Passionate Yearning: A Zodiac Shifter Romance - Libra

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Passionate Yearning: A Zodiac Shifter Romance - Libra Page 5

by Solease M Barner

  He sits down on the floor beside me and places my feet in his lap. He looks at me and I’m sure it’s desire I see in his eyes. As he’s rubbing my feet he looks me in the eyes, and for some reason I become bashful and turn my head.

  “Raina, I find that your unique and I like that about you and I think you like me, but me being a dragon is holding you back.”

  “I thank you for the compliment and with you being a dragon and I am human, what happens if you leave or…”

  As I’m speaking Jonathan raises his body and leans over me barely touching my lips.

  “What if you allow me to please you and we forget about the human dragon thing?”

  Raising my hand to his face and caressing him, he turns into my hand and kisses it. My breathing has picked up and I want this with him even if it doesn’t work out, my body wants to be with him.

  I lean up and kiss him and a growl comes from deep within him and it’s all animal and I like it.

  He starts kissing me and leans down on top of my body as I relax on the lounge. He continues to kiss me passionately, undoing my robe using his hands to squeeze my breasts. I want him so badly. He picks me up with one hand and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us over to a wider, longer lounge in front of the fire place. He places me on the soft cushions kissing me and letting his hands explore my body. It feels amazing to have him touch me everywhere. He leans down and starts sucking on my breasts, licking and nipping me causing me to moan loudly in pleasure.

  He stands and undresses and he’s completely naked like me. He starts kissing my neck, breasts, stomach until he reaches my clit. He licks it slow, swirling his tongue around it skillfully. I scream and pull his hair needing him inside of me, but he doesn’t budge to my demand.

  His tongue moves further down and he pushes it inside of me, my eyes roll back into my head and I can’t even scream, that’s how good he’s making me feel.

  “Raina!” He whispers.

  My body responds to him at will, I’ve never been this hot for another man.

  “Jonathan please, I need you inside of me.” I beg.

  He pulls one leg onto his shoulder and positions his shaft at my entrance and in a single move he pushes inside me and I scream from the way my body is stretching and by how much I want him.

  He gets into a groove and I’m meeting him with every thrust in and out, in and out. My legs start to shake and he slows down stopping my release.

  “Not yet, my dear.” He growls.

  He stares back up, this time allowing me to wrap my legs around him and he goes slow and it feels like I’m falling into an abyss of pleasure.

  He picks up the pace again and I can feel the orgasm building up inside me again.

  “Now Raina!” He forces out.

  “Ahhhhh…” I don’t hold back, allowing everything to be released and Jonathan follows with his own release.

  I’m the only one panting, but I’m not tired, he positions himself behind me and I find myself falling asleep with his arms wrapped around me. This is something I could get used to.



  This shit is going to be harder than I thought. My calm and reasonable brother gave me a death look which could mean he’s really pissed at me or he likes Raina Peters. I’ll never let them be together, Raina will be mine!

  When I saw them at the hospital together, I could have taken her then, but she would have ended up dead with my brother and I fighting. Jonathan is always about making things right, and I love shaking things up. Why the fuck not? He and I are only a year apart, but that means so much more in my family. The first born can be chosen to be the Keeper, it also means everything goes to the first born and all other siblings get what the oldest says. This thing between my brother and I goes way back to our childhood home.

  Now he’s going to be coming after me, and I’ll be ready.

  I’m sitting outside my home that I had my witch friend spell for me in exchange for some of my dragon scales.

  “Hey boss, the pack has surrounded your brother’s place in case they can get in.” Xar says. He’s my trusted friend and when I can’t believe anyone I know he will always tell me the truth. “Nathan, you do know your brother is stronger, faster and has more powers? He’s going to kill us all for what we are trying to do, besides he has feelings for the human.”

  “I know he’s better than me and thanks for the confidence. The wolves will die first, and while he comes for me, this will give you a chance to get Raina and bring her to me.”

  “Every pack of wolves in this world will hate you if you allow Moon Beast’s pack to die.”

  I glare at Xar and would like to rip open his throat with all his care for the wolves, they mean nothing to me, but I can’t do that. Not only is Xar my true friend, he’ll make sure to bring the human to me.

  “Are you a dragon or are you a wolf? Because from the way you talk you sound like you’re a wolf.” I snap.

  “I’m a dragon, but I’m aware of the shit you’ve put us in because of your hatred for your brother.”

  “I don’t hate my brother, Xar, he needs to be taught a lesson. He left me in our land to watch over our parents, like I’m not capable of doing what he does. I deserved a higher position, so I’ll take it and rip him down from being a Keeper.” I chuckle at the sight of seeing my brother Jonathan, the great keeper of the law, losing it all.

