A Harmony of Hearts_Book 3_Spellsinger Series

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A Harmony of Hearts_Book 3_Spellsinger Series Page 13

by Amy Sumida

  When the last words trembled from my mouth, and the final strains faded from the sky, I turned my gaze back to my lovers. They stood just a few feet away from me, staring at me in rapt wonder. The shining one knights who had joined us for the journey had dismounted and stood with bent heads, reverently silent. Beyond them, there was a crowd of fairies on their knees, faces filled with adoration.

  I walked past Declan and Banning, the jewel dust in my blood driving me to go to the people of Kyanite—my people. I didn't say a thing, just lifted my hands to bring them to their feet, and then reached for them. They came forward one by one, to touch my hand and reconnect with their allied stone.

  This ritual is imperative to your rule, Kyanite whispered in my mind. You must prove that you have the preeminent connection to me; that through you, they may commune with me. You are the path to their magic, and if they betray or abandon you, my guidance will be lost to them as well... as it has been these many years. I have given them a new queen, and they must be assured that you are she.

  A Queen... I was a true Queen of Tír na nÓg.

  “Thank you for coming to welcome me,” I finally said to my people. “If there are others who wish to hear Kyanite again, I'll be receiving fealty at the castle.”

  The kyanite shining ones eased off the road, and our knights mounted. Declan and Banning helped me into the carriage and kept their mouths shut until we were moving along once more; headed straight to Kyanite Castle.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Banning nearly screeched.

  “She forged a bond with Kyanite,” Declan answered with wide eyes. “But the music... Elaria, I've never seen such a thing... never heard it before. Tell me, did the stone speak to you?”

  “Speak to me?” I asked in surprise. “Didn't you hear it sing with me? We've merged magic; it's a symbiotic relationship.”

  “Yes, all royalty have such a relationship with their gems,” Declan agreed. “But Shining Ones don't have magic to share with their stones—at least not any that go beyond what our jewels already possess.”

  I smiled serenely; Declan was quickly figuring out what I already knew.

  “You gave the jewel a new power,” Banning whispered. “Fuck, that's where the male voice came from.”

  “You did hear it?” I asked them.

  “We did,” Declan confirmed. “I think the whole fucking kingdom heard it.”

  “Well, it was loud, but it wasn't that... oh.” Banning blinked as Declan's words became clear. “You think that the music was broadcast over the entire kingdom?”

  “It came out of thin air,” Declan huffed. “Why would it limit itself to the one spot we stood in? I'm certain that Kyanite used the opportunity to declare that a new queen has just been crowned.”

  “Which explains that,” I whispered as I pointed out the window.

  Shining ones lined the road, and they bowed as our carriage passed by. I glanced behind us and saw them fall into line, following us to the glimmering blue castle up ahead. But before we reached the castle, we had to pass through the kyanite gardens. Just as with every other shining one stronghold I'd been to, Kyanite Castle had a thick line of land surrounding its main grounds that was full of statues. Every kingdom had guardian statues carved out of their allied stone, and there was only one path through them; a direct course to the castle that was narrow enough for the magic to cross, forming a complete ward. Kyanite's gardens were just as grand as those of the other kingdoms I'd been to; with elaborate statues of creatures, fairies, and abstract forms carved into numerous styles and sizes. Most were quite large. This was necessary, as they were empowered to protect the castle; their magic could be called upon by the ruling monarch in times of need.

  Even if they'd been covered in vines or mounds of dirt, I would have known that the statues were there. A rush of energy swept out from the stones as we neared and filled me with power. I breathed in deeply, letting the magic touch me and verify that I was its new queen and I had more right to be there than anyone else. I hummed softly in happiness, and the thrumming note flowed out from me and rang through the kyanite statues. I felt the vibration flow around the circle and back to me.

  I had tuned them to my pitch.

