Shifter: Stefan's Mark

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Shifter: Stefan's Mark Page 12

by Jaden Sinclair

  Stefan let go of her, letting her roll away. He glanced down and saw the blood on the sheets. Her shattered virginity. Stefan couldn't feel bad. She was his. He saw her eyes settle on the stain and he saw a slow blush creep up her cheeks.

  "Sidney, come with me, let's shower then get some fresh air.” He extended his hand to her. “I will be a gentleman, I promise."

  Sidney placed her hand in his trustingly. “But will I?"

  Stefan laughed and pulled her close to him. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and then let her go before him into the bathroom. He reached out and swatted her ass. “What have I done?"

  Sidney turned to him with a quizzical expression on her face. “What?"

  "I've created a monster.” He chuckled.

  They took a lengthy shower and dressed. By the time they exited the room, it was late and dark. With her hand tucked safely in his, he led her out of the house toward the woods. They ignored the glances the staff had given them and Dedrick's self-satisfied smile. Stefan could tell that Sidney was relaxed and the peaceful look on her face told him that she was enjoying her time with him.

  * * * *

  "How are you?” Stefan asked her as he led her into the dense trees. He decided to test Sidney by taking her out for lunch then to a wooded park he loved to hang out at. The park was about a mile away from the house and the trees were thick enough to give them much needed privacy.

  A light blush spread up her cheeks. Sidney was surprised she could even walk, but she responded, “Fine."

  Stefan chuckled, a deep, low, rumbling sound. “Liar."

  Sidney giggled. “What do you want? For me to tell you how wonderful you are?"

  Stefan laughed harder and grabbed her for a tight embrace. Sidney couldn't help but enjoy their easy banter. After all, it took to find this place where she could enjoy him, she didn't want to let it go. “That would be nice,” he whispered against her neck.

  "Keep dreaming."

  Stefan lifted her from the ground and Sidney wrapped her legs around his hips while he held her and kissed her. His hardening cock pressed against her, and she couldn't believe that he was ready again.

  "I need you again. I know you ache, but I cannot help myself,” he whispered as he carried her toward a tree.

  Sidney couldn't think. She was totally lost in her feelings. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as his hands began to work on her. She focused on nothing but the wonderful sensations this man created. Soon, his mouth found hers, and she kissed him passionately.

  Sidney broke the kiss and looked out around them. Her gut told her that something was different, but with Stefan kissing on her neck, acting like nothing was wrong, she figured that nothing was wrong. After all, wouldn't he hear or smell something like he said? Once again, she became so deeply involved in their passion that when she heard the crunch of the leaves, it was too late. Her eyes opened at the same moment a dart came flying and hit Stefan.

  Stefan went down fast and hard when the drug hit him. Pinned beneath him, Sidney was too scared and shocked to scream. When she hit the ground, a low oomph exited her mouth, but it was buried beneath Stefan, who had landed like dead weight on top of her.

  It was dark and Sidney couldn't tell who had assaulted them. A needle entered her neck, and soon, the world swam in front of her. Sidney was surprised that Stefan had not caught the scent of the man and that she heard him.

  "We got them."

  Sidney heard nothing more as darkness claimed her.

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  Chapter Eight

  Natasha strolled into the dinning room and frowned. Dedrick was sitting at the table reading his paper, Skyler was eating her breakfast, but Stefan and Sidney were not there. They weren't in their bedroom either. She had stopped there to check on them before coming down.

  "Have you seen Stefan?” she asked Dedrick, heading to the kitchen doorway and checking inside.

  "Isn't he still up in his room?” Dedrick answered. He glanced over his paper at her with a grin. “After all, from what I heard they were going at it pretty hard."

  Natasha gave him a dirty look.

  "I heard them go out back late last night,” Skyler put in. “But I never heard them come back in."

  "Shit, I hope he didn't keep her out there all night.” Natasha turned to go back into the kitchen and head to the back door.

  "Language, Mother.” Dedrick chuckled. “It isn't you."

  Natasha stopped, cocking her head to one side. “Something isn't right."

