Shamrocks and Secrets

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Shamrocks and Secrets Page 15

by Cayce Poponea

  “Auntie Christi, what are we going to do today?”

  “Well, what do you want to do today?”

  “Wait,” Paige interjected. I looked toward her quick-moving form as she made her way to Abby, “How about you and I go have our nails done so Auntie Christi can get some work done?”

  Thank God for Paige, Shannon's wedding was in six days and I still had several things to do.

  Abby was so easily pleased as she ran around the room shouting, “Yeah!”

  Two hours later, I had finished my remaining tasks for Shannon's wedding. Paige had texted me that she, Abby, and Nora were headed to lunch and then doing some shopping.

  I had half a mind to see if Patrick was busy.

  With my phone in hand, I was almost ready to hit send when I heard it, a thump coming from the room behind my office. I listened closely to see if I had been imagining it, when I heard it twice more. I slowly made my way to the storage room to investigate.

  The door was wide open and the overhead light was illuminating two figures against the wall. I was so shocked at what I was seeing that I stood cemented in my tracks. The blonde-haired woman was shoved against the wall as the darker-haired man kissed her passionately. His hands cupped her face as he consumed her mouth with his. My hand went to my mouth to prevent any sounds of surprise from alarming the couple.

  “Shuu, caithfidh tu’ a behith ciucin.” (Shush, you have to be quiet.)

  “Oh,” The girl’s quivering voice responded.

  “Mo ghra’, fhois agat do mo challin cert?” (My love, you know you’re my girl, right?)

  “I think you just called me your girl, is that right?” The blonde was now looking into his eyes as he continued to cup her face.

  “Caith me’ dul, ta’ me’ garde Ms. Christi. Ba mhaith liom tu’ roinnr a’it speisialta.” (I have to go now, I’m guarding Ms. Christi. I want to take you somewhere special.)

  “I have no idea what you just said, but my answer is yes. It’ll always be yes.” I had to hide my gasp as the couple parted and for the first time, I was able to see who they were.

  I watched as Frankie reached up and gently kissed Shamus on the lips again, their hands falling as she moved to exit the room. I quickly and quietly went back to my desk. Frankie came in a half second behind me, startled as she came into my office, surprised I was still here.

  “Oh, God,” her eyes were huge as she realized the possibility that I had overheard what had just happened. “I...I…”

  I could only smile at her. Shamus was a very handsome man. Even though he was no Patrick, he was easy on the eyes nonetheless.

  “Sit, Frankie, we need to chat.” Her face fell as she quietly took the chair that faced my desk, her fingers playing with an imaginary string on her skirt. “Frankie, would you mind telling me what that was all about?”

  She continued to stare at her lap as if it held the answers to the mysteries of the universe. She slowly took in a deep breath as she began to lift her eyes to mine.

  “Well, you see...” she crossed her legs and looked everywhere except at me. She was nervous, I fully expected it, but it was unwarranted. “Christi, he’s so wonderful. At first, he was just trying to teach me Gaelic.”

  I looked at her bewildered. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why was he teaching you Gaelic? He barely speaks English.”

  “Because, I fell in love with him and I wanted to be able to tell him.” I smiled as she continued. “He’s always been nice to me, even when I was Harley. He never tried anything with me, like some of the other guys. He gave me a flower one night for no reason, just being sweet. He even rejected me when I tried to suck him off for doing it.”

  I remained silent as she continued.

  “I don’t know when it happened, but it did, I’ve been taking lessons from him for a while. He’s never pressured me for anything and he treats me like...”

  I watched as a single tear ran down her cheek. “Like what, Frankie?”

  “Like a real lady,” her words were slightly above a whisper as tears continued to roll down her face. I smiled as her words lingered in the room, her sniffles the only noise that remained.

  My voice was soft when I spoke again, “Isn’t that what you wanted, Frankie?” She nodded gently, her head still bowed. “Then what’s the problem? Why are you crying?”

