Broken (Keeper of the Flame Book 4)

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Broken (Keeper of the Flame Book 4) Page 12

by Lila Kane

  “Which is why we were trying to make sure our group is united,” I say.

  Logan frowns. “Morgan drove all the way here to help us. She helped me before, too, when I was looking for you.”

  But she’s not on our side, I want to tell him. I can feel it deep inside me now. I don’t need a spell to know she’s not here for us. She’s here for Kane. But to what end?

  “Listen,” Morgan says with a sigh, “I don’t want to cause any problems. I’m here to help. Maybe we should just…take a break for a few hours. I’d like to stop in town. Get a feel for the place.”

  “Of course.” Logan glances to the door. “But it might be dangerous. Do you want me to go with you?”

  Now, that is a terrible idea. But Morgan waves him off. “It’s not necessary.” She sends me a pointed look. “Maybe a few hours apart will do us all some good. I can take care of myself.”

  The buzzing in my fingers grows more pronounced. It’s all I can do to keep my hands tucked in my pockets, and the feeling bothers me. I don’t really want to hurt her, do I? But I felt the buzzing before–a lot–when Wes was there, and the other vampire. Dangerous people. If I listen to my instincts, and my newfound power, Morgan is a dangerous person.

  She leaves with a smile at Logan, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Her burns have healed completely, and she looks like she just won the lottery.

  My stomach rolls again. She’s going to see Kane. Or at least get in contact with him.

  The look Logan sends me is bafflement mixed with disbelief. Like he barely knows who he’s looking at. “What’s going on? I thought your kind didn’t do spells against each other.”

  “Unless it’s necessary,” Faye says. “I know you trust Morgan, but we need to as well.”

  Logan’s jaw clenches and he meets my eyes. “Is that how you feel, too? You don’t trust Morgan?”

  “I…” The words won’t come. I have to be careful what I say to him. “Yes.”

  He stares at me another minute before shaking his head. I could tell him about the vision right here. But I have a feeling he’d need proof to believe.

  Then he walks out the door.

  If Logan needs proof, I’ll give him proof.


  We eat dinner together as a group, except for Morgan. She called to say she’d get supplies and dinner in town, and keep an eye on things to see if Kane has caused any problems.

  I saw straight through that. So did Logan. He thinks she just doesn’t want to be around me, but I know the truth.

  When Logan chooses to take a stroll around the grounds afterward, I’m simultaneously relieved and sad. I can’t stand the space that’s formed between us, but right now I need to focus on getting the girl Kane wants to change into a vampire away from him and then expose Morgan for who she is.

  I choose to leave James and Logan out of the picture but meet with the rest of the group in the library.

  Cheyenne takes the lead, though we’re on the same page. “We need to wait until Kane, Wes, and his shapeshifter, are either out of the hotel, or we’ll have to cause a distraction to get them to leave. Then Ryan can keep watch and–”

  I shake my head, frowning at Cheyenne. “What about…?”

  “Morgan?” Cheyenne asks. Before I can say anything, she angles her head to the others. “I filled them in.”

  “I don’t trust her either,” Myra says. She folds her arms. “Logan used to talk about all the stuff she was into and it didn’t sound good. Like dark magic.”

  “You really think she’s on Kane’s side?” Ryan asks.

  I lower my chin, staring at my hands which are buzzing just slightly. “I can’t say for sure.”

  “But you have a feeling.”

  I meet his eyes. “Yes. I saw Kane talking about someone in a vision. I thought it might be her, but more than that…there’s just something off about her. I don’t…I don’t know what it is, but it’s like I can feel that dark energy. If she’s helping Kane, we have to be careful. She’s strong–I can feel that, too.”

  “I think we need to get her out of here,” Myra says.

  “Logan trusts her. He’s not just going to take our word for it.”

  “He trusts us more,” Myra says. “If we think she’s bad news, he’ll listen. Especially if we all confront him with it.”

