Shamanic Journeying

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Shamanic Journeying Page 5

by Sandra Ingerman

  Am I making up my journeys?

  The most common challenge that people new to the practice of shamanic journeying face is the fear that they are making up their journeys—that it is all happening in their imaginations and is therefore irrelevant.

  Most of you reading this book have been raised in a society where you were taught that invisible realms do not exist. You were taught that only what you can see, feel, hear, taste, and smell is real, and the rest exists solely in your imagination. After all these years of basing your perception of reality on what is tangible, to hear someone tell you that you can travel to non-ordinary reality and ask invisible spirit beings for advice and guidance is confusing at best. This question comes up for almost everybody when they first begin the practice of shamanic journeying.

  As children, many of us took great comfort in our ability to communicate with loving and caring beings in invisible worlds. However, as we grew up and became socialized into believing solely in physical reality, our relationship with the invisible world dissolved.

  However, many of us yearn to rediscover the invisible worlds and our interconnectedness with all seen and unseen beings. On a profound level, we all know there is more to life than material possessions, what society tells us is true, or what we experience with our five senses.

  Several years ago I was teaching an introductory workshop in journeying where the question of the imagination was very pronounced. Over and over again people asked me in different ways, “Am I making up my journey?” During a break, a Brazilian woman came up to me to tell me how surprised she was that so many people were plagued by this question. She had grown up in a culture where there is a strong belief in spirits, and for her there was no question as to whether spirits were “real.” However, my parents certainly did not talk about power animals and helping spirits at the dinner table when I was growing up—nor did most of the parents of the workshop participants!

  My experience has shown me that the best way to evaluate the validity of your shamanic journeys in on the basis of your results. If you keep up the practice of shamanic journeying, you will begin to see useful and beneficial results arising from the guidance you receive. Remember, shamanism has traditionally been a results-oriented system, and it is important for you to evaluate your results on an ongoing basis. The important question to ask yourself is, “Do I get information that makes a positive difference in my life?”

  When you begin to see significant results, your mind will begin to quiet down, and eventually you will find that you are no longer distracted by the question of whether or not it is all happening in your imagination. However, if you try to battle your mind or beliefs while you are journeying, you will spend much of your journey time in internal dialogue and be too distracted to receive any clear information. What I do when my analytical mind interferes when I am journeying is to simply agree with what it has to say, and then continue on my journey. And what I recommend to you is that you give journeying an opportunity to reveal its benefits to you over time, which will satisfy your discerning mind.

  People in our culture often forget to “lighten up” when doing spiritual practice. We tend to take everything too seriously, putting too much pressure on ourselves. Traditional shamans and healers are always laughing. Being overly serious in our journeys and lives disconnects us from our own creative potential. Learn to laugh at yourself and have fun with your practice. You will find as you journey over time that your helping spirits have quite a sense of humor and are always trying to get you to lighten up.

  When I first started journeying, my power animal would find humorous settings to teach me about asking appropriate questions. I remember in one journey I went to the Lower World to meet him. When I showed up in the pine forest where he lives, he was dressed in a fancy waiter’s uniform, wearing spotless white gloves. He showed me to a small round table that was decorated with a crisp white tablecloth and a small vase of flowers. He pulled out a chair for me and handed me a menu. I opened the menu and was surprised to see what was inside. There were two columns containing different questions. My power animal announced that the question I was intending to ask was the wrong one. I had not even told him what my question was, so obviously he was tuned into my intention before I even spoke it. He then explained that the questions on the menu were appropriate questions to ask, and that I could choose one question from column A and one from column B to ask him during my journey. I think this is a wonderful example of how the spirits can teach us through humor and playfulness, which helps keeps the practice more lighthearted.

  What challenges might I encounter in my journey practice?

  Many people get caught up in the question, “Am I journeying correctly?” Remember, there is no right way to journey—whatever you experience is correct for you. It is important to learn to honor and validate your unique experiences. This may take some time and patience, but the rewards are great.

  Another common challenge is the need to see a journey visually—rather than by using our other senses. The way to work with this is to consciously open all of your senses in non-ordinary reality. If you are not seeing anything visually, simply notice what you are hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting, and relax into receiving information in a new way.

  I mentioned earlier how people in our culture tend to interpret everything that happens in a journey literally. This can change the entire meaning of the journey. Look for the metaphors. Expand your awareness to include the big picture your helping spirits are trying to show you.

