His Untamed Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 4)

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His Untamed Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 4) Page 12

by Anya Summers

He built a fire while she investigated further. There was a queen-sized bed, a single dresser, and nightstand. There was a doorway past the pantry that stood open, through which she spied the bathroom.

  It wasn’t large, and they were going to practically be on top of one another for the duration of their stay, but it was warm. They weren’t stuck outside in the middle of a snowstorm on the side of a mountain, which was a big, fat positive in her book.

  Cole stood up once the fire was roaring and said, “Stay here. I’m going to bring in some more firewood.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “Mia, you’re frozen to the bone. I’ll get it.”

  “No you won’t. Not alone you won’t, anyway. I can help,” she said, setting her backpack down on one of the kitchen chairs.

  Cole studied her for a minute and then said, “Fine. Come on. Let’s get it done quickly and then we can get dry.”

  She followed him outside, trudging behind him. By the time they made it to the covered woodpile, she was shivering, and her hands were back to being icicles. She put out her arms and he laid a few logs into them. She wished he’d give her more, but the wind was biting and nipping at her face—stealing her breath, it had grown so cold.

  They ended up making four trips before Cole felt they had enough wood stored inside. They removed their coats and boots by the door, with Cole hanging his hat on a hook.

  “Okay, now you need to get out of those wet clothes,” he murmured, his gaze assessing her.

  “Excuse me?” she said, her teeth chattering.

  “Don’t worry. I have some extra clothing stored here, so you won’t be walking around naked, unless you want to, and who am I to stop you if that’s the case?” he said. A teasing light had entered his gaze.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. For a minute there, she’d thought he was being serious. Although, the thought of stripping down to nothing but her birthday suit in front of Cole made the air back up in her lungs and her body heat. But then, he’d need to disrobe too. And at the memory of what Cole’s body looked like in the buff, desire flooded through her system. They were stuck here. Together. Just the two of them. At least for the night, until the storm had passed.

  If she were brave enough, she’d do something about it. Like drop her clothing and see what happened.

  “It would be nice to be dry again,” she said, trying to cover up the blush she was sure was all over her face. She could feel her cheeks flaming.

  Cole walked over to the bedroom area and rifled through the drawers, pulling out a few items. Then he returned to her with them.

  “I know you had some issues with my jeans, but these have a drawstring and might work better,” he said, handing her sweat pants and a long-sleeved navy tee shirt. When his fingers brushed hers, he hissed. “Why didn’t you tell me your fingers were so frozen, city girl? You’re going to catch pneumonia if you’re not careful.”

  Cole sandwiched her hand between his larger ones and rubbed it, working heat back into one hand before he switched to the other.

  “You’re just as cold as I am,” she said and had to clear her throat. Cole had the best hands on the planet. Her entire being focused on the way he was moving his fingers over hers, and she had to bite back a whimper at the pleasure of his touch. She wanted him to move them to other parts of her body.

  “Yeah, but I’m used to being out in the elements, Mia. It thickens the blood up a bit. You’re not. New plan. Go take a shower. You’ll have to give the water a minute to heat up. But with the generator running, it should be fine. While you’re doing that, I’m going to call the lodge and let them know we’re stuck up here.”

  “Okay,” she said, surprised she hadn’t withered into a puddle at his large feet.

  He handed her his dry clothes and said, “Take these with you. There should be soap and shampoo in the shower. It’s nothing fancy and probably not what you’re used to, but it should work.”

  “I’m sure it will be fine. Thank you.” Her fingers closed around the soft material. She didn’t miss the desire in his eyes, or the concern for her wellbeing. She backed away from the heat in his gaze and, needing a breather and to regain her footing, she walked into the bathroom. How had she ever thought he was surly? Stubborn and dominant, absolutely. But he wasn’t surly, he was incredible.

  “When you’re done, we’ll make some dinner.”

  “Sounds good.” She shut the door with a last glance at him, but she didn’t lock it. If Cole wanted to join her, who was she to argue?

