Broken (Keeper of the Flame Book 4)

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Broken (Keeper of the Flame Book 4) Page 1

by Lila Kane

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Mailing List


  About the Author


  Keeper of the Flame Book 4




  Copyright © 2018 by Lila Kane

  Previously published as Kenna Avery Wood

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Mailing List


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  About the Author

  There are exciting times ahead with my books. Look for a lot of new releases and updates of old books. All romance, all the time. If you’re interested in receiving periodic emails about my novels as well as learning about promotions and having the chance to read my stories before they release, sign up for my newsletter with the icon below.



  In this final installment of the Keeper of the Flame series, it’s come down to two sides. After breaking the curse that binds all paranormal powers, Willow has unleashed evil on the town of Shadow Hill. While her team tries to cope with their new powers, including the blue fire that Willow now possesses, Kane is building his own group to end the war once and for all. This time, there’s no going back. With the help of a new witch and the blue fire, which gives her the power of all paranormals, Willow has to find a way to stop Kane—or kill him—before he kills her.

  Chapter 1

  My arms are still glowing blue. There’s a hum of energy buzzing all through me, but especially in my hands. Those same hands that just called down magic in the light of a full moon, and gave an army of paranormals their powers back.

  I’m not sure if that’s what woke my mom from her coma, but now she’s awake and we need to get to her.

  Logan stops me outside his car while James hops in the back seat. Cheyenne, Ryan, and Myra get into Ryan’s truck behind us.

  “Maybe you should put this on.” Logan shrugs out of his jacket, holding it out for me even though I’m not cold. But I understand when he eyes my arms, looking wary.

  When I reach for it, he slides it onto my arms. But he doesn’t release me. Instead, he grabs the lapels of the jacket and eases me closer. He rests his forehead against mine and lets out a long, slow breath.

  “I can’t lose you like that again,” he says.

  A swirl of emotion whips through me. I’ve been with Kane for days and days now. Half the time, I couldn’t even remember Logan and what we had. “I’m here now.”

  I reach out to touch his face, but he grabs my hands and clasps them to his chest with surprising strength.

  “Logan,” I breathe, trying to reassure him. “It’s going to be okay.”

  And with a thousand watts of energy running through me right now, I believe it heart, body, and soul. I feel like nothing can stop me.

  Out of nowhere, a sound pierces the night. A long, pained howl that echoes against the trees.

  Logan whips around, trapping my body between his and the car. A low snarl rips from his throat. In the light of the moon, I see the gleam of sharp teeth.

  My breath draws in, catching in my lungs.

  “They’re out there,” James says, leaning out his window. “All of them.”

  He’s right. In my effort to save Myra from being sick again, I gave everyone in the circle their powers back. Vampires, shapeshifters, and the werewolves that are changing in the full moon right now.

  Logan catches my eye, and he winces when he sees me looking at his teeth. He glances away. “We should get going.”


  Ryan sticks his head out the window of his truck as well. “We need to get going–and it might be best to split up.”

  Logan straightens, his jaw clenching. “Why?”

  Cheyenne leans out the other window. “There could be half a dozen paranormals heading for the border right now. Shouldn’t we try to stop them?”

  I squeeze Logan’s arm. “They’re right.”

  “We have to get to your mom, and then get out of there.”

  “I know, but this is bigger than us–”

  “Dammit, Willow. I just got you back. You all keep saying to look at the bigger picture, but I’m–” He breaks off, dragging a hand through his hair. His eyes meet mine. “I said I can’t lose you again, and I’m serious.”

  I nod, linking my fingers with his. “I know. Really, Logan. Let’s get this done and get somewhere safe.”

  Safe. The word is like a trigger for him, one that makes him act. He turns to Ryan and says, “We’ll go with James to the hospital. You guys go to the border and see if you can get across. If so, well–” he glances at me “–we’ll figure something out. We can’t let anyone cross that border unless we know they’re not going to hurt someone else.”

  “We’ll meet you there,” I say. A zap of blue fire flicks from my fingertips.

  Logan’s eyes go from my hands to my face. All he says is, “Let’s go.”

  There are only a handful of cars in the parking lot at the hospital. It’s almost midnight, but I’m still full of energy. Like I’ve been sleeping for days and now I don’t ever want to sleep again. Kane had me locked under his influence for weeks. That, along with the power I used tonight, makes me feel restless. I need to do something more.

  I hop out before Logan even parks. He’s still faster than me, though–especially as a full vampire now–and beats me to the front of the car.

  “Willow, wait.”

  “We have to hurry.”

  The blue has almost completed faded from my arms, but my fingertips are throbbing, buzzing anew with energy.

  I look around. Something feels off.

  “What is it?” Logan asks.

  “Something…something feels weird,” I murmur, my eyes scanning the parking lot and the surrounding area.

