Fated Hope

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Fated Hope Page 33

by Sariah Skye

  I raised a brow. “You seem like you’re doing better than before. You were acting a little weird.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess I was just a bit worried.” Maxxus reached for one of my hands and pulled it towards him until both our hands rested on my abdomen. He threaded his fingers in with mine and traced soft circles with his thumb on my skin. “We should probably discuss what we are going to do.”

  “What do you mean? Kind of can’t stop it now…although it is early…” I trailed off. Miscarriages were not common for dragons. Like humans, no one really knew why they happened sometimes; they just did. For dragons the chance significantly decreased after the first four weeks; after that it was very, very rare. Thankfully.

  “I mean what we are going to do. Who is going to take care of her—or him—when she’s born, and we need to go fight the Shadows?” Maxxus said, with a sullen sigh.

  “You’ll stay and take care of her. Or him,” I said pointedly, with a smirk. “I’ll take Gabriel and we’ll do it together.”

  Maxxus lifted his head slightly. “Alone?”

  “You won’t be alone. You’ll have my brother…Kiarra…my parents and grandfather,” I insisted.

  “No no—I mean you alone? No. No way.” He shook his head.

  “What else will we do, then? Besides the likelihood of the Shadows taking ten months or more to emerge is not probable; we both know that,” I said, dryly.

  “Well, probably. But there is the struggle; we can’t have you, pregnant, fighting a battle? You realize that, right?” He said, his blue eyes earnest.

  “I know.” I sighed, dropping his hand, I reached out to stroke his hair tenderly. It fell messily over his eyes and onto my skin as I ruffled it around his head. “I guess we’ll have to come up with some way to channel my pink magic and…give it to those who will be fighting.”

  “Channel your magic? How so? Like talismans? Those stones Finnian gave us to use before?” He sat up rigidly, snapping his fingers. “Yes, that is a fantastic idea!”

  I considered it. “Well, maybe. I’m sure Finnian will have something up his sleeve. And we’ll have to go. Leave. Not sure where’d we go, but…”

  “Perhaps one of the kingdoms can offer sanctuary? One of the havens that remains untouched?” Maxxus suggested.

  I shook my head. “No, unfortunately I don’t think we can do that. The Shadows affect humanity differently, therefore they don’t actively seek them out. We’ll have to go back to the human world and hide.”

  “Hide?” Maxxus swallowed uneasily. “How could we hide a small dragon? We could never go anywhere.”

  I frowned, wryly. “We’ll have to take turns watching him to get supplies and keep them inside until he can control his shifting.”

  Maxxus looked away. His brow furrowed, creasing worry lines in his forehead as he raked his hands through his hair. He let out a deep breath before he turned back to me. “If that’s the way it has to be, then that’s the way it has to be.”

  “Right.” My gut felt sour at the idea of abandoning everyone to fight the Shadows alone; but what else could we do? We couldn’t risk an innocent child; one who had nothing to do with this fight.

  But was it fair to keep her locked up, inside, away from the outside world?

  I let out a sad groan. “This is not an easy choice no matter what. Hopefully the Shadows just surface sooner rather than later, while I’m still limber enough to fight and we can get it done with.”

  “You’d fight at all?” Maxxus asked, surprised.

  I shrugged. “Well, until I get bigger, it’ll be really hard to harm the baby, right? As long as I can move, and guard myself I should be okay, right?”

  “Ugh…” He buried his face in his palms. “I can’t believe I’m thinking about how it’s possible to risk my mate and child to fight these…these Shadow bastards!”

  I inched closer to him, prying his hands away and pulling them into my chest. “I know Maxx, I know. But at this point it’s no more of a risk than it would have been, right?”

  “What if you get captured, though? And get pulled to the Shadow realm?” Maxxus asked worriedly. “Do you want to raise a child in the Shadow realm? Our child? He should be cradled in the arms of his family, his grandparents! Letting his great-grandfather spoil him and playing on a blanket in the foyer of your home, flying and flitting around and giving everyone a hard time!”

