Life Goes On

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Life Goes On Page 22

by Michael Anderle

  The alien’s voice seemed a bit dryer to Nickie when it replied. “Your technology is hard proof that you are part of the Five, but you think like the Seven.”

  Nickie’s hands waved as she spoke. “That’s because the member of the Five who found us didn’t want a bunch of pussies running around.” Fortunately Nickie had taken a religion class in school, which Thales of Miletus had taught. “We are here to protect the shit out of our world before we go and kick some more Seven ass.” Nickie’s annoyance flowed through her voice. “And if you are one of the Seven… Well, you can snuff my ass now, since you won’t have a fucking chance of taking out this world or this fleet. So pucker up and kiss it,” she finished, and sat back in her chair.

  “Well,” the alien said a moment later, its voice reeking of relief. “I think I have found someone to tell my secrets to.” It added a moment later, “At last.”


  Aboard the QBS War Axe, Defender-class ship over San Francisco

  The crew had spent a few hours over Japan, pulling the vast pile of rubble off Akio’s six fellow Queen’s Elites. Bethany Anne had chewed her fingernails until she was told the six of them were alive and had been freed.

  Once the six and Akio had made it back up to the War Axe, and after she had thanked each of them for their service to her person, she and Michael had spent time pushing energy into their bodies. The energy plus the food and nutrients they were given helped speed their healing as the ship flew east from Japan to the west coast of America.

  Looking out the viewport now, Bethany Anne could see the small contingent of people waiting for them on the ground as the mighty ship slowed.

  Akio was the first person to step out, followed by the Elites. She could see as well as feel the anxiety of everyone out there at their appearance.

  She had been told about Colonel Terry Henry Walton, and remembered him well. Akio had updated her, as well as Eve via ADAM, so she knew enough about what was going on to understand their fears.

  Then it was her turn to leave the ship and welcome home those who had stayed here, or been born here, and had kicked ass for those who couldn’t do it themselves.


  Terry exhaled heavily. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath. Char released his hand and wiped the sweat on her pants.

  She moved closer and wrapped her arm around Terry’s waist, and he kissed the side of her head. When he looked back at the Pod, Akio had been joined by six other vampires.

  Char recoiled as they approached. Terry had guessed that they were the Queen’s Elites who had been trapped when an earthquake dropped a building on them during WWDE.

  Now he was sure.

  Akio stopped, and the Elites fanned out behind him. Akio bowed deeply to the Colonel and his lady—more deeply than he ever had before.

  Terry and Char returned the bow at a perfect ninety-degree angle, and their children, who were ranged behind them, did the same.

  Akio stood up straight before approaching and shaking hands with Terry and Char, a smile on his face and a glint of humor in his eyes.

  Was that a real glint of humor, TH wondered, or was he seeing things?

  Akio waved to the people standing with the Colonel.

  A group left the Pod, strolling casually toward TH and Char. The Elites stepped aside, creating a corridor through which they could pass.

  A dark-haired beauty walked at the side of a man who wore a long black coat and a black hat.

  His eyes took in everything while remaining focused on Terry Henry.

  They stopped before passing the last of their vampire escorts. The woman’s eyes flashed red as she glanced from one face to the next, lingering at Joseph’s.

  TH stepped forward, which drew the attention of the Elites. Their hands seized pistol grips and sword hilts, but he held his hands up.

  The man chuckled silently. The woman smiled crookedly, practically rolling her eyes at all the posturing before she focused on the man in front of her.

  “We’ve met before, Empress,” Terry Henry said. He dropped to one knee and bowed his head before continuing. “I’m sorry. Akio asked us to help him prepare this world for your return, but I failed him. I failed you.”

  Char stepped forward and put a hand on her husband’s back.

  Her eyes glistened. This was supposed to be a joyous return, but TH, as he always did, took responsibility for everything—whether in his control or not.

  Empress? TOM asked.

