Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2)

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Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2) Page 2

by Thorn, Ava

  “This is McBride,” Shane said as he signed the rental car agreement.

  “I have the address, man,” Hawk replied.

  Shane wrote the address that Hawk recited to him. “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  “You know it,” Hawk chuckled, before he hanged up.

  An hour later, Shane stood in front of Jazz’s bricked townhouse. He wondered how she could sleep with all the noise coming from across the street. The community she lived in was still under construction. There were only four buildings in the whole subdivision. He pressed the doorbell and waited for her to come to the door. The locks on the door disengaged.

  “Hello.” The door swung open. Jasmine stood there in her pajamas, shock was written across her beautiful swollen face. Shane’s eyes traveled down to her very pregnant belly. “What….are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Why are you pregnant?” he barked back at her.

  “Because of you,” she snapped. “Go back to Texas,” she said, trying to shove the door in his face.

  “No,” Shane said as he put his feet into the door. “Ouch! Jazz, just talk to me.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about,” she mumbled.


  Jazz didn’t want to hear anything that Shane had to say. How the hell did he even know where she lived in the first place? The only person who had her address was her mother, Jeanette, and she knew damn well he didn’t get it from her. Damn him and his sexiness.

  “I know you’re having my baby,” he shouted.

  “Go away please.” She was going to continue to shove the door until it closed. She hadn’t seen Shane since the night they had sex. You mean the best sex in your whole entire life, Jasmine thought.

  “We both know I’m not leaving until we talk,” Shane grumbled. “I will sit in my car until you come to your senses.”

  “Shaneeeeee,” Jasmine gasped when she felt a sharp pain in her back.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she lied. Jasmine tried to remember how to breathe through the pain. She was having a difficult time deciding if she was having a Braxton Hicks contraction like she had last week. She tried to remember what the book said about labor.

  “You’re lying. Let me in so I can help you,” Shane begged.

  “Ahhhh,” she screamed out in pain. Her back was in agony. When a contraction hit, it was like her back seized up.

  “Jazz, let me in, or I’m coming through the window.”

  Jazz could be stubborn and stand there in pain or she could open the door and allow him to help her. Plus, she knew that Shane wasn’t bluffing, he would come through the window in a heartbeat.

  “Fine,” she said, moving off the door. Jazz held the bottom of her stomach, gripping the side of wall to hold herself up.

  Shane didn’t know what to do. He had to stay calm for Jasmine. Fear and panic were etched across her pretty face. “Do your breathing exercises,” he said.

  “Uh-oh,” Jasmine said, when she felt the warm liquid running down her legs.

  “What?” Shane’s eyes traveled down Jasmine, body, he saw the clear liquid puddle at her feet. “Your water just broke! How far along are the contractions?”

  “I know that,” she said, rolling her eyes. She was happy Shane was there with her, but she was also angry that he was here. Jasmine was already prepared to raise her baby on her own. “I have a bag for the hospital in the closet, in the hallway upstairs.”

  Shane nodded his head and ran up the stairs. He paused in his tracks when he passed a bedroom that was decorated in pastel pink and purple, a white wooden crib sat against the wall decorated in cute pink flower bedding. Above the bed, on the wall was lettering in pink block that spelled the name Shay. He was having a girl and Jasmine picked the name Shay for their daughter. It was the name that he and Sarah were going to name their daughter.

  He went to the closet and grabbed an overnight bag. When Shane walked by the room again, he couldn’t believe that Jasmine didn’t tell him she was pregnant. Didn’t she think that he would have been excited to learn about pending fatherhood? Running down the stairs it was eerily quiet.

  “Jazz!” he yelled out.

  “I’m in here,” she said.

  Shane could hear music and splashing coming from the bathroom. Walking into the master bathroom, he saw Jasmine. “Jazz, we should be leaving right now for the hospital.”

  “My contractions are still far apart,” she said. “The baby is not going to slip out just because my water broke.”

  “Jazz.” He knelt down in front of the tub. “I’m going crazy with fear and you’re in here taking a bubble bath.”

