Six Sexy Doctors Part 1 (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections): A Doctor, A Nurse: A Little Miracle / The Children's Doctor and the Single Mum / A Wife for ... / The Playboy Doctor's Surprise Proposal

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Six Sexy Doctors Part 1 (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections): A Doctor, A Nurse: A Little Miracle / The Children's Doctor and the Single Mum / A Wife for ... / The Playboy Doctor's Surprise Proposal Page 54

by Carol Marinelli

  “You are so right,” he said, and laughed. “I wanted to thank you and your nurse for saving my life.” His voice cracked and a sheen of moisture appeared in his eyes. “I have a new lease on life, thanks to you two.” He reached for his wife’s hand and patted it. They shared an intimate look and any lingering doubts Jeannine harbored about coming tonight vanished. This was the real reason she was here, not the publicity, not the chocolate, and not even Miklo. Well, mostly not Miklo.

  Jeannine hugged the man and his wife. Seeing him in such good health after his recent near-death experience was just more proof that she was where she needed to be in her life, helping others, not worrying about her own needs and silly dreams that weren’t going to go anywhere. “We were just in the right place at the right time, Mr. Chase,” she said, and straightened. “Anyone would have done the same thing.”

  “Nonsense. You’re an angel, my dear. An absolute angel,” Mr. Chase said, then looked at Miklo. “I would like to do something for both of you. Please, allow me to make a donation on your behalf somewhere.”

  “That’s not necessary, Mr. Chase,” Miklo said.

  “There must be some charity, someone who could use assistance that you’re aware of.” Mr. Chase’s earnest expression tugged at Jeannine.

  “Miklo,” she said, and touched Miklo’s arm. “What about the clinic in Cruces? Surely Dr. Martinez wouldn’t refuse a charitable donation for the people there.”

  Miklo gave a small smile to Jeannine. “You’re right.” He turned back to Mr. Chase, but kept Jeannine’s hand tucked into the crook of his arm. “If you’re willing to donate out of the immediate community, I know of a children’s clinic in desperate need of funds.”

  “Absolutely,” Mr. Chase said, and withdrew a business card from his jacket. “Call me in a few days and give me the information. I have a few friends that could be enticed into offering their support as well.”

  “Excellent,” Miklo said, and took the card, shook Mr. Chase’s hand and watched as he wheeled away. “That was a fabulous suggestion. I should have thought of it myself,” he said, and turned to face her.

  “After our trip down there, it seemed a logical answer.” Jeannine tried to pull away from Miklo. He was too close, too strong, too male, and her senses were being overpowered by his presence.

  Looking down at her mouth, Miklo said, “Thank you.” The kiss he pressed to her lips was as delicate and chaste as any she’d ever had. When he pulled away, the heat in his gaze was filled with blazing desire. “Let’s get out of here.”

  As he drove her home, he remained silent. So many things had happened to him in the last few years. So many reasons for him to withdraw from his family, his friends, keeping work as the only source of his passion.

  Now, having spent some more time with a woman so different from his wife, so different from the women in his social circle, his passion was changing. Jeannine sparked something within him that had changed him. Thanks to her, he was starting to let go of his past. As painful as it was, it finally seemed the right thing and the right time to do it. His brother had often said that he needed a new woman to forget the old one. But it hadn’t been as simple as that. Darlene had been part of his life for most of his life. Leaving her memory behind wasn’t easy.

  Reaching out to Jeannine made him tremble. Fear and desire warred within him, and he didn’t know which one was going to win.

  “Miklo?” Jeannine’s soft voice interrupted his thoughts. When he turned, he realized they were parked in her driveway.

  “Sorry. My mind took off on me.” He released his grip on the steering-wheel and dropped his hands into his lap.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Shall I walk you up?” he said.

  “Sure.” She nodded, not looking at him as she got out of the car. As she approached him she looked up. Lord, he was such a magnificent man. Proud, protective, passionate. Everything she could ever want in a man, but what could she offer him in return? She was a physically and emotionally scarred woman with a remote chance of having children. What man would want that? She bit her lip as she entered her house and sensed him walk in behind her. The darkness allowed her the freedom to speak boldly. “Did I do something wrong?” she asked, almost dreading his answer, already knowing what it would be.