  "I'm sure they are fine,” Dedrick closed his paper and stood up. He walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. “You just worry too much."

  Natasha shrugged him off and turning she headed to the front door. She opened the thick double oak doors and felt her heart drop into her stomach. “Dedrick!” she yelled.

  "Mother, I'm sure they are just fine,” Dedrick sighed, coming out of the dining room.

  "Then explain to me why the gates are open after we locked them last night?” She turned her head, observing him, dead of all emotions.

  "What?” He stood next to her, glancing out at the iron gates that were wide open.

  "That is something your brother wouldn't have done."

  "We need to find out where he is and fast,” Dedrick said.

  "God, Dedrick.” Natasha looked back at him. “What if..."

  "Don't!” Dedrick snapped sharply, his eyes darkening. “We don't know if he has them or not. Stefan could have taken Sidney to that park he likes."

  Natasha's eyes sparkled with her anger. “Stefan took his daughter. Why wouldn't that man come back to take my son?

  * * * *

  She was running. Tears were coming down her face blinding her to where she was going. Her mother was leaving. He was taking her away, never to see her again. Sidney ran from him, but his arms wrapped around her young frame in an iron grip and yanked her away from the car and her mother.

  "Mom!” Sidney screamed, struggling to get out of her father's grasp.

  The door shut, the car pulled away, and Sidney screamed for her, she cried for her. How could he send her away? How could he do that to her mother?

  The fog left, and Sidney found herself again standing in front of the casket. She looked down at her mother's peaceful face. She died eight months after she left, died trying to give her father the son he always wanted. Sidney heard her father on the phone that morning. He was more upset over the death of his son than of his wife.

  "It's all your fault!"

  Sidney turned toward her father. His hands grabbed her arms brutally, shaking her, and then out of nowhere, a hand connected with her cheek. More shaking came, then a harder grip on her arms.

  "It should have been you Sidney!"

  "Sidney!” A loud banging caused an irritating ache in her head. “Sidney! Wake up! Open your eyes, damn it!"

  There it was. That angry voice again, accusing her, yelling at her. Sidney shook her head. “No,” she mumbled. “It wasn't me. I didn't do it. It shouldn't have been me!” she cried out.

  "Sidney! Please open your eyes."

  Sidney cracked her eyes open and shuddered when a bright, white light assaulted her. Sidney tried to move but couldn't. Her limbs felt like dead weight and her headache was increasing by the second.

  "Where am I?” Sidney croaked. Her throat was dry and she would have killed for a drink. Darkness began to overtake her once again, only this time it was welcome. Stefan's voice interrupted her descent into the darkness.

  "Open your eyes and look at me, Sidney.” Stefan's urgency kept her from going over the edge into the desired blackness.

  "It hurts,” Sidney croaked out again, breathing heavy with the effort.

  "Damn! I know it hurts, baby, but you have to try. Now open your eyes, Sidney.” Stefan's gentle voice urged her to do his bidding but his gut was screaming out a warning. He needed Sidney to open her eyes and help him or they both were going to be up shit's creek.

  Taking a deep
breath, Sidney cracked her eyes open again. A wave of nausea rolled through her, but she fought it off, allowing her eyes to adjust to the offensive light. When the room stopped spinning, Sidney opened her eyes a little more and turned toward Stefan's voice. The horror before her was sickening.

  They were in what seemed to be a cellar or basement. Rusty old pipes were in a corner as well as a stack of wood for an old wood-burning furnace. The room was damp and cold, water dripped onto the floor, and a smell that she couldn't place lingered. However, that wasn't what had a scream dying on her lips. Stefan was locked in a cage across from her. It was so small he surely couldn't even turn around. His large frame was hunched over due to the height of the cage being far too short for such a large man. Sidney glanced down the length of her body. Whoever had taken them had rested her head on a pillow and covered her with a thin blanket. A wave of nausea hit her again and she closed her eyes once more. She swallowed several times to clear her throat before she asked, “Where are we?"

  "I have no idea. Sidney, I need you to open your eyes and look at me. Sidney groaned but did as he asked. “Now listen. There has to be a key to this...” Stefan banged on the bars. “Contraption, somewhere. Baby, I need you to find it."

