Shifter: Stefan's Mark

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Shifter: Stefan's Mark Page 10

by Jaden Sinclair

  "What did we just do?” Sidney moaned.

  Stefan moved to his side, watching as she covered herself. When she tried to withdraw from him, he felt the rejection all the way to his gut. He reached out to touch her shoulder but was rewarded with her tensing. It seemed that they were back to where they started.

  His anger came back in full force. He couldn't believe that after all that went on between them, the great sex, she was once again withdrawing from him. “We did not do anything wrong,” Stefan snapped.

  Sidney pulled away from him. She slipped off the bed and wrapped the sheet around her body. “This shouldn't have happened."

  "Fuck!” Stefan groaned the word softly, rubbing his hands over his face then hitting the bed with his closed fist. “Why?” he demanded harshly. “Why shouldn't this have happened Sidney?” He sat up in the bed, bringing his knees up to his chest. “You seemed pretty happy a few moments ago. You weren't telling me how much of a fucking mistake it was when you were screaming for me to fuck you hard!” Stefan was no longer holding back his anger. He let it come out full force.

  Sidney looked at him with tears in her eyes before she turned her back on him and headed to the bathroom. Stefan jumped from the bed. With a deep warning growl, he rushed to her. He took her arm, swung her around to face him, and pushed her against the bathroom door.

  "Don't you run from me again.” He growled, anger coming off him in heated waves. “Don't you dare try to shut me out again. Not after that, not after what we both felt."

  "Don't...” she pleaded with him as a tear finally fell from her eye.

  "Don't what? Don't fucking love you, or don't tell you the truth?” When she tried to turn away from him, Stefan grabbed her arms and shook her. “Stop running! Stop running from me and from yourself. Stop running from this!” He kissed her hard.

  "I'm not running.” She breathed out when he broke the kiss. “I'm scared.” Her eyes told him the truth when she glanced up at him. “We shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have said what you did!"

  Stefan saw her pain and let his anger go. He rested his forehead on hers, taking a deep breath. “I didn't do anything wrong,” he told her softly. “We didn't do anything wrong! You are my soul, my other half. Without you, I am nothing. Don't you see that? Don't you feel it as I do?” He brushed the hair from her face. “Don't you see how right we are for each other?"

  "I'm scared,” she whispered, shaking in his arms.

  Stefan held her tight. “I know,” he whispered back.

  "What are you doing to me?” she croaked, resting her head on his chest. “Why do I feel safe in your arms and at the same time want to run far away?"

  "Because I excite you,” he answered. “And because your soul knows I am the only one for you."

  "I've never felt safe before, Stefan,” she whispered, finally looking up at him. “Why do I feel safe with you?"

  "Because deep in your heart and soul, you know I will never hurt you.” He rubbed his hand up and down on her back.

  Stefan heard her sharp intake of breath and waited for the next surprise. “You bit me,” she smiled, touching the spot on her shoulder and glancing at him curiously.

  A deep rumble of laughter escaped him. “You returned the favor as I recall—several times."

  Sidney giggled. “Yes, you're right, I did.” Sidney's giggled once more before her smile faltered and her fears once again crept inside. She moved away from him, pulling the sheet up and around her breasts, sitting Indian style on the bed. “What are we doing? What am I doing?” She moaned.

  "Uh-oh.” He groaned as he lay down on the bed. “Are we back to where I think we are?"

  "This changes nothing.” She said softly, lowering her eyes and head, hugging the sheet closer to her body. “You're still my captor."

  "Nothing has changed in my eyes.” He rose up on his side, resting his weight on one elbow, and reached out to brush his knuckles against her cheek but missed with her scooting away. “You are still my mate."

  "And I'm still as much a prisoner here as I am at home,” she snapped, moving from the bed, taking the sheet with her. Stefan watched her work at wrapping the sheet around her body, trying not to smile at her sudden modesty or her anger. “You really are no better than my father."

  That cooled him down. “I am a lot different from your father,” he shot back hotly. Stefan also came off the bed. He stood a few feet away from her naked as the day he was born. “I don't kill people."

  "My father didn't kill anyone,” she hissed. Her cheeks started to get red with her anger.

  "Your father helped kill mine.” Stefan let his bitterness go. “Did you know that? He was there that night, hunting us down like animals!” he yelled. Stefan shook his head and took a few deep calming breaths.

  "You can't know that,” she whispered back. “You said you weren't there, you were hiding in a tree."

  He placed both hands on his hips, turning his back to her for a moment. “I left the tree to go to the house.” He sounded dead and hollow, with his back still to her. “I watched them both cut on my father. I heard his screams of pain.” He turned back around to her, a tear slipping from his eye. “My father saw me and the desperation in his eyes as well as his screams have haunted me for so many years. Yes, I hid in the tree and prayed as I waited for my mother to come and find me. So, Sidney, I do know what your father is capable of and ask you not to compare me to him."

  "I can't do this, Stefan,” she spoke soft, but the desperation was there as well as in her eyes. She was scared. “I can't be what you want me to be and look over my shoulder for my father to come.” She swallowed hard. “I can't be your slave."

