HUNTER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 11)

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HUNTER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 11) Page 6

by Samantha Leal

  She slipped into the warm water and let the heat soothe her. Her skin was butter soft and tanned, and well looked after even after spending so much time in the sun during her childhood. As she lay there, she remembered the long summer days out at her parent’s ranch, how she had lived for riding horses and being out in the canyons from dawn until dusk. She had always felt a great pull to the outside, to the land of the world around her, but as she had gotten older and found other priorities, she realized she had let them slip.

  She considered Hunter and the bikers. Maybe the club and the bikes, for them, that was like her love for horses when she was younger. She could certainly see the appeal. The raw connection to the nature and the open road. The way the wind would whip past them as they flew down the highways. She didn’t know a whole lot about what it would mean to be a part of a club like The Forsaken Riders, but what she did know was if she had had a gang of girls around her, all wanting to ride out into the desert, it could quite possibly have felt like one of the best things in the world.

  The harsh trill of her cell phone echoed around the bathroom and made her jump. Her heart was momentarily in her mouth as she sat up quickly and water splashed up and over the side of the tub.

  Her phone was ringing. She could see it lighting up and going dark on the side of the sink and she grabbed a towel and dried off her hands. When she picked it up, she realized how nervous she was, because the number calling her was one she had never seen before.

  And she had a pretty good feeling who it was going to be.

  “Hello…?” she answered after four rings and spoke quietly and slowly.

  “Good morning,” Hunter growled on the other end. “How’s the head?”

  She heard the flick of a lighter in the background and it sounded as if he was outside, she was sure she could hear the grumbling of engines and the sounds of the highway.

  “I have to admit, I’ve felt better,” she laughed.

  She was leaning over the side of the bath tub and just hoping she didn’t make too much noise. Unluckily for her, she slipped and a big splash rang out around the room.

  “What was that?” he asked. “Your voice is echoing too, you in the tub?”

  She could tell that he was amused.

  “I might be,” she said with a smirk.

  “Hell,” he exhaled deeply. “Now that is a thought…”

  She could hear the amusement in his tone and she could just imagine the wry smile spreading out across his lips. It made her want to bite them. She found herself grinning too.

  “It was fun last night,” she said, not wanting to beat around the bush.

  “It was very fun,” he said. “Even if you were almost mortally injured.”

  Paige laughed and then the silence expanded over the line.

  “Listen,” he said. “I don’t do this ever, and I really mean that, but I’m just thinking fuck it…” He trailed off and Paige’s heart began to bounce in her chest. “I want to take you out,” he said. “How does that sound to you?”

  Paige couldn’t keep the grin from her face but she could tell he obviously didn’t do this very often from his tone, but that was fine with her because neither did she.

  “I think that sounds…” She paused for a moment to really consider it. She knew it was all wrong, that surely, she and Hunter couldn’t have that much in common, but there was something strong pulling her to him.

  Remember your own rules, her inner voice was screaming at her. You have your life fully figured out, inviting in a man in may only cause trouble.

  “I think that sounds great,” she said finally.

  “Good,” Hunter said. “I’ll pick you up tonight at eight.”

  The line went dead before she even had a chance to say another word. She looked down at her phone and saw that the call had been ended. He had called, took what he wanted, and he had gone.

  It should have put her off him but it didn’t, it only made her want him more.

  He was sharp and to the point. He was caring and kind and sincere. He was the complete opposite to what she would expect to look at him, and after seeing his rippling muscles bulging and covered in tattoos, she could only imagine what he was capable of when a fire of passion raged through him.

  She threw her phone onto the towel at the side of the bath and sank back down into the tub. Her heart was racing and the heat inside her was growing with each passing second.

  “He’s going to be so much trouble,” she whispered. “But I can’t wait.”


  As eight o’clock crept closer, Paige found herself pacing the upstairs hallway and biting the edge of her little nail. She was so nervous, but at the same time, she had the feeling that the second she saw him, she was going to be reassured.

  She hadn’t texted Penny to tell her and now she felt guilty. But with it all happening so fast, she wanted to make sure this was actually for real. She hadn’t dated in so long she almost couldn’t believe it was really going to happen.

  She made her way downstairs and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing tight little black jeans and a white cut-off t-shirt. Another old find from her student days, and luckily, they too still fit.

  She had curled her hair slightly and swept it to the side and had done her makeup dark. She didn’t believe it was even possible, but she looked even hotter than she had the previous evening. It was as if she had slipped into a role and was ready to take to the stage.

  She picked up her black rimmed glasses from the table by the front door and slipped them into her purse. She had no clue where they were going but if she was going to have to read anything, she wanted to make sure she had them with her.

  Out of nowhere, she suddenly heard the loud, dull roll of an engine grumbling through her neighborhood and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. It thundered around the outside of her house and she knew instantly, it was him. And he was there on his bike. Her butterflies worked themselves up again and she smiled from ear to ear.