  What no one knows is Raina Peters is his true mate and comes from a long line of dragons. After so many generations, she’s now considered human, but she has dragon traits. I had the same witch who protects my whereabouts also put a spell on Raina, blocking anyone from picking up the scent of dragon blood within her and any memories of her dreaming of dragons.

  She can mate with a dragon and bare his children. I plan to unlock that side of her and mate with her, having dragon babies with her instead of Jonathan. I can’t let them become mated, their children will be next in line to rule our land. Per tradition, the next dragon/human who mates with a dragon will be the rulers of the land. Well, no fucking way I’m allowing that shit. I will never be able to be seen for who I am.

  Now everything is falling into place, except when I was in the hospital I could have sworn…that would make this even more difficult. This must be some kind of joke, some cruel joke. I must go and check it out for myself.

  As I’m walking back into the house, I see Harold walking towards me. The little fuck got himself caught.

  Soon as he’s within arm’s reach, I grab him by the throat slam him to the ground, placing my foot on his chest.

  “Tell me again how you got caught, because I know my instructions were clear and because you didn’t listen, my brother has the girl he was never supposed to know about, you fucking idiot. “

  I can hear him choking and feel his claws on my foot. He’s no match for me, so I’m sure when he was with my brother, he told him something.

  I lift my foot some, and he tries to get up and press him back down.

  “Stay down, Harold. I’m trying to decide if you should live or not. What did you tell my brother?”

  I raise my foot allowing him to speak.

  “Nathan, I didn’t say anything only that it was you trying to take over.”

  Does he not understand that was a huge piece? My brother, granted, would have found out, but this pushed everything much faster than I had intended.

  “Harold, because you told him it was me, he then knew how to contact me. Please go guard his home outside like the others.”

  “He will slaughter us for being so close.” Harold pleads.

  “Not my problem, you informed him about me too early, now I’m having to make do, besides what do you think will happen if you stay here?”

  I can hear him swallow hard and see his eyes change to beast, so I lean down, allowing my beast to growl and he pulls back his wolf. I lift my foot and Harold takes off running.

  When I reach the house, everyone is quiet and I’m ok with the silence.
I’m the bad brother right now, but once I rule I will show them that I will be fair like my brother. I can show mercy but it’s not what’s needed in this situation.

  “Xar, I’m going to make a quick run right now, I’ll be back.” I say.

  “Nathan, it’s not safe for you, Jonathan is going to be hunting you right now.” He says, concerned.

  “He will not be looking for me yet, I’m sure he wants to make sure the doctor is safe.” I reply.

  I don’t wait for him to respond. I need to go back to the hospital. I change into a black suit and leave for the hospital. I need to know if it’s true.


  I arrive at the hospital and find everything is normal. I’m able to get back in the ER with ease. I start walking down the hall and the scent is strong. My beast is uneasy and would like out. I eventually reach the room and I’m struck with electricity going through my body and when I push the door open her eyes lock with mine.


  “Hello,” She responds and coughs. She’s sick.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, walking towards her to get a better look, even though my eyesight is perfect, I can’t believe it.

  “I’m Vilora Panka, and you are the man in my dreams.”

  “You’ve been dreaming about me?”

  “Every night for over two months, what’s your name?”

  “I’m Nathan Justice.”

  I’m lost for words, she’s my true mate, and she’s all human. She can’t get me the power I need.

  She reaches her hand out for me, and I take it even though I shouldn’t, but when her hand is in mine, I feel a calmness I’ve never felt in my life. I look at her soft brown hair and her beautiful green eyes, they are hypnotic.

  “I feel like I’ve known you forever. Do you feel the same about me?”

  “Why are you here in the hospital?” I ask, truly concerned.

  “I been sick with the flu for over a week and I can’t take it anymore.”

  She’s sick, my true mate is sick, this is horrible. I can’t give her what she will need and that’s going to rip her heart apart. She can feel that we should be together like I do, but I will suppress this need and follow through with my plan.

  “I’m sorry you’ve been sick Vilora. I hope you feel better soon.” I say truly meaning it.

  “Thank you, Nathan, are you nervous about something?”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I’m not sure, but it feels so odd. It’s like I can feel your emotions and you seem nervous.”

  Shit, shit, triple shit. She’s showing all the signs a true mate would feel if they found each other, but I can’t give her what she wants, which is me. I’m going to mate with Raina and rule and I can’t do that with Vilora.

  “I’m sorry for being here, but I can’t stay, I need to go.”

  “Will you come back? I feel like we were supposed to meet.”

