His Untamed Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 4)

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His Untamed Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 4) Page 16

by Anya Summers

  He withdrew from her quivering folds and removed his fingers from her back channel.

  She gasped when more lube was coated over her rosette. Then the head of his cock pressed against her anus.

  “Deep breaths for me, city girl,” he commanded with a growl.

  Mia inhaled deeply and then Cole rolled his hips, the crown sliding inside her rear. She hissed at the pleasure-pain as her body worked to accommodate his thick girth. He withdrew slightly and thrust forward again, moving an inch deeper this time. Little by little, he worked his shaft slowly into her back channel.

  He grunted as he rocked forward inch by inch. Mia held steady, accepting his length in her rear. Her moans joined his grunts. She panted, her body adjusting to the intrusion until, finally, Cole’s balls pressed against her.

  “Hot fucking electrified silk. That’s what your pretty ass feels like,” he murmured huskily.

  Then he withdrew and thrust in rapid, pounding digs. Pleasure unlike anything Mia had ever known rolled through her body. She mewled. Cole held her hips steady as he thrust—slowly at first, his strokes long and sure. Once he was certain Mia wasn’t in pain and her body was accepting him, he increased his tempo.

  He shuttled his shaft in and out rapidly and flames lapped at her being. Mia was mindless in her pleasure. There was a wellspring deep within her core that he had tapped into and she feasted on the need and desire. Her pussy pulsated in time to Cole rigorously fucking her ass. His hands ventured to her shoulders, pressing her upper body down further, deepening the angle of his penetration.

  Her face rested on a pillow as he hammered his cock. She moaned and whimpered as pleasure coalesced in her being.

  She was unprepared when her climax hit. She’d already had so many. But this one was unlike any she’d experienced before. It started deep in her core and radiated outward, like a bomb detonating. The sonic shockwaves blasted through her system.

  “Cole!” she wailed.

  “Mia, fuck. I’m… ahhh,” Cole bellowed, plunging hard and fast inside her ass as he climaxed and semen filled her rear.

  Cole’s shaft pumped inside her back channel. Her pussy and rear shuddered and spasmed as his strokes slowed. Mia felt her consciousness slipping. She’d never had so many orgasms in such a short time. And even though her hazy mind was telling her to remain awake, her limp and sated body had other ideas.

  He withdrew and she moaned at the loss. But her lower body was like jelly and she slid down, her knees no longer able to keep her upright.

  “Rest, city girl,” he murmured. His voice sounded like it was coming through a tunnel.

  Mia sensed him moving around the cabin. She jerked awake at his touch when he parted her thighs and ran a warm washcloth through her crease, cleaning her up. She didn’t settle fully until he lay down beside her and gathered her into his arms.

  At the press of his lips against her temple, she sighed.

  “Sleep, city girl. I’ve got you.”

  And Mia dropped over the edge of oblivion, only too happy to comply.

  Chapter 20

  Cole cracked open an eye and glanced at the sleeping bundle in his arms. Her hair was spread around them; a few silky strands lay across his skin. Her cheek was nestled against his chest. Her breathing was steady and even in the depth of her sleep. Her lashes created half-moons on her smooth cheeks. Her generous lips were slightly parted, her warm breath washing over him in small puffs. One of her arms was tossed haphazardly over his stomach and one of her lithe legs was tangled with his.

  Contentment suffused him. How was he supposed to let her go now?

  He never should have touched her. But now that he had, a part of him simply declared: mine. It was rather ironic considering for the last decade, he had been determined he’d be a confirmed bachelor for the rest of his life. But much like a hurricane, Mia had spun his world—so much so that he could visualize a more permanent arrangement between them. Could see how good it would be, and what surprised him most was just how vehemently he yearned to make it true.

  From the way she’d surrendered, he knew Mia was ripe and willing to be trained as a submissive. As his submissive.

  The SAT phone blared. He glared at the phone interrupting their solitude.

  Cole shifted and regretfully disentangled himself from Mia’s body, doing his best not to wake her. Shoving the blankets off, he rose and padded over to the SAT phone on the kitchen counter. Damn thing was still blaring, and he recognized the number when he picked it up.

  “Mason. What can I do for you?”

  “Are you decent?” Mason asked.

  “Why would you want to know that?” Cole replied with a sigh.

  “Because Alex and I are on our way to your cabin on the snowmobiles. There’s another storm slated to hit tomorrow and we’re coming to rescue you, otherwise, at this rate, you’ll be stuck up there for the next week.”