  James steps closer to me. Logan’s arm flies out and catches his jacket. “Stop right there.”

  James holds up his hands in a non-threatening gesture.

  “Logan,” I say, not taking my eyes off our surroundings. “He’s on our side now.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Logan growls. He releases James hard enough he stumbles.

  James has proven he’s on our side more than once, even if he originally came here with Kane.

  “Stop.” I turn around, my fingertips tingling even more. “I think someone’s here.”

  Logan’s instantly alert. He presses against my side and scans the area as well. His senses are sharper, but he shakes his head. “I don’t see anything. Or hear anything.”

ll wait out here,” James says, looking uneasy. “Keep an eye out.”

  I glance at Logan. “Maybe you should–”

  “No. I’m coming with you.” His hand catches mine. “Come on.”

  Both our steps are quiet as we race to the hospital doors, where a nurse greets us. She eyes Logan, and I remember she’s used to seeing me with Kane.

  “You called about my mom.” I peer toward the hallway. “She’s awake? Can I see her?”

  “Of course.”

  We follow her down the hall. Most of the doors are closed, and the hospital is almost eerie at this time of night. Quiet. Empty. I still can’t shake the feeling that someone else is here–something else is going on. I tug the sleeves of Logan’s jacket over my hands when the blue pulse brightens.

  He meets my eyes, worry lining the corners of his mouth. “Are you okay?”

  I nod, even as an overwhelming sense of urgency envelopes me.

  We hear a door ahead, and the nurse gasps when someone darts from the room in a rush.


  I race after her, catching up as she slumps against the wall two doors down. Sliding to my knees, I reach out cautiously, but her eyes lock on mine.

  “They’re here,” she whispers.

  I wrap my arm around her at the terror on her face. “I know, Mom.”

  “Someone was in my room.”

  The nurse frowns and turns. Logan beats her to the door of my mother’s room, vanishing for a moment before stepping out again. He meets my eyes and mouths, We need to go.

  “Let’s get you back to your room,” the nurse says.

  Mom points at Logan. “He’s one of them. Willow–”

  “It’s fine, Mom.” I squeeze her hand as a fresh wave of worry washes over me. Has she forgotten Logan is on our side? What else has she forgotten? “I promise.”

  Her eyes meet mine again. “Get me out of here.”

  The nurse tsks. “Come on, Faye. What you need right now is rest. And then we’ll talk with the doctor in the morning.”

  I look back at Logan. He nods and touches the nurse’s shoulder. She blinks, then listens as his eyes darken and he speaks to her in low tones.

  My mom’s hand grips mine hard.

  “He’s helping us,” I tell her softly, turning her to the exit at the end of the hall. “I’ll explain everything.”

  By the time we’re out the door, Logan’s caught up to us.

  “Get her to the car right now,” he growls.

  My fingers buzz, and I look to the sky over the parking lot. The blackbird is swooping over James, who spotted us as we came out and is trying to distract the bird.

  “Wes,” I whisper. The shapeshifter.

  Mom looks to the sky as well. “Shapeshifter?”

  I nod, urging her to the car. She’s barefoot and still in her hospital gown, but she keeps up. Logan rushes along beside us, his eyes on Wes the whole time.

  When we’re ten feet from the car, the blackbird swoops low, aiming straight for my head. Logan tries to put himself between me and the bird, but this time I’m faster than him. I jerk my arm out, fingers splayed. Blue fire shoots from every fingertip. The blackbird squawks when the fire singes its wings. It flaps hard for a beat, and then takes off into the night, disappearing behind the hospital.

  “Willow,” my mom says, her voice coming out in a soft breath.

  Even Logan’s staring at me. He saw me make fire in the clearing by his house. Why is this so different?

  But even I know it is. It feels different, and I had complete control.

  The buzzing has vanished from my hands. If I want to, though, I’m confident I could create the blue fire again in a heartbeat.

  “The car,” I murmur.

  I dodge James’s look as we reach the car and he gets in the front seat. I slide into the back with my mom, removing Logan’s jacket to drape over her.

  Her eyes look clearer, but I’m still worried. She just woke up from a coma. I want to get her somewhere safe, and I hope we’re not putting her health in danger by taking her away from the hospital.

  I hesitate long enough Logan turns to me from the driver’s seat. “You still want to meet the others are the border?”

  Biting my lip, I nod. “I think we need to. What if some of them are trying to leave town.”

  “There were a few werewolves and vampires in the clearing that were fighting or talking,” James said, “but the rest didn’t seem to know what to do. Maybe they went inside to lay low.”

  Logan snorts “I doubt that’s the case, but if so, it’s not going to last long.”

  “And then people are going to start to draw attention,” I say.