  “What? No,” he said, and kicked the sofa. “Ow. Can you turn on the light so I can see you?”

  “Do you really want to see me?” she asked in a tremulous tone, surprising herself at the boldness of her question. If she were going to make a move to change her life, the time was now.

  “More than you know.” His voice was a husky whisper, and she shivered as if he had touched her. Jeannine dropped her things onto the counter and turned a lamp up one notch.


  Up another notch.

  “More. I want to see you,” he said, and moved closer to her.

  Every protective instinct in her wanted her to run, but her feet refused to move. Desire, hot in Miklo’s dark, dark eyes held her motionless.

  “You have done nothing wrong. It’s me,” he said with a sigh.

  More disappointed than she could ever have imagined, she dropped her gaze as tears gathered. “Despite the best of intentions, you’re still disgusted by my scars, right?” she asked.

  Miklo continued moving forward until he had her backed against the wall. “Hardly. I’m less interested in your skin than how comfortable you are in it.” He stroked a hand down her bare arm. “Your skin is just a wrapping, it’s not what or who you are.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” Her eyes searched his, and she cupped her hand against his cheek. Holding his gaze fast with hers, she willed him to reach out to her, to take her in his arms, to share himself with her. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “It’s…hard to explain, but…” He turned away and raked his hair back from his face. “Not long ago I’d have denied ever needing to feel passion again. For anyone. It was totally dead in me.” Turning back to her, he caught her arm in his and pressed his mouth to the scar on the inside of her wrist. “But now you have inspired the passion in me to return. And it’s a little…disturbing.”

  “It’s only n-natural,” she stuttered. “Natural to feel that way about the first person you date after…losing someone.”

  “Jeannine, I’ve dated a lot of women over the years.” The intensity in his eyes robbed her of breath. “None of them ever inspired me the way you do.” He frowned and let out a sigh. “My wife and I were…comfortable with each other. Dedicated to our life together, to our families, and our friendship. What has flared between you and me is so different, so unexpected, that it has taken me by surprise.”

  “Miklo.” Jeannine paused, searching his eyes, his face for some hint of rejection, but found nothing. The ache for him grew in her heart. She needed him right now. Gripping the lapels of his jacket in her fists, she drew him toward her. “Will you show me? The way it’s supposed to be?” She tipped her face up toward his. “Please,” she whispered.

  “Yes.” He opened his mouth over hers, swallowing down her gasp of surprise. Hot, wet, tongue searching for hers, he kissed her hard and hungrily. A thrill of desire flashed through her, and she lost herself to his touch. The intensity of him overwhelmed her.

  With her back against the wall and Miklo pressed hard against her, every inch of her conformed to his body. Wrapped in his arms, Jeannine had never felt more desired than she did at that moment. She wanted it all.

  Miklo didn’t want to think, he just wanted to feel her silky skin against him. Keeping his lips pressed to hers, he shrugged out of his jacket and dropped it to the floor. He cupped her face in his hands, plundering her mouth with his. He’d never tasted anything as sweet as her mouth. And then he pulled back. “I want to look at you.” He glanced down over the clingy black dress hugging every curve and nuance of her body. Her nipples pressed against the fabric and his mouth watered, wanting to taste every part of her. “Hold still.” He started to draw the thin
straps of the dress off her shoulders when her startled gasp stopped him.

  “Wait. The light—”

  “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt you. I want to see you.”


  “Shh. Shh. Let me see you. All of you.” Drawing the straps off her shoulders, he moved them down, moved the dress down, and let it go.


  THE dress fluttered to the floor. Very little barred his gaze from her. Her breasts stood high and proud without any bra. Pink nipples had already turned to hard peaks, rising and falling with her erratic breathing. The inward curve of her waist and softly rounded stomach made his hands itch to touch her. Black lace panties and thigh-high hose completed the ensemble, with her dress puddled around the strappy sandals.

