Jingle Belled and Mistletoed

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Jingle Belled and Mistletoed Page 10

by Jeanette Lynn

  Thank you, though, to whoever was looking out for me and gave me a subtle reprieve from the Spanish inquisition our mothers were sure to put us through as soon as they got back.

  The dads were in the den watching football, Dean bellowing right along with them as his team won, and William was still sulking, skulking about the house.

  Why he hasn't left yet is a total mystery to me.

  Me, though, little old me was dancing around the kitchen, humming happily to the radio as I waited for the timer on my ginger bread men to chime, putting away my mess as I shimmied and twirled, humming about how all I want for Christmas is you.

  "Whatcha makin’?" a charming, deep voice asked from behind me as he circled his arms around my waist and slowly rocked along with me to the music.

  "I'm trading you in for little brown men with sweet personalities. Got a problem with that?" I asked with all the saccharin sweetness I could muster.

  "As long as you bite their heads off and not mine, I could live with that," he said agreeably, then bent his head and nibbled on my neck, my head automatically tilting to the side to accommodate him. "Move in with me?" he said suddenly, gripping me a little tighter as he nipped a bit harder at my neck, leaving teeth marks on my sensitive nape.

  "Isn't it too soon, though? Shouldn't we.... uh... shouldn't we..." What was I talking about, I thought as he expertly distracted me.

  "Jinny, I have loved you since I was old enough to fully grasp what love is. I always have—even when I thought you hated me—still and always will, love you," he admitted, freezing me on the spot. "When you gave your heart to Geralds and I had to stand by and watch, I still loved you. When he broke your heart and I felt helpless to do anything for you as he stomped on it and handed it back, I still loved you." Pausing as if to collect himself, he cleared his throat and confessed, "Erm... I wouldn't say I felt completely helpless. I, uh, might have been the one who stole his football uniforms and replaced them with cheerleading uniforms. And, uh... strung his itty bitty jock strap up on the flag pole. Maybe. And quite possibly painted his car pink with spray paint his senior year. Ahem, but that's it. And I only did those things when what I really wanted to do was smash his smarmy face in for making you cry, Jinny. He hurt you and even though I'd practically given up on any chance of being with you, your affections for him about killing me, I did then and still do, love you."

  Letting all that sink in, I didn't say anything right away, the timer going off, pausing our conversation for a moment.

  With a rueful though nervous smile, he released me to check on the cookies, but stayed right where he was, watching me as I worked.

  "Move in with me, Jinny Belle Reynolds. I love you and I want to be with you, always," he murmured from behind me.

  Hands shaking, I set the trays down and turned off the oven, facing him fully while he stood there with a carefully blanked expression on his face now. His armor was up, sure, his eyes gave him away, though.

  I could see the nervousness peeking through his once stone cold but now shimmering, deep green eyes. I could easily see the love brimming in them, the love he’d carefully masked and since stopped hiding from me—hiding himself from me.

  "Is your place big enough for two?" I asked tentatively, smiling up at him, suddenly shy at the seriousness of the conversation.

  "I live in a house and it's big enough for us plus two more," he blurted in a rush. Grinning like I’d just given him the best Christmas gift ever, his whole face lighting up with joy, he whooped happily and pulled me in closer to show me, without any words, just how happy I'd made him.


  Brrrr. It’s cold in here!


  Dinner was an interesting affair, everyone eyeballing us like we'd sprouted horns.

  Well, Dean didn't look surprised at all, if anything, he just looked starved. As usual.

  "B-b-but..." Miriam sputtered, "you two are going to move in together?" Done forcing a neutral expression, she gaped at us, her face a lesson in complete and utter disbelief.

  "What your mother is trying to say, Vin, is that it all seems a bit, uh, sudden. Just the other day you were telling me how you didn't want to.... uh,” Arnold cleared his throat uncomfortably, glanced between us, smiling brightly all of a sudden, then clapped his hands. “Well... you know what? Forget I said anything. You two kids have fun!" he then chimed in merrily.

  Lips pursing, I looked to Vince suspiciously and nudged him. "What's he talking about? You didn't want to what?"