  Satisfied that the gardens were mine, I transferred my attention to the sparkling walls of Kyanite Castle. They looked slick but also striated; the polishing process hadn't removed the look of the layered stone, merely given a better window into the heart of the jewel. Thin lines of glittering cerulean, turquoise, and cornflower blue came to life against a deep indigo background. The lines drew the eye upward, toward sheer towers topped with teardrop-shaped structures, like delicate scepters. The thin towers appeared to be an architectural impossibility, with delicate walkways dangling between their over-sized rooms to give the whole construction a precarious feel. I knew that most Shining One castles were fortified with denser, foundation stones, but it was hard to tell with this particular palace. What with the color and the shape of those tower tops, the Kyanite Castle seemed to be an artist's rendition of falling rain.

  The base of the castle was roughly circular, but the shape was slightly amorphous; with curving details that flowed out and in with sinuous lines. Center-front, about halfway up the castle walls, there was a balcony that stretched back into a courtyard. I could just barely catch a glimpse of greenery, so perhaps the courtyard was also a garden. At the moment, it was difficult to see past the Shining Ones who lined the railing, waving swaths of silk and casting flowers towards our carriage. The pale petals rained down from some of the upper windows too, drawing my eye toward sloping rooftops, and filigree ramparts. What wasn't kyanite was gold, and the color combination made me shiver; it was the same as my newly combined magics. What were the chances of that?

  “It's magnificent,” Banning murmured as we pulled up to the front steps. “The most magical looking castle I've ever seen.”

  “Indeed,” Declan said with a note of pride. “I knew the relic wasn't finished bestowing its gifts upon you, Elaria. Once a queen, always a queen.”

  “Thank you, Declan,” I said softly. “I wouldn't have pursued this without you pushing me into it. Normally, I'd be pissed about that, but in this one instance, you did good. So, thank you.”

  “You're welcome, Your Majesty.” Declan took my hand, bowed over it, and then kissed it. “Care to meet your court?”

  “I think it's time that I did.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The kyanite nobility met us on the castle steps, bowing deeply to me as soon as I exited the coach. They had indeed heard the music, as all of Kyanite had, and they didn't need to touch my hand to know that I was their queen. But they did. They all did. I received some questionable looks, but most of the nobles hid any contempt they might have for me beneath serene acceptance. My entourage and I were led into a throne room with soaring ceilings of quartz, cross-beamed with pale wood. Carved designs of ethereal swirls and flowers in the beams and furnishings, added a lightness to the decor that felt decidedly feminine.

  “Has there ever been a kyanite king?” I wondered.

  “Never,” my steward, William, confirmed. “Kyanite has always drawn women rulers.”

  The jewel magic vibrated in my blood with those words, confirming the truth of them. Kyanite had a thing for the ladies. Go figure.

  Before anything else was done, I was physically crowned; the nobles insisted on it. The highest ranking of them—Duke Kieran—placed the kyanite crown on my head and named me Queen Elaria of Kyanite. The crown was as feminine as the castle; a gold band holding shards of polished kyanite among swirled, filigree settings. After I was crowned, I sat in an elaborate kyanite and gold throne, cushioned with white velvet, feeling a bit like the Madonna (Christ's mom, not the singer), as a line of shining ones came up to declare fealty to me. Not only were the colors reminiscent of the holy mother, but each fairy held my hand reverently and kissed it like I was sacred. It was a long process, but a necessary one. When it was over, I felt as
if I were connected; not only to the stone but to all of the fairies the stone was aligned with. A little daunting.

  While the fairy fealty declarations proceeded, proclamations/invitations were sent to all of the other kingdoms. Some of the monarchs had already responded, and I was informed that several of them would be joining us at the celebration feast the following evening. My eyes went round at that. Shining Ones moved fast.

  “The announcements and celebration are traditional, Your Majesty,” William said with concern when he saw my expression. “They are the final step to claiming your kingdom. But we can forgo the feast if you wish it. I understand that you are not on the friendliest of terms with all of the kingdoms.”

  “No; it's fine, Darren.” I waved away his worry. “This has just happened faster than I expected. I wasn't prepared to even spend the night, much less take over the kingdom.”

