HUNTER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 11)

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HUNTER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 11) Page 30

by Samantha Leal

  Not that Britney was physically flawed in anyway. She was a goddess with her blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes and figure that could have easily modeled swimwear in the old world. She had no life experience and at times behaved a little like a princess. For the most part, though, she was devoted to her grandmother and Robert and worked hard to do her share of the work so they could survive and even improve their situation.

  Robert actually discovered a new ability through all of this. He now focused on the positives of a person's personality and physical appearance. People were essentially looking for love and to be loved, and with that outlook, it was actually kind of easy to love. He fell in love with Britney. It was easy to. When he did the analysis, he figured that every person surviving these treacherous times was learning the same life lesson – that's why it was easy to believe Britney loved him back. He might not be young, but he was outdoorsy and fit. Robert knew he wasn't overly handsome, but there was something about his silver-hair, clear green eyes and masculine jawline that he knew appealed to Britney. She knew he was kind and generous and protective and family oriented, and those characteristics made him lovable in her eyes.

  Robert was even able to learn to love Britney's grandmother, Peggy. Of course, she was a little nuts. Peggy believed she was still in 1940s America during the war. In fairness, Robert wondered if the current scenario didn’t have a few similarities with that time period. The annoying part about her version of reality was that she was continually berating Robert for dodging the draft. She did, however, respect farming and pulled her weight to the best of her ability by cleaning up and other simple tasks. At ninety-two, her mobility was limited, but she could still prepare meals and her eyes were sharp enough to mend clothes. Her contempt for Robert and his “yellow” ways never lasted too long. She had periods of relative clarity as well. In the evenings after having cooked a hearty meal, she was almost always happy to sit down and hear about his day and indulge in a little card sharking while Britney took a turn cleaning up.

  Theirs had become a relatively content household, but Robert was worried that letting Liam free today could have some negative repercussions. Britney was deeply attached to her step-brother, which of course was understandable, but she seemed to have an unusually difficult time letting him go – even after death.

  Now that Liam, zombie Liam, was gone, dinner was a somewhat subdued affair. Nothing had changed in respect to the household. Meat and fresh vegetables were still able to be served with milk and juice. The solar panels in the roof ensured light throughout the house. It even gave them the luxury of watching old DVDs if they felt like it, playing a round of cards or reading from the extensive book collection Robert's family had accumulated over the years. But things felt different.

  Outside had changed, but for the better as far as Robert was concerned. Robert was actually relieved to have set him free. It was creepy seeing the poor kid like that, and an unnecessary reminder of what could befall them if they weren’t careful. Also, with Britney pregnant now, it seemed best that she stop investing so much time in the zombie. Their baby would be along soon, and it would need her full attention. It was time for her to let go of Liam.

  Back when they had first starting hooking up, the sex had been passionate and non-stop – it always was in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. After only four weeks of fucking in every conceivable place on the property, however, Britney promptly announced that she was pregnant. Robert could hardly be shocked. He wasn't displeased; he merely had concerns about how the baby would be delivered and fare with the world as it was now.

  For whatever reason, once she was pregnant, Britney retreated from him physically, although they still shared a bed. Maybe she was freaked out about being pregnant so young. He didn’t know what the problem was, but he gave her space, which seemed to suit her at the moment, and she remained close to him emotionally.

  After the somber dinner, Britney excused herself to go outside and get some fresh air. Robert knew better than to follow her. She'd get over things in her own time and in her own way, and Robert would be there for her to call on when she needed him. She would come back to him when she was ready.

  As Britney stepped out onto the verandah, she could feel the tightness in her chest subsiding. She rubbed her stomach fondly and was surprised to feel a tear slip down her cheek. Waves of weeping had been threatening all day, but she was certain she'd been able to control them. Stoically, she climbed the ladder of a truck to cast an eye over the outside fields. While he was tied up out here, she'd come talk to zombie Liam sometimes after dinner. But now she couldn’t even do that.