  "It's nothing," he murmured quickly—a little too quickly—and wrapped an arm around me, his hand curling over my shoulder, motioning towards his dad over my head with the other.

  "Dean. What's Stuffy doing over my head?" I inquired of my best bud and professional instigator.

  "He's making a cutting motion, so Dad won't tell you that Stuffy said he didn't want to come this week if you specifically were going to be here. I believe he said, quote, ‘Don't make me spend another week with Dean's other butt cheek, the woman is insufferable. A veritable Ice Queen'." Dean beamed at me proudly, then gave old Vinny boy a ha-ha look.

  "Oh, and Jinny said so herself that she didn't want to spend another week with Jack Frost," Mom tossed in helpfully.

  "Gee, thanks, Mom." Lips thinning, I glared at her.

  "What? Oh, I shouldn't have said that, should I?" Mom gasped out, chagrined at her slip, looking between us worriedly.

  Vincent snorted, a smirk tipping his kissable lips, and kissed my forehead. "Perfect, then. The Ice Queen and Jack Frost are moving in together."

  "You aren't mad at me?" I whispered when everyone started to pass the platters of food around the table, no one willing to continue this argument on an empty stomach.

  "No. I didn't know you loved me then and you didn't know that I loved you," he said simply.

  "I never said I love you, mister," I said on a huff, crossing my arms over my chest, chewing on my lower lip uncertainly as he smiled at me warmly.

  "Sure you did. You just didn't use words. Deny it all you want, Jinny Belle Reynolds, but I'll get you to admit it soon enough and then, one day, not too far off from now, you'll marry me and we'll get to tease and torment each other for the rest of our lives."

  Blinking stupidly at his admission while my insides turned to mushy, liquefied goo, I looked up at the sincerity shining in his eyes, ringing from his voice and brushed a tear from my eye. "Promise?"

  "Promise," he whispered, sealing it with a kiss.

  "I mean it, though," I said seriously, making myself perfectly clear on the matter. "You'll be stuck with me, even when I torment you, or tease you so bad you start going gray, or scream at you because I'm a moody bastard... oh, or-"

  He shut me up with a finger to my lips.

  "Hmmm..." he hummed thoughtfully. "Yup, even then. I'm afraid you're stuck with me, Jingle Bells."

  "You two are nauseating," William added from his seat next to Dean, the two giant, purple bruises he sported on each eye making him look like a Dalmatian.

  "Why are you still here, Geralds?" Vincent asked coldly, sneering in his direction.

  "I have no idea..." William muttered as he stared down at his plate.

  "Last acts of a desperate man," Dean piped up, shaking his head sadly at William.

  "Oh, shut up, sasquatch! No one asked you.”

  "What would you gain from dating me, anyway? What was the angle? Why not just tell them the truth?" I asked inquisitively.

  "I've gotta hear this." Dean grinned, rubbing his hands together gleefully.

  William glared at Dean, looked at me, and then sighed. "My parents are tired of my philandering ways and want me to settle down." Sighing as if that was the ultimate death sentence, he stirred his food around on his plate, avoiding eye contact. "You were my only serious relationship-relationship... ever, so I made up a cockamamie story about us getting back together and, lo and behold, it worked. They were happy and I could continue on about my business, no one the wiser. T
hen the holidays rolled around and they wanted me to bring you over. Of course, there was no you and me, so I kept making up excuses as to why you couldn't make it."

  "Wow, you're an ass," I blurted, slapping my hand over my mouth so he'd continue.

  "Yes, I am," he admitted and cleared his throat uncomfortably.

  "And Jinny's mom?" Vincent asked.

  "Running into her was pure coincidence." William shrugged his shoulders. "I thought it was fate or some other crap, so I went along with it. Best case scenario, I would have gotten my old high school sweetheart back, made my parents happy and maybe, if you'd been willing, I would have tried to make you happy, too."

  "That's really fucked up and kind of creepy, yet oddly has hints of awww in it," Dean said sweetly, grinning like an idiot.

  "Stuff it, Miller," William grumbled.