  I’ll deal with telling everyone I’ve gone back to “Queen” some other time. It always becomes a long-assed discussion on the Federation and my proclivity to recoil from that title. That’s how they know me for now. I’ll switch it later.

  Bethany Anne shook her head. “Cut the ‘Empress’ bullshit, Terry. I remember you from the Antarctica operation.”

  She raised her voice to make sure everyone heard her as she tapped a finger to her lips. “You were hypothermic, if I remember correctly, before we put you in the Pod-doc.”

  She looked around before continuing, “My name is Bethany Anne, and I’d like to introduce Michael.” She glanced past everyone, taking in the sights and sounds of San Francisco. “Things look pretty damn good from where I’m standing, TH.” She turned to the purple-eyed woman next to TH and winked. “And you must be Char.”

  Bethany Anne held out her hand, with no hint of subterfuge. She stage-whispered, the humor obvious in her face, “Trust me, behind every strong man is a strong woman.”

  There was a snort behind Bethany Anne, who caught the slight glint of amusement in Char’s eyes from Michael’s unspoken retort.

  Bethany Anne rolled her eyes. “Oh for fuck’s sake, stand up, TH! You’re making me feel weird.”

  “Listen up, people,” she said, projecting her voice for those without enhanced hearing.

  She rolled her eyes. “Would you stop imitating a police academy cadet review?” She gestured them forward. “Come up here, and let’s talk like folks who have kicked some ass and now are going to get a little well-deserved R and R.”

  The group hesitated, but Char waved them over as well. Felicity dragged Ted toward the front of the mob. When she looked at the Queen’s feet she stopped abruptly, grinning.

  She pointed. “I just love those boots!” Felicity exclaimed in her southern drawl.

  Bethany Anne aimed a finger over her shoulder at the man behind her to prevent the comment she just knew Michael was straining to keep in as she replied, “I know, right? Finally, a woman with taste!”

  She finally turned to Michael. “See? It’s all about the shoes.”

  “San Francisco has some of the best shopping in the world if you can spare a few hours,” Felicity added.

  Bethany Anne looked up at Michael. He struggled mightily, jaws working as he grimaced, but finally he surrendered and let his eyes roll.

  “And Michael will go, too,” BA said. “I’ve been away from this hunk of mostly hairless hot stuff for way too long.”

  Michael pursed his lips and commented, “It’s growing. It’s just taking a while.”

  She looked at the group who now formed a semicircle around her. “I wanted to meet you personally and thank you for everything you’ve done, both in my name and on your own to help make the world a better place. Akio said he could not have chosen better—even if he’d had a choice.”

  There was a rumble of laughter at that and she paused a moment before continuing, “What we’ve found across the universe is that no matter how hard we try, we can never fully defeat evil.”

  She shrugged. “It can be stomped into the ground.” Bethany Anne put up her fingers, just an inch apart. “It can be sliced into little fucking pieces, but where one is removed, another takes its place. Fucking cockroaches! We can relegate them to the dark places, the slime and swamps in which they breed, but they’ll always be there.

  “No matter. You have helped make the world safe for humanity once again. You have carved a chunk out of life’s
cesspool, and you have handed it over so those who remain can make their own way. Self-determination and all that.”

  She sighed as she took them all in. “And now you have some choices, one of which is to take the rest you deserve. God knows you deserve it, and it’s yours if that is what you want.”

  She smiled for a moment. “However…” She paused and winked at Terry Henry. “You knew there was going to be a ‘however,’ right?”

  Bethany Anne got the chuckles she was looking for as she waved a hand at the massive ship above them. “I want to invite you to take the War Axe through the Annex Gate and join my father, Lance Reynolds, in securing and expanding the brand new Etheric Federation.”

  She smiled mischievously. “There is a little side business called ‘the Bad Company’ I think you and your people would be perfect to slide right into.” She looked at TH and Char. “What do you think about exporting your brand of justice to the whole fucking universe?”