  Eyes scrunched tightly shut to hold back her tears, Jeannine turned her head to the side and waited for the door to slam behind Miklo. The sight of her had been too much for him. Her stomach quivered from holding back her breath, and she pressed one hand to her mouth.

  “What are you doing?” Miklo asked, his voice surprisingly deep, surprisingly close.

  “Waiting for you to leave,” she whispered. Tears managed to escape and flowed down her cheeks.

  “Why would I want to leave now?” Miklo pulled her hand away from her face and kissed away the moisture.

  “Just look at me!” Pain in her heart was tearing her to pieces. How could he stand there and torment her this way?

  “I am. Believe me, I am.” He kissed her cheek again. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  The smoky sound of his voice so close to her made her jump, her heart fluttering wildly. Maybe he had bad eyesight and she’d just never noticed.

  “No.” She almost choked on the word.

  “Please?” he asked. “I want to see your eyes.”

  With a request like that, how could she refuse the one man who had promised to take her to paradise? Slowly, she opened her eyes and stared directly into Miklo’s. Disgust, horror, guilt, and shame were remarkably absent from his eyes.

  “How can you look at me like that?” Shock and surprise overcame her pain.

  “Like what?” he asked, and placed his hands against the wall on either side of her, leaning ever closer.

  “Like you…want me.” The whisper that sprang from her came from the part of her spirit that had been trampled upon too many times.

  “I do want you.”

  “So this is like…pity sex?” she asked, now guarded.

  Miklo barked out a laugh and leaned closer, the heat coming off of him like a fire that would burn her if she got any closer. “Believe me, pity is the last thing I feel for you.”

  “But the scars—”

  “Don’t exist right now.” He took one of her hands and placed it on his chest. “Inside here, mine are just as bad, though you can’t see them.” His gaze searched hers, and she needed to believe him. “Tonight there is nothing standing between us.”

  “Miklo.” She breathed his name on a sigh of surrender and buried her hands in his hair.

  “You are so lovely,” he said, his heart racing, his breathing as fast as hers. “More than I had imagined.” The fears, the guilt, the loneliness had no place between them tonight. Tonight was about feeling. Feeling her close, feeling her touch, feeling her heart beat in time with his, the rhythm of her body mirroring his. The pain that had lived in his heart eased as he looked at Jeannine standing in front of him. Wanting her was so easy, so much easier than he had imagined. All he had to do was reach out to her, and she would be his with nothing except skin separating them.

  Kneeling in front of her, he pulled her closer and rubbed his face over her abdomen. He could feel the mid-line abdominal scar, but it was nothing compared to what he was feeling for her. There were other imperfections on her belly and her sides, healed puncture marks from various tubes. But they had saved her life and would forever be a reminder of her trauma. Slowly, one by one, he kissed them all, wanting to heal her, wanting to make her whole again from the inside out. He knew he couldn’t do it for her as she couldn’t do it for him. Perhaps together they could heal each other.

  “This is so not fair,” she said, her voice husky and heavy with needs he wanted to fulfill. His body had been in overdrive since they had entered her house. Now, his erection strained for release. He just hoped that he could be gentle with her and not let his own demands take over. She deserved to be pleasured.

  “What’s not fair?” he asked, his heart racing as he stood again.

  “I’m almost naked, and you still have all your clothes on.” Her bright gaze flashed over him, and his hunger for her grew.

  “Not for long.” Kissing her long and thoroughly, he held her tight, needing to feel her softness against him. Breathless, he pulled back and spread kisses down her neck, working his way to the notch of her collarbone. His hands spanned her waist, and he felt every rib as he stroked upward, his thumbs reaching out to stroke her nipples. “You are so delicate, I’m almost afraid to touch you.”

  “Please, touch me.”

  His mouth continued down over the curve of one breast while one hand rose to cup the other, his thumb tracing circles around a nipple. Her indrawn hiss of pleasure aroused him more than he had thought possible, and he eagerly opened his mouth over the tight peak, drawing it inside, teasing it with his tongue, savoring his first sweet taste of her.

