Shamrocks and Secrets

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Shamrocks and Secrets Page 11

by Cayce Poponea

  I watched as Nora’s face changed to one of pure joy, and a maybe a little mischief.

  “Eileen, may I introduce you to Patrick’s Christi. I know you’ve heard he gave her the necklace. our Christi.”

  You could have shoved a Mack truck in the gaping hole that was Eileen’s mouth. I hadn’t realized that my accepting the shamrock had been such news. I thought it was just a close family thing. Clearly I was wrong.

  “Oh, well, you must be very excited then, Nora, she’s very pretty.”

  Not one time after Nora set her straight about whom I was did Eileen look at me. I was used to this from Patrick’s men, but this was new for it to come from a woman.

  “I’m happy for my son. Christi is good for him, and she makes him a better man.”

  Wow...didn’t see that one coming.

  Once all of the guests had arrived, the tea was served. I made my way to the back of the room. I wanted to make certain the wait staff had everything they needed. I was in full work mode when Nora approached me.

  “Christi, you need to take your seat.”

  “Nora…what are...?”

  “You’re a member of this family and you need to have a seat with the family.”

  “Nora, thank you, but I’m also working.”

  Something you learned fairly quickly, you never argued with the Malloy women.

  “Did you not hire Frankie to assist you?”

  It sounded like a question, but it certainly was not.

  “Then go freshen your face and join us.”

  Sitting and not helping was a true test of my nerves. I wanted so badly to go to the kitchen and make sure everything was going well. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Frankie; I just had issues relinquishing control.

  We had barely begun our second pot of tea when I noticed Eileen’s face was scrunched up in a disdainful manner. The boss in me wanted to make certain everything was all right.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Nora instructed from my left.

  “Sorry, it’s just hard to let go.”

  “Christi, even if she wasn’t paying for this, she’d still be unhappy. That’s just how she is.” It was more than that and I knew it. Nora had no problem reading my expression. “Let’s get through the gifts and we’ll talk.”

  The tea itself was really a lot of fun. The tea lady, Mrs. Belvedere, was very informative when she told the history of the different teas that were being served. It was interesting to learn that different teas were served at different times of the day and that this was a tradition that had occurred for many years in England. I hoped one day that I would get to travel abroad and experience an authentic tea.

  Sitting next to Allyson was certainly an entertaining event. She and Paige would make up different stories about the women in the room. It was like people watching gone wild.

  “So, I hear you and Patrick exchanged the ‘L’ word,” Paige whispered when Nora wasn’t listening.

  I could only smile.

  “You know, I really shouldn’t tell you this, however…”

  “However, she has a big-ass mouth and she’s going to anyway,” Allyson teased.

  Paige pinched her arm, causing both girls to giggle.

  “Anyway, as I was saying…Patrick told Caleb that he fell in love with you the night he found you at the jazz club and you bit his head off about being called Legs. He said there was just something about you that called deeply to him.”

  I smiled at the memory of that night.

  “I knew I’d fallen for him the day he found me at my sister’s grave and asked me about my favorite memory. It was like he wanted to know her, as well.”

  “So, are you glad you decided to give him a chance?” Paige questioned, taking a sip from her cup.

  “You know,” I grinned lifting my cup as well, “I really am.”

  I listened as Nora told a story of how she and Thomas had tried to get away for a weekend when their children were little. She laughed and said that in the weeks leading up to the trip, every time Thomas would try to become intimate with her, one of the children would barge in.

  “So finally, we’re sitting in this lovely bed and breakfast, naked as the day we were born,” she chuckled at her memory. “Thomas is thrusting like there’s no tomorrow and the bloody phone rings.”

  She went on to say that it had been the uncle that was staying with the children and it appeared that Patrick thought it would be cute to ‘launch’ his little sister. She went on to explain the ‘launching’. Patrick was on his back with his thighs touching his chest and she was to sit on the bottoms of his feet. He would then thrust his legs out and she would fly through the air. He was successful in not only projecting her straight into the air, but also in breaking her arm in three places and requiring surgery.

  “We had to rush back so we could be there for little Paige.”

  I watched as Paige turned green from hearing that her parents were having sex.

  “Oh, just you wait my darling daughter; have as much sex as you can now because once you bring those babies home, you’ll never have it again until they leave.”

  The entire table erupted in laughter; well, except for Paige of course.

  Being in this business for as long as I had, you got to see some pretty amazing things. Nothing could have prepared me for watching Paige open her gifts. From one of her aunts back in Ireland, she received this handmade lace handkerchief. Nora told me she would carry that during her wedding. Evidently, it had been made from the leftover lace from Paige’s christening gown. I nearly cried as I heard the story. Thomas and Nora gave her an architect to build them a house. A house...

  Caleb had sent over this absolutely stunning necklace that was covered in diamonds. Eileen closed her eyes and physically shook when Paige gushed over it. Apparently, it had been left to Caleb by Eileen’s father. Nora whispered that it would have gone to Eileen if she would have married the man her father told her to.

  Nothing could have prepared me for when Paige lifted a large, gold envelope from the table and read it out loud, “From Patrick and Christi.”

