Murders of the Zodiac Boxed Set

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Murders of the Zodiac Boxed Set Page 83

by Paris Morgan

  Not worried about being seen as the sun started to set, I left the car running, parked directly in front of the house, as I approached the front door.

  The bell rang loudly before a man appeared, glancing out onto the porch. I held an empty pizza box in my hands, which tended to cause them to let down their guard, and bring people out onto the porch where I could talk to them.

  “Yes?” He opened the door slightly. “I didn’t order any pizza.”

  “It says here, deliver to a Mr. Trevor Raymond at this address. Are you Mr. Raymond?” I held my phone just out of reach, but with his name and address on the screen.

  He stepped out and put a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose.

  “It looks like that’s correct, but…”

  “They said to tell you happy birthday.” I pulled the gun out of the box and shot him point blank.

  His body thumped to the ground as the splatter covered his glasses.

  I placed the birthday card beside him. “Hope it was a good birthday.”

  Without looking around, I walked slowly back down to the car and placed the pizza box on the seat next to me.

  As I pulled away, there were no sirens or shouts that anyone sensed something wrong.

  “Another one bites the dust.” I drove back to my apartment. I needed a shower and a good meal. Tomorrow would be the day I’d been waiting for for years.


  While I’d planned to sleep and get up a few hours before I had to be there, I had barely closed my eyes when the dreams came back.

  “Devon, don’t!” I screamed, “It’s my fault. I’ll keep him quiet when your home. It won’t happen again!” I pleaded as he held up my baby boy by the scruff of his neck.

  He let out a loud, drunk laugh, startling Patrick, making him wail again. “See? You can’t control it now. What makes you think that you’re going to be able to keep it quiet in the future? I’m not going to let this thing keep me awake one more minute. I’m the working person of this house, and you’re going to do what I say next time.” He tossed the small innocent baby down the stairs for me too catch as he pushed me back down the last few, causing the baby fall through my arms.

  Patrick landed without making a sound, but I couldn’t check on him because I wasn’t able to see past the blood running down my face before I passed out.

  When I’d woken up, the house was eerily silent. It all came back to me, and I frantically crawled to where Patrick was lying there on the rug. One look at his poor little face showed that he was gone.

  I stuck my hand in my mouth, holding back the screams that wanted to escape. Devon would come for me again if I let out a sound and disturbed him.

  Mustering all of my energy, I crawled to the phone and dialed the police before landing on the floor again.

  Swallowing a scream, I woke up, the habit still forming my actions. “It was only a dream.” I tried to comfort myself. “It’s all in the past.”

  The rest of the scene flooded through my memories as I allowed the tears to escape.

  When the police had arrived and found me seriously injured with the baby dead on the floor, they’d arrested my husband. He’d pleaded that I’d done it by slipping down the stairs because I was clumsy.

  The courts ruled it was an accident, and when I’d tried to tell them that he’d done it on purpose, nobody would listen.

  “Be more careful in the future, Miss.”

  They wanted me to go home to him, but I’d already talked to a lawyer and filed for divorce so that when he was released to return to the house we’d all been happy in, nothing of mine was left.

  He threatened me, but after the papers were signed, I disappeared. I got a new name and documents, and became a new person.

  Now it was time for him to pay for what he’d done. Sleep wasn’t going to return, and I sat in the darkness, watching the clock tick nearer to his moment of judgment.

  Some people would say that taking a life in exchange for a life was wrong, or that I should leave vengeance up to God. Well, where was he when my baby died? How come He hadn’t made Devon pay?

  Justice had to be taken into people’s hands to make sure that those who were purely evil didn’t get off the hook. Even if they were sent to some place of horrible punishment, I couldn’t let him live a happy life. It didn’t matter if I ended up in the same place, as long as he wasn’t allowed to go free.

  My own sins would hopefully be covered by taking the lives of those who deserved punishment. Justice would be served, no matter the cost. I held the gun steady in my hand as I watched another minute tick slowly by.


  The walk to the front door of the worst time in my life seemed to stretch on forever. I’d been so consumed with survival, and then making him pay, that I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been happy.

  There was a porch swing, and I took a seat, knowing that it was about to be done, finished. I’d feel complete knowing that he wasn’t going to make it.

  I fingered the card in my hand that held the note for the police to connect the crimes, but I’d written a special message just for Devon.

  When the swing creaked, I continued to enjoy the peaceful air that was surrounding me. Gone was the worry and fear.

  I heard the feet on the stairs only seconds before the door was wrenched open and the porch light was turned on.

  “Who the hell…?” Devon started toward me, but stopped as recognition dawned. “What are you doing here?” he demanded in a voice that used to have me hurrying to obey.

  He looked so funny standing there in his boxer briefs and white tank top.