  “I need to relax before I go to the hospital.” She rolled her eyes, laying back on the terry cloth. Jasmine enjoyed the smooth sounds of Boney James.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

  “How did you find out?” she asked, peeking one eye at him.

  “Long story,” he said. “Do you want me to contact your mother?”

  Jasmine's eyes became huge. “No!”

  Those brown eyes reminded him of a time when he and Benjamin busted Jasmine for underage drinking. “You….hadn’t told your family?” He shook his head. “When were you planning to tell anyone about the pregnancy? Were you even going to tell me?”

  “I don’t know,” she said truthfully. “I just was kind of going with the flow.”

  “Going with the flow?” he chuckled. Shane felt like pulling his hair out. “What were you going to say when you came back home with a baby? Jasmine you’re so freaking selfish and immature. Do you hear yourself? You didn’t think I’d want to know that I’m going to be a father.”

  “Why should’ve I told you?” she groaned as pain seized her back up. “This is my baby, not Sarah’s!” Jasmine gripped the side of the tub as she breathed through a contraction.

  “You’re getting out of this tub and we’re going to the hospital.” Shane made a move to let the water out the tub.

  “I’m not ready,” she whined. “Some ladies don’t go into full labor for 48 hours after their water breaks.”

  “I’d rather have you at the hospital under the care of doctors and nurses instead of you taking a bath,” he said.

  “Fine…. Get me the towel on the counter,” Jasmine mumbled.

  “Jazz, don’t be bashful now,” Shane smirked as he grabbed the towel.

  “Shut up and help me up,” she said, holding out her hand.

  “If I wasn’t here, who would have helped you?” he asked, pulling her up. Shane couldn’t take his eyes off Jasmine. Her body was a wonderland, her juicy perky breasts were bigger than the last time he’d seen them. Shane lifted his hand to touch her stomach, only to pause in midair.

  “I would have taken a shower and not a bath,” she said, raising an eyebrow at him. Jasmine saw his hesitation, taking his hand, she guide it to her stomach. “We’re having a daughter, but I think you already know that.”

  Shane nodded his head; he was in complete awe as his hand glided around her hard, round tummy. “Jasmine, words can’t describe how I feel about fatherhood.” His dark green eyes became hard. “You attempted to keep me away from my child.”

  At that moment a contraction hit Jasmine hard. If Shane wasn’t there, she would have surely hit the floor. “I was going to tell you,” she panted. “I was going to tell you months ago, but I was scared.”

  “We’re going to the hospital.” Shane picked her up and sat her on the bed.

  “Dress,” she said, pointing to floral printed dress on the chair.

  Shane dried and dressed Jasmine in seconds. He picked her up like she weighed next to nothing and carried her to his car, securing her in the back seat while he ran back into the house to retrieve the overnight bag.

  Jasmine’s heart nearly stopped when she witnessed him picking up her cell phone. “What are you doing?” She was so fearful that he was calling her family. “I told you I will tell them later.”

Be quiet, Jazz,” Shane said, looking at her in the rearview mirror. He scanned her contacts for until he found OBYGN. “Dr. Matthews… I’m bringing in Jasmine St. Clair. Her contractions are nine minutes apart.”

  Jasmine blew a sigh of relief when he hung up, for a split second she thought he was calling her family.

  “We’re not going to argue about this right now,” Shane said, pulling into Porter Adventist Hospital. He stepped out the car and handed the valet the keys to the car, Jasmine was already out of the car by the time Shane came around to help her.

  Jasmine knew she was in full labor; her contractions were coming in harder and quicker. What happen to nine minutes apart? Did those baby books mention the pain and discomfort besides the back and belly? For crying out loud her legs were hurting too. Jasmine let out a scream, as her nails dug into his arm.

  A valet attendee brought them a wheelchair. The next ten minutes everything was a blur for Shane and Jasmine. They were taken up to labor and delivery. Shane tried his best to fill out the necessary paperwork.

  “Can you give her something for the pain?” Shane asked, looking over at Jasmine as she writhed uncontrollably in agonizing, excruciating pain.