  One of the biggest complaints shamanic journeyers have is that they cannot stop their mind chatter while they are journeying. Often when we take time out for doing spiritual work, our mind challenges us with endless distractions. You might end up thinking about what you are going to wear to work, or what you are going to eat, or making mental lists of all the things you should be doing instead.

  Repeating the intention of the journey over and over again will put you back into the journey and refocus your mind. I also suggest that you find times of the day to journey when your mind is quiet, rather than filled with distractions. Again, I suggest that you try doing some dancing or singing before you journey to quiet your mind and put you in the right heart-space for journeying.

  Another way of stilling the mind is to engage in a physical activity—such as dancing or singing your journeys while they are taking place. Personally, I like to rattle for myself and sing my journeys out loud. In order to bypass the chatter of my mind, I simply drum for myself, which seems to take me deeper into my journeys. In traditional shamanic cultures, the shaman often performs his or her journey for the community by dancing, singing, or reciting aloud everything that occurs. The shaman will narrate where the group is traveling, what spirits they are meeting, what messages are being communicated, and what healing work is being done. You might also try free movement or dance while you are journeying, rather than lying down or sitting still, if that helps you focus on your journey.

  When should I journey?

  It is best to journey when you have a clear question or when you need help. When people first start to journey, they often become very excited about the practice and want to journey constantly. However, I would caution that you do not want to create a practice based on asking numerous questions, taking notes, but not actually applying any of the guidance in your life. In other words, you do not want to collect spiritual information and not integrate any of it into your life.

  How often you should journey will become clear over time—and may be cyclical. You will sometimes find that you need more time between journeys to integrate the information, whereas at other times you will integrate the information more quickly and be ready for your next journey almost immediately.

  When it comes to a particular emotional or physical issue, you may need to journey several times before you notice a change. And if you are not getting positive results around the issue, you may need to seek outside help. Sometimes when you are too emotionally attached to the
outcome of an issue, you may not be able to move yourself out of the way sufficiently to access clear spiritual guidance. The same holds true if you are in an emotional state about a loved one or family member. In these cases, you would need to find someone you trust who can journey on your behalf.

  I journey a lot when I am writing or working on a creative project. My helping spirits are a continuing source of inspiration to me while I write. I recommend that you try journeying when you are working on a specific project to ask for a helping spirit who is willing to support you with your project.

  It is also important to be aware that you will go through many cycles with your journey practice. There might be weeks and months when your journeys are strong and clear. And then you might hit a cycle when you attempt a journey and you do not perceive any sensory information at all. This is normal—and it can last for several weeks or months. We are all a part of nature, and these are natural cycles that we are subject to. In our culture we always want to be “on.” We no longer honor the incredible gestation cycle that is necessary for the regeneration that brings new life. Plants do not flower 365 days a year. In this same way, sometimes we are in a deep process of germination and gestation. During these times typically we can still journey for others, but for ourselves the curtains might close for a while. If this happens, it is important not to get frustrated or feel that your helping spirits have deserted you. They are still helping you in invisible ways. Keep journeying and checking in from time to time. Eventually your journeys will resume and become strong and clear once again.

  How do I know when I should go to the Lower World or the Upper World?

  I find that when people learn to journey, they are often more attracted to one world than the others. Some people have an easier time journeying to the Lower World and find it harder to get into the Upper World. Some people have the opposite experience. Many people are comfortable journeying in both worlds. This often changes over time, depending on what you are working on. Your style of journeying will evolve, and the worlds that you feel most comfortable with will change. It is important to stay flexible.

  With experience, you will find that your power animals and teachers specialize in different areas. You will learn which helping spirits to ask in regards to different kinds of questions and help. In my own practice, my power animal is usually available for my clients and for me, although my teachers tend to offer the best information related to my writing and broader global issues. Many shamanic practitioners work with their teachers in human form when working with clients. Through journeying on a regular basis, you begin to identify which power animal or teacher to go to for certain types of questions or issues. You will find that different helping spirits have different specialties. Even when your helping spirits have demonstrated specialties, it is fine to journey to different spirits to ask their opinions on the same issue—they will often have different and valuable perspectives to share with you.

  Remember that your power animals and teachers may change over time. They may stay with you for years, or you may find that new helping spirits present themselves to you when you ask for different types of help.