  “Justice. It’s time you paid for your crimes.” I heard the stairs again, and knew that I only had a moment. “We deserved better. You had no right to kill Patrick. You have been found wanting. Here.” I handed him the card.

  Bewildered that I’d given him something non-threatening, he never saw the gun leave my pocket.

  “Happy Birthday in Hell.” I gently squeezed the trigger and watched his eyes widen with surprise as he realized I’d tricked him.

  Words started to form, but the bullet hit its mark as the front door opened.

  “Devin!” his new wife screamed as he fell backward.

  “You’re safe now. You don’t have to do anything he wants. Take care of your baby.” I turned and walked away, feeling almost sad that she was going to have to learn how to live again.

  Her soft wails filled the early morning air, and I knew the police wouldn’t be far behind. I had one more thing to do before they showed up at my apartment.


  Most people would have been defeated after having their child killed and having to start all over again. Instead, I’d used the small spark inside to do what needed to be done. Living in a cage wasn’t appealing, and I knew from the beginning that I had been a one-way street. The Zodiac Master hadn’t offered a consequence free life, but he’d offered a chance to do something meaningful.

  I knew that he didn’t want the police to find him, and that was okay with me. I did need them to understand what he’d done for my life. I could die in peace knowing that my son’s murderer wasn’t out there, free to harm more people.

  While I’d never met the homicide detectives, I had watched them arrive at the last few crime scenes.


  I know what I’ve done is wrong, but in some sense, it’s one of the rightest things I’ve ever tried to do. I had to set things right. Each of the men that were killed had committed a list of wrongs they were never convicted of.

  Look at the records, and you’ll see that I did you and society a favor. My ex-husband had to die, and if you interview his current wife, she’ll tell you how abusive he was.

  The Zodiac Master isn’t trying to kill people; he wants to right the world of wrongs. You have a job to do, and I did mine. I just wanted you to know why I chose this course of action.



  Now came the hard p
art, even though I knew it was what I had to do it—my part of the bargain.

  My finger hesitated for only a moment, and then I heard the slam of car doors. There was no going back as I pulled the trigger.

  I never heard the sound of the bullet exploding from the gun.

  Chapter 11

  Leslie — Chicago

  We were so close to finding her. This time, I wasn’t going to lose the opportunity to find the killer. I had to make it before she killed anyone else.

  I raced up the stairs to her apartment as the gunshot rang out.

  “Noooo!” I yelled, quickening my pace.

  The door wasn’t locked because she’d been expecting us.

  Her body was lying there on the floor, with the gun still in her hand.

  Ryan stooped to check her pulse. “She’s gone.”

  “Of course she is.” Frustrated, I punched the wall. “Every! Time!”

  He caught my fist before I could try it again. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

  “How is this justice?” I pointed to her dead body. “Who’s going to pay for killing Chris?”

  “It’s not, and she’s paid the price.” He pulled me into a hug. “There’s no way that she could have made up for taking his life by going to trial. Revenge or justice wouldn’t have come for her. We have to concentrate on finding the person behind this. She was just a tool, an unfortunate victim as well.”

  I pulled away, not wanting to lean on the strength he was willing to give. I would have to work my way through this on my own. This was my journey, and it was nice to know he had my back.

  “You’re right. It’s time to beat him at his own game. He didn’t take the bait we held out, but I’m going to make sure that he doesn’t pass up this opportunity. He can’t try to kill all of my friends and think he’s safe.”

  “Leslie, what are you going to do?” Ryan looked worried.

  “Nothing crazy, like leaving my doors unlocked so he can walk in, but it’s time to settle this once and for all,” I answered with determination.

  Someone must have heard the shot, because a local officer stuck his head inside the door. “Is everything okay in here?” Then he saw the body lying on the floor. “Oh, I guess not.”

  I held up my badge. “We got here seconds too late.”

  “Ah, yes. It happens. I’ll call it in for the coroner.”

  “Thank you. I’ll wait outside.”

  Ryan waved me away as he started giving the officer the details he needed to know so he could clear the case.

  The fresh air didn’t really help, but I didn’t feel as upset as I had moments before.

  Adam’s head popped up through the stairway.


  “What are you doing here?” I turned from holding onto the railing.

  “Flora called me, but I was already headed in this direction. She’s worried about you.”

  “She’s worried about me?” I gave a hollow laugh. “Nothing to worry about here. I’m doing just fine.”

  “Hmm, I’m going to call bullcrap on that. If you were doing fine, I wouldn’t have been able to find you so easily. Your psychic shields dropped.” He gave me a wry smile. “Guess you didn’t lose your gift after all.”

  “Fat lot of good it did me this time,” I scoffed.

  “You couldn’t have saved her. She was a tortured soul.”

  “Adam, I didn’t want to save her,” I confessed. “I wanted to see her punished. I wanted her to hurt like I am.”

  “Aw, honey, she was already hurting.”