  Britney was unsure how long she'd been sitting there before her eyes caught sight of movement in the distance. Something was heading toward the perimeter. She squinted, but it was far too dark to identify what was causing a ripple in the corn fields. As it came closer, Britney correctly guessed it was a zombie. Its presence didn't bother her. The walls and their remaining collection of zombies safeguarding the premises made it virtually impenetrable. What spiked her curiosity was the creature appeared to deliberately change its course to head towards one of the tied up zombies.

  She watched in curiosity as the approaching zombie entered the tethered zombie's personal space. Her jaw dropped as she observed the significantly overweight, tied-up female zombie slowly rotate until she pressed her face against the side of the truck and bent slightly, spreading her legs.

  Creeping softly toward the scene unfolding, Britney saw the other zombie reaching for its crotch. In only the moon for light, it appeared as if the stray was trying to fuck the tethered zombie. There was something so raw and animalistic about the scene that Britney felt her pussy tingle. She imagined most anyone else would have probably been disgusted by the sight, and she thought she would have been too. But she wasn’t. Times had changed. She vaguely remembered that there had been some quote about how man was only separated from animal chaos and wanton violence and desire by the thinnest veneer of civility. Boy, was that true, she thought. Laying out on top of the truck, Britney positioned herself close to the mating zombies. Hitching up her sundress, she slipped her hand into the elastic of her panties. As she skimmed her palm over her bare pubic mound, her fingers felt a significant pool of pussy juice. Turning her head, she began stroking her clit as she watched the male zombie desperately trying to insert his cock into his mate's pussy.

  It was highly erotic – at least to her. She vaguely registered that she might be losing it a little here. But then she moved on. It hadn't occurred to Britney that these creatures would have sexual urges. She continued touching herself, raising her back and keeping her touch light so as not to have a thunderous orgasm too soon. The frustration she was beginning to feel from the two zombies and their inability to fuck was killing her, and it appeared it had already killed them, she almost laughed to herself. Something in her mind must have been cracking at that point, and she was mildly aware of it. The thing was, it felt like a relief rather than a burden. Her Grandma seemed to be doing pretty well just a few clicks off center. It was so nice to loosen her grasp on this very not-fun reality she was living in. She just let it loosen a little… Like she intended to loosen the rope that was holding fat-chic zombie. She decided that she wanted a better zombie porno. A little risk would be worth it. Britney awkwardly came down the side of the truck to loosen the slack on the female zombie's rope to permit her a little freedom to assume a more fuckable position.

  Cautious as she went, Britney was surprised that the new zombie made no move towards her. She had expected a little interest at least. She had been prepared for it. Individual zombies usually weren’t much to get too worried about, and she had developed a mean roundhouse kick. But either his focus was concentrated solely on relieving his zombie sex drive, or he had no interest in her live flesh whatsoever. Either way, this was a new revelation in her understanding of all things zombie. The fat, female zombie was missing a jaw and ten fingers; a precaution Robert insisted on when they began
to plot the zombies around the perimeter.

  As she bent down to give the rope some slack, Britney turned her head slightly and recognized a pair of familiar white Nike hi-tops. Twisting to look up, she saw the familiar dead but once stormy blue eyes assessing her.

  She wanted to cry out Liam's name, but was prevented from doing so by Robert's continual warning that none of Liam's soul still existed in this husk of a man. The female zombie pressed her fingerless palms against the side of the truck to move away from it as soon as she felt the tension of the rope round her ankle slacken. Automatically, the zombie took to all fours now, presenting herself to Liam's horny, dead cock.

  The memory of Liam making love to her in his final moments of life flashed through Britney's mind. She'd wept, saying that she was afraid to go on without him and afraid she would now die alone. And the pity of it was that she was still a virgin, having never been pierced by a man. Not being bound by blood, the step-siblings said goodbye in an intimate way. This world left no room for the old ways… Or maybe it was just that they served no purpose any more. Britney had only just begun to appreciate just how much Liam could be to her in this new world, when the infection had snatched him away from her permanently. Yet here he was, able to tear her apart and feast on her and he wasn't making any motion to do so. Perhaps something of him had survived. In her state, she was more ready than ever to believe that.

