His Ward

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His Ward Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “You love me?” Tears filled her eyes. “You don’t want me to leave?”

  “Never. I don’t want you to go. I love you so damn much, and the thought of you going anywhere makes me feel sick. You’re mine, Mavis. They had their chance. I’m not like your parents. I’m not going to give up on you.” He held her hand tightly, and she felt him slide something on her finger.

  It was an engagement ring.

  He’d just put an engagement ring on her finger.

  “Is this what I think it is?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to need you to actually speak up, because you’ve not said anything.”

  “You want to marry me and you love me?”


  She stared at her finger, shocked.

  “You hate it?”

  “No,” she said. “I love it and I love you and I … I don’t want this to end. I know I’m young, and I’ve got so much—”

  She stopped as he got to his feet and knelt down before her. “You don’t need to do anything. If you will have me, just say yes. We can work out everything else.”


  Mavis didn’t need time to think about it, to wonder why, or even second guess. She loved him.

  The strange man with the scarred face.

  The one who everyone had turned away, she loved him, and that was all that mattered to her.

  “When will we get married?” she asked.

  “Soon. You’re to finish high school, and the moment you do, we’ll get married.”


  “I swear it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I couldn’t imagine you with short hair,” Mavis said, cuddled up against his side.

  Luca kept his arm wrapped around her. The photograph album was perched on his knee as he turned each page, showing her pictures he’d taken when he was much younger, nearly her age. Ryan had been part of his life since he was a little boy.

  Their fallout had been petty and stupid, but now, he didn’t regret it.

  Both of their paths had taken different turns, and he had Mavis, curled up next to him as they looked through old memories.

  She didn’t seem to mind staring at her father. He didn’t expect her to shed a tear for the man she knew. They’d known different people.

  “There’s my parents,” she said.

  “That was the high school prom.”

  “The night I was conceived.”

  “Yep. The night I told him to rubber up. I’m really pleased he didn’t now. See, I don’t always give good advice.”

  She chuckled. Her hand that held the engagement ring rested against the edge of the book. He loved seeing it on her, and he’d hold her hand and kiss that very ring just so she knew he was happy with making her his. Not that it would ever be in question.

  They’d been engaged for over a month, and he knew he wasn’t ever going to regret it. The date had already been set, and they were already making preparations for the main event.

  He’d demanded she wear a white dress, and of course, it would be in a church. They were only going to have a few witnesses, and neither of them were going to allow the press to come anywhere near them.

  “I wish I’d known you back then,” she said.

  “No, you don’t. I was an arrogant ass.” He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back.

  “Now you’re mine.”

  “Soon, I’ll be yours soon. I want to have everything with you, Mavis. I want to have a family, share my life with yours. You can have everything you ever want.”

  She pulled the photograph album from his lap.

  “Then all I want is you. You and your wicked temper and sexy cock. Also, I think I need a chef to teach me some new lessons. Did you know Susan can only cook, like, ten things?”

  “I knew she wasn’t very experienced. You want to learn to cook?” he asked, running his hands down her back to cup her ass as she straddled his lap.


  “Consider it done.”

  “And I’d love for us to have a couple of horses.”


  “And I want to have sex at least three times a day.”

  “Let’s make it four,” he said.

  He ran his hands up her back to sink into the luscious length of raven hair. She let out a moan, and he pulled her down, slamming her lips against his own. She slid her tongue across his mouth, and he opened up for her to plunge inside. His cock started to get rock-hard, and she wriggled against his lap.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re driving me crazy.”

  She reached between them, attacking his pants. Within seconds she had his cock out, and he lifted up her dress.

  “We’re supposed to be planning our wedding,” he said, not fighting her off. She held his cock to her entrance, and as she slid down his length, all battle left him. He wasn’t going to stop his woman from taking what she wanted.

  “We are. We’re planning our honeymoon?” She slammed down on his length, and he wasn’t one to be outdone.

  Gripping her hips, he drove up inside her, fucking her as she ground down on his cock. Taking possession of her lips, he knew he’d found the perfect woman. Mavis was made for him, just as he was made for her.

  Flipping her to her back, he took her to the floor, spreading her legs wide. He reared back and watched as her pussy opened up for him, her cream soaking his dick as he worked in and out of her.

  He was going to fill her up and make her his, and no one would ever know the kind of pleasures she was capable of.

  “I love you, Mavis. So fucking much.”

  He kissed her hard, swallowing down her moans of pleasure. Her cunt tightened around his dick, pure perfection.