  “Because it’s probably going to get him in trouble with Mr. Malloy and me fired from my first real job.”

  “Why, Frankie? Has Patrick ever said you couldn’t date his men?” She shook her head no. “Have I ever said you couldn’t date on your own personal time?” She, again, shook her head no. “Then I fail to see the problem, my Dear.”

  Her head snapped up in my direction. “Do you mean that, Christi? I can still see him?”

  I laughed as I nodded my head, “Of course, he’s a wonderful man. You have my blessing, and my encouragement.” Her smile now larger than life, her body vibrating.

  “I was so scared that this was all a huge dream and I was going to wake up and still be the disgusting whore I was before.”

  It was my turn to shed a tear as her words hit my heart.

  “You won’t regret this, Christi, I promise. I’ll be professional when I’m at work, I swear. You’ll be so proud of me.”

  I smiled as I stood and rounded my desk, pulling her into a hug. “I already am, Frankie, I already am.”

  We stood for a few moments just embracing each other. She was a new person, a happy person, and everyone deserved a second chance. Frankie had taken that and run with it. She was finally a true lady. She let me go and said she had a million things to do. I smiled and waved her off.

  “Oh, Frankie, one last thing before you leave.”

  She turned back to me, her face covered in a smile. “Yes, Christi?”

  “He said you were his girl and that he wanted to take you someplace nice. I think you should call him and tell him, ‘Dinne’ar ag se’, i dont mo a’bheith de’anach.”

  She looked at me confused, “What’s that?”

  “Dinner at my house, six o’clock, and don’t be late.”

  She repeated what I told her and dashed off to her office.

  Paige and Nora met Shannon and I with Abby at a restaurant a few blocks from Patrick’s condo. Dillion stopped by and took Shannon and Abby home, as Paige and I were talking about her wedding. Nora was busy talking on her phone to someone back in Ireland, and by the tone of the conversation, it sounded like it was related to the lace incident.

  By the time I got home, it was after eleven. I showered and then crawled into bed. Patrick had called me earlier and said he couldn’t join us for dinner, but would see me in the morning.

  As I lay in my bed, tossing and turning, my mind went back to the weekend I had spent in Patrick’s bed. It was more than just the amazing sex; it was just being with him. After an hour, I conceded defeat, flung the covers back, packed a bag, and then headed to Patrick’s condo.

  All the lights were off when I got there. The rational side of me knew I should have called him first, he was a mob boss after all and he had guns all over the condo. But I didn’t.

  I made my way back to his bedroom where I found a sleeping Patrick flat on his back. The covers rested low on his hips, leaving me a clear view of his bare chest. I stripped off all of my clothes and slid into bed with him. I lay my head on his chest and felt his arm come around me, hugging me to him.

  “Not that I mind this, but what brought this on?” His voice was pure sex and comfort rolled into one.

  “I just needed to be near you,” I spoke into his chest as his fingers combed through my hair.

  “You don’t need an excuse, you should just move all of your things over here and stay here every night.”

  I closed my eyes and contemplated how I would say this without pissing him off. “I don’t want to live here, Patrick, I want a real home.”

  We lay in silence, my words hanging heavily over us.

“You’re right, this isn’t a home. Once Shannon's wedding is over, I want to start looking at houses. One that we can agree on, one that I can carry you across the threshold of, and bring our babies home to.”

  I smiled as his words resonated. He understood; this condo was his office, not a place to build our lives.

  “Another thing, I want you to stop taking your birth control once we’re married. I want babies with you, Christi, and I want to start trying before the ink is dry on the marriage license.”

  I smiled into his chest again, placing a kiss to his skin above his heart. “I can’t wait to see how protective you are with our daughters.”

  Patrick took in a deep breath, “We’re only having sons, twelve of them.”

  I didn’t acknowledge his statement. I filled him in on Frankie and Shamus. I made certain to voice how happy I was with the couple and I hoped he would be, too. No more was spoken as I drifted off to sleep. My world was perfect and although I had fought against being with Patrick, I was glad I had lost.


