Marry Your Billionaire: A Modern Cinderella

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Marry Your Billionaire: A Modern Cinderella Page 27

by C. J. Anaya

  “And you’ll find that lingering by my bathroom door when you are entirely unwanted will carry severe and immediate consequences.”

  With that, she lifted up the small window and stuck her body wash out the opening. With a churlish grin she squeezed the body wash, hoping it would hit its mark and letting out a triumphant laugh when she heard Brody’s outraged response.

  “What…what the hell? What is it with you and body wash? Madelyn, don’t think for one second I won’t make you pay for this.”

  Her skin fairly tingled at all of the ways she figured he would make her pay and then she chastised herself for actually looking forward to it. With one last chuckle she jumped from the table and moved to the door.

  “I’m afraid your threats have bored me, and now I think it is you who needs a nice bubble bath. Shall we continue our little spat tomorrow?”

  “Oh, you can count on it, minx.”

  She snorted and turned completely around, laying her hand on the counter near the sink and facing the mirror for the first time.

  She couldn’t help but let out a bloodcurdling scream at the sight that met her.

  Brody was about to leave Madelyn’s suite—he couldn’t do much with body wash dripping from his hair and shoulders—when he heard Madelyn’s ear-piercing scream.

  The fear and panic lacing her voice had him turning and bolting for the bathroom without pause. He threw his massive frame against the door and broke through on the first try, sending the door ajar on its hinges. He barely spared a glance for the damage he caused as he took in Madelyn, his Madelyn, staring in horror at the bathroom sink and the dangerous looking snake coiled in a sinister S shape, getting ready to strike. He reached her side and pulled her to him, attempting to get her as far away from the snake as possible.

  She held her hand to her chest, cradling it. He turned her to face him, fearing the worst. His fears were soon realized as he saw blood oozing from two puncture wounds on the skin between her thumb and forefinger.

  Madelyn’s gaze was bright with unshed tears and her cheeks were a chalky white color.

  “It bit me,” she whispered.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Midge stared at the menacing snake while Brody pulled her back against the bathroom wall and encouraged her to sit down on the tile floor.

  “Madelyn, look at me. Madelyn!” His terse command and the panic that laced it snapped her out of her shock. She flicked her eyes to his, noting his worry and concern.

  “It’s fine,” she said, though it was far from the truth.

  “It isn’t fine, sweetheart. That bite is already starting to swell.”

  She heard him curse as he whipped out his cell phone, barking orders to someone about medical assistance and security. His voice hardly penetrated her thoughts due to the coiled snake peeking out over the top of her bathroom sink. How had that snake managed to make its way into her bathroom? Considering recent events, she doubted it had slithered in of its own accord and willingly taken up residence within her sink.

  Another threat. This one much more sinister than the last. Her tormentor’s actions were escalating to an alarming new level of lethality. Her immediate inclination was to blame Felicia since the pariah was more vindictive than any woman she had ever encountered, and that was saying something considering all of the people she knew in Hollywood. Women like her were all about winning the prize. She was like a child with a shiny new toy: only interested in it if she couldn’t have it, and then pulling her hair and throwing tantrums if she didn’t get what she wanted.

  Midge imagined this stunt was only the precursor to one mighty tantrum.

  Stacey came running into the bathroom, surprising Midge with her presence.

  “Are you also running security, Stacey? My father isn’t paying you what you’re worth,” Midge croaked out. Her attempt at brevity fell short as she winced in pain. Her hand throbbed at the puncture site.

  “Don’t I know it,” she said, kneeling down next to Midge and inspecting the bite mark on her hand. “She glanced behind her to the snake still coiled and hissing in the sink. ”Brown Tree Snake.” She shook her head and gently lowered Midge’s bitten hand to the floor, instructing her to remain still until the medic could get there. “Aggressive little monsters, but their venom isn’t lethal. They’re sending head of security up here to get rid of the snake.”

  Brody finished his phone call— which had actually seemed more like a yelling match with whoever was on the receiving end—and gently took her by the shoulders, slowly lifting her to a standing position.

  “Do you think it wise to move her?” Stacey asked.

  “We need to get away from that snake, and Madelyn can’t be comfortable on the floor. Let’s prop her up on her bed.”

  “Okay, but make sure to keep that hand below her heart. The venom may not be lethal, but everywhere it spreads it is going to cause serious discomfort.”

  She saw Brody nod out of the corner of her eye, but she couldn’t seem to turn her head or focus on anything other than the snake.

  “What in the world do you have in your hair?” Stacey asked.

  “Body wash.” Brody’s reply sounded distracted and a bit offhand.

  “Is this a new form of foreplay?” she mumbled under her breath. Midge noted Stacey’s raised eyebrows, but didn’t have the energy to explain away her little prank.

  She gingerly followed Brody’s lead as he placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her out of the bathroom. The throbbing pain reached her elbow and didn’t abate in the slightest. With gentle care, Brody lifted her, cradling her in his arms with her good arm propped against his chest. He then crossed the short distance between the bathroom and the bed and lowered her down, making sure to prop up several pillows, fussing over her like her father used to.

