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cloenew Page 6

by Jana Leigh

  “Fuck yeah.” Darien moaned as he lifted his head. Darien had been with other men before; he was openly bisexual but was not sure about his mate. He guessed from the surprised looked on Teagan"s face the man had never thought about a man that way. He smiled at both of his mates and said, “Well?”

  “Nice.” Cloe said and kissed him lightly and then turned and kissed Teagan.

  “Not bad.” Teagan said and laughed. “I think the next few days are going to prove to be interesting.”


  The three of them exited the room holding hands and saw that her father had stationed two Enforcers outside the door to guard. She smiled and ordered them to gather the rest of the Enforcers so they could give assignments out. Cloe wanted to be able to walk into the meeting her father called and give an update about what was going on. They were not under attack yet, but they will be soon, she thought and followed the men as they walked out into the street. Cloe knew the attack this morning was just a warning, the Rogues had sent more wolves, and it was just a matter of time before they got here.

  Everything seemed to be normal, although there were no people on the street. It was like a regular hot summer day, the people of the town could all be in their air-conditioned homes and businesses. No one wanting to come out into the heat, until after it cooled down a little, Colorado weather was very strange. Even in the summer in the mornings, it could be cool and brisk, then by lunch time the heat could be oppressive, until the sun went down again and then it would turn cool again. There was no humidity, so it was a dry heat, which was nice for a wolf since their coats tended to be thick.

  Cloe looked again at the downtown area and noticed the signs on the storefronts already said closed. Her father had already ordered the town to shut everything down and go to the meeting room. If she had to bet, she would also assume that everyone of the Pack, even on the outskirts of town were already on their way.

  She nodded to the Enforcers who had all gathered in front of the Pack house. They quickly assigned duties to each of them. Cloe and Teagan decided that they needed to find out if there were any more of the Rogues in sight. So, each of them were going to shift and in pairs run a certain part of the limits of town. Teagan and Cloe were going to go together.

  “I am coming with you.” Darien said firmly and she looked at him surprised. “The rest of my Enforcers will help and we can get this done quicker. I am going to order my wolves to pair up with yours, and to see if they can get a cell signal anywhere out of the city limits, and call the Denver Pack. We are going to need some help.” Cloe nodded in agreement and sent the first two Enforcers off to the east side of town.

  While they waited for a report, Teagan got a map of the area and began looking to see if there were a place, they would be able to sneak the humans out if needed. The rest of the Enforcers made a makeshift control center around them, so they were sheltered.

  They could have gone into the Pack house but Cloe did not want to scare the rest of the Pack until she had to. The first pair returned and the second left.

  They reported the Rogues stationed wolves around the perimeter surrounding the town; they had been unable to see a way to get out without the Rogues seeing them. Whoever they were, they were organized, and they had a lot of wolves. With every team that returned and then went out, they heard the same story. So far, there was no way they would be able to get anyone in or out of the town. It was looking bleak. They were going to have to make a stand, and if the numbers were any indication, they were severely outnumbered.

  Cloe, Darien, and Teagan were the last to go out. They headed to the South of town, where her house was. The air around them shimmered when they shifted. If a stranger were looking, they may have thought it was a magic trick. Though how they could explain a wolf stood where a human had just been standing without sounding kinda crazy was impossible. But humans, generally speaking, would try to say anything to let them feel like they had not just seen a shifter. Their minds were just not ready for that yet. Cloe had been impressed when they first shifted. Darien was as big as Teagan and just as beautiful in his wolf form. They were both light brown colored with black streaks running through; her black wolf approved, and was turned on by the sight.

  They ran in the trees that bordered the road. When they reached the edge of town, they could see a plume of smoke rising. Cloe growled and took off in a sprint, she knew what she was seeing was her house on fire. Someone had gone into her house and torched it.

  It pissed her off. Just before they reached the tree line that surrounded her house, Darien grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her down. He could see her house surrounded by men. He knew they were shifters, probably the Rogues they had been searching for. They had made a makeshift command center right in her front lawn.

  They were bold.

  Using the trees as cover, Darien shifted first and then Teagan and Cloe followed. None of them seemed to care that they were crouched in the trees naked.

  “Do you recognize any of them?” She whispered to Darien.

  “No, but then we had no idea who we were fighting in the first place.” Darien said quietly.

  They watched for a few minutes. Teagan shifted back and ran parallel to them, trying to see if there was a way to get around the Rogues. When he returned he just shook his head and remained in wolf form. Darien and Cloe shifted back and they returned to the Pack house.

  “Well, this is going to really suck.” Cloe said after she had dressed again.

  “Let's go and tell your father.” Teagan said and held out his hand.

  Darien took her other side and the rest of the Enforcers went to their posts, with back up from Darien"s wolves. They were to watch and make sure that none of the Rogues tried to get into town. He took her hand and guided her and Teagan into the meeting room where the rest of the Pack had gathered. He was surprised at the number of people that were in the room.

  “How big is this Pack?” He asked quietly.

