. Riley

  “Your skin would be perfect for some ink,” Nancy said, reaching out to touch the skin on my arm. “I’d love to tattoo you sometime.”

  I looked down at my arm and then across to hers. Both of her arms were a maze of intricate colors and swirls. They were beautiful and mesmerizing, but one stood out more than any other.

  I pointed to it. “I’d like something like that at some point.”

  “I can totally do that. I’d make it more feminine for you, though. Let’s get a drink—though I’ll need an orange juice, what with the bump on the way,” she laughed.

  I laughed with her and we walked to the bar. The two women behind it scowled at me, practically ignoring me in favor of Nancy, and I felt the familiar uncomfortableness settling back over me again. My whole life had been like this, only I was normally the one on the other side of the bar made to feel like trash. Looks like some things never change, I thought, diverting my eyes from the two women.

  “Bitches! Get over yourselves and do your jobs,” a voice from behind me yelled out.

  I turned to see Charlie storming toward us with another dark-haired woman in tow.

  “You show respect to an old lady or you get your asses out of here, you hear me?”

  Both girls nodded and mumbled an apology before moving away to serve someone else, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Sorry about that. Some of these bitches are new to the club, too, and they need to learn their places,” Charlie bit out. “I heard the good news about you and your man Casa. So I guess you’re sticking around?” she said with an honest smile.

  “Yeah, definitely,” I agreed, grinning back. My stomach flipped with butterflies—my man Casa. I liked the sound of that.

  The dark-haired woman next to her held out a hand. “I’m Laney, Shooter’s old lady. It’s really great to meet you. River will be here real soon—she had to drop her boys off at her mom’s, but she’s looking forward to meeting you too. We’re all pretty tight—kind of have to be to put up with some of the shit from these men,” she laughed. “I’m sure you’re gonna fit right in, and it’s about time we had some fresh blood around here.”

  I shook her hand, my gaze drifting to where her hand was gently resting on her stomach. There was no bump there, but the similarity between Nancy and Laney’s gestures rang a bell.

  “Thanks so much, it’s great to meet you all, too. Congrats to you both,” I said, gesturing between Laney and Nancy. “Let me know if I can do anything to help. I love kids, so I can definitely help out with childcare when the time comes.”

  Charlie laughed. “I told you you’d put on weight, Laney.” She laughed again and nudged Laney, but when Laney’s cheeks flushed bright pink, Charlie’s laughter faded. “Seriously? You’re knocked up?”

  Laney shushed Charlie urgently, looking frantically around us to make sure no one had heard.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry! I didn’t know no one knew!” If a hole would have opened underneath me right then, I would have welcomed it. Unfortunately no such thing happened.

  Laney grabbed Charlie’s arm and started dragging her away, casting a look to me and Nancy. “This way!”

  We all followed her into one of the back rooms that was stacked with boxes and crates, and Laney clicked the door closed and turned to us.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant, and no, Shooter doesn’t know yet.” She leaned back against the door and waited for one of us to speak, but there was really only Charlie who had any right to say anything, since she knew her well enough. Nancy and I were way too new to the club to really comment on why she hadn’t mentioned it to her old man yet.

  “You need to tell him, Laney,” Charlie began, her voice harder than I expected it to be. “That’s his kid in there. He should know.”

  “I know, I know, and I will. Things have just been hectic around here, what with all the shit going down and Shooter taking over as president. The time just hasn’t seemed right. And he needs me strong right now—if he knows I’m carrying his baby, he’ll try and wrap me up in bubble wrap and make me stay home. But I know he needs me by his side right now.” Laney looked pleadingly at Charlie. “Don’t say anything, please.”

  Charlie stepped toward Laney and pulled her into a hug. “Shooter has a lot to answer for, what with what went down with you two.” She pulled out of the hug and looked into Laney’s face. “This is definitely just down to the time not being right, right?”

  Laney nodded immediately. “Of course! I’m keeping this baby, no matter what. But yeah, we’re still working through everything. Trust is an issue, obviously, but we’re getting there. I just can’t add any extra worry to his already-overflowing plate right now. That’s all.”