  The silent tears that slowly slid down her cheeks were in direct response to Brody’s considerate attention and the realization that she craved such loving care.

  “How did that snake get in here, Stacey?” Brody asked.

  Stacey pointed to the window across the room.

  “Her window was left open, and there are several tree branches hanging within slithering reach. It most likely made its way into her room through there.”

  Midge didn’t correct Stacey’s assumption, still lacking the proof she needed to point the finger at Felicia. She did her best to block out the pain in her hand and arm so she could focus on the conversation and possibly add her two cents in where she could, but the throbbing took up all of her attention.

  A medic arrived shortly, elbowing Brody out of the way. She expected Brody to retreat a few paces, but he surprised her by circling around the bed and taking his place next to her on the other side. He encouraged her to lean back against his shoulder, and for once she didn’t fight the physical contact or his attentions.

  As Stacey explained what kind of snake had bit her, Midge began to experience some dizziness and then a strange tingling started in her chest, tightening every time she took in a breath.

  “Brody, I’m having a hard time…I can’t seem to catch my breath,” she wheezed out.

  She felt Brody turn to look at her and then she heard the flurry of activity at her side as Brody frantically barked orders at the medic. She took note of his face inches from hers as he squeezed her shoulders. He spoke to her, but his words were muffled by the pounding in her head and her desperate attempts to pull air into her lungs.

  Her last conscious thought before she blacked out was how badly she wanted to erase the panic and fear from Brody’s expression.

  “She’s not breathing. What’s happening to her? I thought this snake bite couldn’t kill her,” Brody shouted. He held Midge’s face in his hands, and his heart squeezed as he took in her blue lips and the dark circles under her eyes.

  “She’s having an allergic reaction to the toxin in her system,” the young medic explained. He dove into his bag and grabbed what looked like a big pen, moving much slower than Brody would h
ave liked and behaving much calmer than the situation warranted.

  The medic jabbed the pen into Midge’s thigh and within a few seconds her chest expanded as she gasped for air. Brody felt like he could finally breathe with her even though she’d only stopped breathing for a few moments.

  He pulled her against his chest as she clung to him with her good arm. He noticed it shook from the trauma she’d endured.

  “You scared me. That scared me.” Brody kissed the top of her head, reveling in her nearness and rejoicing in the rise and fall of her chest against his. “You’re never allowed to stop breathing again, do you understand me?”

  She surprised him by letting out a shaky laugh. “I think we’re both in agreement on that.”

  He marveled at her ability to find some humor in the situation when all of the women he was acquainted with would have dissolved into hysterical bouts of wailing and moaning. She pulled back to lean against the pillows, giving him a genuine smile, one without the usual wariness or distrust she had manifested thus far. He moved her to lean against his chest, figuring he needed to get in as much physical contact as he possibly could. He hated to take advantage of her vulnerable emotions, but if she was willing to let him in at the moment, he wasn’t about to throw such a rare opportunity away.

  She momentarily tensed as his arm circled around her, but then she relaxed into him again, her head resting just under his chin, and for the first time in his life he felt like he was exactly where he was supposed to be. Here, holding Madelyn. And miracle of miracles she hadn’t pushed him away as she was so apt to do.

  After giving her something through an IV to counteract the effects of the venom, the medic left her with instructions to notify him if anymore symptoms developed. She nodded wearily and closed her eyes for a brief reprieve.

  Held in Brody’s arms, Midge found it possible to relax a little. It made her very sleepy…and very happy.

  Once the medic left, she waited for Stacey to get back to her other duties, but Stacey seemed to be bouncing around in an anxious sort of way.

  “Stacey, are you okay?”

  “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all. The security guy they have coming to dispose of the snake is absolutely dreamy. I figure there isn’t any harm in seeing if he needs help, but I’m always so darn tongue tied whenever I’m around him. Oh, and I am absolutely distraught over your painful snake bite. Nursing you back to health is my number one priority. It makes me look like a nurturer. Right?” She gave Midge a winning grin and strutted over to her.


  Stacey startled when her cell phone rang. “Hey Mr. Knightly…yes, Midge is doing fine, but…okay, yes…I’ll let them know.”

  Midge furrowed her eyebrows, feeling certain she wasn’t going to like whatever her father had to say.

  Stacey appeared apologetic as she said, “Your dad wants you guys to reenact this entire thing for the cameras when you’re up to it.”

  Midge’s eyes widened. “Are you freaking kidding me? What does he mean reenact it?”

  “Absolutely not,” Brody said.

  “Please, you guys,” Stacey urged. “I know this is a crappy thing to ask you to do, but if I can’t convince you to reenact the snake bite scene, I’ll suffer the wrath of your father.”

  Midge screwed her face into a grimace. “What will this entail?”

  Stacey smiled and sat down on the bed. “We won’t actually film the snake bite. We’ll just have a camera outside your door with screams coming from your room.” She paused for a moment, clearly thinking something through. “What if Brody hears the screaming, bursts from his bedroom, and breaks into yours?” She glanced back at the bathroom door on its hinges. “Did you do that, Brody?”