  “We can provide anything you require, my Queen; be it clothing, cosmetics, or jewels. We are at your disposal, and your consorts will also be provided for.”

  “Consorts, eh?” Banning chuckled.

  “That's what we are until she marries us,” Declan muttered to him.

  Until? Holy Hades, I hadn't even considered the prospect of marriage—to two men. My heart started to race, and then I thought about committing myself to Banning and Declan. I instantly calmed; there was nothing scary about legally binding myself to men I was already magically bound to.

  “As far as the feast, the nobility feel more at ease after the other kingdoms acknowledge a new royal,” William explained. “It's a good sign that so many of them have responded in the affirmative.”

  I shared a look with Banning and Declan before I asked casually, “Did the Onyx King respond?”

  “No, Your Majesty.”

  My heart sank.

  “Shall I have him contacted again?”

  “No; leave him be,” I said tiredly. “He knows, and that is enough.”

  “Let's hope that it is,” Declan murmured.

  “Tonight, we will have a private feast in your honor,” William went on. “I've had the royal chambers prepared for you as you received fealty. There are suites for your consorts as well, connected to your chambers. Shall I show you to them?”

  “I think I'd like to take a tour of the castle first,” I said. “I need to stretch my legs after such a long time sitting.”

  “As you wish, Your Majesty.” William bowed. “This way.”

  “If I may, Your Majesty?” Duke Kieran stepped into our path and bowed. “I would be honored to show you around the castle.”

  William looked to me.

  “That would free up our steward,” I agreed. “I'm sure you have other things you need to attend to, William.”

  “Indeed, Your Majesty.” William nodded. “Thank you, Duke Kieran.”

  William headed off, and I looked Kieran over. His dark-blond hair was swept back from his pale face, but the ends only reached his earlobes, making the style much shorter than that worn by most shining one males. Kieran was of the usual stature, though; trim but athletic and graceful. His features were of the delicate male variety; a young girl's idea of Prince Charming. He looked like a fairy Ken doll. Except for his eyes; they had a ferocity to them that turned their deep sea color into something harder, more solid.

  “I wish I could have seen you sing with Kyanite,” Kieran lamented as we started to walk. “I've heard that it was wondrous to behold.”

  “Breathtaking,” Declan confirmed. “A type of magic rarely seen in our realm.”

  “You were right, King Declan,” Kieran admitted with a slanted look over his shoulder, “Queen Elaria is a powerful woman and a stunning beauty. I have great hopes for the future of our kingdom.”

  “I had no idea that attractiveness had anything to do with running a kingdom,” I spoke a little snidely; annoyed that Kieran was laying it on so thick.

  “Of course it does,” Kieran surprised me by saying. He even looked at me in shock. “We are Shining Ones; we respect power, intelligence, and beauty. A fairy must be all of those things to even be considered by a jewel for rulership.”

  I looked toward Declan with wide eyes, and he nodded.

  “Elaria,” Declan purred, “have you seen an ugly shining one monarch?”

  “I don't think I've seen an ugly fairy—period,” I huffed.

  “True, but our kings and queens are especially striking.” Declan waved a hand at himself and smirked. “Don't you agree?”

  “You're incorrigible,” I chided but gave him a kiss because he was just so damn cute.

  “And handsome,” Declan added.

  “And handsome,” I agreed.

  “I would have said pretty, but whatever,” Banning inserted with a grin.

  “There you go with that gay talk again.” Declan rolled his eyes. “I'm starting to worry about you.”

  Kieran watched us with avid curiosity. “Is it true that you're searching for a third consort, Your Majesty?”

  Oh, so that's what he was after.

  “It is,” I confirmed with a little smile, and cast a look at my men. They rolled their eyes together.

  “That is exciting news indeed.” Kieran smiled with satisfaction and began leading us through the castle again.

  “You've been the one in charge of Kyanite since the last queen passed away?” I declared it more than asked.

  “That's correct,” Kieran murmured.