  A smile tickled at the corner of my mouth at the idea; our child at my family home, maybe with a cousin belonging to Braeden and Kiarra. They’d play with pots and pans they snuck out of the kitchen and bang on them, irritating their grandmother. Then, Maxxus and I would come down the stairs and he would shift into his human form (fully clothed—thanks to Finnian’s magic!) and come running towards us.

  “What are you thinking?” Maxxus asked.

  “Oh, about what it’d be like if we were just normal.” I sighed loudly. “But I guess, we never will be huh?”

  Maxxus stomped out of bed, growling. He balled his fists at his sides, so tight his knuckles turned white. “That’s it. We just…hide. Where is a place in the human world without many people? Or any?”

  I snorted. “Antarctica has like, no people. Maybe a few scientists but otherwise…”

  Maxxus swiveled around, looking hopefully. “Where’s that?”

  “Ha. We can’t go there Maxx. It’s beyond freezing there. Not even a dragon could tolerate that cold much. It’d make Lake Superior feel like a hot bath! And it’s hard to get supplies in and out of there; I don’t even think airplanes can land there most of the time!”

  Maxxus grimaced. “Okay, anywhere else with maybe a few more people? And a grocery store?”

  I thought carefully. “Um…Wyoming? Maybe Alaska or Montana? Something like that? Parts of Canada are pretty desolate, I think. I can ask someone, they’ll be able to find us somewhere. Surely Gabriel or Kit has to know of a good place we could go.”

  Maxxus clapped his hands together. “So that settles it. We will just have to go to one of these places.”

  “That would mean abdicating our rule much earlier than anticipated.” I perked up at the thought. “Hmm, that’s not so bad.”

  “Who would we pick?” he asked.

  “Kiarra and Braeden. For sure,” I replied without a moment’s thought. “Kiarra is more queen material, anyhow.”

  He nodded in agreement. “So…we should probably start preparing talismans? Discuss everything with Finnian and figure out a plan, so we don’t’ leave everyone high and dry?”

  I sighed once again. The idea of leaving everyone to fight our battles left me feeling uneasy inside. Without my magic to fight Cyril…

  I shuddered at the thought. “Maxx, is there any way they can win without my magic?”

  Maxxus’ face fell. “I don’t know, Leo. I don’t know…”

  “What if—what if they take over the kingdom? How many dragons will die? Will they recruit? How—” Maxxus cut off my panic by placing a fingertip gently on my lips.

  “Leo, we’ll worry about that after we talk to Finnian. Surely…he’ll have some sort of plan, right?” He sounded as if he was trying to also convince himself of this.

  I didn’t say anything, I just looked away sadly. “I…I don’t know.”

  Maxxus frowned. “This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. We’re supposed to be happy! Not worrying about the end of the world.”

  “I know. I know…” I wrung my hands in my lap, looking down at them for the answers that I just did not have. “Let’s just…wait before we panic and talk to Finnian. Right?”

  Maxxus faced me, smiling wryly. He grasped my hand in between his and squeezed. “Right. Good plan.” We stared at each other solemnly for an indiscriminate amount of time, his sad eyes searching mine, as if we sought each other’s soul for all the answers. The answers to release ourselves from the weight of the world on our shoulders.

  My stomach rumbled loudly, the noise practically deafening in the bulky quiet that surrounded us.
Both startled by the noise, we bounced slightly.

  Maxxus laughed hysterically, and I followed suit. My stomach again growled, warning me that it was well past lunch time.

  He leaned over and kissed me on the mouth, our lips laughing against each other. “Get dressed. Let’s get you something to eat, huh?” My stomach growled again and I rolled my eyes, embarrassed.

  “Wow, that’s loud!” I said with a laugh.

  “And get you something to eat too!” Maxxus leaned down and spoke directly to the tiny baby growing inside. My chest warmed, watching him speak affectionately to the unseen life that grew there, and I grinned.

  “Yes. Let’s.” I slid out of bed with Maxxus’ assistance, dressed and we went, hand in hand to the kitchens to see what was being prepared for lunch.

  Chapter 21


  “Kit?” I stood in the doorway, surprised, even she was currently staying a stone’s through away from us in the refuge. But it was incredibly strange, seeing my human friend from my entirely human world, standing in the palace kitchens, eating at a tall table that was usually reserved for Court members who were in charge of food preparation.