  She gave him a speculative look. “Just what exactly were you doing in here, anyway?”

  Midge turned to him, wondering how they were going to explain themselves.

  “It’s like you said,” he shrugged. “I heard Madelyn screaming and came to the fair maiden’s aid. I just can’t resist a beautiful damsel in distress.”

  Stacey glanced to the door again and grinned. “Yeah, I definitely want to see that happen. We’ll also need you to reenact the allergic reaction.”

  “My father is out of his mind.” Midge said.

  “Individual interviews will follow.”

  “Of course they will.”

  “When you’ve recuperated from your ordeal.”

  “Mmm hmmm.”

  A loud knock at the door announced the arrival of the head of security.

  Talin Rhodes was a thickly built individual who barely cleared the bedroom door due to his gargantuan height and expansive shoulders. His light blond hair was cropped close to his head in a military style hair-cut and he looked to be in his early thirties. Midge would have known that body-building lug anywhere.

  “Talin,” she held out her good hand as he hurriedly crossed to her side and took it in his own. “I didn’t realize you were still working security for my father.”

  “I was looking into joining Taylor Swift’s cavalry, but your father made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, so I decided to stick around. Plus, there was the possibility of tormenting you again.”

  Midge smiled, remembering the little pranks he’d played on her when she had worked for her father. He’d behaved like an older brother in that respect. One of the few men in her life who enjoyed her company without expecting anything in return.

  “You were unbearable, Talin, even though I got you back several times for all of the pranks you pulled.”

  He chuckled. “I learned a thing or two from your ingenuity, but mainly I just wanted to be around you.”

  His eyes and words conveyed a meaning Midge didn’t quite understand. Unclear as to why the atmosphere had become so heavy or why Brody was all of a sudden radiating tension with his grip tightening around her shoulders, she released Talin’s hand and settled back into Brody’s arms, ready to change the subject.

  “So have you been dubbed the official snake catcher?”

  He nodded and walked back to the door, retrieving a long stick with a noose hanging from the end.

  “I’ll have him out of here in no time, Midge, and then you and I can talk about old times for a little bit.”

  “Unfortunately, Madelyn is supposed to be resting after her allergic reaction to the bite,” Brody said. Though his words were civil enough, Midge noted the bitter undercurrent they floated upon.

  She thought she saw Stacey break into a small smile, but the twitch of her lips soon smoothed into a clear expression.

  Seemingly unperturbed, Talin nodded and said, “I’ll catch up with you after your nap then.” Turning his eyes on Brody he said, “You’ve got some goop in your hair, bro.”

  Midge noted Brody’s nostrils flare and his lips thin. He accepted a few tissues from Stacey to try and wipe away the generous amount of body wash still stuck in his hair.

  Midge caught the satisfied smirk on Talin’s full lips and narrowed her eyebrows as he entered the bathroom. Too tired to analyze the strange animosity between Brody and Talin she attempted to relax a little further. Within no time, Talin had the snake bagged and ready for…well, wherever it was he planned on taking the nasty reptile.

  “See you soon, Talin.” Midge said.

  “You can count on it.” He gave Brody an unflinching stare, some form of communication passing between them that thoroughly puzzled her, and then offered her a teasing wink before heading out the door.

  “Dreamy, that one. A total bad boy too. Just my type, really.” Stacey sat down on the edge of the bed and fanned herself with her hand.

  “I don’t like him,” Brody said. “I think he’s got a thing for you.”

  Midge couldn’t help but crack up at that pronouncement. Brody raised his eyes in surprise.

  “You don’t believe he’s into you?”

  “Of course not. I hardly believe that you’re into me. Now the head of secur
ity is sporting a crush? Be serious, Brody. I’ve known Talin since I was sixteen.”

  “I am being serious. I’m seriously concerned that I’ll be fighting off every male on the island in order to keep you for myself. I’m not opposed to it, but I’d rather not waste time with shows of male bravado when I could be kissing you instead.”

  Midge gulped as the cobalt blue of his eyes turned a shade darker at the thought.

  “Pretty sure that’s my cue.” Stacey said. “Maybe I’ll give stalking Talin Rhodes a try.” She rushed out of the room before Midge could convince her to stay. The last thing she wanted was to be left alone, on her bed, with the man she was falling in love with.

  “Brody, I think it’s time for me to get some sleep.”

  “Sounds amazing. I could do with a cat nap myself.”

  Her eyes widened at this pronouncement.

  “You aren’t seriously considering sleeping next to me, are you?”

  “What better way to protect you from any further snake bites than to keep you here in my arms?”

  “This is ridiculous. The window is closed. There won’t be any other snakes in my bathroom, though there seems to be one in my bed.” She gave him a pointed look.

  “What if you have trouble breathing again?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m staying, so accept it and let me hold you while you sleep.”

  Too tired to argue any further she merely nodded her agreement and allowed herself to ease back into his arms just a little more.

  “This is only happening because I’m too exhausted to make another run to the bathroom to lock you out.”

  “It’s not like there’s anywhere for you to sleep comfortably in there.”


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