  Charlie smiled. “Well okay then. Old ladies stick together no matter what. Still a little pissed that you didn’t tell me, but I’m glad I finally know now.” She turned to me. “Thanks to you, anyway.”

  I blushed and smiled at the same time. My gaze flitted to Laney. “I’m really sorry for opening my big mouth.”

  “It’s okay—it’s actually nice to have people know. At least I can talk to someone about it now.” She smiled. “And it looks like our little babies are going to be growing up together, Nancy.”

  “Looks like it, yeah. To be honest, I’m just glad to have someone to talk to about some of these pregnancy symptoms!” Nancy laughed.

  “Oh man, seriously. I’ve had morning sickness for the past three weeks, and every time Shooter tries to fuck me, I make up some excuse because I feel so nauseous. The poor man’s balls must be ready to explode!” Laney laughed and I couldn’t help but join in.

  “Well, at this point I’d love to have sex, but Sketch is so paranoid about poking the baby in the head that he won’t go near me.” Nancy rolled her eyes. “I’ve told him it doesn’t work like that, but he won’t believe me. I’ve given so many blowjobs this past month, my jaw is getting sore!”

  We all started to laugh again at that, and I felt my heart swell that I was finally a part of something, not just sitting on the outskirts of it all.

  “And what about you, Nancy?” I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Yeah, blowjobs are great for him, but I hope he’s returning the favor just as eagerly,” Charlie laughs.

  Nancy smirked. “That man’s tongue is as good as his arm for all the strokes he does.”

  We all laughed again and I decided that I liked every one of these women and I was going to be just fine. For years I’d searched for something to fill the hole that Dom and my family had left behind when they’d all abandoned me, and I realized with a sudden calm that I had it now. With Casa and his club—these women that would all have my back and these men that would risk their lives for mine—I had what I’d always wanted.

  “We should get back out there before they think we’re having an orgy in here.” Charlie laughed and opened the door.

  We all filed out after her, ignoring the stares from some of the club whores. As we got to the bar the door slammed open, and another woman stumbled through it, covered in blood and sobbing uncontrollably.

  “River? What the fuck?” Charlie yelled and rushed to her side.

  “Shooter!” Laney screamed, running to the Chapel door. The door was open before she even reached it, and the men inside rushed out, guns raised. “It’s River—she’s hurt!”

  A long-haired man pushed past everyone and ran to River. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to one of the sofas before laying her down on it. Nancy reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze, and we walked over as everyone crowded around to find out what happened.

  River was crying loudly, and when I looked closely I could see a large gash on her forehead. Charlie handed River a glass of something that looked like water but I assumed was vodka and told her to drink it. In the background I could hear someone on the phone asking for the doc. It was all a blur of commotion—of shouting and crying, of people trying to find out who would pay for this.

  “What the fuck happened, River? Are
the kids okay?” the man with her asked.

  “I think so. I dropped them at my mom’s and was heading here when someone hit the back of my truck. I thought it was just a simple accident, but when I got out to get their details, the truck that had hit me revved its engine, and I knew…I knew that…” River started crying again and the man leaned in, putting both hands on either side of her face and making her look at him. It seemed to calm her and she took a steadying breath before continuing. “It tried to run me down, Axle. The goddamned truck started driving after me. And I ran and ran to get away, but it just kept on following.”

  “Motherfuckers!” a voice bellowed from behind us, and I turned to see Shooter looking like he was going to explode with rage. “It’s the fucking Reverend.” He looked at the other men. “Load up. We’re taking him and his crew down today. Rider, Gauge, call everybody in.”

  “No, no!” River yelled, pushing herself to standing and threading herself through the group of people. “No! I fell, and they grabbed me, put me in the back of the van and…” She squeezed her eyes closed and tears slipped out from between her lashes. I noticed the bruises forming on her cheekbones, and the split lip that couldn’t have come from the fall or the crash, and I shuddered. “They said they want their man back,” she said, finally opening her eyes. “They want their man back and they want the drugs.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. “They said to meet them there with both things, or this was just the start.”