  Of course, we had none of those right now; Kiarra and a handful of other guard members who had proficiency with cooking (meaning, they could boil water, cook toast and not set the castle on fire) were basically it. Thankfully, Kiarra oversaw all the meals prepared and they were learning…slowly.

  Kiarra stood, backs to Maxxus and I at the stove, and Kit sat nearby at the table, currently consuming a sandwich. She set it down, immediately upon our entering. The excitement in her eyes clearly meant that she knew something.

  Regardless, it was good to see her. We walked towards each other with haste, meeting with arms outstretched.

  “Leo, you look fantastic!” Kit kept me at arm’s length, admiring my more regal attire—and by regal I mean fancy, fur-lined robes and not the usual flannel and t-shirts she was used to seeing me in. Being post-romp and post shower, I still looked pretty sloppy. Kit had other ideas though. Leaning over and whispering in my ear, she said, “Married life clearly agrees with you.”

  I snickered. When she pulled away, I simply winked my eye, and slapped Maxxus on the ass as he walked by me, heading directly for the table of food.

  “Hey now!” He said, pretending to rub his “sore” butt, but he grinned and shook his head.

  I pulled Kit aside, towards the opposite end of the kitchen. “Oh I’m glad you’re here! It’s been crazy, and I…I need someone apart from all this,” I motioned my hand around me in a spinning gesture, indicating “everything around me”.

  Kit was sympathetic. “Well, not sure I’m entirely separated but I’m still your friend! Kiarra said you needed me, and she pulled me away from Loremaster training.”

  “Training? How…?” I was unsure how Finnian was finding the time between all he was doing for the Court, for Castle Danger and everything to train a new Loremaster but, of course I remembered who I was thinking about, and I chuckled. “Ah, well, that’s Finnian.”

  She grinned. “Yes. He does that thing where he stops time all around and we get to work.”

  I lifted a brow. “So, how exactly does one train to be a Loremaster? Loremistress?”

  Kit considered this. “I like Loremistress. And unfortunately, I can’t say anything,” she said regrettably.

  Maxxus suddenly smacked his hand on the table, rattling the plates of sandwiches and pitchers of various contents. “That’s it!” He shouted aloud, appearing as if he’d just had an epiphany.

  Kit and I glanced at each other strangely. “What’s it?” I asked, uncertainly.

  He stormed over to us, and gave Kit a huge hug, catching her off guard. “Katrina, you are a genius!” She giggled as he put her down, and kissed me quickly on the cheek. “I will be back! Going to talk to a man about a plan!” He hightailed it out of the kitchen to who knew where, like a man on a mission.

  “What was that?” Kiarra swiveled around at us, looking confused.

  Kit and I exchanged shrugs. “I’m not sure, he just said ‘Katrina, you’re a genius!’ and scurried off!”

  “Katrina?” Kiarra looked puzzled.

  I pointed at Kit. “Her full name. Kit is technically a nickname.”

  “How’d he know that?” Kiarra questioned me.

  I shrugged. “I’m guessing I must have told him?”

  Kit waved me off. “Oh no bother. Finnian calls me Katrina all the time; says it reminds him of a friend he used to have. I like it. I’m sure he’s just used to hearing it from him.”

  “Probably.” Kit and I forgot about Maxxus and sat next to each other at the table, on a long wooden bench.

  “So, what is going on?” Kit asked me, with motherly concern in her voice. Looking at her, it was hard to believe I was older than her; her eyes contained knowledge and wisdom far beyond her years…and always had, even before the Loremaster bit. Perhaps that’s why I felt comfortable around her from the beginning. It was just meant to be, I guess, I thought to myself, trying to hide my smile so I didn’t look like a total goofball.

  “Well…” My cheeks flushed and I looked away.

  “What?” She demanded anxiously.

  “Oh…” Feeling the butterflies flit around in my stomach. “Maxxus and I…we…”

  Kit’s hand flew to her wide-open mouth as she gasped. “Oh my god. You are pregnant!”

  I looked at her cautiously and nodded slowly. “Yeah. Still getting used to the idea myself.”

  Kit fanned herself rapidly, biting her lip. Her eyes shone with happy tears which caught me off-guard. “Ohhhh…Leo!”