  Chapter 15

  Cole watched Mia walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. The woman was frozen to the bone. And the absolute trust she’d shown him today on the trail was a gift he would treasure. The moment the weather tanked and he’d changed their destination, she hadn’t hesitated. That trust called to him, and her faith in him cracked open a fissure in his chest.

  They were stuck here until morning. Possibly longer. It all depended upon how long the storm raged and what the state of the trail would be once the storm abated. Cole hadn’t explained that to Mia. It wasn’t that he wanted to lie to her, it was just he’d been worried she would fight him about coming to the cabin. And this was not a storm to mess around with. Her safety came first.

  But Cole also wondered: with the trust she’d placed in him, her bravery at facing the unknown with him, what else would she be willing to try? Would she be brave enough to give the lifestyle a try with him? Would she willingly submit herself to him, body, and soul? Could she accept what he was, that he was a Dominant and needed a woman’s submission to feel complete?

  The possibility filled him with hope.

  He would see how she responded to his seduction. At the thought of seeing her in his bed, having her writhe beneath him, he groaned and ran a steadying hand over his face. He had to proceed cautiously with her, test the waters and gauge her reactions.

  Before Cole got ahead of himself with his plans for Mia, and the storm became too bad, he called Mason on the SAT phone.

  “Cole, where the hell are you at? We’re getting pummeled,” Mason’s voice blasted through the receiver.

  “Yeah, about that. We’re stuck at my cabin. The storm moved in faster than it was forecasted,” Cole replied, taking another glance out the window. It was already white out conditions.

  “We?” Mason asked, not hiding his curiosity.

  “Mia’s with me,” Cole replied.

  “Is she now?” Mason said, and Cole could practically see his brother’s shit eating grin on the other end.

  “She paid for the hike today,” Cole explained.

  “Uh huh. You just keep telling yourself that. I find it fairly convenient,” Mason chided with a laugh in his voice.

  It was convenient, but Cole wouldn’t admit that to Mason—nor that he planned to seduce Mia while they were here. He snorted. “Ass. I’ve got the SAT phone. We’ve got supplies up here. Just keep me updated on the storm. As soon as it clears, we’ll make our way down.”

  “Will do. Oh, and Cole…”

  “Yes?” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Do yourself a favor and have fun.”

  “I’m hanging up now,” Cole muttered and ended the call, with Mason’s laughter ringing in his ears.

  He set the SAT phone up on its charger, then strode over to the dresser and started removing his wet things. They’d hang their clothes up by the fireplace and let them air dry. That way by morning, they could get a move on back down the mountain. He shucked his jeans and was reaching in a drawer for a pair of sweats when the quiet stillness was shattered.

  At the sharp, piercing scream Mia emitted, Cole rushed to the bathroom, not worried that he was only in a pair of boxers. He shoved the bathroom door open and then wrenched open the shower door, not caring that Mia stood naked in the shower.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, assessing her from head to toe, searching for injuries.

  She pointed up at the corner in the small shower stall. Crowded on the wall abo
ve the showerhead was a spider about the size of his palm. It was just a wolf spider. Harmless. Not poisonous. But a big son of a bitch.

  He whistled through his teeth. “Stay still for me, city girl. He won’t harm you. He’s probably been here most of this past winter and is more scared of you than you are of him.”

  “That’s debatable.”

  Cole smirked at her response.

  He opened the small bathroom closet, withdrawing a dustpan and small hand broom. Then he cracked open the single window, shoving the screen up out of the way. Frigid wind blasted inside, along with snow. But he paid no mind to the cold, more concerned with helping Mia. He padded over to the shower, propping the door all the way open. Poor Mia crowded into the opposite corner, as far away from the spider as she could get, obviously terrified of the arachnid.

  Cole ignored her naked state—or tried to, as much as he could. He helped the spider move onto the dustpan. Shifting quickly once he had him on board, Cole carried him over to the window and dumped him outside. He shut the screen and window and set the pan and broom combo on the counter before turning back toward Mia.

