A Harmony of Hearts_Book 3_Spellsinger Series

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A Harmony of Hearts_Book 3_Spellsinger Series Page 4

by Amy Sumida

“I will handle this.” Declan looked back to King Sean. “We are happy to discuss terms of continued peace between our kingdoms, but the gift we cannot—”

  “One moment,” I stopped Declan, and he turned back to me.

  “You want them?” He asked in surprise.

  I gave him a long look, and his eyes widened.

  “Oh, yes, of course,” Declan murmured. “We accept the gift. It's very generous, and we would be pleased to offer you our hospitality for the night.”

  “Excellent!” King Sean declared. “We wish you countless nights of pleasure with them.”

  “And we wish for you to join us later tonight for dinner,” Declan said with a smile. “I will have you shown to your guest chambers to rest and refresh yourselves until then.”

  The royal couple bowed and were led away by a castle servant. Then Declan waved his hand, and more of his fairies came forth to lead the humans away.

  “Clothe them, feed them, and give them beds to rest in,” Declan commanded. “In the morning, have them taken back to wherever they are from in the Human Realm, release their enchantments, and free them.”

  Declan's people didn't bat an eye. They knew their king well; he may be a pervert, but Declan never took an unwilling partner, and enchanted to obey was not willing. Not to mention the little matter of him being very taken, and the fact that I would have beat him senseless if I found him with a human slave.

  “Sometimes I forget that I was afraid to enter Tír na nÓg for a good reason,” I muttered.

  “You were afraid of something?” Declan scoffed. “Not my spellsinger.”

  I rolled my eyes, but I did so with a smile.

  “We can only control our pieces of the realm,” Declan said gently. “Which is yet another reason why I wanted you to claim Kyanite.”

  “So I could control it?” I asked in surprise.

  “Better you than an unknown shining one.” He shrugged. “If you want to stop shining one practices like human slavery, the best way to do so is by changing the rules yourself.”

  “You're a devious and brilliant man,” I whispered with a smile. “And I love your mind nearly as much as your body.”

  Declan chuckled. “My mind and body; those are the only things you want me for?”


  Declan grimaced and then motioned to his herald to wrap up court.

  “Let's go somewhere a little more private,” Declan held out a hand to me.

  I let him help me to my feet and then walk with me down the dais. The gathered shining ones made an aisle for us, and Declan escorted me down it and then out of the throne room, fairies bowing to us as we went. It was all very grand, and Declan handled it with casual grace. I was stiff and awkward. It would take some time to get used to all this pomp.

  As soon as Declan had his chamber door shut behind us, he turned to me and said, “You look upset, and I sense that it has nothing to do with those human slaves. What has you all in a twist, love?”

  “You said it,” I huffed.

  “Ah; love,” he said sagely as he slid his hands around my waist. “The spell is troubling you again?”

  “It gave me two months,” I whispered.

  Declan's eyes shifted instantly from deep purple back to an unsettled blue. But other than that, he gave no indication that my words had upset him. He just nodded and led me back into the sitting room. He didn't stop there but continued to draw me into the next room: the royal bedchambers. A bed big enough for five reigned over the room on a golden dais, each corner of the bed punctuated by a gold column. Yards of amethyst silk draped between the columns, making the bed seem like its own room. That was where Declan took me.

  Declan seated me on the edge of the mattress and then knelt before me, placing his hands on the bed, next to my thighs. Then he leaned his forehead to mine and breathed deeply. It was such a relaxing movement that I couldn't help but mimic it. Within three breaths, I was calm.

  “There, that's better,” he said. “Now, let's talk about how we're going to handle this.”

  “I've handled it already,” I said.

  “You have?” Declan's eyes widened as some of the amethyst bled back into them.

  “I went to see Vivian, and she cast a spell for me,” I admitted. “It will bring a soul mate to me. Vivian cast it so that he will be drawn to the Witch's Ball, and when I sing there, we will be made aware of each other.”

  “A soul mate?” Declan whispered, his face falling.