  “I feel like I have to poo,” Jasmine whined.

  “Can you page the doctor?” one nurse said to another. “Jasmine, you don’t have to poo, that’s the baby.”

  “I think I have to poo,” Jasmine panted, with a panicky look on her face. “If I do, I want him out,” she said, looking at Shane. There was no way she was going to allow him to witness her using the bathroom.

  “I’m not leaving,” Shane said as he finished registering her into the hospital.

  “Okay Dad, we need you to coach your wife,” the nurse said, looking at him.

  “He’s not my husband,” Jasmine snapped at the nurse, and instantly felt bad. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, dear.” The nurse smiled.

  Shane read a few labor and delivery books on the plane from Aruba, but he didn’t know where to start. “You need to relax, Jazz,” he encouraged.

  “Don’t tell me to freaking relax,” Jasmine screamed. She wasn’t the type to curse, but today she was going to let loose. “Oh damn,” she yelled as a really strong contraction hit her.

  “Umm,” Shane groaned as Jasmine squeezed his hand. Shit, where did she get that much strength?

  “I need to push,” Jasmine said.

  “Don’t push,” Dr. Matthew said, walking into the room. “Let’s check her cervix.”

  Shane looked at the stocky-built doctor with brown hair. He watched him wash his hands and slip on gloves before sitting on a stool between Jasmine’s legs.

  “Jasmine, focus on me and breathe,” Shane said. He was surprised that Jasmine followed his commands.

  “Okay Jasmine, it’s show time,” Dr. Matthew said.

  “Relax,” the nurse said bringing Jasmine’s legs back.

  Shane noticed that the hospital staff wasn’t prepared for delivering the baby. If Jasmine hadn’t played around in the bathtub, they would have arrived at the hospital in a nick of time and the good people wouldn’t be furiously trying to arrange things to catch their baby.

  “Please, I need to push,” Jasmine begged as another contraction hit her.

  “Grab her other leg,” a nurse instructed.

  “Push!” Dr. Matthew said.

  Dr. Matthew didn’t have to tell her twice to push. Taking a deep breath, Jasmine bore down with everything she had. Within four pushes, Jasmine could feel her baby expel from her body. Within seconds, she was on her chest. There was no more pressure or discomfort.

  “Freedom!” she laughed, kissing her small adorable baby, who had a full pair of lungs.

  Shane never thought he would experience this day in his life. It brought tears to his eyes. As he looked down at his child, he saw that she was a beautiful combination of him and Jasmine.

  “She is unbelievable,” Jasmine said, looking up at him. “Meet Shay Melody McBride.”

  Shane tested the name of his lips. Melody was his mother’s name. Without thinking, he bent down and kissed Jasmine ever so softly. “Thank you.”

  He still couldn’t believe that he was a father. Someone’s dad. This little one depended on him. Shay had Jasmine’s button nose and his green eyes with a hint of yellow, her hair was black and silky. Shay could be or do anything she wanted. Shane wanted to give Shay and Jasmine anything and everything.

  When the nurse came and took Shay away, he went with them while another nurse cleaned Jasmine up. For the first time in his life, he was instantly in love with someone. He was going to protect her, teach her right from wrong and most of all, he was going to be there for every milestone.


  Later in the evening, Shane walked into the hospital room with dinner from a nearby restaurant. He was tempted to say look at my girls, but he caught himself. Jasmine was sitting in bed beaming from ear to ear. There were so many questions he had for her, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her, both of them were still buzzing from the birth of their daughter.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, putting the food on the table.

  “Deliriously happy.” She smiled, looking down at Shay, who nursed from her breast. “Shane, I really was going to tell you.”

  “I don’t want to fuss, especially with the baby around,” he said, washing his hands. “I’ll hold the baby while you eat.”

  Jasmine handed the baby to Shane. She smiled as he walked over to the rocking chair. She laughed when she realized he was taking baby steps to the chair. “When was the last time you held a baby?”