  Seven months later

  “In other news today, billionaire Luca Brown is a bachelor no more. That’s right, ladies. The notorious former ladies’ man has gotten hitched. Do we say cradle robber here? That’s right, Mr. Brown has married none other than the young heiress to the Miller fortune, Mavis Miller. As many of you know, Brown and Ryan Miller, Mavis’s father, had once been best friends, but that all came to a head in a conflict. Speaking of conflict, Brown is no stranger to it.”

  Luca switched off the television.

  Mavis’s arms wrapped around his neck. “Hello, cradle robber,” she said.

  “We did everything we could to hide our wedding and the vultures still found out.”

  “Luca, I don’t care. I don’t care what they say. I never have. All I care about is that you love me and that you’re all mine. No one can take that away.” She kissed his neck, sucking on the flesh. “You looked so sexy and handsome today. This is our honeymoon. Don’t let them spoil it.”

  “I won’t. I love you, and this is our honeymoon.” He pushed her to the bed. “So, wife, how do you feel about us starting that family?”

  She shook her head. “I’m on the pill and have been this whole time. You can come inside me any time you want, but we’re not having a baby just yet.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  She wrapped her fingers around the locket necklace he wore that she’d given him for Christmas. He’d put a picture of her inside, and she loved that at all times he had a piece of her.

  “Because I want to be greedy and have you all to myself. Is that a bad thing?” She pressed a kiss to his neck, sucking on his pulse. “We’ll have lots of times for babies. I just want you.”

  He took her hands, pressing them to the bed. “I will give you everything, and if you want me, consider me yours. I love you.”

  She would never get tired of hearing him say those words to her. Not only did he mean them but he always showed her. He’d given her paradise, and she’d taught him how to love.

  Their age gap meant nothing to them.

  They were perfect for each other, and no one would ever get between them.

  He slid her thighs open, found her entrance, and plunged in deep. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kno
wing it wouldn’t be long before they would have a baby. She’d love to have a little Luca running around, maybe two or three.


  Five years later

  “It’s a red-carpet event that supports several of the local animal shelters in the area. The hope is to raise money. Oh my, there is some commotion going on, and what …? Luca Brown and his wife, Mavis, have just entered their first-ever red-carpet event. This is groundbreaking news. The couple married in a very private affair, and neither of them have attended a single social function in the past five years.”

  “Are you ready for this?” Luca asked.

  He kept hold of his wife’s hand as cameras flashed. They were on the board of the animal shelter that was hosting this black-tie fundraiser. Mavis loved animals so much, and she’d been heavily invested in this.

  He pulled her in close as they made their way along the red carpet. People screamed their names. Mavis kept hold of his hand, and he felt how clammy hers was, giving way to her nerves. To the outside world, they only saw a confident woman, showcasing her tiny bump. He put a hand on her stomach, leaning in close to kiss her neck.

  “Baby?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. I can handle this. Just don’t ever let me go.”


  They posed for pictures, and he kept his hair pulled back into a ponytail. He refused to hide his scar.

  After a few minutes of greeting people and doing what the charity had asked of them, he felt the tension build on the red carpet.

  Glancing back, he saw the reason.

  The man who had given him the scar stood there with his vulture of a wife. They were in shock and let them. Luca had moved on. His life was indeed by far happier than he ever imagined it could be.

  Did they expect him to attack? To make a fool of himself?

  Mavis knew who the couple was, and she did no more than caress his scarred cheek and kiss him. The cameras lapped it up.

  They all went crazy for this woman that was showing scars were not ugly. The world was a fickle place.

  As he led her into the main reception room, they were surrounded. For the next couple of hours, they helped to raise money for the shelter. If he didn’t invest, all of those dogs and cats would be at his home. They already had five dogs and six cats, not to mention a pig, cow, sheep, and three horses. It would seem he’d scored the jackpot with Mavis. Not only did she love him, but she loved being a rancher’s wife.

  He was no rancher, but she didn’t mind the life of a recluse.

  When he finally pulled her into his arms at the end of the evening to enjoy a dance, he gazed down into her smiling face.

  “See, I told you I’d never hide you,” he said.

  Since their quiet wedding, invites to various events had been appearing in his inbox constantly. He’d been willing to go to each one, but Mavis wouldn’t have it. She didn’t need the world’s approval, just his.

  “It’s not about hiding, Luca. I just don’t need anyone else but you. It’s all I’ve ever needed.”

  And it was all he needed, and one day soon, he was going to be a father. He couldn’t fucking wait!

  The End


  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  The sound of crunching bones echoed through the warehouse. The sound satisfied West Gallo, as did the scream that followed. Hurting people was something that he enjoyed. Growing up on the worst streets of the city, West had known how to get ahead and to make people follow him.