  “We were, but I will not be able to come back Vilora. Please try to forget me.”

  As I say the words to her, my heart feels like a small crack has started. I see her eyes fill with tears and she looks at me confused. I hate to be this way, but it’s the only way.

  I walk to the door and walk away without turning around to see the tears fall. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. I walked away from my true mate and I’m not sure if this is the right thing, but I know I can’t give up now. I’ve taken a stand and even if it kills me, I will stand up to Jonathan.

  I leave the hospital and as I’m on my way home it begins to rain and I’m sure it’s raining because I walked away from my mate, breaking her heart and denying the fact that we are meant to be together. So, because of all that, I allow the rain to fall on me, ruining my suit. Once I get home I’m going to forget about Vilora and go get Raina. She will be my mate.

  When I arrive at the house Xar looks at me, all wet, and frowns wondering why I didn’t call for a car or do something to get out of the rain. I walk past him without a word, I’m too afraid that if I open my mouth to speak I might yell out in pain from my breaking heart. Vilora’s smell is engraved in my head and that will at least allow me to find her in the future if she’s ever in trouble or needs anything. I will always make sure she never goes without, that’s my promise.

  After I get in my room, I undress and shower allowing all those feelings to wash down the drain. Then I stepped out and looked at the blueprint of my brother’s home. I know it’s protected and I can’t walk right in, but if I can get him out maybe I can weaken him long enough to get Raina. His home is protected if he’s ok but if he gets hurt enough, that could cause unconsciousness which would be perfect for me.

  When I look closely at the plans I try to think of where she would be and then it dawns on me, in Jonathan’s eye sight.

  “Xar! “I yell for him.

  He slowly comes walking into my room with annoying look on his face.

  “Nathan, are you ready?” He simply asks.

  “I’m more than ready Xar, time to take my brother’s rule and Raina.”

  Xar nods and goes to prepare some of the vamps and witches that have joined my cause to stop the Keeper of the Law.



  Raina and I have been carrying on like I don’t have to fight my brother who is trying to take over through me and kidnap her. As I sit watching Raina sleep in my bed, naked and smiling while she sleeps, it’s a beautiful sight.

  I should not have let it go this far, being with a human is not something I can do with my job, she will never be safe. I will always be trying to keep her safe and I don’t think she will like being locked up.

  I decide to call home to inform my mother and father of Nathan’s doings while here on earth.

  “Mother, nice to hear your voice.” I say.

  “Jonathan my son, I’ve missed you.” My mother, Gwela Justice, replies.

  “This call is not going to be pleasant mother, but I feel like you and father should know.”

  “If it’s concerning Nathan, I know it’s not good. I don’t need the details and neither does your father. I would like to remember my sweet boy as he was and I know what you do my son; it’s what you were called to do. So have no worries about what your father and I may think. We know you are fair.” She says.

  These words eased my mind. Nathan is my only brother and it tears me apart knowing that I’m going to have to end him. I’m not even sure if I can when the time comes, he’s my brother and we are bonded more than blood. I can’t picture life without him and yet, I need to come to grips that I’m going to lose my brother because of this position I was put in, I wish things could be different.

  “Thank you, Mother for your wise and comforting words. I need to go now, but I hope to see you soon.”

  “I love you son and always keep the law sacred.”

  “Always!” I reply.

  Then our connection is gone. I truly miss home and wish I could show Raina where I come from, but she would not be welcomed.

  When I look up, I see Raina looking at me with sad eyes. I walk over to the bed and sit next to her brushing her hair out of her face.

  “Why are you sad? I promised you that I would not allow my brother to do any harm to you.”

  She takes a deep breath and then speaks.

  “I know what you promised and I believe you Jonathan, but you will lose something,” A tear falls from her face and I wipe it away. “Your brother, despite how bad or evil he may be, he’s still your brother. You grew up together and know each other very well it seems. I heard your conversation with your mother and I can see it’s tearing you up to have to hurt your brother. I’m sorry for you and I’m sorry that you will lose a brother, but if there’s any way you can save his life, please do so, I believe in second chances and maybe your brother could become a better dragon.”

  Raina Peters has shocked me. Never would I have thought she would have compassion about someone who is trying to do her harm, but be
cause she knows it’s my brother and it’s going to hurt me deeply to take his life, Raina has said that I should maybe spare his life.

  “You don’t need to worry about me or my brother. Yes, this will be difficult to do, but I will do it because I have to make things right, my brother knew the end result if he went down this road to over throw me. He’s made it clear and I must set an example so others will not try this. Thank you for your compassion towards me, but also to my brother who you don’t even know. You are an angel to me and I will never forget it.”


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