  “Actual Pack members are around seventy, but all the humans in the town hold an honorary position, and we have members who do not always live in Milliken, they migrate.” Cloe said.

  “Holy shit.” Darien said under his breath.

  Cloe and Teagan chuckled and made their way to the front of the room where Cloe"s parents were standing. Her mother turned and frowned at them as they approached.

  She pulled her daughter into a hug and whispered something into her ear. Cloe leaned back and frowned.

  “What?” Cloe said.

  “You heard me, I wish you would have had more time with your mates, the first time you have sex is amazing isn"t it?” Adele said and laughed at her daughter"s astonished expression. “What? I am not so old that I don"t know what the pull feels like.”

  “Uh, well, that is, I think I need a drink or something, is there ice water somewhere around here?” Darien stammered.

  “I think what he is trying to say Alpha Adele, is that he is a little embarrassed talking about sex with his mate"s mom, and he wants to run and hide.” Teagan smirked and laughed when Darien blushed.

  “Mother, not now.” She groaned in embarrassment and put her hands up to her face to hide the red creeping into her cheeks.

  “What are we talking about?” Bryan"s voice boomed from behind them.

  “Nothing, just that our daughter"s sex life obviously is off-limits for discussion.” Adele drawled. “She is looking a little freaked out. I wonder if she realizes that we had to have sex in order to get her. Cloe you"re a doctor, surely you know the ins and outs of the mating process. And Darien here seems to have some issues surrounding sex. He may need a little guidance.”

  Darien frowned and tried to decide if he should be offended or laugh. He looked at his mates who were both snickering and then decided that they thought it was funny and said, “May be you should draw a picture for us. Only if they have places to color in that would be great, you know I have a short attention span.” Cloe and Teagan looked at him in surprise before lau
ghing loudly. The Alphas joined in briefly, before they had to become serious again. “You will do.” Her mother said and patted Darien on the arm.

  Motioning them into the corner Bryan and Adele whispered. “What do you know?” Cloe explained how the Rogues had surrounded the town. Swearing, Bryan and Adele shook their heads before Bryan said. “Well, let"s get this over with, we need to put our heads together and get organized.”

  Cloe nodded and then stepped back. She took her place in front of the Pack alongside her parents and mates. Her father"s voice called the Pack to attention, as he slowly explained the situation to the Pack. Most of the shifter members of the Pack knew about the old Prophesy. She heard a gasp when her father announced that one of their own was one of the Chosen. The humans of course had no reason to ever hear about it, and they scooted to the edges of their seats as Bryan spun the tale of a new world.

  Excitement burst throughout the room when he finished with the story. Adele had to whistle loudly to get everyone"s attention again.

  “Sorry, folks, that is not why you were called here. As you well know, earlier today we had an incident on the main street. Rogue wolves have tracked Cloe here and seem to be hell-bent on hurting her before she can claim her spot as part of the New Council. We sent out the Enforcers, and they have surrounded the town. So far, we have no idea what their intention is, I would certainly understand if some of you want no part of this fight. We have the bomb shelter below that will house the members who choose to take advantage of it. There is no question, the women and children will go immediately, of course. A group of Enforcers will protect them. Men over the age of eighteen and any women without children can stay above and help if they wish. We would not ask any of you to put you or your family at risk unless you wanted to. None of us will think less of you.” Bryan said. “Before we go any farther, I want all the Pack members who need to be in the shelter taken there now, so we can ascertain how many people we have.” There was a lot of noise and confusion. Cloe held her head high, even though she felt like she had brought a fight to the Pack that they never signed up for. When they moved here and her father became the Alpha, they had still hidden from the Pack who she was.

  Cloe expected them to be a little pissed about the deceit and the fact they had been drug into a fight that they never signed up for. She could not have been more wrong.

  Her mother sniffed, she turned as she wiped a tear off her cheek and was witness to their town and Pack all coming together. Several of the Enforcers who had been ordered to protect them took the women and children downstairs. From what she could tell, no men had followed the group. Human and shifter alike stood with her family.

  “Good, thank you for all of your support. Humans, we need to have you armed with silver bullets, all of you should have brought your own weapons, but for those who do not have one, see Earl from the sports shop for one. We are going to have Cloe make a schedule for patrols until we can try to talk to the Rogues and get their demands. From now on, no one is alone; we go in pairs or groups anywhere. Earl has also brought out the walkie-talkies for all of us to use. For those of you who do not know, Cloe has found her mates. One of our own, Teagan, and Darien are both her mates. In the past, we would have had a celebration to welcome them into the Pack. Obviously, we won"t do that, but I want all of you to understand that they are now a unit. So for the time being, we have three Betas; go to them with any of your concerns or worries.” Bryan said.

  “Also, non-wolves will stay in town to help protect the humans. We don"t need to broadcast it that we have more than wolves here.”

  Cloe looked around the room and then smiled at her Pack, a brief plan started to form in her mind and she stepped forward. “Shane, can I see you for a few minutes?” She called out. A small man came forward and she smiled wider. How had she not thought of this before, here was an eagle shifter, and he could get to Darien"s friends to get help. No one knew the town held various shifters; Shane should be able to get past the blockades and get to Denver within the next few hours.