  She tore open the envelope as I sat like a statue in my chair. I watched as she took out an official-looking paper and began to literally squeal as she jumped out of her chair and ran around the table.

  “Oh, Christi, thank you...thank you! It’s the exact one I wanted. Oh, I’m so happy!” Her arms wrapped tightly around me, as she violently rocked me back and forth. I was helpless to do anything as she continued to vibrate with joy.

  Once she finally let me go, she dropped the piece of paper on the table in front of me and then reached back into the envelope. It was at this point I noticed not only a picture, but a car title in Paige’s name. Patrick had purchased her a Jaguar convertible.

  “Nora, I had no idea.”

  She patted my knee as she leaned in and whispered, “Did you notice that Eileen gave her nothing?”

  I looked at Nora with wide eyes. “You’re shitting me, right? I mean, I got her a place-setting of dishes off her register, nothing huge.”

  Nora cut me off by placing her hand on mine.

  “Yes, Lass, and don’t think Eileen didn’t notice that she received two gifts from you.”

  I whispered to Nora, “But I had no idea Patrick was going to do that.”

  Nora only smiled, “Yes, but neither did Eileen.”

  I didn’t understand what was happening here and little did I know that I was about leave Eileen completely speechless.


  “Christi, come with me,” Nora instructed as we watched Eileen getting upset with the hotel manager.

  “…And the scones were at least a day old. You’re bloody bonkers if you think I’m paying for them,” Eileen hissed at the poor manager.

  “Is there a problem here, Eileen?” Nora questioned.

  “Oh, you know, Nora, stupid Americans, what do they know about English staples?”

  Hearing her lashing out, not only at Edgar th
e hotel manager, but about everything she had seen today, finally got to me. I didn’t even really think about what I was going, it just happened.

  “I’m so sorry, Edgar. Here, let me take care of everything.”

  I hadn’t given Patrick his credit card back from Shannon’s party, so I quickly handed it to Edgar, who scurried away with it.

  It was after he was out of sight that I caught the final price, eleven thousand dollars...great, there went a huge chunk of my savings.

  I looked at the two ladies before me, Nora was standing tall, like the mother of a gold medalist. Eileen, however, wore a look of absolute shock and quite frankly, was a bit green around the gills.

  “Yes, well, since that’s all settled,” Nora chuckled.

  “Shall we have that drink now, Christi?”

  “Wait! Let me...let me give you a” Eileen stuttered as she scrambled trying to open her Gucci purse.

  I turned back to look at Eileen. I noticed then how her hands were shaking and fumbling to find her checkbook.

  “Oh, Mrs. Montgomery, never mind the money. Us stupid Americans are more than willing to step up and help,” I smiled at her and turned to join Nora in the hotel bar.

  Nora waited until we were seated and had our drinks before she finally said anything.

  “You acted like a Malloy today, I’m so proud of you. Wait until Patrick hears about this.”

  I lowered my head and let out a sigh. “What I did today was stupid. I disrespected her by jumping in the middle. My only reason behind that was to save my amicable connection with the staff here.” Nora only smiled as she sipped her drink. I chuckled as I continued, “That was the most expensive lunch I’ve ever bought. It’ll take me a while to recoup that money.”

  Nora quietly place her wine glass down on the table. “Do you think Patrick will even blink an eye at that credit card bill?”

  I looked at her questioningly, “He won’t have to. I’ll give him a check tomorrow, along with an apology for using it without his permission.”

  Nora silently laughed as she continued to sip on her wine. I, on the other hand, chugged my martini.

  “Lass, I think its time you were given a little more information on the people around you.”

  The bartender silently removed my empty glass and replaced it with a new martini. The bar was surprisingly quiet for the amount of people that were seated. I didn’t notice any of Patrick’s men and I did find that odd.

  “Eileen Montgomery is a woman who lives with regret,” Nora began to trace imaginary lines on the table with her perfectly manicured fingernail as she spoke. “You see, Christi, when she decided to leave Ireland and marry a non-Irish American, she had no idea of what was about to happen back home. She and Sherman had been married about a year and had Caleb’s sister, Mia, when her only brother died suddenly.”

  I watched as Nora shifted her eyes from the table to my face.

  “Family law states that in a case like that, the eldest daughter may inherit the family business when the father steps down.”

  My eyes went wide. I knew Eileen had refused to marry the Irish man her father had wanted her to, and because of that, she would have no claim to the family fortune.

  “The same law states that she must follow the same rules and marry accordingly, which she did not. To make matters worse, she had a child by that American man.”

  The bartender placed a new glass of wine on the table and removed the empty one Nora had been toying with.

  “Eileen’s sister, Audrey, not only inherited the business when their father passed a few months later, but she married the man Eileen had run from. They now run the business and have six children of their own. Audrey wants for nothing, much as I do. That, however, is not the case for Eileen.”

  This was surprising as Eileen always looked so well put together and drove a Range Rover. Nora caught my shocked look and chuckled.

  “Oh yes, Christi, Sherman Montgomery is nearly bankrupt. He’s made one bad deal after another. If my Paige wasn't so completely in love with Caleb, I would’ve made Thomas break the marriage contract. Caleb has taken over the company, and with the help of Paige’s dowry and Patrick’s assistance, we expect to have a strong alliance very soon.”