  "I'm not a slave master, Sidney.” He grinned. “I'm not asking you to be something that I know you're not. All I want is you. That has always been what I wanted."

  She shook her head, taking another step back, but this time he managed to get his hand on her and pull her into his arms. Stefan smiled. “I'm not expecting miracles here, all I'm asking for is a chance or a least a truce."

  "A truce?” She frowned and looked up at him, but surprisingly did not fight to get out of his embrace.

  "A truce with benefits?” He grinned, one eyebrow going up in unison with his questioning smirk.

  Of all things for her to do, or say, laughing was not one of the things he had expected. He felt the change in her, felt her relax against him, hoping, that finally, the fight was over.

  "Why are you laughing?” Stefan asked with a smile on his face.

  Sidney opened her mouth to answer but stopped when someone knocked on the door. Panic washed over her face when she glanced up at Stefan, letting him see with her body language how unsure she still was about this circumstance.

  "Who is it?” Stefan called out. He rubbed her bare shoulders, trying to get her to calm down and relax once again.

  "Dedrick. Come down to the office."

  Stefan smiled. “Just like him.” He kissed Sidney deeply, passionately. “Don't get dressed. When I come back, I am going to ravish you again, just so you can get your doubts of how much I really want you out of that pretty head of yours."

  "Really?” She looked shocked before her eyes went down to his cock that was slightly hard once again. “Is that really possible?

  "You can count on it because I am a shifter male in my prime.” Stefan picked up his jeans from the floor and quickly slipped them on. “We have a sex drive you wouldn't believe.” He licked his lips, his eyes roaming over her body. “I mean it, Sid. Whatever you put on, I'm going to rip off."

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  Chapter Seven

  Sidney searched through the dressers until she found a shirt. Smiling, she brought it up to her nose and inhaled his scent. The sheet dropped, and the shirt she slipped over her head barely covered her ass. After all, she couldn't stand her ground with only a sheet covering her body.

  She walked around the room, gazing at things with a new set of eyes. Sidney had to admit that some
kind of truce with Stefan might make this whole thing understandable as well as help with the living arrangements. She felt some of the pressure lift from her shoulders but not all of it. If what he said about her father being there when his had been killed, then everything really did change. Yet, she couldn't get rid of the dread hanging over her. Her fears were that her father was not up to anything good and that she was going to be smack dab in the middle of it. So what it really did come down to was this. Should she pick her father, the man who had controlled everything in her life, or pick the man who despite kidnapping her, was offering her the love she desperately needed? It was a question she didn't know how to answer.

  Her father and his way of doing things is the only way of family life she has ever known. He is the kind of man who knows nothing but destroying happiness. Sidney saw that with her mother. As a young child, she had seen how happy and carefree her mother was, and then her father did something to change it. Candace Martin started to die slowly on the inside, and her father didn't seem to give a damn.

  And then here comes Stefan Draeger. The man did kidnap her, yes, but she felt right off that he was trying to give her something she never had before. Acceptance and love no matter what she did or tried to pull. Sidney had never seen the kind of patience in one person as she saw in him. But could she stay here and give him what he asked? Could she really give him her heart? It was another question she couldn't answer right now.

  She was heading to the bathroom when she heard the doorknob turn. Whipping around, her heart began to pound. The door opened, and Stefan came in. The heated expression he gave her was enough to have her body throb for him all over again.

  "A shirt?” An eyebrow went up and his hands went to the snap on his jeans.

  "Maybe I wanted to see what you would do?” she shot back. Desire rushed through her, and her clit seemed to pound with a life of its own. For some strange reason, the thrill of the unknown began to excite her.

  Stefan smiled at her. “What do you think I am going to do?” his voice thickened, becoming almost dangerous. It made her pussy wet.

  Sidney licked her lips and fisted her hands tightly in the shirt. She watched him slide his jeans down his strong legs. Her mouth watered at the sight of his cock standing at perfect attention.

  "Nothing,” she whispered, taking a step back. She smiled at the way he looked at her, smiled at the way he was making her feel.

  Sidney turned and dashed to the bathroom. She slammed the door on him and locked it with a giggle. Her pulse raced at the game they were playing.

  "Sidney,” Stefan called from the other side of the door.

  Sidney laughed. “Yes?"

  "You better back away from the door.” His voice was deep and held a promise of much more to come.

  Sidney found that she couldn't stop smiling. “And why would I want to do that?"

  "Because I am going to kick it in,” he purred.

  "You wouldn't!” she cried out as she backed out of the way.

  Stefan didn't answer her, and that alone gave her the chills. Her hands curled into fists and uncurled in the tail of the shirt, and a slight smile crossed her lips. Excitement started to touch her, and nerves swirled in her stomach. Sidney jumped and cried out when he kicked the door in. Red eyes bore down on her, exciting her even further. Sidney backed up, but didn't make it far. He was on her, scooping her up and sitting her down hard on the bathroom counter. His hands grabbed the collar of the shirt and ripped it down the sides of her shoulders. Sidney moaned. She couldn't stop the sound from slipping past her lips.