  She’d barely moved a muscle. His body responded to the sight of her form; wet, naked. The hungry way she stared at him in his boxers. Her gaze roved over him like a caress, and his body heated. His cock stiffened. A rush of desire riddled through him and he prowled the few steps separating them and entered the shower. Cole shut the glass stall door as he stepped beneath the hot spray, causing steam to fill up the small space. The shower was only five feet by five feet. There was hardly enough space for one body, let alone two. With both of them in the tight quarters, there was barely any space to move away. Not that he planned to, he wanted Mia with a desire that defied all reason and he was done fighting it. He’d show her, introduce her to some of the finer points of the lifestyle. But first, he had to taste her. Warm water sluiced over his shoulders. Mia’s arms were at her sides, her fists tightly clenched.

  Her body.

  Holy fuck! It rocked his damn mind. She was exquisite. Pale, translucent skin flushed from the shower. High, firm breasts that were tipped pale pink and would fill his hands. A firm torso and hint of a curve on her belly. Narrow waist that his hands could span and generous hips that seemed made for him. Yet it was the triangle of her bare sex that made all the blood in his body pool in his groin. She was a walking wet dream. His dick hardened, craving her flesh. Cole wondered if she was wet. If he parted the succulent lips of her labia, would she be slick with dew?

  He moved forward until he was crowding her body against the shower stall wall. He placed a palm on either side of her delicate shoulders, aching to touch her.

  “If you don’t want this, speak now or forever hold your peace,” he growled low as lust rose in waves.

  Like everything else the woman did, her response rocked his fucking world. Her hands cupped him through his sodden boxers. He hissed at the exquisite feel of her delicate fingers on his cock. She stroked him through the cotton fabric and he worried that he would come before his dick even felt the heated clasp of her pussy gripping him. Then she emitted a shuddery sigh and said, “I won’t want you to stop.”

  Cole felt every single one of her words. She wanted him. Mia licked her lips and glanced up, desire clouding her teal gaze. Her pupils were dilated. The pulse in her neck fluttered. Her chestnut hair trailed over her shoulders, and he knew he’d never seen a lovelier sight.

  With a groan, he slanted his mouth over hers. This was no gentle peck, no tepid caress. He unleashed his need and his hunger. He claimed her mouth, pressing the length of his body against hers. He shuddered at the pleasure raking through his body. His hands, given free rein, cupped the soft globes of her cleavage. He rasped his thumbs over the peaks, growling into her mouth as they hardened for him. Mia’s small hands threaded into his hair and gripped his head, like she didn’t want his mouth to stop his assault on hers. He almost laughed, and cursed himself internally for waiting so long.

  He should have taken her to bed after the fishing trip. She’d wanted him then, but he’d been an idiot and pushed her away.

  And holy hell but she felt like heaven.

  Needing to taste her—all of her—his lips left hers. And at her frustrated whimper, he smiled against the silken flesh of her elegant neck.

  He nibbled the hollow of her throat and was rewarded with a gasped mewl. Continuing his exploration of her killer body, even with his own screaming that he hurry and bury his aching flesh inside her, Cole meandered, savoring her one sweet inch at a time.

  The perky rosy tips of her breasts begged for his mouth. With a groan, he closed his lips around one tight areola and sucked her nipple deep. He lashed his tongue against the turgid bud, and mewls erupted from her lips. Watching her expression, he bit down on the swollen nub. Mia keened and arched her back, attempting to feed him more of her breast. He did it a second and third time, wringing cries from her as she writhed against him.

  Cole moved to its twin, admiring the way her abused bud glowed red from his touch. Then he proceeded to give this tit the same treatment, nipping at the peak, flicking his tongue over and around the bud until it swelled for him. He drew back and studied his handiwork. Her nipples were red and abraded, swollen from his caress.

  He would fucking love to see them in clamps.