  He knelt down.

  Britney could see his dead and yet still youthful erection in the moonlight. The infection allowed more functions than she had anticipated to continue apparently. They had already figured that the reanimation process was a means to allow the infection to survive in its dead host. She wondered just how many functions had survived the transition after all. He slipped his cock into the fat zombie's cunt. The zombie groaned as Liam pumped away mindlessly. An irrational streak of jealously consumed Britney. Liam had taken her virginity. He'd claimed her as his, and she wanted to be his again. She wanted this baby to be his. By this point, her madness was a foregone conclusion. But the truth was that she was happier now. This new logic was easier to bear…

  Not wanting to miss out, Britney quickly slipped her panties off and took to the doggy-style position, exposing her swollen cunt and ass to the night air. The zombie beside her turned her face and growled. Britney did feel a little frightened at that, but she reminded herself that it could no longer bite. But maybe it was driven by a rage or force Britney couldn't contend with. Liam's cock, however, took care of the problem, as he powered into the female zombie and in doing so, slid her across the ground to the point where she was no longer within grabbing distance.

  Britney could see Liam withdrawing from the zombie pussy he'd first stabbed at. Retreating on his knees, he positioned himself behind Britney. She held her breath. Liam had all his limbs, as well as his lower jaw. This meant that he could tear her apart if he desired it. She didn’t even care anymore. His hands on her buttocks felt clammy. Britney bit back a scream as his lean, eight-inch cock forced its way into her back-passage. She hadn't been expecting anal sex. But maybe he didn’t know the difference. He was a zombie, after all. He groaned but didn’t seem particularly pleased with this near miss, and when he withdrew, he took a moment to seemingly get his bearings. It was obviously rather confusing for him. She flashed back to some of her high school experiences. Back then she was of little help herself in figuring out what was what.

  Hands on her hips, he clumsy managed to shoe his dick into her pussy. Britney mewled softly. Liam rocked in and out of her. He made no noises, but his movements were smooth and swift. She was surprised when his hands left her hips to locate her breasts. Thanks to the pregnancy, she'd grown three cup sizes and on her hands and knees, her newly pendulous tits hung low as he pumped her pregnant belly. It felt close to human as he squeezed her breasts and kept fucking her. He was building up a pace, and she could feel his balls slapping at the lips of her pussy.

  Turned on to the extreme, Britney decided to toy with her clit as her step-brother fucked her for the second time in their lives – well, for the second time in her life, actually, and the first time in his death. She worked this out as he continued to piston in and out of her. The close connection she felt with this man-turned-creature was beyond sensual. She felt herself naturally lubed and teased her clit with her finger, outlining the nub and occasionally brushing over the bud. It took seconds before Britney reached her climax, and she jerked and thrashed as Liam's hands gripped her hips firmly to keep her steady. In doing so, Liam's zombie dick was able to feel the muscles in her vagina clamp and massage his dick as she orgasmed. Liam slammed into her harder and harder until a gush of water fell from between Britney's legs.

  “Shit,” cursed Britney under her breath. “My water’s broken.” The fact that it was from sex with a corpse seemed not to enter into the equation of her surprise.

  She stumbled toward the truck she'd climbed down from, but was gripped by a contraction. It took her by such surprise she cried out loud into the night.


  Robert ran out into the balmy night air. He hoped there'd be light somewhere to draw his vision to where his pregnant lover was, but it was pitch black.

  “Brit?” he whispered loudly.