  “Oh, yes! Right fucking there...”

  Patrick had woken me before the alarm went off. I didn’t mind since he used his tongue.


  With a mischievous laugh, he stopped licking my clit and asked, “Please what?”

  I threw my head in his direction, my hair flying like a tidal wave across my face.

  “Patrick Shane Malloy, you return that fucking tongue back to where you had it or so help me.”

  His laughing continued as he winked at me and then lowered his head back between my thighs. “You put a cheap ring on a girl’s finger and she gets very demanding all of the sudden.”

  Three orgasms, a shower, and a blow job later, I was helping him tie his tie. “So, we never did set a date for this wedding you’re forcing me into,” he teased.

  I locked eyes with him in the mirror and gave him the look. You know, the one that says be careful buddy, or your right hand is going to be your only friend for a while.

  “No, we didn’t,” I responded as I cinched up his tie a little too snugly. “I called Father Murphy and he’s ready to start Pre-Cana classes.”

  “All right, let’s see…” I pulled Patrick’s phone from the nightstand and touched the screen for his calendar, “Well, this weekend is clearly’s my sister’s wedding.” He only chuckled. “And your sister’s is just a few weeks after, so the best day according to your crazy schedule is October thirteenth.”

  I then lifted my eyes from the screen to find him smiling at me, “October thirteenth it is.”

  I phoned my dad and asked him to meet me at our diner. With my wedding date now set, I needed to get a few minor details out of the way. I was surprised to find my dad hadn’t arrived yet, but Patrick was sitting at our usual table. I couldn’t help my smile as I made my way over to join him.

  “Did you miss me?” I chuckled as I placed a kiss on his lips.

  “Your dad invited me, actually, and yes, I did miss you”

  Doris was on her game this morning as she placed a cup of hot coffee on the table in front of me.

  “Your usual, Sweetheart?” Doris’s friendly voice questioned.

  “No, just coffee today,” I smiled as I looked at her.

  She then turned to Patrick and began to refill his cup, “Anything for you, Patrick?”

  I was taken aback by the way she used his first name. I only knew of a handful of people who had.

  “No, Doris, I’m meeting my future father-in-law, I’m a little nervous this morning,” he chuckled as he winked in my direction.

  “Oh, Patrick, that’s not nice. Matthew’s a wonderful man and you know it.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, I was only trying to rile Christi up this morning.”

  “Better be careful with that, she’ll soon sleep beside you,” Doris teased as she began to walk away. “Oh, before I forget, thank you again for your help with Ian,” Doris added and then walked away.

  I looked at Patrick who was sporting a happy grin; I had to know what that was all about. I wasn’t certain how much he would tell me about his personal business, though. Patrick must have picked up on my curiosity and spoke before I could ask.

  “Since you’re going to be my wife very soon, you should know that I, or rather we, are helping Doris’s son with his medical school tuition.”

  I could have been told the sky was green at this point and I would have had an easier time believing that, than what I had just heard coming from my fiancé.

  “Are you kidding me?” I stammered before I could think.


  “So you’re making like…like…one of those loan shark loan things? You know, all money plus interest, due in ninety days?”

  Patrick began to laugh at me. Really laugh.

  “Love, but not everything I do is for profit. I try to help out the kids in the neighborhood that are trying to better themselves. Ian was always helping out the other neighborhood kids, too. When Doris told me he’d lost his scholarship due to budget cuts, I stepped in.”

  I remembered Charlotte telling me Patrick donated millions every year to charity. I leaned toward him and beckoned him closer with my index finger. He smiled his signature smile as he leaned in.

  “I think I just fell a lot more in love with you, Patrick Malloy.” Then I kissed his lips.

  “You know I’m only allowing that because of the ring you placed on her finger.”