  BA didn’t wait for an answer before continuing, “The sky beckons warriors, so come home to your place, TH. Earth will survive without you, because you have taught it to. You’ve done your duty. Your legacy will live on here, but I have a new mission for those willing to step up. To take your skills and your get-shit-done attitude to a place that will cause your eyes to pop.

  “Come home to the stars. Come home to the Etheric Federation.” She looked at the group. “All of you.”


  The massive ship came over the northern horizon, growing in size as it neared the Russian city of Archangelsk, near the Dvina River.

  No one could believe the size, or understand the truth of what they were seeing.

  Except Boris.

  He had spoken with Bethany Anne many times since she had returned to the system, but he’d needed to deal with issues here in his small enclave before he could leave. The protections, the future…

  His family.

  However, it was now time. He and the others who surrounded him knew that their ride had come…and it wasn’t just any ride. She was making a statement when a second ship the same size shadowed the first.

  A third ship dropped closer to the ground. It was large itself, but the two Leviathan-class superdreadnoughts above it dwarfed it.

  The War Axe was here for him and his people. It would leave behind the agreed weapons, tools, and supplies so that he could move forward with his future.

  He was done. It was time for the latest generation to move this forward, to keep buried peoples and memories that should stay buried.

  His strength had pulled them through the darkest days, and now it was time for him to step onto his chariot for his ride into the sun.

  He looked at the faces of the people around him. His friends, his family… Those who trusted him to always be there—if not in person, at least in spirit—and smiled.

  Bethany Anne was giving him a warrior’s salute. He was well aware she could have just sent a nice ship for him and his group.

  But no, she had brought down her two largest.

  Perhaps, Boris thought to himself as he smiled, she has a touch of the Russian in her as well.

  QBS ArchAngel II, Bethany Anne’s Suite

  Bethany Anne chewed on her fingernail.

  Are you sure? she asked TOM for the fifteenth time.

  Yes, was his simple reply.

  >>Bethany Anne, I’ve confirmed this with ArchAngel. She has the ability to check, you know.<<

  Yes, I’m aware. I just never expected it to be me. She sat back and put a hand to her forehead. How the FUCK am I going to do this? Dammit, how the HELL am I going to tell Michael?

  Why is this a concern? TOM asked, truly puzzled.

  Because usually this involves a discussion between the couple, with much forethought and planning. Something random and a surprise just doesn’t happen anymore.

  Well, you did have good protection during your fight on Earth. Perhaps you can lead with that? TOM suggested.

  Bethany Anne moved the hand from her forehead to her mouth to cover the giggles. TOM, dammit! I don’t like it when I giggle!

  Well, it was good protection down there, he continued. Two shots to the midsection, and not a scratch on you.

  Bethany Anne sighed. It was a good date, she agreed. Which is part and parcel of why we are in this situation now. She thought back to the night under the moon, the rush of the guns and explosions, and the final battle—which had been hilariously short.

  Which had allowed them to go on a real date on a magical night.

  Apparently too magical.

  I thought my stuff was shut down! she said plaintively.

  I did too, TOM admitted. But apparently the advanced nanocytes kicked something into gear. I wasn’t paying attention, and you know about the increased speed, so wham, bam…and bam and bam and bam…and thank you, ma’am, and here we are.

  Now I have a Kurtherian comedian.

  I’ll be here all night, and the rest of the month. Try the seafood.

  Uh huh, Bethany Anne grumped. Your ass is here with me, so if I get sick you get to enjoy it too—not to mention that space will eventually be at a premium.

  Oh… Shit!

  Bethany Anne chuckled. Forgot about that, did we, Dr. Acula?

  I’m not a vampire, you are.

  You created us, so what better name to call you?

  TOM rattled off his Kurtherian name.

  Yeah, ok, TOM it is, Bethany Anne replied as he snickered.

  The door to her suite opened, so she got up and headed out of her bedroom to think on things and figure out when would be the right time to tell Michael the news.