  Then he lowered himself to his knees, kissing his way down her torso, swirling his tongue in her belly button, nipping at her hip bones and tasting the small swell of her belly until he reached the promised land. With his hands, he spread her thighs and positioned her right leg over his shoulder. And fuck, her pussy was gorgeous. The pouty pink lips of her labia were parted and glistening with dew. He ran a single finger through her folds, growling at the feel of her heated silk. Trailing his digits around her clitoris and then to her hole, where he slid his finger inside, he felt moisture seep from his dick. Her sheath clenched around his finger and she cried out as he thrust.

  Fuck, she was tight.

  Then he lowered his mouth and ran his tongue around her clit, teasing her with what was to come as he finger fucked her tight cunt. Mia’s breathy moans filled the shower as he lapped at her flesh.

  “Cup your tits for me as I eat your pussy,” he commanded.

  She whimpered and hesitated, her hands clenching his shoulders.

  “Do it or I will stop,” he ordered. This was lesson number one, even though she didn’t know it yet.

  He stilled his hand, still buried in her clasping cunt. Need warred with embarrassment on her expressive face. Cole held still, waiting for her to comply, for her to surrender her control to him. When she made no move to do as he requested, he began withdrawing his finger from her sheath.

  But then her need took over and she stopped fighting. She cupped her breasts with her hands and he rewarded her with a few quick thrusts of his finger that left her panting, her body begging him for more.

  “Play with your nipples for me,” he ordered.

  And this time, she didn’t hesitate.

  Cole’s mouth hovered over her pussy for a few heartbeats as he watched the erotic view of Mia reveling in pleasure, and then he began to eat her pussy in earnest. His tongue lashed and flicked against her clit, swirling around the taut nub as it swelled under his attention. He added a second finger, plunging both inside her drenched heat.

  Steam filled the shower, along with Mia’s shocked cries of pleasure.

  He took her body up, not holding back until she shattered around him. Her cries of ecstasy filled the stall.

  Cole gently removed his fingers, licking her essence from them, and then lowered her right leg. He rose, crowding her body against the wall as need swamped him. Breathing heavily, he lowered his boxers and freed his engorged dick, the tip seeping pearly drops of pre-cum.


  “Mia, I don’t have any condoms. I’m sorry but we’ll have to keep it to strictly oral for now.” He wanted to curse and rage at the predicament.

  Her gaze flash
ed up, her hands had moved to his chest and she said, “I’m on the pill. Just, please don’t stop. I need you.”

  Cole went rigid. Mia, bareback? It was his turn to tremble in anticipation. His gaze pierced hers and he said, “Are you sure?”

  “Can we stop talking about it already and actually do it? Or are you just being a tease? Because if you are, I might have to hurt you.”

  “You would, huh?” he murmured, his hands caressing her sides until they encountered her hips.

  “Would you shut up already and do me,” she said, exasperation and desire mingling on her face.

  Her words shot desire straight to his dick. He gripped her face between his hands and silenced her mouth. That was something they would have to work on. But later, after he’d quenched his thirst and fucked her half a dozen times. Mia pressed her body against him and he groaned. He loved her softness. The way her body cradled his and seemed made to fit him.

  Then he hoisted her up until her legs were situated around his waist.

  He lifted his head and said, “Keep your hands on my shoulders. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  She nodded, biting her lower lip, but she did as he commanded.

  Cole rubbed his cock through her drenched heat, hissing at the intoxicating contact, knowing that his pre-cum was adding to her slickness. He hissed as he pressed the crown into the entrance of her sheath. Once he was positioned, with his gaze trained on Mia’s, he rolled his hips, thrusting, and seated himself to the hilt.

  He groaned. He had to take a few breaths so that he didn’t spill right away. “Fuck, Mia.”

  Her cunt gripped him tight and tried to draw him deeper.

  “Yes, please,” she panted. Her hands dug into his shoulders and she rocked her pelvis.

  Sweet Christ!

  He withdrew slightly and thrust. Hot fucking electrified silk. That’s what her cunt felt like. Using the shower wall for support, his hands palmed her ass and he pumped his hips. His cock glided into her channel, thrusting and withdrawing. Her pussy tried to suction him deeper inside with every thrust.


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