  Even the sound of my father’s voice could do nothing to make me break the kiss. I slowly backed away and proceeded to look directly into Patrick’s eyes. I would always remember the way he looked at me— loving, cherished, devoted. He never had to tell me how he felt, his eyes told me everything.

  “Good morning, Daddy,” I said, my eyes never leaving Patrick’s.

  “Good morning,” my father spoke as he sat down beside me, kissing my cheek as he settled.

  Doris didn't miss a beat as she placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of him.

  “Thank you, Doris,” Matthew and Patrick stated at the same time.

  I let my dad get a sip of his coffee before I began to question why he wanted Patrick here. I needed to talk with him about how we were going to pay for this wedding and honestly, I didn’t want Patrick to hear this conversation.

  “So, Dad, not that I’m complaining, but why does Patrick need to be here for our meeting?”

  I took another sip of my coffee as Patrick reached across the table and took my free hand in his. Something was going on, and by the looks on their faces, I might not want to hear it.

  “I asked Patrick to join us because I have some news and I’m not certain how you’ll respond to it.”

  Patrick gripped my hand tighter as I tried to turn my body toward my father. I could feel the anxiety begin to travel up my chest and into my throat. Was something wrong with my father? Was he ill, or had he gotten into trouble?

  “For the past year I’ve been seeing someone—romantically.”

  And just like the minute you get your period after having had unprotected sex, relief washed over me and I let out the breath I had been holding.

  I smacked my father on the arm as I scolded him for worrying me. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again! I thought you were dying by the way you were talking.”

  Both men began to chuckle as I took another sip of coffee.

  “Well, you may want to kill me when you find out who it is.”

  Cue the return of the anxiety. I think I’m going to kill him…she’s married.

  “Before I tell you who it is, I want you to know that I…we didn’t plan on falling in love, but we did and I’ve asked her to move in with me. She isn’t ready to get married just yet, but I’m willing to wait for her to be.” I looked to Patrick and he squeezed my hand tighter. “She wanted to come today and be here with me, but I told her this needed to come from me.”

  Doris chose that moment to bring my father his breakfa
st plate.

  “Thank you, Doris.”

  I watched as my father looked at his over-easy eggs, took a deep breath, and then turned his face to me, “For the past year, I’ve been seeing Charlotte.”

  I could have sworn I heard him say Charlotte, but that was crazy…

  “I love her, Christi. She makes me feel good, she makes me want to live again.”

  I loved my father and I loved Charlotte. I began to really think about the past year. Had Charlotte acted any different? She didn’t really talk about her personal life, now I knew why.

  “She wanted to tell you so many times and I asked her not to. If you’re mad, be mad at me, not her.”

  “Babe, you’re not saying anything. Talk to me, please,” Patrick spoke gently to me.

  I took in a deep breath and then winked at Patrick where my father couldn’t see. My father was a grown man and if Charlotte made him happy, then who was I to stand in their way. That didn’t change the fact that I was about to give him shit because he had scared me earlier.

  “Dad, are you kidding me? Charlotte is my age. You’re old enough to be her father for Christ sakes.”

  I looked to Patrick who was trying very hard to keep from laughing. He knew I was just playing with my dad.

  “I know, and don’t think for one-second that I didn’t fight these feelings I have for her, because I did. I mean she may want to have children someday and I can’t give them to her. My girls are grown for Pete’s sakes.”

  Okay, so that pulled at my heart a little, not going to lie.

  “I’ve given myself a thousand reasons why this relationship is a bad idea, but the one thing neither one of us could ignore was our love for each other.”

  I looked at my dad for a second, really looked at him. He was happy with one of my best friends in the world and I knew she would take care of him.

  “Dad, honestly, I’m happy if you are,” I leaned over and kissed his cheek just as Patrick’s phone began to ring.

  “Well, I’m certainly glad you were wrong about her reaction, Matthew,” Patrick chuckled as he tossed some money on the table and stood up. “I’m sorry to leave, but I have an issue that needs my attention. Can we have dinner tonight? My place?” He leaned over and kissed my lips.


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