  While the idea did have merit, between the two of them, they were beginning to run through his store of food supplies. He had a small deep freeze that was stocked but he doubted his city girl could make it up here for a week.

  “How soon will you guys be here?”

  “Oh, in about thirty minutes. Figured I would give you enough time to get ready,” Mason said. His laughter grated on Cole’s nerves.

  “Thanks for that. We’ll be ready,” Cole replied and disconnected the call.

  He turned back toward Mia, who had woken up without him as her personal pillow. She looked drop dead gorgeous and thoroughly well used. She sat amidst the pillows, clutching one of the blankets to her chest. Her hair fell about her shoulders in soft waves. The glow emanating from the fire bathed her ivory shoulders in a golden light. Her lips were slightly swollen from his attention, but it was her eyes that looked up at him solemnly but with heat that got to him.

  She had a way of looking at him, as if she knew the innermost workings of his soul, and liked what she saw.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked.

  “That was my brother. There’s another storm on the way tomorrow. He and Alex are on their way up on snowmobiles to fetch us,” Cole explained.

  “Another storm? When will they be here?” she asked, her hands clutching the blanket tighter to her chest.

  “In about thirty minutes. So unless you want to greet my brother in your birthday suit, as delectable as it may be, I suggest you get a move on.”

  “Ack!” She scrambled up off the floor, towing the blanket with her. Her attempt at modesty, after everything they’d done with each other, was charming and endearing. It made Cole want to cuddle her close. Her gaze darted around the cabin, searching for her clothing.

  “Why don’t you get dressed and I will take care of the rest?” he murmured, his voice laced with gentle command.

  She nodded and gave him an appreciative smile as she collected her clothing. Then she skittered into the bathroom. Cole moved around the cabin, getting them prepped to leave. He doused the remaining coals in the fireplace, then gathered the blankets and pillows up from the floor. He remade the bed and dressed himself. He was just pulling on his boots when Mia exited the bathroom fully clothed.

  “Is there something I can do to help get us ready?”

  “You might want to repack your backpack. But other than that, I’ve taken care of everything,” he said, putting the dishes away and locking things back up.

  Mia did as he suggested. He noticed the blush on her cheeks every time she glanced over at the fireplace. He was about to say something about what had transpired between them when a knock sounded on the door and officially ended their time together.

  “Hope you’re decent.” Mason’s voice.

  The dickhead. Cole would make him pay for that.

  He strode over to the front door and yanked it open. Mason and Alex stood on his front porch in jeans and heavy winter coats. They both wore their Stetsons but had opted for snow boots instead of cowboy boots.

  “Ass,” Cole said wi
thout much heat.

  Mason asked, “Are you ready?”

  “I am, let me check with Mia,” Cole said, turning and nearly plowing into her. She’d piled her miles of glossy chestnut waves into a messy topknot and he ached to slip his fingers through it again. She had her coat on and was buttoning up the front. Her backpack was slung over one shoulder.

  “Mia, you remember my brother, Mason. And this is Alex Hunt. He owns Hunt Trail Rides,” Cole said, nodding toward the two interlopers.

  “Mia, it’s good to see you again. Hopefully my brother has been a consummate host. We’ll get you back to civilization in no time.” Mason flashed a smile at Mia. A smile Cole wanted to wipe off his face.

  Especially at the blush that spread over her cheeks. “Thank you for coming to our rescue.”

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Evans. I gotta admit, I’m a fan of your work,” Alex interjected, holding out a hand for her to shake.

  Mia shrank back a bit, not that either Alex or Mason noticed the slight withdrawal of her body, or the way the light in her eyes went dull. Then again, they hadn’t come to read her like Cole could. Her smile was forced and didn’t reach her eyes. In fact, he spied a bit of panic leaping in their teal depths, like she’d rather face another snowstorm up here than a fan extolling her celebrity.

  Mia shook Alex’s outstretched hand and replied, “Thank you. It’s a pleasure.”

  “It’s a shame that I was ill the other day and unable to take you out on your trail ride. I would have loved to find out more about what you do. If you want to do another trail ride, I would be sure to make myself available to you,” Alex said.

  Oh, he would? Over Cole’s dead fucking body. He loved the guy—he was a brother from another mother—but hell no was he letting this Dom encroach on his territory. If Mia wanted to ride, Cole would take her himself.

  Cole had not asked her about her work, nor had he mentioned that he knew she was something of a celebrity. Now he was glad he hadn’t, assuming that she would tell him in her own time. Because from the way she reacted, she didn’t care for it.