  He was there and he was waiting for her. She wanted to peek out of the tiny window at the side of the doorway, but instead, she clicked off the light, took a deep breath and reached for the handle.

  The night air was warm and when she stepped outside and saw him straddling his huge, gleaming Harley, Paige’s pulse quickened. He was even sexier than she had remembered, and the look on his face when he saw her only confirmed he was feeling exactly the same about her.

  His dark, furrowed brow was heavy and so masculine it made her ache. She stood there looking at him almost in awe, unable to move.

  “Good evening,” he said as he stepped down off the bike and held out his hand.

  Paige took a step closer and he grabbed hold of her, pulling her close so that his arm was draped around the small of her back. He was so strong and confident, but at the same time, so unusual. It was as if he was a complete juxtaposition. Two sides of a coin.

  “You look incredible,” he breathed as he held her there, his hot breath on her face. He was so close he was making her tremble.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, not even daring to really look him in the eye.

  “Come on,” he said as he helped her onto the back of his bike before climbing on in front of her. He pulled her hands around his waist and she clamped them together tight.

  “Have you ever been on a bike before?” he asked over his shoulder and Paige shook her head.

  “I’ve barely been out late at night before, never mind something as daring as this,” she laughed.

  “Good,” he said. “I’m glad I can be the one to break you in.”

  He winked and laughed, and Paige giggled.

  He revved the engine and the feeling of the power between her legs sent a rush right through her. Her whole body was vibrating and she was feeling sensations she had never felt before, and Hunter was right there in between her legs too, she was clinging to him with her thighs and she never wanted to let go.

  “Where are you taking me?” sh
e whispered into his ear.

  But he just winked and smiled before he hit the accelerator and sped out of Paige’s street.

  The force of the bike was overwhelming and her nerves were at a fever pitch. She clung to Hunter and barely dared to open her eyes. She felt so exposed and vulnerable, so completely out of her comfort zone and on edge that, for a moment, it seemed completely surreal.

  She was flying down the roads of Slate Springs on the back of a powerful bike with a man she barely knew but clearly had an incredible connection with. It was like something out of a movie, Paige was sure this couldn’t be her life. She had to be dreaming.

  As they rode through Main Street, she nuzzled into his shoulders and breathed him in. His scent was intoxicating. It was all old smoke and liquor, mixed with gasoline and leather. He was a real beast of a man. The kind your mother would be afraid of, and for some reason, Paige could not get enough.

  She watched the wandering eyes of the town’s people of Slate Springs. They were all looking at her and Hunter ride through Main Street and they all had a certain look in their eye. She couldn’t tell if it was fear or jealousy, but it made her cover her face ever so slightly with her hair.

  What if one of my children’s parents see me? she thought to herself suddenly. What if I get fired from my job for hanging around with this guy?

  Hunter looked over his shoulder at her and smiled as if he could read her thoughts.

  “Do you want to know where we’re going yet?” he asked as they stopped at a red light.

  Paige shrugged her shoulders and pouted.

  “I kind of like surprises,” she said.

  Hunter pulled the bike around and stopped at the side of the street. They were bang in the center of town and there were hundreds of people who could see them together, if Paige was having second thoughts or debating backing out, now would be the time to do it. But she looked up at him and felt all of her fears melt away.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her as he brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes.

  And Paige realized that yes, she really was.

  She nodded and smiled.

  “Come on then,” he said as he took hold of her hand and helped her down from the bike. They began to walk together hand and hand and she felt as giddy as a school girl. She was on top of the world and she only had Hunter to thank for that. He had woken her up and saved her in more ways than one.

  She found her eyes travelling all over him, taking in the details of his body and the way he adorned himself. Everything he was wearing looked meant to be, as if it was an actual part of him. Even down to the chains and skull rings he had dusting his knuckles. His wide shoulders were covered by a leather jacket and it looked scuffed and well worn, as if it had been much loved and maybe even passed down by an older member of the club. His boots were huge and steel capped, and she felt so tiny next to him; it was as if he was a giant and she had been captured by him.

  She liked to think of it like that. As if he had found her, scooped her up and decided that he wanted to keep her all for himself.

  He slowed his pace down and looked across the street. There was a gap in traffic for them to cross.

  “Come on,” he said as he pulled her forward and they weaved their way between waiting cars.

  In the center of town was a monument and fountain, and Paige was surprised that they were walking toward it. Around the tall, green obelisk was a park that had been manmade around twenty years before and well-maintained ever since. Flowers were planted in huge beds and constantly kept hydrated with sprinklers, and the colors that ripped through the grass were rainbows of pinks, blues, yellows and purples. They were all so beautiful and unusual that it made the night feel even more romantic and charged. She smiled as she realized how much he was still surprising her, she had never imagined, in a million years, he would have picked somewhere like this.

  An actual walk in the park.

  It made her feel warm on the inside.

  “I bet you come here all the time with your class, huh?” he asked as he squeezed her hand tight.

  “I do, actually,” Paige smiled. “But I’m surprised this is somewhere you wanted to go.”