  “Then what?” I ask. “We kick her out? What about the spell? We need four to end this. Without her…”

  “Maybe you can do it with three,” Myra says, glancing at Cheyenne as if for confirmation. “I mean, you–you’ve been able to do a lot. Maybe with the blue fire…”

  “I might hurt someone.” I swallow and look away. “It’s not a good idea.”

  “You’re not going to hurt someone,” Myra argues.

  “I killed that vampire back at the border. I killed Wes because I was so angry with him I couldn’t control myself. I set Morgan’s legs on fire–”

  “Because she provoked you,” Ryan says. “Because they all provoked you. It’s not like you’re doing these things out of nowhere. There’s a reason. They’re people that are either dangerous or trying to hurt us–or you–at the time.”

  “Morgan wasn’t trying to hurt me,” I whisper.

  Cheyenne nods. “You were going off instinct. Something inside knows what’s going on.”

  “And if I’m wrong?”

  No one answers. My mom has been silent up to this point, but she’s the first one to speak up after the question. “One thing at a time. We need to get that girl away from Kane.”

  “Right.” I blow out a breath. “I need to be there.”

  Cheyenne gives me a short smile. “Not happening.”

  “The more of us, the faster we can get it done. The more eyes we have, and the safer it will be.”

  “Or the more distracted we’ll be trying to make sure you don’t get hurt.”

  “I agree,” Ryan says.

  I grit my teeth. “I can take care of myself.”

  “Kane is a full vampire now. Can you outrun him if you need to?” Myra asks.

  “I wouldn’t let him get that close.”

  “What if the other shapeshifter is there? Can you fight off two at once?”

  Unease trickles into my stomach. “I have the blue fire.”

  “And you’re willing to use it?” Cheyenne asks.

  I stare at her, not sure how to answer the question. “I…yes.”

  “Even if it means someone getting hurt?”

  I falter even more in my response this time. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. But that’s what Kane’s doing, and I have to base my actions off the greater good.

  “Stay here,” Faye says.

  “What if I stay in the car? Or stay away from the hotel? You’re going to need eyes inside, someone to make sure Kane’s not in there. Or someone to cause a distraction so you can get in there.”

  “We’ll manage,” Ryan says.

  Myra nods. “There are still more of us, and we have a simple mission. Rescue.”

  “I still think–”

  “No.” Cheyenne’s single word cuts through the room. “You’re outvoted. We’re a team and we all get a say. Sorry, Willow, but it’s better for you to stay here.”

  I draw in a slow breath. They’re going to need my help. And even if they don’t, it doesn’t hurt to have someone to watch their back. Just in case.

  Not only that, Morgan is a wild card. We don’t know where she is right now, but if she’s with Kane and she finds out what we’re there for–or worse, we see her–she’ll jump in on the fight.

  But I say nothing, letting the group disperse to get ready. Night’s creeping over the town outside the window as I walk upstairs to the room I’m sharing with Logan.

  It’s cool and quiet inside, with Logan nowhere in sight. I’m partially grateful he’s not in on this mission. I don’t want him to get hurt. But he’s a formidable enemy, and he’d make their team stronger. I pull on a pair of dark tennis shoes, lace them up,
and continue to sit on the edge of the bed.

  With my mind, I feel around for Morgan. I search for her energy, try to feel for her presence. After a moment, it’s like I’m separated from my body. Invisible and swift, I travel over dark roads and through the trees, only a short distance.

  The hotel.

  She’s there. I focus harder and I’m transported to the same suite Kane occupied when I was with him. Inside, the room is dim. In the corner, the girl reclines on a chair, shaking and clutching a blanket around her. She’s pale, eyes closed and cheeks taut.

  I look away, hating to see her like that. What if we’re too late? Then we’ll have a vampire on our hands, and an unstable one at that.