  The moment he realized how he could be king of his city, he’d worked tirelessly to get what he wanted. No one stood in his way and got away with it. He ruled this city, and no one stepped out of line. He controlled the MCs, the small gangs, the pimps, the docks, and the cops.

  This was his territory, and he made sure his people were properly compensated. Businessmen knew where to invest and how to pay for the right protection. He was, after all, a businessman. The world worked on money. To make money you had to be cruel to be kind. He’d taken down every single person that had stood in his way.

  From a young age, he’d made a name for himself in the streets from the fights that were organized. Kids being used to make money. His old man tried to steal the goods from him to buy crack, but he’d soon put an end to that. It wasn’t long before his father ended up floating across the river with over twenty knife wounds to his chest.

  West had had enough of being anyone’s punching bag.

  He won every single fight he’d ever fought in. No matter how much he wanted to slam his hand to the ground and beg for them to stop, he’d kept on going until they declared him the winner.

  He’d lost count of the number of bones he’d broken. Going from the fighting ring to making his name on the streets hadn’t been easy.

  Men had thought he was weak.

  Had even laughed in his face until they all now bowed to him.

  They all did what he said.

  He had everything.





  They all feared him.

  “I swear I don’t know where he is,” the man said between whimpers.

  “You’re lying to me, and I really hate liars,” West said. He sighed and stood up. Removing his jacket, he picked up the sledgehammer, getting a feel for the weight in his hands. It felt good. It would hurt like a fucking bitch the moment it hit someone.

  He stared at the man, his target.

  The man kept shaking his head.

  “You see, Danny—I can call you that, right?” West asked.

  Danny nodded his head, looking terrified.

  He loved that fear, the knowledge that he was going to get everything he wanted. He released a sigh.

  “I trusted Peter to do as I asked, which was to give her a fantastic experience. He’s been working with me for years, so he knew the score. He knew what I wanted. You got me? She’s smart. Hard-working. You catch where I’m going with this?”

  “Please, Mr. Gallo, he didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “He had simple instructions. The experience was what she was after. Workplace experience, and what does she get?” Just thinking about it made him so fucking mad. “He … he pushed her against the fucking wall and made her scream for help. He scared her. No one, and I mean no one, touches her. Do you understand?” His anger increased with every second that passed.

  “She wanted it.”

  That was his first mistake.

  Bringing down the sledgehammer, he took out the guy’s kneecap.

  He waited for the screams to subside and stepped out of the way of the running piss heading toward him. He didn’t like it when they pissed or shit. The sight fucking disgusted him.

  “Please, please,” Danny said.

  “She wasn’t begging for it, Danny.” He tutted. “She was screaming for help, and only when one brave guard decided to break his rule did the bastard stop.” West had the tapes.

  One of his men had called him that there had been an incident at Hannah Ray’s workplace. He’d been a little taken aback to hear that, especially as he’d worked so hard to find the right spot for her in his city.

  His men knew what to do. But West discovered that Lawrence Palo had touched her, and not only had he done that, but he’d told all the guards to stay in their places. Only one had reacted to the screams.

  It turned out that Lawrence had a thing for young pussy. He liked to prey on them. He made them work late, and when he was one of the last people in the building with them, that was when he made his

  West had also been informed of the money he paid to the guards. The one that had called him gave the money straight to West, saying he didn’t agree with that shit. He couldn’t sit back and listen as a woman screamed for help. For that, West had promoted him. Doubled his salary and offered him a job as one of his security men.

  There were many things West was capable of. Raping women was not one of them. There had been women that had betrayed him in the past, and killing them was not a pleasure. He’d not tortured them. They’d been handled swiftly.

  Growing up, he’d watched his mother constantly take a punch to the face or a beating with the belt. He’d been too young to do anything. All she’d wanted to do was to have the best for them both. Having a crack addict for a husband hadn’t been easy, and she’d ended up taking her own life with the shit his father loved so much.

  West could even remember the day she killed herself. She’d been in the bathroom, and his father had been moaning about not having any food. The moment they entered that room, he’d watched his father break down. At the time he’d thought his dad had truly loved her. Now with a cynical heart, he wondered if he was mourning the crack she’d used up to kill herself.

  “Where is he?” West asked.

  “I don’t know. You’re going to kill me anyway.”

  “Yes, I am, but you see, tell me now and I’ll end it quick, or I can make you live until I find him. Believe me, you’re going to want to take the first option.”

  Danny whimpered. It was a rather pitiful sound.

  Stepping away from the man, he waited.

  His men had seen this before many times. He liked to play, and it unnerved many of his enemies. Getting other people to do dirty work was great, but he felt there was always a lack of respect from others. That the true power was never inside him, but in his men.


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