Shamrocks and Secrets

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Shamrocks and Secrets Page 27

by Cayce Poponea

  Maggie pulled a few strings and had gotten the entire Plaza hotel reserved, all fifteen hundred rooms. Nora had no problem filling all of them.

  With the size of the wedding, Maggie suggested we hire a number of vendors that provided the same services. She said that with the sheer numbers we were having, there would be no room for error. Charlotte had a decent relationship with another caterer in the next town over and they had worked it out between them who would supply what.

  Maggie had informed me that the most difficult part was finding enough bells for each of the guests to have one. With Paige’s wedding, she had chosen not to perform this particular tradition. I, however, wanted to have the bells at my wedding. Tradition had it that each of the wedding guests would be given a bell, and this bell was rung several times during the ceremony. Once the wedding was over, the bride and groom chose a single bell from the guests to take home. Later, when the couple would have an argument, they would ring that bell to ward off the evil spirit that caused the fight.

  This became an issue when you needed nearly a thousand of them, all made from fine china with an Irish Claddagh on the side. Maggie assured me she had it covered.

  So for the first time in months, I had nothing to do except slip into a hot bubble bath and relax, so that was exactly what I did.

  Several hours later, I made my way down the large staircase. Once I reached the bottom of the steps, my father and Brandon stood waiting to escort me to the limo that would take us to our wedding rehearsal.

  I was next to last to climb into the back followed by my dad. As I sat down, I was greeted by cheers and catcalls. Everyone had a drink in their hands and the music was blaring. Brandon and my father sat at each door while I sat between them. Abigail was a bundle of energy as she excitedly sipped her glass of what looked like sprite with grenadine. She was just like all the other girls who had a drink in their hand.

  I took a good look around, examining each face of the people I loved. Maggie took her role very seriously as she began to pour everyone a new glass of champagne. It was then I noticed that she put the champagne bottle down and opened up a new can of sprite. She first filled up Abigail's glass and smiled as Abigail thanked her in her sweet little voice. Then she moved to my sister and Paige. She poured each of them a Sprite instead of champagne...holy fuck! Was there something I should know about?

  Maggie glanced in my direction. She realized that I had noticed what she had just done. She quickly and quietly shook her head no. I could only smile at the thought of both of them being pregnant. It would be amazing.

  As the limo continued down the street, my dad reached over and took my hand in his. “So I’d guess you’re pretty glad now that you didn’t tell him to take a hike, huh?”

  I chucked and leaned into his side. “I’m so glad I listened to my heart and not my head on this one.”

  Saint Josephine’s church came into view. The limo smoothly pulled into the drive and I watched as Tonto, Patrick, Thomas, and Sherman stood at the curb.

  Patrick told me this morning that Sherman had come to him and asked to join his security team. Sherman had already discarded Eileen’s belongings and had moved in with Caleb and Paige. He told Patrick that he just wanted to do something different for a while, prove to the family he could be trusted.

  Sherman was a handsome man and the essence of a southern gentleman as he assisted all the ladies out of the limo. Once Maggie was out, she leaned over and kissed his cheek. The blush that spread across his face caused a round of laughter.

  Patrick wrapped his hand in mine and helped me up the stairs. Once inside the church, Maggie was in full coordinator mode.

  I was floored as I looked at the decorations that were already in place. Beautiful, yellow bows were attached to the pew ends waiting for the flowers to be attached tomorrow. The flower arches were already in place, again just waiting on the fresh flowers to be placed in them.

  Maggie came jogging up to me, instructing me where to stand. It was then I noticed the two beautiful women that flanked her.

  “Who are these lovely ladies, Maggie?” Thomas questioned.

  Thomas was Patrick’s best man. Since he didn’t have any brothers, and he didn’t want to pick one of his friends over another, this decision only made sense.

  “Aye, Mr. Malloy, this is my mum, Sharon, and my little sister, Caitlyn.”

  The two beautiful women stepped aside and made their way over to the precession line. Honestly, it was hard to tell who was the daughter and who was the Mother.

  “Athas orm bualadh leat, a dhuine usasail, Is e mo ainm na Sionainne agus is e seo mo inion alainn, Caitlyn.” (Pleasure to meet you, Sir, my name is Sharon and this is my daughter, Caitlyn.)

  I was about to open my mouth and introduce myself when a husky voice behind me sounded.

  “Oh, my...”

  I turned and came face to face with a slack-jawed Sherman, his eyes locked with Sharon’s. I turned back to Sharon to find a huge smile across her face. Sherman gently passed by me and took Sharon’s hand in his, he leaned over and slowly kissed her knuckles.

  “Please, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Sherman Montgomery and may I say, it’s a true pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  The area where we were standing was so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop as Sherman and Sharon continued to stare at each other.

  “How do you do that?” Patrick whispered in my ear, I turned to him and gave him a questioning look. “You bring people together, even those who’ve given up on finding love again.”

  I could only smile at him as he placed a sweet kiss against my temple.

  Maggie had us run through the entire ceremony three times before she was happy. Since I still tired easily, Patrick had insisted that a bench be placed at the altar so I could sit during the ceremony. Maggie wasn’t happy with what was available at the church so she had someone make one.