  Faye looks out the window. “Other paranormals? How many are there?”

  “It’s fine,” I tell her.

  Her jaw hardens. “Tell me the truth, Willow. I need to know what’s going on.”

  I nod at Logan. “Drive to the border. I’ll explain as we go.”

  Mom listens to the entire story, everything that’s happened since she’s been asleep, and doesn’t say a word. When we arrive at the border, finally she says, “I understand you did what you had to do.”

  She means breaking the spell.

  It eases some of the guilt, but not all of it. There are vampires and werewolves and shapeshifters all running around her town because of me. It’s what she’s been trying to prevent her entire life. It’s why she decided to give up being a mother to me—to save the town.

  “But,” she adds when Logan slows the car, “we need to put that spell back into place.”

  My first thought is Myra. What if she gets sick again? But that still confuses me. I had been almost positive she wouldn’t have gotten sick again if I put the spell back in place, but she had. I feel like I’m missing something and I can’t put my finger on it. So much has happened, and too fast. It’s hard to know what the consequences are anymore when we have to keep using magic to save each other, and the town.

  “There,” Logan says.

  Jerked from my thoughts, I follow the point of his finger. Ryan’s truck is parked on the side of the road. I see figures ahead, near the sign on the road to leave Shadow Hill.

  “Please stay in here,” I ask my mom.

  “I might be able to help.”

  I smile, because that’s exactly what I’d say. But I want to make sure she’s feeling better first. Then I’ll need all the help I can get.

  “Just this time, okay? Stay safe until I can make sure you feel better.”

  She gives a grudging nod.

  When I hop out, Logan is at my side immediately. My fingertips begin to buzz again, and I shake my hands, as if that will make it stop.

  “What is it?” Logan asks.

  “I’m not sure if it’s just Myra and Ryan and Cheyenne or someone else is here.”

  His brows furrow. “Is that…what’s happening with your hands?”

  I lick my lips, my stomach clenching. “I’m not sure.”

  It might be. But it feels like more. Like there’s an energy running through me that was never there before. Something that’s a part of me now.

  He grasps my hand. “Stay close. Please. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Flashing him a smile, I nod. “Of course.”

  The corners of his lips lift in brief amusement. I’m not usually so amenable. But I’ve had as much time away from Logan as I want. Kane took away weeks of my life, and weeks of loving Logan. I want to make up for it.

  Ryan spots us and waves us over. I can barely see him in the dimness of the night, even with the full moon. It’s gone behind a cloud now, but I see enough to tell he’s looking at something.

  Cheyenne arrives at my side and I whip around, flames flashing from my fingers.

  Her mouth drops open.

  “Sorry,” I murmur. “What’s going on?”

  “What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing. I–” I break off. I don’t know what’s going on with me. Whate
ver it is, it doesn’t hurt. It also doesn’t feel quite right. Like a forbidden power that I’m not supposed to have.

  “It’s a werewolf,” Cheyenne says through gritted teeth, gesturing to the figure at Ryan’s feet.

  Ryan holds out his hand when we get closer. Our feet crunch on dried weeds and twigs as we veer off the street to the form on the ground. “Be careful.”

  “What is it?” James asks, walking up behind us.

  The rest of group just stares at him, not used to having someone else in our circle. Finally, Cheyenne speaks up. “He’s a werewolf, but he’s almost fully changed back to his human form.”


  Myra steps closer to Ryan. “Because he’s dying.”

  The figure on the ground writhes in pain. He growls under his breath, and turns to his side like he’s trying to stand up. Logan eases in front of me, keeping hold of my hand.

  “What happened?” he asks.

  “We found him like this.” Ryan crouches next to the figure. “He’s bleeding, and it’s all over the place.”

  Myra nods. “We think someone chased him here. Maybe he was trying to get out of town.”

  “Paw prints.” Cheyenne points to the dirt. “He ran here in his werewolf form.”

  “And then something caught him,” James surmises.

  I step around Logan. His hand tightens. “I need to look,” I whisper.

  He frowns and glances back to the car where my mom is still safely inside. “Your mom listens better than you do.”

  “Funny,” I murmur, but I’m already crouching close to the werewolf.

  He growls and I jump.

  “Careful,” Logan hisses from behind me. He leans down at my side. Ryan and Myra do the same. “God, there’s blood everywhere. Look at his neck.”

  I reach out. The man snaps at my fingers.

  “Shit.” Logan glances at me. “You okay?”

  I swallow as the smell of blood hits me. Logan turns his head away, but not before I see the flash of teeth. The tendons on his neck stand out as he strains to the side.

  “Take a minute,” I tell him.

  He grimaces, but doesn’t seem to have a choice. He stands and steps away. Myra sets a hand on his arm but doesn’t say anything. I notice she keeps her distance, too.


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