  The other shapeshifter watches television to tune out the low murmur of voices in the other room. I wander in that direction, keeping my steps light even though I know they can’t hear me. I can make myself visible if I want, but in this case, it’s better to remain unseen. Even that takes focus.

  Kane sits on the edge of the bed, looking relaxed, and Morgan stands in front of him with her arms crossed. I’m surprised at the jolt I get when seeing her. I knew she wasn’t on her side, but I wasn’t expecting to get confirmation like this.

  “I’d rather be here with you,” she murmurs.

  “And you will be. Soon. I need you there. I need to know what they’re up to.”

  “Not much at this point.”

  “Are they still planning on doing the spell?”

  Morgan shrugs. “Sure, but they can’t do it without me.”

  “Are you positive of that?”

  She purses her lips. “Pretty sure.”

  “You have to be positive.”

  “She’s too afraid to even do a spell on the werewolf. She can’t control it. She set my legs on fire, Kane.”

  His gaze drops to her legs, scanning them. His lips curve.

  “It’s not funny,” she says, shoving his shoulder. “It hurt like hell.”

  Kane hooks her around the waist, drawing her to him. “She’ll get what’s coming to her, baby, I promise. You have to admit, it’s pretty impressive.”

  “She’s not impressive at all. She’s weak. You’d use the fire like a god.”

  “And you’ll be by my side, right?”

  Morgan sighs when he kisses the flesh just above the top of her shirt. “Yes,” she breathes before lowering her mouth to his.


  I’m jolted back to the present by a hand on my shoulder. My eyes focus on Cheyenne’s. “Wh-what?”

  She frowns, staring at my face. “What happened? Did you see something?”


  “Intentionally or on accident?”

  “Intentionally.” I stand slowly, already feeling the weakness in my legs. It doesn’t ever get easier–at least not the effects of traveling from my physical body. “I think it’s something you all need to hear.”

  Cheyenne cocks her head, then nods, starting toward the doorway. “Okay, but I need you to do something first.”


  She walks down the stairs and I follow, listening to hear sounds of everyone else in the house. It’s quiet.

  “A spell or something, on the safe room downstairs. If we get that vampire here or Morgan sees us or something goes wrong, we might need the room to be a little safer.”

  “A spell to keep someone in?”

  She nods, leading us to the basement. I hear voices there, and I’m surprised to find the rest of the group standing around the door and Logan inside the room.

  I glance at her, already getting a bad feeling. “What’s going on?”

  “He overheard our plan.” She shrugs and nudges me to the door. “Either way, we need a spell.”

  I step in hesitantly, keeping my eyes on him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because I don’t want you to be mad at me,” he says. “But this is necessary.”

  “What’s necessary?” I ask, whipping around. “What are you talking about?”

  I try to step out the door again, but I’m blocked by an invisible wall. I lift my hands, pressing my palms against a smooth, invisible surface.

  “Did you do this?” I ask Faye.

  She has the decency to look guilty. “James helped me. Don’t be mad, Willow, it’s for your safety.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I told you–”

  “Then why’d you put on those shoes?” Cheyenne asks, glancing to my feet.

  I glare at her. “This isn’t a joke.”

  “No, it’s not. You’re the one Kane wants.”

  “And he’s perfectly capable of hurting you all regardless, which is why I need to be there to help keep you safe. We’re a team.”

  “And as a team,” Logan says from behind me, “we think it’s best to keep you safe. You might be the only who can end this, Willow.”

  He steps closer, staring into my eyes. His eyes flicker with darkness, the same eclipse of his irises that means he’s going to influence me.

  “You want to stay here, Willow,” he says, voice a low murmur. “It’s safer for you.”

  My fingertips zap with blue energy, emitting a crackle into the air that steals his focus. He takes a slow step back, murmuring my name under his breath.

  “Don’t do this,” I say to him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He meets my eyes again, but this time his are clear blue. “You won’t.”

  “I’m not in control and you know it. I need to be there with you. With everyone.”