  “Vivian said there are several people who are right for each other.” I kissed him gently. “Sometimes they're fated to be together, and sometimes they defy the odds and find each other without the help of destiny. Neither love is greater than the other. Love simply is, and we already have it, Declan.”

  “Well said.” Declan smirked. “I don't like the idea of finding you another lover, but I know it's necessary.”

  “The spell told me that we'd die without a third,” I whispered. “She didn't give me two months flippantly; it's the amount of time we have left—period.”

  “Sweet stones,” Declan said softly. “We have to speak to Torin. If we tell him that you're in danger—”

  “I've already tried,” I cut him off as I laid one of my hands over his. “I spoke to him this morning; Torin knows about the spell and all of its requirements, but now he's mad that I loved you when I was still with him.”

  “That stubborn bastard!” Declan snarled, and then blinked; a soft smile spreading over his lips. “You loved me while you were still with Torin?”

  I gave him an exasperated look.

  “Yes; quite right.” He cleared his throat, and I started to nod in approval. But then he added, “Of course you did.”

  “Declan,” I huffed, but a little laugh slipped through.

  “I'm shocked that Torin won't help to save your life,” Declan went serious. “He may be angry with you, but he can't just stop loving you; especially now that he knows the truth of what happened.”

  “I don't think Torin truly believes that I'll die,” I said. “Even though he saw proof of the spell's power over me.”

  “Proof?” Declan narrowed his eyes at me. “What happened?”

  “Torin said something the spell didn't like, and she took offense; she burned me.” I sighed. “I'm okay; it was only an internal pain.”

  “Internal pain is the worst”—Declan pushed the hair back from my face—“you can't escape it. Are you certain that you're all right?”

  “I am,” I assured him.

  “Have you told Banning?”

  “No, I came straight here from Coven Cay.”

  “Do you need to leave?” Declan asked hesitantly. “To go and see him?”

  “Banning can wait,” I lowered my voice to a sexy drawl. “I haven't been with you in four days.”

  “I know; it's been agony,” Declan growled and grabbed me at the same time.

  He tossed me back further onto the bed and then crawled up my body. Declan's auburn hair fell around my face in silky strands as he leaned in for a kiss. The RS sighed inside me and fed on our passionate energy. Declan moaned, and I undulated up against him, pushing us together. He growled low in his throat as he snatched at the hem of my dress. I helped him yank it off me, and then my underwear went flying. I laid beneath Declan naked, and he pressed his clothed body tightly to me, grinding the silk velvet of his tunic into my most sensitive areas.

  The crush of those luxurious fibers laved me like a tongue. Then Declan drew his chest across mine, tickling my breasts with the fabric. My nipples hardened, and I groaned as I clutched his shoulders desperately. Declan eased back and drew his tunic off. He slid it down my body with a teasing swipe before tossing it aside. I admired the sleek, muscled expanse of his chest as he slipped out of his pants. They say that you eat first with your eyes; I've found it to be true for other appetites as well. I reached for Declan as if I were famished, but he slid off the bed and escaped me.

  “I've got a surprise for you.” Declan
headed for a bedside table.

  “A surprise?” I propped myself up on my elbows to see what he was about.

  He pulled out a drawer and then removed a black, velvet pouch. Declan had a mischievous smile on his face when he climbed back into bed with me. I narrowed my eyes at the suspicious pouch; knowing Declan, there could be anything from a bracelet to ben wa balls inside it. He upended the pouch and poured the contents into his palm. Two pieces of alexandrite gleamed and shifted from amethyst to sapphire as he moved forward with them. One was a smooth oval—flat on one side and about the size of my thumbnail, and the other was a curving bar—flat on both sides and also polished smooth.

  “I have no clue.” I frowned at the oddly-shaped jewels. “What are they?”

  “Sex stones,” Declan said gleefully as he angled himself over me again. “One for each of us.”

  He nestled the oval one just above my most sensitive place, and the stone tingled as it magically adhered to my skin.

  “What the hell?” I gaped down at it.