  I was about to ask why, in this day and age, the exchange of money for a bride was still happening.

  “Eileen thought that if she married Sherman, she would have the status you and I have.”

  “What status do I have?”

  This wasn’t my world and I had no real claim to Patrick or his family. I loved being with him, but that didn’t change the fact that he could drop me like a bad habit and move on to the next girl. I had no status.

  “Christi, I believe Allyson told you a little as to why Patrick’s men don’t look at you in the eye?”

  “Yes, she said it had to do with honor and respect.”

  “Yes and no, it actually goes back further than we can really explain. I’ve been told it dates back as far as ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs. We give that same distinction to the wife or betrothed of our current king, so to speak.”

  If I was confused before, I was completely lost now. I wasn’t betrothed to Patrick; we had barely begun to date.

  “Okay, I get that it’s an honor to be the king’s wife or intended, but Nora, I’m neither. Clearly Patrick and I aren’t married, and he hasn’t asked me to marry him, so why do these rules apply to me?”

  Nora rolled her eyes as she adjusted in her seat. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…God knows I love Allyson, but sometimes she fails to deliver the correct information; the bracelet, Christi.” I looked down at my wrist, the diamonds glistening back at me. “The bracelet is a complete circle, the diamonds, one of the hardest materials known to man. The platinum they’re set in, strong and beautiful. It all means one thing. Patrick placed that bracelet on your wrist as a sign that you’re his intended, and only you can break that bond by removing it. That’s why he was so concerned that you’d removed it when I took you to the farmhouse.”

  I couldn’t speak after her confession.

  “Eileen has always wanted to have that level of respect. She’s never wanted to be in a position of having to give it.”

  This was so overwhelming for me. I knew his feelings on getting married, but to be told that he was on that track.

  Before I could ask Nora any more questions, Patrick and his men came charging through the bar entrance. “Oh, thank God! I’ve been tearing this hotel apart looking for you,” Patrick said as he crossed the room and lifted me out of my seat, knocking my drink over in the process. He hugged me so tightly I thought he would break a bone. “Baby, please don’t scare me like that again, I couldn’t find you and no one knew where you had gone.”

  My face was crushed to his chest. I could feel his heart beating so fast I thought it was going to fly out of his chest.

  “Patrick, I’m fine, I’ve been with your Mother the entire time.”

  He pulled me back to look into my eyes; I saw it then, relief.

  I watched as Nora and Patrick looked at one another, silently saying something to each other.

  The bartender was quick to come with a towel and a new drink for me. Patrick took a seat without a word and a glass of scotch was placed before him. He pulled me close and placed his hand midway up on my thigh, slowly making lazy patterns with his thumb; it was comforting and yet, a little erotic.

  Nora began to tell him of the encounter with Eileen and how I had paid the bill. He smiled as he raised his glass with his free hand.

  “I’m so sorry, Patrick, I’ll have a check to you in the morning. I don’t know what came over me,” I shook my head as I apologized.

  “No, you won’t,” his voice was firm.

  I looked at him with alarm. “But, Patrick, I charged eleven grand to your credit card! You never gave me permission to use the card except for Shannon’s party.”

  Patrick smiled as he lifted my wrist that had the bracelet wrapped securely aroun
d it. “This, love, is all the permission you need.”

  I could only blink as his words began to sink in.

  “Listen, if this is really bothering you, then I can think of a way for you to make it up to me,” he said with a low voice and I looked up into his dark, lusty eyes.

  “Oh, I have no doubt that you do,” I chuckled as I leaned onto his side.

  “Patrick, love, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to tell you something before anyone else did,” Nora’s gentle voice filled the air. “Eileen didn’t give your sister a gift—nothing.”

  Patrick shifted his entire body toward his Mother. I could feel his muscles tighten and I could see his hand grip the scotch glass firmly. “No lace or quilt?”

  Nora could only shake her head.

  I remembered hearing from my grandmother that in the old country, the Mother of the groom would make a quilt from the clothes the groom had worn as a child. It would be placed on the marriage bed for the first year as a good luck charm.

  “No, love, not even a card from the corner grocery.”

  I didn’t like the look that both Nora and Patrick had in their eyes. I couldn’t describe it. It looked almost like one of betrayal.

  “Speaking of gifts,” I poked Patrick in the side with my index finger, “You bought your sister a car and then you added my name to the card.” Patrick turned to face me, his devilish eyes locked with mine. The cheeky fucker pulled out the crooked grin just because he could.

  “Amex wanted a Jaguar convertible she’d seen in a magazine. As far as adding your name, what’s the issue?”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Well, a little heads up would’ve been nice. I’d already given her a place setting of her china.”

  He kissed my nose as he ran his hand along my thigh, slowly parting my legs and trailing his fingers between.

  “I like it when you’re feisty.”

  God, the things this man could do with his fingers…

  “Oh, my love, you’ve not begun to see feisty,” I moaned. He kissed my lips as his fingers went even higher. “Patrick,” his name came out as a gasp.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll stop.”


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