  Jeannine trembled in his arms and his body hummed in reaction. With a groan, he scooped her up in his arms. “Where is your bed?” he growled.

  “End of the hall.” She clasped her hands around his shoulders and pressed her face to his neck, her soft mouth spreading kisses on his skin. With long strides, he negotiated the short distance to her bedroom, stopped beside the bed and lowered her onto it.

  She knelt in front of him, and her trembling fingers worked the buttons of his shirt while he fumbled with his belt. Clothing had to go—now.

  Urgency pulsed through him. Ripping the shirt off, his cuff links flew across the room. He pulled her against him and dragged her down onto the bed.

  “Ow,” she said, and raised a hand above her head and pulled out a crunched gift bag. “What the…?”

  “What is it?” he asked and took the small package from her. A note fell off it, and he picked it up. You’re going to need these. Don’t forget the champagne!

  Jeannine opened one side of the decorative paper and several small items fell out. She pressed a hand to her face and stifled a groan as Miklo picked up five foil-wrapped packages that were unmistakable. “Oh, my God, Trish left this. At least there’s nothing that glows in the dark.”

  “Wow, five. She thinks highly of me.” Miklo laughed and tucked the items under a pillow. “She’s right, though. We are going to need them. Champagne would add a nice touch, too.” He opened a piece of chocolate. “Let’s share everything.” He placed the candy between his front teeth and lowered his mouth to hers. Biting the sweet against her lips, he gave her half. She chewed and swallowed, Miklo did the same.

  Raising her face to him, the scent of chocolate was strong on his breath as she opened her mouth for his kiss, and thoughts of champagne fled. The glide of his tongue against hers spread fires within her. The taste of chocolate filled her senses. She thought she’d already had her chocolate fantasy tonight, but it was nothing compared to this. Holding himself above her, he pressed his lips into hers. A deep ache within her expanded until she was a throbbing mass of churning need. “Miklo.” Her whisper was lost in the deep of the night.

  Her breasts tingled for his touch again and moisture pooled between her legs. Her female flesh throbbed with an ache she knew only he could satisfy.

  His urgent hands stripped her remaining clothing and shoes away. As she looked at the desire in his eyes she knew he saw her, wanted her, needed her. Nothing else mattered and the scars began to fade.

  Reaching out to him, she shoved his clothing off. “Show me. Show me now.” The heat of his
arousal straining against her leg made her gasp.

  Before she could reach out to him, he pulled a nipple into his mouth and pressed his fingers into her moist folds. Ecstasy filled her, and she arched her back, pressing more fully into his hand. His fingers stroked and aroused her, and then they were gone.

  “Miklo?” she whispered, then heard him tearing open one of the foil packages.

  “I want to be gentle, but I don’t know if I can.” His voice was tense and urgent.

  “I need you,” she said, and pulled him over her. “Nothing else matters.” The heat of him strained at her feminine core, and she stiffened as unwanted memories flooded her, making her scrunch her eyes closed.

  “Just relax, darling,” he said, and cupped her face in his hand. “Look at me. Keep your eyes on me.”

  When she raised her gaze to his, all she found was desire for her in his eyes. His hand bent her leg at the knee as he pressed against her flesh.


  “You are beautiful.”

  With his hands tight on her hips, he eased into her. Never had she been filled so completely. “Oh,” she gasped as he entered her fully.

  Miklo mumbled a mixture of Greek and Spanish, his breath hot in her ear as he withdrew from her and plunged deep inside again and again. Unable to think any more, she gave in to the demands of her body and let Miklo take her wherever he wanted to go. Paradise was just a moment away.

  The honey wetness of her body clung to him, and he almost exploded the second he entered her. Seeking to ease the pressure, he withdrew, but his body had other plans, and he sheathed himself deeply within her again. Each stroke took him closer to completion, but he wanted to please Jeannine first. Trembling, he eased back to sit on his heels and wrapped her long legs around his hips. One hand drifted to where their bodies were joined, and he let his thumb stroke over her female bud. Buried deep within her, he listened to the demands of his body and closed his eyes.


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