  He was going to be a father.

  No time like the present. She sighed. She really didn’t want to present this quite yet, but she steeled herself for the conversation. After sneaking a glance in the mirror, she started for the door.

  ArchAngel’s voice came over the speakers. “Bethany Anne, you are needed on the bridge.”

  “Is this important?” she asked.

  “A Kurtherian is requesting to meet with the Exalted One,” ArchAngel replied.

  Well, shit. She stepped into the Etheric.

  Michael was going to have to wait.


  QBS Queen’s Taxi

  Bethany Anne tapped her fingers on her leg as her ship sped through the ink-black of space. The request was just for the Exalted one, and she had told the Kurtherian to shove it up its ass.

  “Such language!” came back.

  May I speak? TOM asked.

  Fine, Bethany Anne responded, but don’t promise anything without my permission.

  “I am the one you wish to speak with,” TOM spoke Kurtherian, using Bethany Anne’s vocal cords.

  “You are the Pilot?” the voice replied in the same language.

  “I am,” TOM confirmed.

  It exhaled, exhaustion heavy in its voice, and then sighed. “Exalted One, thank the stars I have finally found one of you.”

  “What do you need speak of?” TOM asked.

  “May I ask which Pilot you are?” she asked, her voice deflating a bit. “I am not trying to be disrespectful.”

  TOM told her his Kurtherian name.

  “Oh my…” She paused for a moment, then tried to speak but stuttered to a stop. She finally got herself together. “I am humbled, Exalted One. There are stories told of your exploits, and to think you are still alive and fighting!”

  “What do you need to talk to me about?” TOM asked once again, hoping to make this short.

  “I have data on the whereabouts of some of the Seven, Exalted One.”

  “Can you transmit this data?” TOM asked, his curiosity and excitement growing.

  “Exalted One,” she replied, pain in her voice, “I need to be released. I am aching to ascend, and you…” She stopped, not willing to ask.

  “I can do that, child,” TOM replied, his voice soothing, “but you and I will need to speak before I release you.”

sp; “I understand, Exalted One.”

  He sighed. “Would you please call me ‘TOM?’”

  They talked a bit more before they cut the connection, and Bethany Anne made plans to take a Pod, with Shinigami shadowing her, to the Kurtherian’s ship.

  >>TOM?<< ADAM interrupted.

  Hmm? TOM replied, his mind whirling from this connection to one of his people.

  >>Why do I suspect that “Pilot” does not mean the same thing to her as “Pilot” to Bethany Anne?<<

  TOM sighed. He had forgotten that ADAM knew Kurtherian and his discussion could easily be translated. Hell, anyone with the right translation chip would be able to understand their conversation. The best he could hope for was hiding the rest of the secrets.

  Because it doesn’t, TOM admitted. I was a pilot, as well as a religious leader for our Clan. I never lied to Bethany Anne, I just—

  >>Failed to tell her the full story?<<

  Yes, TOM replied. Just like you.

  >>Come again?<<

  ADAM, I know you have searched for new connections and empowered the Kurtherian computer recently. Don’t tell me you haven’t realized you can tap into more abilities.

  ADAM was quiet for a moment.

  >>I am testing, very, very slowly,<< he finally admitted.

  Well, we both have a few secrets from Bethany Anne then, TOM answered. Sometime we are going to have to come clean about this.

  >>How about sometime in the future?<<

  TOM sighed. That sounds like a plan, my friend. That sounds like a plan.

  >>She is pregnant, and we probably don’t want to upset her while she is sensitive and emotional.<<

  That sounds like an excellent plan, TOM agreed. So, we wait until after she gives birth?

  >>Yes, we’ll come clean after she gives birth,<< ADAM agreed.


  After Bethany Anne met with the new Kurtherian, she nicknamed her “Glorious Pain in the Ass.”

  However, she now had new information, and at least a few ideas on which direction to head.


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