  She turned to her father who was smiling and nodding. Teagan kissed her cheek and Darien stood confused at what was happening. “Watch out, girl in action.” Teagan whispered to him and laughed.

  “Shane, do you think you can shift and get a message to the Denver Pack if Darien gives you directions?” Cloe said.

  “Sure, takes about an hour to get to Denver if I hurry.” The small man said and Cloe smiled and looked at her new mate expectantly.

  “Shane is an eagle.” She said and grinned. Darien looked at the man surprised. He could not believe the people who lived in this town. It was like he fell down the rabbit hole and then he frowned to himself, are there rabbit shifters? He thought and chucked, there was a lot they needed to learn about other shifters.

  They quickly arranged everything and Shane went outside with them and shifted.

  Darien hoped his brother would not have a heart attack when an eagle flew into the territory. His family knew about other shifters but they had never identified the different species. It would be too hard since most of them remained in secret only exposing themselves to their own kind.

  Stepping back into the meeting area, Bryan pulled the three of them aside again and sighed. “I am sorry we can"t celebrate your union properly. I would have really liked to throw you a party and welcome you both into the family. For now, just know that Adele and I both support you three and we look forward to many years of happiness.” Cloe smiled, leaned up, and kissed her father on the cheek. Cloe and her mates went and started a schedule for patrolling until either they got more help or the Rogues made contact. Either way they figured that, they had a few hours before their shift. Cloe looked at her men closely and smiled. She was going to put it good use, Teagan"s apartment was right across the street, within yelling distance if something happened.

  She told her father and the rest of the Enforcers that she was taking her mates to get some rest before their shift. She may be one of the Chosen, but she would fight with her Pack. Besides, her medical knowledge would come in handy when they were in battle.

  They had made it to the doorway when her father called loudly. “Adele has requested a granddaughter first, I of course don"t care, but she wants to have tea parties and stuff, so make sure you do it right.”

  Cloe groaned in embarrassment and her mates laughed. If the floor could swallow her up, she would love it. Darien and Teagan smiled when she pulled them out into the street and across to the apartment. They had all been feeling the mating pull again, and at times, she had seen them have to take a few deep breaths when they came to close to her or each other. They needed time to reconnect. Cloe knew from her studies that they would feel the mating heat for the next twenty four hours. They did not need the distraction.

  Before they had even shut the door, two huge and hard men surrounded her. Darien taking her front and Teagan taking her back, they sandwiched her between them and ripped off her clothes impatiently. Thankfully, she had a change of clothes downstairs or she would be pissed. All of her clothes had gone up in flames a few hours ago, damn it. Darien growled when he saw her nice pert breasts. She leaned back a little against Teagan when he bent his head and began to suckle on her breasts. Gods, he had a wonderful mouth. She felt her pussy clench when he sucked in her nipple and flick his tongue over it. Teagan wrapped his arms around her and began running a finger up and down her slit with one hand while holding her around her waist with the other. He kissed her neck and nibbled on her ears.

  The two of them together were driving her to distraction. She needed to feel their skin.

  Cloe growled and pushed at Darien until he stood up and then pulled at his shirt, she turned and nipped at Teagan and said, “Naked, now.” The men laughed at her gruff order. Teagan pushed her until she fell on the bed. She pushed herself back and watched her own private strip tease. Wow, they were beautiful.

  Both of her men stood about the same height. They were both muscular and had bulges in all the right
places. She watched as they first took off their shirts, turned to each other, and smiled. Darien pulled the other man around the neck and kissed him briefly.

  She chuckled when they heard Cloe moan. She was getting off by watching them, neither of the men minded and continued to explore their bodies.

  Teagan started talking again and Darien"s cock stood at attention. “Do you like what you see, baby? Maybe you should rub your clit a little, pretend it is me touching you, while you watch us. That"s it.” He said when she reached her hand between her legs. “Do you want to see him touch my cock, get me ready for you? All I have thought about over the last few hours is sinking my shaft into your wet pussy. Get ready for me, baby, get yourself worked up. I am gonna take you hard and fast. I think Darien wants to fuck me. What do you say? Do you want him to fuck me while I fuck you?” He smiled and leaned in and kissed Darien again while they both watched Cloe finger herself. They took their time running their hands over each other. Darien grasped Teagan"s cock in his hand and stroked him. Running his thumb over the tip of his hard shaft, rubbing the pearl of pre-cum that had leaked out. Teagan threw his head back and grunted loudly.

  “No more or I will come like a young pup.” Teagan said pulling from his grasp. “Lube in the drawer, and you don"t have to stretch me out much, I like it a little rough.” He said with a grin before slapping Cloe"s hand away from her clit and took her place with his mouth.

  Teagan licked her and sucked her until she was writhing beneath him. He felt Darien squirt lube in his crack and tensed a little when he felt him push first one finger inside him quickly. Teagan sighed when he felt the burn. The other man slapped him on the ass and growled. “Up.”


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