  When Maggie was finally satisfied, we loaded up into one of the chartered buses she had arranged for, and headed off to the reception hall that Patrick owned.

  Nothing could have prepared me for the absolute glory of the room. Each place setting was set with a very classically-styled Wedgwood china service, elegant crystal and silver, and beautiful centerpieces adorned each table. But what really brought it all together was the canopy of lights that hung from the ceiling. It was as if we were sitting under the stars.

  Maggie ushered us to the head table where Patrick pulled out my chair, kissing my forehead as he joined me in his own.

  Two of Patrick’s cousins from Ireland had been given the task of handing out the gifts to the wedding party. Maggie, bless her heart, had taken care of acquiring all of them, since I was a little busy being held captive by a fucking madman.

  Each of my bridesmaids received a beautiful diamond drop pendant, while Patrick gave his guys each a Rolex watch.

  Again, the room had different pictures of Patrick and I growing up and several from when we had first started dating. The most amazing one was of Patrick down on one knee with that shamrock in his hand. I made a mental note to have Maggie keep that one and have it framed. I wanted it in our home.

  I was brought out of my daydreams by the clanking of a knife against a glass. I looked over and saw that Patrick was standing.

  “If I could have everyone’s attention,” Patrick’s manly voice quieted the room and all eyes were soon on him. “I just wanted to thank everyone for making the long journey here. It means the world to Christi and me.” He turned to look at me as he reached for his beer. “A wise man once told me that the woman you want to marry isn’t the one you can live with, it’s the one you could never live without.”

  He then looked to Thomas and raised his glass to him.

  “From the very second I laid eyes on this beautiful creature, she owned me. I couldn't get her out of my head.” His eyes now focused on me, “Christi, you made me take a long hard look at myself and question the man I was. You made me realize that having every
thing was nothing if I didn’t have the other half of my soul. That’s exactly what you are, my soul mate. You help me be the man I was destined to be. I swear to always be there for you the way you are for me, I love you.”

  The room erupted in applause as Patrick took my hand, lifted me out of my chair, and placed a gentle kiss to my lips.

  “Now, in the Malloy family, it’s tradition for the groom to give a gift to the bride as a sign of his ability to care for her. So with that in mind...”

  Patrick motioned for Abigail to bring over an envelope. I knelt down, took it from her, and kissed her cheek, making her giggle.

  Nothing could have prepared me for what was in that envelope.

  Patrick had already purchased us a home so as I looked at the picture of a grand log cabin, I was speechless.

  “It’s for when we just want to get away, somewhere to take the children and make some memories.”

  I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “Thank you.”

  Thomas was gracious enough to tell the room what Patrick had given me.

  Finally, we broke apart and I took his hand in mine. “I have a little something for you as well, Patrick.”

  Nora had asked me if I wanted her help with his gift. I told her absolutely, since I had no clue what to get the man who had everything. I took his hand and led him out of the building. There in the valet circle, was a black Bentley.

  The look on Patrick’s face was that of a kid on Christmas who had just gotten the one special toy he had asked Santa for. He picked me up and swung me around in several circles.

  “Your Ma said you wanted this one.”

  “I did, I’d planned on getting one after we got back from the honeymoon, but this is so much better.”

  I watched as he ran his hand up and down the sleek hood of the car. It was merely seconds before the majority of the men at the party were standing around the car, hands in pockets, staring at it in awe.

  “Christi, it’s getting late. We need to get you to your father’s house so go say goodnight to your groom. That is, if you can get him away from that car long enough,” Maggie grinned. She was on her game till the end.

  Nora had suggested making Matthew’s house bridal central and her house for the groom. The distance was enough that the chances of us seeing each other were quite slim.

  I made my way over to kiss my soon-to-be husband goodnight when I noticed a love-struck Sherman give Sharon a kiss that would have made Hollywood stand up and cheer.

  “Mmm,” Patrick’s silky voice sounded in my ear.

  “It’s time for me to go,” I spoke softly.

  “I know, I’m just not ready to see you leave yet,” his lips brushed the shell of my ear.

  “Oh, I think you’ll have a little something to hold your attention,” I giggled and gestured toward his new car.

  “Oh, Babe, that car has nothing on you. It can’t love me back.”

  “I do love you, Mr. Malloy, so much,” I looked him directly in the eye as I spoke.

  “I love you, too, Mrs. Malloy.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yep, I’ll be the one in the tux at the end of the aisle trying not to run to meet you halfway. I’ll be waiting for you, my love.”

  I smiled as I said, “Yes, and you’ll get to guess whether or not I’m wearing any panties under my dress.” With those words, I removed myself from my stunned fiancé’s arms and ran to the waiting limo, giggling the whole way.

  Tomorrow would be the first day of the rest of my life. I couldn’t wait to start it.


  The church could not have been more beautifully decorated. I would have to remind myself to have Books give Maggie a huge tip.

  As the organ softly played I began to remember the sight of my Christi when she was just a girl. How I tried to get the very essence of her out of my life. How now I couldn’t get enough of her.