  “Just give it a chance, Elaria,” Declan cajoled. “Trust me; you're going to like this.”

  “What can alexandrite possibly do for sex?” I asked. It's properties are...” I trailed off as I realized that alexandrite was perfect for enhancing sex.

  “Regeneration, change, and manifestation,” Declan finished for me. “Yes, you're seeing the possibilities now. And let me assure you that enhanced stamina is the least of them.”

  Declan laid the curved piece over the top of his cock, right against his pelvis, at the base, and it stuck to him as mine had with me. Then he spread my legs wider and settled the tip of himself against me.

  “Are you ready for this?” Declan purred. “It's quite a ride.”

  “Oh, please,” I huffed, “we've had incredible sex before, Declan.”

  Then he slid into me. The jewels knocked against each other, and their collision sent a wave of pleasure rocketing through my body. I screamed out in sublime ecstasy as Declan held still against me, waiting for me to come down from the pleasure high. When I was finally able to open my eyes, I looked up at him in wonder.

  “What the hell was that?” I whispered.

  “Only the beginning.” Declan smirked. “As King, I can do more with sex stones than your average alexandrite shining one.”

  “More than that?” My eyes widened.

  “Just focus on the pleasure, sweetheart,” Declan purred. “I don't want you confusing the stones.”

  “Confusing the stones?”

  But he was already moving against me again, and with each click of the alexandrites, magic pulsed out from our joined bodies. Declan's bedroom faded away, and cool air hit my skin. I clutched at his shoulders as he ground into me, pressing the stones tightly together. Ecstasy fell away, replaced by something far more sublime. I don't have the words for it, but it went beyond sexual pleasure. My whole body tingled with magic and shivered with zings of euphoria. But the physical sensations were only one part of the experience.

  Declan and I had been transported to the clouds.

  Obviously, it was Declan's manifestation, just an illusion... at least I hoped so. Because we were being held thousands of feet above the ground by fluffy bits of condensed moisture. That was it. The clouds shifted with every thrust Declan made, puffing around us in hazy luminosity, but they didn't give way entirely. I stretched an arm out to the side, fingers tangling in the cool cumulus, and stared beyond it to the Alexandrite Kingdom spread out below.

  “Declan,” I moaned. “This is amazing.”

  “There's more,” he promised.

  The clouds went solid around me and lifted my legs up and back, giving Declan more freedom to drive himself deeper. At the height of each movement, as the stones clicked together, Declan rolled his hips against me. Dear gods, the man was a master, a true artist. If this was what came from being a pervert, then sign me up. I wanted to stay in Declan's hedonistic Heaven forever.

  “Wherever you wish and in whatever manner you wish it, my love,” Declan purred into my ear. “I will take you there and give it to you.”

  “I think I like sex stones,” I murmured.

  Declan laughed hard enough to send most of our cloud cover drifting away. I saw that we were drifting slowly down toward the Sgàthan Sea, and I lifted a brow at him.

  “I love the ocean, but it's nothing new for us,” I said. “Don't you want to try something different?”

  “It will be new when the need for air isn't an issue,” he promised.

  We slipped beneath the waves and continued down and down until we hit the sandy floor. I could feel the water on my skin and the soft sand beneath me while I watched my hair undulate through the gentle tides, but I could also breathe easily and see as clearly as I do on land. Despite the depth, it was bright enough for us to enjoy every vibrantly colored fish and crustacean, every emerald-green swath of seaweed and sunset-orange anemone, and all the magnificent sea creatures around us. I sighed in wonder as the beauty of the ocean was revealed to me as it had never been before.

  “Is this new enough for you?” Declan asked, and even his voice was crystal clear.

  “Thank you, Declan,” I whispered sincerely.

  His expression went soft, and he stroked my cheek tenderly as he said, “Nothing I do for you could ever compete with the happiness you've given me. I would give you the Moon if you asked it of me. In fact...” Declan got that mischievous look in his eyes.

  “No.” I held his face within my hands. “Let's enjoy this for now. You can take me to the stars next time.”

  “As my lady commands,” Declan purred and started moving more swiftly inside me.