  I smiled gradually feeling somewhat uncomfortable under her happy stare.

  “Are you okay?” Kit’s smile quickly fell. “Is something wrong?”

  I peered down at my lap, turning my hands over in my lap. “No, but it’s…just…” I couldn’t stop the emotion from bubbling at the surface. When I looked up at her concerned face, my lower lip trembled and the tears fell like waterfalls.

  “Oh Leo come on—it’ll be okay! Just tell me what’s wrong?” Kit immediately wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in tight.

  “How can we have a baby during this mess!? What am I thinking?” I blubbered into her shoulder in despair.

  “You’re thinking you are in love and you want a family; it isn’t rocket science.” Kit patted my back reassuringly.

  I sniffled. “But—I mean—I can’t fight the Shadows pregnant! Which means…” I gasped for air, through my wracked sobs. “…people will die. I don’t want to be to blame for anyone’s death!”

  Kit sighed lengthily. “Oh geez Leorah.” Kit pulled away from me slightly, and wiped the tears on my cheeks with a fingertip. “You have the weight of two worlds on your shoulders, it’s no wonder you’re upset.”

  “I don’t know what to do! We’ll have to run away or something!” I cried. “And Maxxus seems a bit out of sorts.”

  “Maxxus? Really? He seemed fine just now. I’m sure he’s just as worried as you are, but you’re not alone, we are going to figure it out,” Kit promised, with earnest. “The Shadows will be obliterated, your baby will be born and Castle Danger will be repaired and we’ll open up our coffee house just like we wanted to and caffeinate the Mythos,” she said with a wink.

  I laughed as I sniffled. “I can’t see that far ahead.”

  “Oh, I can!” Kit insisted. She tossed her wavy blonde hair over her shoulder and motioned outward. “Just picture it. A little shop just like Morningstar, maybe with some treats that Kiarra makes, and you can just put Baby in a playpen or something nearby. It’ll be fine.”

  I smiled at the thought. “Well, maybe not…”

  “Why not?”

  “Baby dragons fly.”

  Kit grinned, and despite my sadness, we both laughed.

  “Ah well, so no tchotchkes like before, huh? Besides, the real unicorns pale to the fake ones, eh?” She said with a gleam of pla
yfulness in her eye.

  I wiped my face with the sleeve of my robes and looked at her with anticipation. “You need to fill me in there.”

  She shrugged with indifference. “There’s not much to tell; we’re just having fun right now. Orion is quite amazing.”

  I sat there, watching her for a time, noticing just how wonderful she looked. A few weeks ago, she was near death and now, she was brighter and more beautiful than ever; she just glowed. She wore deep purple palazzo pants under plush crème-colored robes that hit her just below the knee because of her tall stature. Her long, wavy hair was brushed and moisturized and the waves draped over her shoulders; and her eyes sparkled with happiness. I smirked. “You look amazing. Clearly all these new changes are agreeing with you,” I said, with a wink.

  Kit blushed. “I feel so bad feeling so good during all this difficulty but, I feel like for the first time that I finally fit in.”

  I smiled knowingly, and reached over to place my hand over hers. “I know just how you feel.”

  She returned my smile, and eyed me thoughtfully. She cocked an eyebrow.

  “What?” I asked, feeling suspicious under her stare.

  She grinned. “There is…something different about you.”

  I groaned mildly. “Something about that pregnancy glow?” I grimaced. “I certainly don’t feel glowing.”

  She laughed. “Well…to be honest you look very…worn.” She smiled sympathetically. “Sorry.”

  I waved her off. “No no…I feel exhausted. Evie says I’m still slightly dehydrated and anemic. No healing for me for a couple more days.”

  “Sorry. I know it’s been hard.” She snapped her fingers. “I know what it is! You no longer use all your old slang and expressions! I don’t think I’ve heard you say ‘whatever’ in weeks!”

  I burst out laughing. “I guess not! When my memories were restored, it sort of wiped out some of the knowledge I had of the fake memories! My parents actually filled my brain with all sorts of human 90s pop-culture! I don’t even remember half the things I used to like anymore!”

  “You didn’t forget about Star Trek did you?” she gasped.


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