  River turned to Axle, who was stiff and pale looking. He wrapped his arms around her before scooping her up. “I gotcha, darlin’, I gotcha.” He kissed the top of her head and carried her back over to the sofa.

  “We’re on full lockdown. No one leaves here unless I say it. Women, kids, families—everyone stays here until further notice.” Shooter turned and stormed back into Church, and the other men followed him.

  I drowned all the noise out to focus on River and Axle—the way they both clung to each other and the pain wrapped around them like poison.

  “You okay?” Casa’s voice came from next to me and I turned to him. His expression was soft, surprising me. “You’ll be okay here, I promise.”

  I nodded. “I know. Will you be okay out there, though?”

  His cocky grin returned. “Nothing can kill me, girl.”

  “Be careful, Casa,” I said, not rising to his bait. None of this was funny, and I hated the careless way he just assumed he couldn’t be killed. Because bullets were bullets and angry psychotic bikers were angry psychotic bikers, and neither thing cared whether you believed you could be killed or not. All they cared about was spilling blood and vengeance.

  Casa threaded his hand through my hair until he cupped the back of my head, and tilted my face up to his. He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss onto my lips. An ache started off slowly in my lower stomach, my legs feeling weak as he wrapped his other hand around my waist and dragged my body against his, the hardness of his cock pressing against my belly.

  He pulled out of the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. “Fucking love knowing you give a shit, babe.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that. Nothing seemed like the right reply, so I kept my mouth shut and just let myself get lost in his scent and his body.

  “I promise I’ll be okay, H. Ain’t no way I’m dying out there and leaving my old lady behind.” He placed another kiss on my lips. “Gonna need to get going soon, though. Need you to stay here, okay?”

  “Okay, Casa,” I replied, not arguing with him for once.

  “Really need to fuck you soon, though. Probably ain’t appropriate right now, what with everything going on,” he said and I could hear the mix of desire and anger in his tone. “But soon enough we’re going to finish off what we started at my house. You hear me, girl?”

  I nodded quickly, feeling my face getting hot. “I hear you, Casa.”

  Chapter thirty-two:


  The club filled up pretty quickly after that, though thankfully it was a big clubhouse with plenty of rooms ready for just this type of thing. Most of the men left, leaving behind a handful of prospects—and of course Rider—to watch over everyone. Despite the desperation of the situation and the dire circumstance of it all, I felt safe there. The clubhouse was well protected, and even though they were only prospects, they were being led by Rider, who was the VP. And clearly, by the way he handled himself, he was used to dealing with this sort of thing and wouldn’t take any shit from anyone. Injured or not, he was still a man very much to be feared.

  Nancy, Charlie, Laney, and I sat with River. The doc had come by and stitched up the gash in her forehead and examined her, confirming our worst fears. She’d been raped, repeatedly, and not gently, either. He’d wanted her to go to the hospital, but River was adamant about staying in the clubhouse so the doc had given her pain relief and something to help her sleep. Her kids were in the playroom next door with River’s mom and a bunch of the other club kids, oblivious to the mess their mom was in, and thank Lord for that. Rivers mom had sat with her for some time, but the kids kept begging to come in the room so she’d gone to distract them.

  Laney stood, and walked to the other side of the small bedroom and gestured for us to follow her. We did as she asked, keeping our voices low so as not to disturb River.

  “Do you think she’s going to be okay?” Laney asked.

  We all glanced back to River, watching as she whimpered in her sleep.

  “She’ll be fine,” Charlie said, her tone firm. “She’s got her old man, and us bitches to help her through it.” She reached over and squeezed Laney’s hand. “You okay though? You look like you could use a shot of something to calm your nerves…though that’s out of the question now.” She grinned.

  Laney rubbed a hand over her stomach. “I’m fine...we’re fine.” She looked away, a frown on her face. “No, that’s a lie. I’m not okay, Charlie.” She looked back up. “I don’t think I’m capable of doing this.”