  During your journeys, you can move between the worlds as much as you like. If you are journeying to the Lower World, and you want to be in the Upper World, simply make your way up. Similarly, you can travel from the Upper World down into the Lower World if you wish. Your power animals and teachers can travel in between all three worlds, so there is no limit to where you can go and whom you can meet.

  Look for the surprise element in your journeys. You will often find spirits volunteering to help you whose identities will surprise you. You will get answers and help in ways that are unexpected. The element of surprise in my journeys is largely what has kept me so engaged in my shamanic practice for the last twenty years.

  Think of your shamanic journeying practice as a work in progress. It will deepen and grow in proportion to how much time you devote to it. The key is continuing to practice and developing a trusting relationship with your helping spirits. This will happen naturally with time.

  Allow your journeys to be fluid and organic. Explore different levels in both directions. Be open to meeting new helping spirits who can be of assistance to you. Be an adventurer! Take in the love, wisdom, and healing that your helping spirits and the universe are longing to share with you.

  Chapter 6: Undertaking Your First Shamanic Journey

  In this chapter I will summarize three journeys. I suggest you try them one by one to begin your journeying practice.

  Journeying to the Lower World

  Your first journey will be to the Lower World to meet and develop a relationship with your power animal.

  Begin by seeing yourself in a location in nature that you have visited in ordinary reality where there is a natural opening into the earth. This can be a tree trunk with deep roots into the earth, the center of a volcano, a hole in the ground, an opening in a cave, or through a body of water such as a lake, stream, river, or waterfall. As I mentioned before, if it works best for you to see yourself traveling down on an elevator or through an underground subway tunnel, that is also fine.

  See yourself entering into the opening, where you will find yourself in a transitional space of some kind—generally a tunnel. Follow the tunnel until you reach the light, and when you come out into the Lower World, notice the landscape around you and see if there is an animal close by.

  If an animal is there, ask it, “Are you my power animal?” Asking a simple yes or no question will give you immediate insight into how your power animal wants to communicate with you. Your power animal may respond telepathically, or it may lead you somewhere or show you something that holds a message for you. If this is your power animal, begin building a relationship with him or her by asking a question or asking for a tour of that level of the Lower World. For example, you could begin by asking what teaching that particular animal brings you that will be of benefit to you. Or, if the animal is not your power animal, continue on your journey until you locate the animal that is.

  Try to stay in the journey with your power animal until you hear the drum calling you back. Or, if you wish to come back before the return beat, retrace your steps back to the room where you are lying or sitting, open your eyes, and stop the CD.

  If your experience differs from my directions in any way, follow your experience and disregard my directions. For instance, some people find that they bypass the tunnel and just arrive in the Lower World. Or you might meet a teacher instead of a power animal in the Lower World. Do not restrict your journeys by trying to conform to my directions. They are simply intended to provide a general guideline for you as you begin this practice. Allow yourself to move with your unique experience while it is happening.

  To visit deeper levels of the Lower World, look for new openings in the earth that will take you to further depths. There are many levels farther down in the Lower World and farther up in the Upper World. Just like when you began, you can keep traveling down by finding new entrances in the earth and descending from one level to the next.

  Journeying to the Middle World

  Before you begin your journey to the Middle World, make sure you have a clear intention and purpose for your journey. When you journey in the Middle World, you are traveling within the landscape of your physical reality, although your experience may be quite different from when you simply walk out your front door. First, you will be encountering the invisible spirits of the beings that share your environment, such as the spirits of land, rocks, animals, trees, and plants. Second, you will be able to travel very quickly through space, rather than being limited by your physical body.

  For a journey in the Middle World, see yourself walking out your front door and traveling through physical reality to locate a lost object or perhaps to visit a place with which you would like to commune. You can learn a great deal by communicating with the spirits of nature in a Middle World journey, as well as the elements of water, air, earth,
and fire.

  You can also journey to the sun, the stars, and the other planets in our solar system, each of which has much to teach you about how to restore balance and live in alignment with your natural cycles. In the Middle World, we also have access to the fairies, devas, and elves, who are collectively known as the spirit people. There are also guardians of the forest that you can meet. In sum, important journeys to the Middle World are those that enable us to discover the spirits of the invisible beings who are around us all the time, but whom we may not perceive in ordinary reality.

  When you hear the return beat, retrace your steps back into the room where you are lying or sitting, open your eyes, and turn off the CD. Or, if you wish to conclude your journey before you hear the return beat, simply retrace your steps back into the room where you are journeying, open your eyes, and turn off the CD.


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