  Taking the food out the bag, she placed it on table. Shane remembered that she loved Outback Steakhouse; she had grilled chicken Caesar salad and a Blooming Onion. Jasmine could have kissed him. She hadn’t been able to eat a Blooming Onion since becoming pregnant.

  “My brother, Jonathan, and his wife, Liz, had Reba five years ago,” he said, smiling as he looked at Shay. “But this time it’s different.”

  “Because she is yours?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said, looking at her. “Eat.”

  Jasmine huffed and ate her food in silence. Every now and then, she would look up to see Shane talking to their daughter. There was no emotional connection between them, it was only physical. Except for that one moment during Shay’s birth, Shane’s lips touched hers and there was this jolt of electricity when he kissed her. But there could be nothing between them; his heart would always belong to another.

  Shane stared at a sleepy Shay, he inhaled her sweet, new baby scent. There were so many emotions running through him. He was stunned, thrilled and most importantly, Shane was freaked out. Fear was running through his veins like a virus. He didn’t know the first thing about raising a baby. He was clueless. He looked over at Jasmine, who was sleeping peacefully. Shane knew that when shit hit the fan regarding Jasmine’s pregnancy and that he was the father, he would have a price to pay and his friendship with Benjamin would be on the line.


  It’d been three days since Shay was born and two days since they’d been home. The baby book made her believe that coming home with the baby was going to be a piece of cake, but that was a lie. What happened to the crying, dirty diapers, and sleeping? But everything was worth it when she looked inside Shay’s eyes. It was crazy hard, but she was lucky to have Shane. Jasmine stared at the alarm clock on the nightstand and looked over at Shay sleeping in the bassinet. She was sleep deprived, she haven’t had a good night sleep since they’d brought Shay home. There were times when she would watch Shay sleep for hours and now all she wanted was to get in a few hours of sleep.


  Jasmine shot up out of bed and threw the covers off her and picked Shay up.

  “What’s wrong?” Shane asked, running into the room. His green eyes were tired, and he hadn’t shaved in three days.

  “I think Shay’s hungry,” she said. Jasmine made a few shushing noises an
d pulled her breast out. Normally she would be embarrassed or shy, but Shane had seen her in her worst and plus he saw her pocketbook.

  “Here let me,” Shane said, taking the baby from her. He gently patted her on the back with hopes of putting the baby back to sleep.

  “I don’t think I was mentally and emotionally prepared for this,” Jasmine sighed. Tears started rolling down her cheek; she tried to stop herself from crying but couldn’t stop.

  “What’s wrong?” Shane asked, looking at her strangely.

  “I can’t do this anymore,” she cried. “Nothing I do is right.”

  Shane laid a sleeping baby back in its bassinet. “Jasmine, we’re new at this and learning as we go. I wouldn’t expect you to know everything right now at this moment.” He caressed the side of her face. “Do…you think it would be easier if we contacted your mother, she could help and teach you a few tricks of the trade.”

  “I’m not ready to tell them,” she said through clenched teeth.

  Shane stood up and walked away from her. He headed toward the door before he turned around and stared at her. “I’m not going to keep Shay a secret. Having a baby is a joyful experience, not something you should keep in shame. I have plenty of family who would love to meet our daughter, Shay Melody McBride.” With that said, Shane walked out the door.

  Jasmine could tell by the sound of his voice that she was on borrowed time with him and he would spill the beans with and without her approval. Getting out of bed, she checked on Shay, before grabbing the baby monitor and walking out the room. Walking out the room, she saw Shane standing there wearing only briefs.

  Clearing her voice, she focused on the picture hanging on the wall instead of gawking at the half-naked man standing the kitchen drinking milk.

  “How long are you going to be here?” she asked, with a hand on her hip.

  “I’m on vacation, honey. I have two weeks left and I plan on spending every waking minute with my daughter.” He winked at her.

  “Shay is our daughter,” she corrected. “What do you want? Do we need to discuss visitation? I do not want any child support from you.” She leaned against the wall and folded her arm against her chest. “I don’t need you.”


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