  I laid back on the seabed, staring up at Declan's handsome face; framed in the dancing ribbons of his auburn hair and backlit by the sunlight shifting over the surface of the water far above. It was one of the most profoundly beautiful moments of my life.

  Yes; the stars could wait.

  Chapter Six

  Later that evening, I was walking (perhaps wobbling) through the Alexandrite Castle, heading to the dining hall to meet Declan, when I ran into Torin's mother. Duchess Ceana was an alexandrite fairy, and like most powerful shining ones, she lived in the court aligned with her stone. So, it wasn't a shock to see her striding down the hall toward me, her long legs carrying her much faster than mine took me—not that I was thinking of running away or anything. I just wasn't prepared to have it out with my ex-boyfriend's mother.

  I froze, standing my ground like I was facing an oncoming army alone. Ceana was only half fairy; her other half was witch, and it showed. She was thicker than the willowy, shining one ladies; more muscular and curvier. She was also exceptionally attractive due to that mixed heritage. She had a fierce beauty; blue-black hair, pale blue eyes, and honey-oak skin. There was a lot of her in Torin, which made her especially hard for me to look at currently.

  “Elaria,” she said sweetly as she enveloped me in a hug.

  I stiffened for a moment, shocked by the warm reception, and then hugged her back.

  “Hey, Ceana,” I said; unsure how to proceed.

  “I'm so sorry about what happened.” She eased back but kept her hand on my upper arm. “I want you to know that we don't blame you. King Declan told us what that witch did to you; how he cast his spell upon you, and now you must have multiple lovers.”

  “He did?” I blinked in surprise and the barest bit of embarrassment.

  I mean, how awkward was it that my new boyfriend had told my old boyfriend's mother about my sexual needs? So very; that's how awkward.

  “Of course,” she said. “King Declan knew we'd be wondering what happened between Torin and you.” Ceana sighed deeply. “I raised my son differently than other shining one mothers and sometimes I regret that. This is one of those moments.”

  “What? Why?” I asked in shock.

  “Because if he were more like most shining ones, he wouldn't have a problem with your situation,” Ceana said. “I made him
want fidelity from his lovers because I demanded it from his father, even before we were married.”

  “Ceana, our issues are not your fault,” I said gently.

  “Thank you.” She kissed my cheek. “But I think we both know that Torin is being stubborn about this, and Torin's stubbornness comes from me. Regardless, I want you to know that we are with you both in this. I know Torin will change his mind; he loves you too much to let a spell keep you apart. Just give him some time, Elaria.”

  “I wish I could,” I said sadly. “But I don't have any to give. I only have two months to find another lover or the spell will start to die, and I will die with it.”

  “Oh, great gems,” she whispered in horror. “Did you tell that to Torin?”

  “I did.”

  Her face fell. “He didn't want to help you?”

  “Torin learned that I loved Banning and Declan all along, and it made him furious,” I admitted. “He saw it as a betrayal, even though I had been faithful to him up until the spell hit me. I think he was too angry to allow the possibility of my death to sink in. He just refuses to believe it.”

  “I will speak with him.” Ceana clasped my hand urgently. “Don't give up on Torin, please.”

  “I had to take action, Ceana, I'm sorry.” I shook my head. “I just don't have the time to wait for Torin to figure things out.”

  “What do you mean? What did you do?”

  “I had a spell cast for me,” I murmured. “To draw my soul mate to me.”

  “Soul mate,” she scoffed. “There is no one person who is right for you. All of us can have several great loves in our lifetimes, if we so choose.”

  “Yes, I know,” I agreed. “But we also have loves that are destined for us. I think Banning and I were always meant to be together; our souls found each other even after I died. The witch elder who helped me, Vivian, believes there is another soul mate searching for me... one for this lifetime. So, she cast a spell to bring us together.”

  “But what of Torin?”

  I shook my head sadly, my heart clenching with the possibility that Torin and I were over.

  “He will come around, Elaria,” Ceana said fervently. “I know my son.”


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