  Done with this conversation entirely, I tuned William and Dean out while they bickered back and forth, exchanging insults. Turning, I looked at my man, reaching out and running my hand down his inner thigh, capturing his attention as I smoothed my hand over his crotch playfully.

  "I figured out what I want you to do for me..." I smirked at Vincent.

  "Yeah?" he answered warily. "And what would that be?" When my fingers grew venturous, he shifted a little lower in his seat, his face pinkening slightly while I started to play with his zipper.

  "I want you to dance for me."

  "Dance!" He gaped, his voice squawking out way louder than our whisper. Realizing his gaff, he glanced around, remembering we were at the dinner table, then whispered, "You know I can't dance, Jinny."

  "Oh, I know.” My smile was pure evil. “I've seen you in action. This isn't just any dance, though.” I paused a full minute, making him sweat it out. “I want you to strip for me," I said on a giggle. Waggling my eyebrows suggestively, I grinned like a loon when Vincent groaned and closed his eyes.

  Grimacing, expression pinched, he peeked one eye open a minute later and regarded me somberly. "You're completely serious, aren't you?"

  "Mmmm, hmmm." I nodded.

  "Just shoot me now," he mumbled, sighing heavily in resignation.


  I’m too sexy for my bambi


  "I can't believe I'm doing this," Vincent muttered as he walked across the room. With a few muffled curse words, he opened a shopping bag and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. Taking off the cap, he took a long swig.

  "Easy on the liquid courage, bambi. I want you sober later," I warned sternly, getting myself comfortable for my revenge strip tease. The show is about to begin!

  "Bambi?" Vincent snorted. "And why, pray tell, are you calling me bambi?"

  "That's your stripper name," I snickered, grabbing up my popcorn as he took off his shoes.

  "Leave the rest on, bambi. I want to watch you take it off! Take it all off."

  "Couldn't you come up with a more masculine name?" he complained.

  "Really? Seriously?" I quirked a brow at him. "This is from a guy who calls himself Lovelace when he's a pirate lord."

  Vincent glowered, putting his hands on his hips, little dark green chips of green ice trying to pierce my soul as he kept them peepers trained on me.

  "Alright! Alright already!” I eventually relented. “Ummmm... how about foot long dong?" I tried to keep a straight face, really, I did, but burst out cackling and ruined it.

  "Be serious," he said on a chuckle.

  "Oh, honey, I am." Licking my lips lasciviously, I winked at him saucily, watching as his stare turned all hot and bothered.

  Fan yourself, Jinny-girl, it's getting hot in here!

  "Okay. Okay... Vinny the fireman! Show me your hose, baby! Put out my fire!" I hollered.

  "Jinny," he choked out, "I'm going to need another drink if you keep this crap up. Why don't we just forget a name, huh?"

  "Good idea. Let the show begin!" Getting into it, I hooted and whistled, turning the boom box on, then pressing play, sexy music filling the room.

  Vincent rolled his eyes but started to take his shirt off, sliding it slowly up his torso to slide it off his body.

  "Oh my," I gasped out, sitting up a little straighter, making sure I didn't miss a thing. "Swivel your hips, sexy!" I called after him, glad everyone else was asleep by now.

  Vinny, my fireman, rotated his pelvis, thrusting his hips a little as he undid his pants slowly, sliding the zipper down with infinite patience, his eyes burning straight into mine as I watched him let them slide down his hips.

  Running his hand over the front of his briefs, cupping his shaft, rubbing his hand sensuously up and down himself in a tease, his erection perked right up at his attentions.

  He looks like the sexy pirate lord when he does that, I thought excitedly, trying my damnedest not to drool.

  He reached into his briefs and stroked himself, his breath growing choppy as his eyes bored into mine. "Take off your shirt," he ordered.

  I quickly yanked it up and over my head, tossing it away, then hurrying to undo my bra to do away with that too.

  "God, you look so good, baby," he purred, his hand gripping himself tighter as he stroked harder, pausing to walk to the end of the bed.

  "Take off your pants, Jinny," he demanded.

  I did and then laid back on the bed, my body throbbing, clit already swollen and wanting, waiting for him to make his next move, voice his next demand.