  Sidney nodded to show she had heard him and gathered up all of her strength to stand. As she got to her feet, a wave of dizziness overtook her. “I'm going to be sick,” Sidney said and groaned.

  * * * *

  Stefan balled his fists and banged on the loathsome bars as he kept his eyes on Sidney who sank back to her knees. Whoever had done this would pay he seethed quietly as he watched Sidney dry heave. Sidney had turned a paler shade than he thought possible. She wrapped her arms around herself, and he assumed she was trying to still the shaking that came with the cold chill of the basement.

  "Breathe deeply, Sidney.” Fear passed through him when he watched her fall to the ground, passed out cold. “Sidney!"

  "Screaming will not help you. There is no one here but me. Oh, and of course, you and the girl.” The man spoke with a deadly calm that Stefan assumed was supposed to send chills of fear down his spine. Instead, it only pissed him off more.

  Stefan tried to turn in order to see who spoke, but couldn't see anything until the guy started to pace around. Stefan was working to clear his head in order to make out the man's profile. He strained to see his features but couldn't, thanks to whatever they had drugged him with. Pure animal rage filled him. Stefan wanted nothing more than to wrap his hands around this person's neck and squeeze.

  "Who the fuck are you?” Stefan asked in a deadly voice, turning his head as much as he could to get a look at this guy.

  "Oh, you know me,” the guy sang out. “We have met before."

  "Well, excuse me if I don't fucking remember assholes.” Stefan growled, fighting with his body to not change out of anger with this bastard. “Sidney,” he called out as gently as he could.

  "Sidney will be fine. She merely passed out.” When he stepped fully into the light, Stefan's breath caught with recognition. “Poor dear. This must have been quite an ordeal for her."

  "You!” Stefan yelled and growled at the same time. His hands gripped the cage so tightly his knuckles turned white. He even tried shaking the bars loose, letting his hate and anger out.

  "Yes.” The man smiled and amusement sounded in his cold, self-assured voice. “Me."

  Mike Stan, friend, the other bastard that took him four years ago, associate of Sidney's father moved in front of the cage. He remembered the man from years before when Sidney's father had captured him. The man crossed his arms over his chest and coldly glared at Stefan, almost daring him to do something about it, and Stefan did something. He rattled his cage, rocking it back and forth, as much as he could.

  "You son of a bitch!” Stefan snarled, hate clearly showing in his eyes. “When I get my hands on you—"

  "Oh, I don't think that will be happening anytime soon,” Mike told him in a soft voice with a grin on his face. “You know I have been searching for you.” He paced around the cage, appearing to be sizing Stefan up. “For so long.” He stopped walking and stand in front of Stefan again. “Too long."

  "And now you've found me.” Stefan's voice held a hint of malice. “So let's cut to the fucking chase here. What could you want with me?"

  Mike tapped his finger on his lip. He appeared to be thinking hard about something. “I couldn't imagine what kind of hold you might have on her. I just had to see for myself. Why would she spread her legs for the likes of you? What would make a girl like Sidney give up her home and her family for you?” The words were ugly and hateful. Mike circled the cage, surveying Stefan distastefully. “You know, I still can't see what it is that has attracted her to you."

  "You sound bitter. Did the one you love reject your sorry ass?” Stefan smiled. “Maybe it was that charming personality of yours. I'm sure it would turn the warmest heart to fucking stone.

  Mike laughed a deep humorless sound. “It's nice to see that, after all this time, you still have a sense of humor."

  "What do you want?” Stefan was tired of this game. He wanted to get to the point of this, get the fuck out of here, kick the shit out of this prick, and get to Sidney. “And don't give me that bullshit about wanting me to change for your sick fucking pleasure."

  "Nothing now. I have obtained my desire.” Mike met Stefan's gaze directly.

  Looking in his eyes, Stefan saw everything. He saw that this time it didn't have to do with him. This had to do with Sidney. A new sense of anger and hate hit him in the gut. Never had Stefan had such an urge to kill, and this time he wanted to rip this fucker's throat out and watch him die. “She won't be with you!” Stefan roared.