  “Thank you for your service, Duke Kieran,” I said. “I will be relying on you to help me learn about the kingdom.”

  “It would be my pleasure, Your Majesty.” Kieran beamed.

  Declan and Banning rolled their eyes again.

  Kieran took us past several common rooms which were used for socializing, introducing me to people even though I'd already met them when they swore fealty. I was actually grateful for this; I didn't remember anyone's name. How could I? There had been hundreds of them, and those were just the courtiers and nearby populace. I was told that even more kyanite fairies would be making the journey to the castle to swear fealty to me. Tomorrow would be a long day of having my hand—and probably a little of my ass—kissed. I was hoping one of the things they could supply me with was lotion... for my hands, not my ass.

  Kieran showed us the dining hall, where the feast would be taking place. I'd already seen the throne room, so we skipped that, but he took us through the kitchens, the armory, and the barracks. The knights—my knights—all came to attention when I entered the room. It was a bit overwhelming. No wonder all the shining one kings I'd met had been so arrogant; how could you not be with this kind of adoration?

  Then Kieran took us out to the courtyard I'd spotted from the road. It was indeed a garden, with massive stone planters with trees, flowers, and assorted foliage growing in a meticulously trimmed manner. Paths were defined by these planters, which curved in places and went straight in others, leaving only the walking lanes and a space near the railing free of greenery. There were several spots to sit and enjoy the fragrant breeze and even a gurgling fountain at one end. The balcony garden freed up space around the castle for fruit and vegetable gardens, as well as a training field behind the barracks.

  I could glimpse a little of the field from the garden railing, but it was too far away for the sounds of sword and shield to interfere with the peace of the gardens. Instead, the only sounds in the garden were the soft bubbling of the fountain, the chirping of birds, and the occasional cry of an animal from the jungle beyond the gates. Kyanite's soundtrack was subtly different from the other kingdoms. Fey creatures roamed freely in Tír na nÓg, but some animals did better in certain environments, and they tended to stay in the area that suited them best. When I noted the unusual calls and roars echoing in from the jungle, Kieran launched into a list of our local fauna. We had predator cats, assorted primates, all sorts of reptiles; from frogs to snakes, and a slew of exotic birds. There were no deer or other hooved animals with exception to the livestock fairy farmers raised.
br />   After the extensive tour, Kieran showed us to our chambers. I expected to have the entire top floor of the castle for myself and my favored guests—as I'd seen in other castles. But Kyanite was a little different. The highest level was at the top of the central tower—in one of those teardrop-shaped things (I have no idea what you call an architectural feature on top of a tower, so sue me). Kieran led us to a door in the heart of the castle, guarded by two of my knights, and shocked the hell out of me when he opened it to reveal an elevator.

  “I'm sorry, but is that an elevator?” I asked him.

  “The tower can be accessed by a staircase that curves around the elevator as well,” Kieran said, “but it's a long climb, and I wouldn't recommend it.”

  “I believe Her Majesty is simply shocked to find a human feature built into a shining one castle,” Declan explained.

  “Ah.” Kieran grinned. “Yes, we Shining Ones like certain human inventions, and this is one of them. After you, Your Majesties.”

  We all piled in and were zipped up to the top. The teardrop consisted of several levels of rooms. There was a living area on the first floor, with a dining room and kitchen. The latter was so that my chefs wouldn't have to worry about my food getting cold by the time it hit my table. On this level, there were also bridges extending out to some of the other teardrop towers. I could see them through the floor to ceiling windows that surrounded the entire level. There was a stone balcony beyond the windows, and then the bridges—which thankfully appeared to be much sturdier from that proximity.

  Kieran explained that the towers connected to this floor were reserved for close friends or honored guests, but my consorts would have the family towers which connected to the top level of my suite, where my bedroom was. The levels of my chambers were connected by your standard stairs instead of another elevator. A curving glass and wood staircase went up through the center of the whole place. We took it to the second floor, where my private library, music room (loved that!), and sitting room were placed like the slices of a pie, and then went up to the top and final floor.


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