  I turned to my left to see Father Murphy standing reverently, bible in his hand ready to bless this holy union.

  I could hear faint whispers from the sea of guest that were currently seated in the wooden pews. The constant smiles that graced each face as they mirrored my glances.

  I could feel the bead of sweat as it rolled down my back. Why isn’t this thing starting already?

  Christi was extremely punctual and I began to worry that she may have had a problem with her dress. Looking at the clock that hung on the back wall, I noticed it was now twenty minutes past the time we were to have begun. The murmurs from the crowed and the lack of smiles, confirmed that I wasn’t the only one who was worried.

  The thump of the door that kept the bride from the church caused me to look up to find a distressed looking Matthew making his way down the aisle toward me. The look on his face was one of sadness and I could feel my heart rising to my throat.

  “Patrick,” His hushed voice sounded in my ear.

  “I’m sorry, but she changed her mind.”

  With those words, he placed her ring into my hand alongside her shamrock pendant.

  Sweat was running down my face and body as I shot straight up in bed. I looked around the pitch black room. I was still at my parent’s house. It had all been a dream.

  When my breathing finally returned back to normal, I tossed back the covers and made my way down stairs, pausing at the bar long enough to pour myself a tall glass of scotch.

  I wanted to call Christi. Make certain she was all right and that she still loved me. It was foolish I know, it was only a dream for Christ’s sake. The tinkling of the piano keys echoed in the room as I began to softly play random keys. That was my mood right now, random and uncertain. Would my dream become a reality? Would I do something to cause her to leave me? Would she someday wake up and find that she can do so much better than me?

  “This is a good sign you know”

  The sound of my da’s voice, startled me.

  “Fuck, Da, you scared the shit out of me.”

  He could only chuckle as he made his way into the room, sitting down on the leather couch that rested not far from the piano.

  “Sorry, I figured I would find you in here.”

  I turned my head in a questioning glance. He lifted his glass as his eyes never left mine.

  “I heard you shout.”


  “Bad dream, I take it?”

  I didn’t reply immediately. Honestly I was a little embarrassed, my dad having to make sure I was all right after a bad dream. What was I three?

  “She changed her mind.” I spoke softly, terrified that God was listening and mistook it for a prayer.

  My father let out a deep sigh as he placed his empty glass on the bar.

  “The night before I married your Ma, I was so sick that my father had to take me to the emergency room and have fluids put back into me. They had to give me medicine to make the vomiting stop.”

  I turned my attention back to him.

  “I was terrified that she would come to her senses and see what a douche I really was.”

  Hearing my father call himself a douche made me chuckle to myself.

  “I will tell you what your grandfather told me.”

  He had my full attention now. Thomas’ father was a bad ass. He would shoot you between the eyes just because he could. He died in his sleep a few days after my grandmother passed. My da said he died of a broken heart. I didn’t believe him at the time, but now I got it.

  “You can set back and worry everyday about how you’re going to do something incredibly stupid to cause her to leave. Or you can wake up every morning and have a plan on how you will make her smile.”

  Does the tub in my new house have jets? If not, I am so asking Patrick to change that.

  Maggie had arranged for me to spend the morning at a local spa. I had just finished this amazing salt wrap that was designed to get rid of dead skin and leave your skin silky soft. I was currently resting in a jetted tub getting the salt and skin taken off from me...
it felt like heaven.

  Last night was some of the best sleep I have had in a long time. I dreamed of Patrick having a tea party with three little girls. His hair was full of colorful barrettes and his lips were painted bright pink, the lines of his lips not taken into consideration as the lipstick was touching his nose. He was laughing and talking to the little girls in the most adorable British accent. Would I have three girls?

  With recent events, Patrick had insisted that I have five of his men surrounding me at all times before the wedding.

  When the limo finally reached the church, a huge group of black suited, Ray ban wearing, beef cake men surrounded the limo, effectively blocking anyone from getting to me. My wedding dress was waiting for me inside the dressing area of the church. I didn’t want to one, risk getting anything on the dress, and two, I didn’t want to look like a raving lunatic trying to move around with the full skirt.

  “Time for tradition,” Charlotte announced.

  She was the honorary ‘mom’ for me today. She would be on my left while my father was on the right. She would kiss Patrick and pass him the traditional mother of the bride gift, a lock of the bride’s hair that is carefully placed in the pocket watch of one of the bride’s grandfathers.

  Charlotte carefully placed the lace handkerchief inside the bow that secured my bouquet. Legend has it that the handkerchief will be used to dry the tears of the first born child, and then it will be used in the making of the baptismal bonnet.

  My hair had been pulled back and several braids were placed as a sign of strength and fertility. It was held back with a beautiful silver clip, with green stones. Green was the traditional Irish wedding color and It was important for this to be as authentic as possible.

  As I slid on my peep toes shoes, Charlotte inserted the coin Patrick had given me.

  Next came the horseshoe that I would carry as a sign of good luck. Many brides wore it as a necklace, but I chose to carry it instead.

  With one final deep breath, I gathered my skirt and nodded my head as a sign I was ready.


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