  “Why?” he asked with a laugh. “Just because I hang out in biker bars you think I can’t appreciate this?”

  Paige looked up at him and smiled.

  “You just keep taking me by surprise, that’s all,” she said. “When I realized that you were part of the bike gang, I really never would have expected you to be this gentlemanly.”

  “Now you see I’m the one who’s disappointed,” he said playfully. “For a smart, educated woman who is nurturing the next generation of this town, you certainly seem to enjoy stereotyping.” He laughed and raised an eyebrow at her and Paige had to hold her hands up.

  “I know,” she laughed in surrender. “I can’t believe it either, I’m very disappointed in myself too.”

  Hunter smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked on.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “I’m one of life’s great mysteries. Just depends if you’re up to the challenge.”

  Paige licked her bottom lip nervously.

  “If I’m honest, when I woke up this morning, I didn’t think I would be,” she admitted. “I mean, I’m pretty guarded and it’s been a long time since I’ve met anyone or been on a date… I didn’t know if I would have had the nerve.”

  As soon as she said the words, she instantly wished she could retract them. But Hunter didn’t seem to mind.

  “Well, like I’ve told you, I don’t go around looking for women,” he said genuinely. “But I couldn’t ignore what I felt.”

  His words made Paige feel warm inside. It was so strange to know exactly what he meant.

  They walked through the park arm in arm and she felt glad they had taken the time just to be quiet with each other. After the craziness of the night before, it felt good to be just connecting with nothing around to distract them.

  “What’s it like teaching kids?” he asked.

  “I love it,” Paige smiled. “It really is a calling and I’m so glad I managed to do it. I feel very lucky.”

  “I’ve never met a teacher before,” he said as he lit a cigarette. “Apart from my own, of course, but that feels like a million miles and lifetimes ago now.”

  “I know what you mean,” she said. “I often think about my own childhood and the way I was raised. I think about how school shaped me as a person and when I remember the teachers that guided me, I remember it all so vividly but it also seems like that wasn’t me, you know? Like that little girl isn’t so much a stranger, but someone who just suddenly ceased to exist.”

  “Wow,” Hunter exhaled. “Very deep.”

  “I know, I know, sorry, shut up Paige,” she said as she shook her head and laughed.

  “I like deep,” he said. “It makes a nice change from all of the girls that hang around The Bleeding Bullet. Trust me, none of them could hold a conversation like this.”

  “Yeah they looked, erm, interesting,” she mused.

  “They’re all just after one thing,” Hunter flicked the cigarette butt onto the ground. “They come at us as if we’re some grand prize. Half the time, none of them are even interested in getting to know us, it’s just the accolade of bagging a biker. I don’t know what they expect.”

  “Well, they must get something out of it or they wouldn’t keep coming back,” she stated.

  “Some of the older guys I guess they’ve been through some of them. Not that they’re proud of it,” he said. “But a lot of us just avoid them at all costs. You’d be surprised, but even with all of this on the outside, most of us are the same as anyone else. No one wants to go it all alone.”

  The sun was setting and it was casting pink light all around them and Paige couldn’t help but feel as if this was the most perfect moment of her entire life. This man was too good to be true, after all she had already seen of him, now he was speaking to her like an
equal, an intellectual, and he had a romance about him that made her swoon.

  “See, you’re full of surprises,” she said.

  “I’m just being honest,” he squeezed her shoulder. “I saw the look on your face last night when you realized I was part of the club. And I can tell you wouldn’t normally have stumbled in there in a million years. Faith is wild, she loves to party and now that she’s leasing one of our properties, I guess we’ll see a lot more of her. It was just pure luck that you met her last night and came along for the ride. When else would that ever have happened?”

  “She is pretty wild,” Paige smiled. “And yes, it’s a bit like fate that it all happened that way. It was seriously the most random night of my life.”

  “One of mine too, believe it or not,” he said. “Every night in there seems the same to me, but last night, with you, Faith, and Penny coming in, there seemed to be a new atmosphere and it brought us all back to life a little. I think we all needed it.”

  He looked down at the floor and Paige could sense a sadness about him.

  “You all needed it?” she asked. “How come, is everything okay?”

  Hunter looked back up and out across the park. He faltered for a moment as if he wanted to tell her something but then thought better of it.

  “Never mind,” he smiled as he squeezed her shoulder again and shook his head.

  They had done a full circuit of the park and the silence had returned between them again. He was trying to act nonchalant but Paige could tell he was hiding something. She looked up at him and he smiled down at her and then nodded over toward Main Street.

  “Drink here, or drink out of town?” he asked with a wry smile.

  “Depends what you mean when you say out of town…” She let the statement linger between them for a moment as he thought about it.

  “I was thinking as out of town as it gets,” he said with a wink.

  “Sounds interesting,” she bit her lip and grinned. “I think with you being the inviter and me being the invitee, I will let you lead the way this evening, Sir…” She pretended to tip an imaginary hat and Hunter’s eyes glinted wildly.


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