  "Oh, she will do what I want if for no other reason than for you.” Mike turned on his heel and moved to Sidney. Stefan growled, low and deep. “She will do as I say. If she wants you to live that is."

  "So you think!” Stefan looked hard at him, knowing his eyes had to be red with his anger. “I won't be caged forever, Mike."

  "Who said anything about forever, dog? I only need you there long enough for her to come to."

  Stefan snarled and growled a low, warning sound as Mike picked Sidney up. He rattled his cage again when Mike rushed out of the room, and then he howled at the top of his lungs. Stefan couldn't stand the thought of Mike putting his hands on her—filling her head with lies, but he couldn't stop it. His rage knew no bounds, but until the moon was full and high, he could do nothing. He would be in heat, and his strength would match his anger—only then could he do something to stop him.

  * * * *

  Mike carried Sidney up the stairs and away from the animal that he knew was trashing her mind. When he entered his room, he set her in the center of the bed and sat back, allowing his gaze to travel over her. The last four years had been good to her. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Mike thought she would be perfect for his son, Josh.

  Josh was a lot like Mike and had the same passion about the threat of werewolves, so Mike knew he would protect Sidney with his life. It was really a shame that Josh wasn't here now. Mike would love to show that animal down in the basement what a man could do and would do with a woman like Sidney. An animal such as that didn't deserve her. Josh did! Besides, having Josh marry Sidney would guarantee that Mike would be able to continue the research as he was doing now. Martin wouldn't fund any further research until Sidney was home, and if Mike could get her to marry Josh, then Martin wouldn't cut the funding off and move on. So he was going to skin the dog and make a rug out of him just to make sure she understood how important all of this was to him. If Martin didn't get what he wanted, then Mike wasn't going to get what he wanted.

  Mike moved away from the bed to get a cool cloth. It was time she woke up. When he returned to her side, Sidney was awake and staring at him, wide-eyed shock and confusion on her face. When she glanced around the room and then back at him, Mike saw a slight bit of wariness in her.

  "I've never
seen that look in your eyes before. Do you really think I would hurt you? There are some clean clothes that should fit you if you'd like to get freshened up.” Mike reached out to run the cool cloth over her heated skin. Sidney flinched. Mike sighed. “I would never hurt you, Sid."

  "It's not me I'm worried about.” Her eyes were wide as she looked at him. “What did you do to Stefan?"

  "You don't need to worry about him anymore,” he answered her softly. “He will never touch you again."

  "Mike, listen to me."

  "Hush.” His fingers came to rest on her lips, but Sidney knocked his hand away. “Your father will be here tomorrow night to take you back home where you belong. Everything will go back to normal for you."

  "Fuck you, Mike,” she snapped.

  "Sidney, he is not the one for you. You must stop thinking of him,” Mike cooed as he moved to stroke her hair back from her face.

  "If you value your life, you will leave now. Night is coming, and you will regret what you have done."

  Sidney's threat was full of confidence. Mike gave her a once over with his eyes and he could tell that the expression in his eyes began to really frighten her. “I can't let him have you, Sidney. Don't you understand that? You belong to Josh."

  "Are you out of your mind?” she breathed out. “Josh? I ... I-I don't even know him, and it seems that I don't even know you!"

  Mike stood up from the bed, stared down at her, and yelled, “You know me, Sidney. And you belong with Josh!"

  He stormed out of the room, locking her in before he went down to face it. He stomped down the stairs to the basement. Seeing Sidney and the look in her eyes made his anger boil over, and Stefan was the target of his fury. He searched for something to beat the creature with and found a pipe. With that in hand, he stalked toward the cage and thrust at him, catching him hard in his rib cage. An evil smile of pleasure lit his face as Stefan sank to the ground. Because he knew he could, Mike struck once again through the bars, this time catching Stefan on the back.

  "Tonight, when my son arrives, he will enjoy the pleasure of her. He will break her and make her forget all about you.” He spit. “I will enjoy hearing her scream and enjoy watching him break her."


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