  "You look so pretty and pink, Jinny," he whispered hungrily. "You're already wet and waiting for me, aren't you, baby?"

  I didn't answer, only nodded as I slid my hand down my stomach and ran my index finger through my sex, teasing and torturing my primed pussy, gasping whenever my finger hit my clit.

  "Fuck this, I can't wait," he barked out, his voice tapering off at the end on a growl. Yanking his briefs down, grabbing my legs, he pulled me to the end of the bed, lining us up, plowing into me unceremoniously, both of us shouting out from his abrupt entry, my sex squeezing his thick, swollen shaft in a vice-like grip.

  "Jinny!" He moaned my name aloud as he went to pull out to the tip and thrust back in, my body greedily trying to keep him right there.

  Writhing beneath him, I let out a high-pitched, keening sound when he ran his thumb over my swollen nub and rubbed in slow circles, thrusting himself back all the way in, his body shuddering in ecstasy, mine shaking right along with his.

  He stopped right before I came, on the cusp of an earth shattering climax, and pulled out, backing away to flop next to me on the bed, his cock standing up proudly, jutting out from his body as he turned and grinned at me.

  "Why did you stop?!"

  "This is your show, remember, Jingle Bells? You get to call all the shots." The smug bastard winked at me and put his hands behind his head, acting like he didn't have a raging hard on but instead had all the time in the world.

  Ugh! I should just leave him there, I thought, huffing and puffing. Teach his ass a lesson!

  Hmmm... My eyes strayed to that massive boner. Although...

  Eyeing my prey, I grinned evilly, instructing him to climb up on the bed and spread his arms out wide. Working fast, I grabbed the pair of nylons my mother gave me, insisting that all women should have a pair. She is totally right, I agreed as I tied Vincent's hands to the metal frame on the bed.

  "Can you get out?" I asked sweetly.

  "No," he muttered reluctantly, a little uncertain, tugging at his binds a bit to see if they had any give. Of which they didn't.

  "Good." Dusting my hands off, I scooted off the bed, walking over to my bags to rummage through them.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Nothing." Turning to eye him once more, I grinned at him, straightening up once I’d found what I wanted, walking over to the bed with my hand behind my back.

  "It's not nice to tease me and leave me hanging, Stuffy," I pouted, climbing up onto the bed to set my treasure down on the comforter.

  Brow tugging down, he eyed my vibrator for a long moment, starting
to wiggle, and then glared at me. "I hope you're planning on using that on yourself," he said warningly.

  "You mean… this?" I said innocently, holding it up for him to see. "Do you want me to use it on myself?" I asked him sweetly.

  "No, I want you to hop on top and ride me ‘til I'm raw," he growled out, thrusting his hips up to demonstrate.

  "I love it when you talk dirty to me." Smirking, though trying not to, I kneeled in front of him, supporting myself on my bent legs. Shifting comfortably, I opened my legs to give him a clear view of the goods as I ran my vibrator over my clit, gasping when it came in contact with my pleasure button.

  While he watched, his eyes glued to that particular spot, I moaned aloud and moved it lower, opening my eyes to stare at him while I slowly inserted it between my nether lips, deepening the penetration to slip it back out, running it shallowly in and out of my dripping cunt.

  "Jinny," Vince groaned at me, struggling in his bonds as I pleasured myself and all he could do was watch, my unwilling yet willing voyeur. "Don't you dare," he growled at me as my movements quickened, "come here."

  Watching him through eyes narrowed to slits, I removed my vibrator reluctantly, informing him primly, "I'm sorry, you forgot to use the magic words." About to get back to business, the snarl he let loose had me glancing to him, gooseflesh dancing along my flesh.

  "NOW. Or I'll fuck you so hard you'll be walking funny for a week!" he bellowed out.

  Dropping the vibrator beside me on the bed, I shivered and crawled over his body, licking the head of his swollen shaft into my mouth as I sucked and licked, torturing him teasingly.

  Just when his hips were starting to lift too much to meet mine, I let him slip out of my mouth with a wet plop, giggling when he gasped then glared at me.

  "You know," I grinned up at him, flipping myself around as I straddled his stomach, "there's something I've always wanted to try..."



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