  “Doing what?” Charlie asked, frowning.

  “This.” Laney waved a hand around, “I might have grown up in this club, but I have no idea how to deal with this kind of shit. Gauge always shielded me from any club fallout, but now I’m supposed to hold it all together for Shooter. Help keep everything running smoothly, keep people calm.”

  “You’re already doing it,” I said, interrupting her.

  Charlie and Laney turned to look at me and I shrugged.

  “What? She is—you are. You stayed with River and held her hand while the doctor examined her and stitched her up. You got her kids set up in the other room playing. You got some of the other women making food to feed everyone, even if we only have limited supplies. You’re doing it, so stop your fretting, pull yourself together, and let’s make a plan of action to keep everyone busy so that no one has time to panic!” My voice rose as I spoke, until it was practically a high-pitched squeak at the end.

  Laney and Charlie looked at me like I’d grown two heads, and I felt my cheeks flame with embarrassment. I really needed to learn to keep my big mouth shut.

  “I’m sorry,” I started, but Charlie cut in.

  “I like her,” she said to Laney, her face splitting into a wide smile. “You got the three Bs, Harlow.”

  My eyes widened. “The three Bs?”

  Charlie’s grin widened. “Balls, brains, and boobs. You got the whole package, girl. No wonder Casa fell so hard for you.”

  I fought the urge to smile proudly. “Well, thanks. Now let’s put a plan together. Those people out there are going to be looking at you, Laney—which means all of us—to keep them safe until this is all over.”

  “It’ll all be over real quick,” Nancy interrupted. “Sketch said they’re agreeing to the Reverend’s demands.”

  “Really?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yeah, they’ll get their man back. Pretty sure he isn’t going to be in one piece, though.” Nancy laughed. “They really should have been more specific in th
eir demands.”

  There was a gleam in her eye that I hadn’t noticed before. Something dark that told me she enjoyed the bloodshed. I didn’t know much about her—or any of the women there, if I was honest—but I have would bet my last dollar that she was someone I didn’t ever want to get on the wrong side of.

  “Yeah, that sounds like our men, all right,” Charlie agreed, putting a hand on her hip and grinning.

  “Okay, well, whatever happens, we’re going to need more supplies,” Laney said, and we all looked to her. “The clubhouse isn’t stocked enough for everything we need. Sure, it’s got booze, chips, but we need water, and real food for all of these kids.” She looked at us, waiting for our reactions, and one by one we nodded in agreement. “We’re not supposed to leave the clubhouse—not even with a prospect, but we need to so let’s hope we can convince them of that. And I reckon we need to go sooner rather than later. Two of us can go get supplies, the other two wait here and keep things running?”

  “Well, I think you should keep your butt here, Laney. I can head out and get supplies, but with your special delivery you need to stay safe,” Charlie said right away, and I nodded in agreement.

  “I don’t want to make Shooter look weak,” Laney replied. “I’m his old lady. And me staying behind and letting others leave the clubhouse and put themselves in harm’s way will do just that.” Laney nodded firmly. “Besides, you and River are closer than I am. You’ve been friends much longer. In fact, I’m pretty sure she still sees me as just a club brat.”

  Charlie frowned, but it was obvious she agreed with what Laney had just said. “You’re carrying his kid, Laney, Shooter and everyone else will understand you staying here.”

  Laney rolled her eyes. “But no one does know yet, and right now is not the time to tell anyone.”

  “I don’t like it,” Charlie said with a shake of her head. “I should be going.”

  Laney put her hands on Charlie’s arms. “River doesn’t know Harlow or Nancy, she needs to see a familiar face when she wakes up. You need to stay with her.” She turned back to us before Charlie could argue any more. “Nancy, you need to stay here, too. You’re pregnant, and Sketch will have a fit if he knows you’ve left.” Laney was talking to Nancy, but her gaze was on me. “Harlow, that leaves you. Are you okay coming with me? It might be dangerous, so I’ll understand if you say no.”


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