  “Why am I taking this so hard? I’d only known Chris a short time. It shouldn’t be making me go crazy like this.”

  He placed an arm over my shoulders. “There’s no real way to understand how our hearts work. It’s been a short time, but if I lost Flora, it would be devastating.”

  “I’m supposed to be a homicide detective. I see and deal with death all the time. I can’t get this emotional when I lose someone.”

  “But Leslie, he wasn’t just someone. He was important to you. On some level, you connected in a way that touched you emotionally. You’re mourning his loss, but I think it’s also that you’re mourning what could have been.” He sighed. “You’re not just being an emotional woman. This is a personal loss. It’s not just something that you can shake off.”

  “Yes, but if I don’t shake it off, then I’ll always be the woman everyone is looking at to see how I’m going to deal with a situation. I can’t afford for that to happen.”

  “Nobody is looking at you like that. In fact, other than those of us who are your friends, are surprised that you haven’t been more of a wreck. Until you deal with what happened, you won’t be able to move on with your life and focus on what you need to focus on. He did this to distract you. He wants you to give up.”

  “Well, I can’t do that. It’s not how I’m made.” I had to lock this pain away so that I could go back to doing my job.

  “Don’t,” Adam warned.

  “What?” I looked at him, confused.

  “Don’t suppress what you’re feeling. It’s your emotions that are going to help you beat him. He gets off on seeing what will hurt you the most. He won’t be able to comprehend that you’re hurting, but able to come after him.”

  “Okay. How do I do this?”

  “By working with what you know to find him. You’ve intrigued him. He’s waiting for you to approach him. He wants to know that you’re his.”

  “I’m ready to play his game, whatever it takes.” Determination laced my voice. “I’m not going to take this lying down.”

  “Atta girl. Now, let’s see if Ryan’s ready to leave. Agent Watson wants to see us when we get back to Texas.”


  “Everyone knows what kind of horrible situation we’ve been dealing with the past few months. We’re about to change that. Leslie and Ryan took the fight to him, and now we’re going to keep that up.” Agent Watson looked around at all those who had been working tirelessly for seven months straight all across the country. “There was a special team that did some undercover work, and discovered what they thought to be his home. A slight hesitation on the team leader’s part is the only thing that saved them from being blown to bits.” Agent Watson addressed all those gathered for the debriefing.

  “He didn’t like it when we came to his back yard, so we need to do it again, and really put the pressure on.” Ryan pounded his fist on the table. “We need to make him so mad that he’ll slip up, and then we’ll have him.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, and with it being Leslie’s birthday this month, it’s the perfect time to do a little offensive playing on our part. Considering that the Zodiac Master has made this a personal attack on her by killing someone close to her, means that he’s not willing to kill her—yet. What that doesn’t mean is that the next month’s killer won’t take it into his own hands and do what they want, no matter what they’re told.” Seeing that he had everyone’s attention, he continued. “I’m ordering Leslie to have a 24/7 protection detail starting today.”

  “No way!” I sputtered indignantly. “I’m not having a baby sitter.”

  “Actually, you are.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re the main point of all attacks. For some reason, he’s focused his attention on you. You’re going to be the bait.”

  “He doesn’t want me dead.”

  “That’s what we’re hoping. He’ll come out of hiding to protect you,” Ryan argued.

  “Great. And what if he changes his mind? I’ll be a sitting duck for all of his killers,” I groaned.

  “We won’t let that happen. If he doesn’t come for you, then all we’ve done is have an extra person with you for a couple of days.”

  “It won’t be a few days. It’ll be an entire month or until he’s dead.” I pouted.

  “We can only hope that he’ll take the bait.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Who’s going to be with me?”

  “We’re all going to take turns wh
en we get you home,” Adam encouraged with a smile.


  Virgo’s Killer

  I released the breath I was holding and concentrated on the meditation circle the young woman was leading.

  She belonged to the group of students that were going to be my next learning group. It was good to see her in her own element.

  I watched as she led, giving each person a kind word or smile. I decided then and there that I would need to keep a close personal eye on the situation. These students were perfectly ripe for someone to lead them, to join a cult that would open their minds or poison it depending on the point of view.

  My charm and vision would only bring these people closer to enlightenment. I wanted them to be free and able to ascend to a more spiritual plane in a very evil world.

  The Zodiac Master would have no cause for alarm from me. I could do my assigned task and make the world a better place all at the same time. I’d drank the Kool-Aid he’d dished out, and couldn’t wait for more.

  Make sure to check out the next exciting installment of the Virgo: Murders of the Zodiac

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  If you enjoyed this story, please leave a review, even if it is one short sentence. Do you want to know when the next book comes out, or to get to know me better? Feel free to stalk me on all the social media sites. (No real-life stalking because that’s just not cool.) Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you.

  Paris Morgan

  A Note from the Author

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