  He began a jog around the perimeter trucks. Fortunately, common sense told him to start with the truck where Liam used to be tethered. As soon as he got there, he could hear her hollow breathing. Immediately he opened the door and jumped into the cabin of the truck. Leaning over, he grabbed a crowbar from under the seat and slowly opened the other side. Britney didn't give him time to see what the fracas with the zombie was. She reached her hand to him and he heaved her into the cabin. Slamming the door shut, her wide brown eyes told him all he needed to know.

  The baby was on the way.

  Peggy was thrilled at the prospect of having sole responsibility for delivering her great-grandchild. She rose to the occasion, surprising both Robert and Britney. In keeping with her “old ways,” she commanded Robert to bring her hot water and towels and then stay downstairs and have a brandy to celebrate the birth of his forthcoming baby.

  Robert remembered reading somewhere that the first birth takes a while, but Britney would've been lucky to have been in labor for an hour. There was panting and paced breathing and eventually the cry of a baby. What turned Robert's blood cold was the bloodcurdling scream and subsequent thump to the wooden floor immediately after.

  He took the stairs two by two. Britney was laying on the bed, too weak to get up. Robert saw it was Peggy who'd collapsed holding the swathed baby. He dropped to one knee. The screams of the baby assured him that the child was in no immediate danger.

  “Is Gran alright?” asked Britney.

  Robert placed two fingers under her jaw to find a pulse.

  “She's okay,” he smiled reassuringly. “She's just passed out. I'll take her to her own room and get her some water. But first, let's see who we've got here,” he said as he lifted the carefully wrapped bundle.

  Pulling back the cloth to see the face of his child, Robert felt himself go weak at the knees. The baby turned its head and sank already fully formed teeth into his wrist. He gritted his teeth to stop himself from hurling the monstrosity on the floor.

  “What the fuck is this?” he demanded in a confused and terrified cry. He could feel his heart was racing to such an extent that he was afraid he might pass out.

  He tried calming himself and placed the baby-thing in Britney's arms to gauge her reaction. Britney peeled back all the layers. The baby made no move to bite her.

  “It's a boy,” she cooed.

  Robert could feel bile climbing up his throat in revulsion. He forced himself to stand by Britney, who was laying a feathery kiss on the baby's forehead. Shutting and closing his eyes to mentally prepare himself, he noticed the baby's skin was gray. Patches of ribcage were showing out as if the flesh had been eaten away or just never grew to cover the body completely. His legs were misshapen and its pudgy arms
had gnarled fingers that looked like claws.

  “It's got his eyes,” commented Britney.

  “My eyes are green,” responded Robert hopelessly.

  “I know. I said it's got his eyes. He's got his father's ocean blue eyes.”


  Peggy was gone. Robert had enough strength left to dig a hole in the ground, thrust a shovel in her head and bury the elderly lady before he became too weak. Britney knew her grandmother wouldn't come back to them. The shock of Liam Jr. was too much for her. She knew death was preferable to living with the monster baby.

  Robert was going, too. Britney genuinely hadn't planned for that and the reality of it stung her heart. She had just wanted to be close to Liam. She did love the middle-aged man. Even with him knowing it was Liam's baby, she'd fully expected that they would work through it and raise the baby as their own. What she hadn't expected was a newborn baby possessing a full set of teeth and craving human flesh as soon as he was out of her womb. Who could have really seen that one coming? she mused to herself as she rocked her newborn.

  She didn't know how the baby would develop or how long it would live. Or maybe it was already dead and she didn’t know how long it would stay dead. It was all getting so confusing with the alive-or-dead line blurring so much these days. It seemed more zombie than baby, but who could tell? What frightened Britney the most was being alone. She knew she could run the farm, at least enough to survive, but she could never live alone. She'd rather die than live out her days on a farm by herself.

  She sat by Robert's bed. “I wasn’t sure whether it was yours or his,” she said quietly.

  “I think we can safely say it's his.” The smile on Robert's face was not one of animosity, but of acceptance.

  “It wasn't planned. It just happened when I was tending to him here. I got worried and thought...”


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