  “And I need you safe,” he says, eyes softening.

  “Logan, you don’t understand. It could be even more dangerous.”

  He steps to me and takes my hand, even when the blue energy burns hot where our fingers are linked. “Then tell me.”

  “Hold on,” I whisper, and close my eyes.

  I’ve never taken someone with me before when I’ve projected myself somewhere else. But I’m confident I can do it. And when my spiritual body jerks from my physical one and I can still feel Logan’s hand in mine, I project myself to the hotel before I can make sure it’s really working.

  We land in the middle of the living room. When I turn, he’s there, eyes wide.

  “Willow,” he whispers.

  I can only see a vague outline of him. I hold my finger to my lips and focus on making us invisible. Then I squeeze his hand and lead him past the girl in the chair, behind the couch where the shapeshifter has fallen asleep watching his show, and to the bedroom.

  The door is shut now, but we just walk right through like it doesn’t even exist. Logan’s hand tightens on mine. I wish I had a chance to explain to him how all this works, but there isn’t time. At least he’s hanging on and keeping quiet.

  The room is warm, and it’s easy to see what’s happening the moment we enter. Morgan stands at the end of the bed, desire in her eyes, and her hand on the strap of her bra. She pulls it down slowly and says, “I don’t have much time.”

  Kane grins. “Then hurry.”

  In the blink of an eye, he snatches her from the end of the bed and then he’s on top of her. Not wanting either of us to see what’s going to happen next, I jerk Logan back to our bodies.

  His breath whooshes out, and he falls to his knees. I sit heavily on the bed in the safe room, my vision blurring slightly.

  “What the hell was that?” Myra asks, walking in and kneeling next to Logan.

  “I’m sorry.” I hitch a breath. “You had to see.”

  Logan lifts his head, his eyes meeting mine with such a hurt expression, I slide down to the floor to be next to him.

  “I’m sorry,” I murmur, taking his hand.

  He curls his fingers around mine and addresses the rest of the group. “Morgan’s not on our side.”

  Chapter 12

  “Can you give us a minute?” Logan asks the rest of the group.

  Myra stands, but grips his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  He lifts his eyebrows. “I just�
��astral projected to Kane’s hotel room. I don’t know if I’m okay. I’m pretty pissed off, though. This is bullshit. It’s–”

  He breaks off and shoves a hand through his hair, pushing to his feet. “Give us a minute.”

  Cheyenne gives me a look I can’t quite decipher, but lets us have our moment. I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m going to try to convince Logan to let me out of this room. And to come with them. Which I am, but she’s not my mother. If Logan agrees I should come along, I’m coming.

  “Is this why you were doing a spell?” Logan asks.

  He paces one way and then the other, only looking at me when I don’t answer. I lean against the wall, still shaky from our trip to the hotel, and nod. “Yes.”

  “And why you’ve been picking fights with her?”

  “I haven’t been picking fights–”

  He silences me with a sharp look. “And why you set her on fire?”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose, and I already told you that. If you still don’t believe me, you can go to hell.”

  He stops pacing and looks at me, amusement racing across his face. It barely masks the anger, however. “Aren’t you going to say ‘I told you so’?”

  “I told you so,” I spit at him, heading for the door.

  I hit the invisible barrier immediately and curse, holding my arm where it banged the surface. It heals quickly, and I try another tactic. A spell.

  Logan speaks above my low murmuring. “Trying to run away?”

  I spin around. “Taunting me like that is probably not your best course of action right now.”

  “Speaking to you in a reasonable way didn’t seem to be working.”

  “You were going to trap me in here and influence me. How is that reasonable?”

  “It was for your own good and–no, don’t turn away from me. You’re not getting out of here so we might as well talk.”

  I rest my forehead against the wall, fighting through the wave of dizziness and anger. But it’s suffocating me.

  “We don’t have time for this, Logan. Did you see that girl in the corner? She was sick. She’s changing.”


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