  Their lips came together, their tongues mated and their bodies pressed against each other in a heated frenzy. Sidney wrapped her legs around him. She gave in to what she was feeling, deciding that she needed to go with her heart.

  "You ready for our next round?” his voice held the challenge, yet seemed more controlled. It seemed to ignite a fire deep within her.

  Sidney never got the chance to answer him. He moved back, yanking her from the counter and turning her over. She observed him through the mirror, watched his red eyes as they penetrated right into her soul. Her legs were parted, and her eyes closed. His fingers tangled into her hair, pulling her head back sharply.

  "Watch me,” he commanded harshly.

  Sidney kept her eyes on his hand as it came up and cupped one breast. He squeezed the mound, eyes meeting eyes in the mirror. Sidney found it difficult to hold his gaze. The heat that came off his cock as he nudged her entrance began to drive her crazy. She tried to push back against him, but he was able to hold her still. The only thing he let her do was watch him and feel.

  In a leisurely manner, he entered her pussy. Sidney stared at his face and felt his cock stretch her ever so slowly. It seemed that watching him heightened all feelings and sensations in her. The pleasure seemed to heighten with each thick inch that he forced in, and the only thing she could do was try to push back against him.

  His hand on her breast squeezed harder as well as the one on her hip. Pressure built to a point that Sidney didn't think she would be able to handle. Just when she thought she might explode, he increased the intensity, and the pressure heightened even more.

  She raised her hand, slapping the mirror and trying like hell to push back against him, to force him to enter her fully, to ease the pressure that was slowly building. Despite her efforts, he didn't give her what she wanted. Stefan continued to slowly enter her body stretching the muscles.

  "Stop teasing me,” she moaned.

  Stefan chuckled, stopped, and began to pull out in the same manner that he pushed in.

  "Damn you!"

  "Are you going to shut me out again?” he asked, his voice thickening, both hands on her hips, holding on tight.

  "What?” she cried out, gazing at him in the mirror as if he had lost his mind.

  The head of his cock slid in and out, teasing, driving her crazy with need. Sidney again tried to push back against him, to take him back into her body, but he held her tightly. “You heard me."

  "No!” she yelled, trying again to push back against him, to take his cock into her tight depths and ease the ache of need.

  "And no more running?"

  "Anything!” Sidney screamed. “Just stop torturing me."

  "That's all I wanted to hear,” he purred in her ear.

  Sidney screamed the moment he plunged into her full force. Her pussy stretched, and an orgasm rippled through her unexpectedly. Sidney held onto the mirror while he pounded her almost brutally. Her eyes closed tightly as another sensation of a fast-approaching orgasm was about to hit, only found it never came.

  Stefan stopped and pulled completely out of her again. Sidney was about to yell at him but stopped cold when she felt the cheeks of her ass part and the wet head of his cock nudge the extra tight ring of her ass.

  "Stefan, no!” Sidney yelled.

  She tried to pull away from him, but with his hands on her hips and the counter at her belly, she had no place to go. She tried to fight him, tried like hell to push him out with her body, but it didn't work. Two fingers thrust back into her to bring her juices back toward the small entrance of her ass. Several times he did this, pushing her own wetness into her ass, lubricating it. The third time he pushed into her pussy, Sidney tumbled over the edge. She screamed her release, arching back into him. That was enough for the head of his cock to force its way inside.

  Sidney cried out again at the feel of the invasion in her ass. The burning pain that mixed with the pleasure became something she could neither stand nor go without. Never did she think she could feel so possessed and conquered, yet safe at the same time. Sidney looked at his eyes in the mirror. His eyes were closed, and a deep, concentrated frown in place and his mouth was open.

  "Stefan.” Sidney gasped his name out. Stefan opened his eyes, and Sidney saw the deep red in them along with the lust that was building. His hips jerked sharply and he impaled the rest of his cock fully in her ass.

  "You are so fucking tigh
t back here,” he growled.

  Sidney whimpered. She could do nothing else, not even move. When he slowly pulled out, Sidney thought she was going to die because the pleasure was so intense. In fact, she knew she must have from all the feelings and emotions that went through her, but Sidney knew she was alive and cried out in bliss when he shoved back in hard. The roughness in the way he took her was something she had only dreamed about. Never did she think she would be bent over a bathroom sink, taken from behind, or in the ass. Now she was doing both.

  "Scream for me,” he commanded roughly in her ear.

  Sidney cried out and deliberately tightened her ass around his cock. It got her a deep growl from him as his hands moved to her breasts, squeezing the mounds tightly. Out slowly, in hard and quick. That was how he fucked her ass until she was panting and screaming at him. Another tight flex of her ass, and it was all over for him. Stefan reared back on her, drove his cock forcefully into her ass, and yelled. Sidney watched it all in the mirror. She saw the slight change in his body, the hair that sprouted over his body and the wolf appearance in his face.

  * * * *

  Keeping his arms tightly wrapped around her body, Stefan started the shower and washed her gently. They stayed in the shower until all the hot water was gone. Now she lay in the bed, in his arms sore as hell, but alive. “I feel like I've changed."


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