  Cole stepped in between them, shielding Mia from Alex’s enthusiasm.

  “Why don’t you take Mia’s backpack? I just need to double check that the fire is out and shut off the lights. Then we can go,” he said to Alex, holding out the pack toward him. It took a minute for the light to dawn in Alex’s gaze. Then he nodded his understanding and grudgingly took the pack.

  “I towed your snowmobile behind mine. That way, two of us can carry your backpacks and one of us can have Mia ride with us,” Mason interjected, breaking the sudden tension.

  “Mia will ride with me,” Cole said with utter surety, his glare challenging both Mason and Alex to dare object. At his insistence, Mason and Alex nodded. Cole understood he was all but peeing on her to mark his claim in front of two Doms but he didn’t care. While he hadn’t decided what he wanted to do about Mia going forward, he was making it clear that she was not to be trifled with.

  Alex took Mia’s pack and cut a swath through the white slush to his snowmobile. Mason strode down the stairs and began disconnecting the two other snow machines. Cole performed a final check of the fireplace, pleased that the remaining coals were extinguished. He ensured that not a single morsel of food remained out and everything was sealed up tight. The last thing he wanted was to draw a family of bears to come nest in his place. Then he went to the closet with the generator and shut off everything but the heat. Granted, he did turn it down, but it stayed high enough to keep the pipes warm. He had a special heating system that ran next to the pipes, helping to keep them from freezing.

  He grabbed his pack, put his hat on his head, then strode out the front. Locking the door behind him, he glanced at Mia, who was waiting on the front porch.

  “Ready?” he asked, his gaze caressing her.

  “Yeah,” she replied, a pretty blush spreading over her cheeks. He loved her blushes. That she could still be so innocent after what they’d done together.

  Placing his hand on her lower back, he escorted her down the stairs and over to the waiting snowmobile. He handed her a pair of goggles.

  “Put those on,” he instructed.

  Mia was shivering from the cold. Already. It made him want to march her right back inside his cabin and get her warm. But there was nothing for it. They couldn’t stay with another storm on the way.

  Cole handed Mason his backpack to stow on his machine. Then he climbed on the snowmobile and patted the seat behind him. “Come on, city girl. Let’s get you off this mountain.”

  She gave him a small smile and climbed on.

  “Put your arms around my waist and don’t let go,” he ordered over his shoulder.

  Mia did as he commanded. She plastered herself against his back, her arms sliding around his midsection. His belly clenched, and his dick twitched at having her delicate hands so near his crotch.

  “Let’s go,” Mason said, shifting his machine into gear. Alex followed, and the noise from the engines shattered the stillness.

  Cole followed, driving the snow vehicle over the field and then down the pathway they’d hiked the day before. There was a good two feet of snow along their trek. He and Mia would have never made it down on foot. Not anytime soon. And if they were getting a lot more, it truly was best that they get off the mountain now.

  Mia clung to him, her hands gripping his waist. The entirety of her body was flush against him on the vehicle. He didn’t mind at all. In fact, he fucking loved the way she felt against him, the trust she displayed toward him, and the way she’d crept closer to him for protection when Alex had been espousing his enthusiasm for her work. There was something there—a fear, and a hurt. Her eyes had flashed with pain and unease, making him want to curse Alex. Alex wasn’t a bad guy by any means. He was a damn fine Dom and one of Cole’s best friends, although he’d blundered at the introduction and hadn’t noticed that his attention wasn’t wanted.

  And yet, Mia had turned to Cole.

  With the slick path, even on the snowmobiles, it took them a good hour before they were pulling up in front of Mia’s cabin. The snow was lighter down here at the lower elevation. They only had about a foot but that was not unusual for this time of year.

  Cole helped Mia off the snowmobile and grabbed her pack from Alex before escorting her up to the front door. He wanted to ensure she was safely ensconced in her place before he left.

  He helped her unlock the door. She glanced up at him with such hope and desire it was nearly staggering. He couldn’t have this conversation with his brother watching. She said, “Um, thanks for everything.”

  “Anytime, city girl,” he replied. She flinched at his words and the shadows re-entered her gaze.

  “I guess I’ll see you around.” She glanced away and headed inside, a look of utter dejection on her features. Mia would never be good at poker. She wore her expressions in blazing color on her face.

  Cole cursed himself, and the fact that her disappointed look raked him to the soles of his feet.

  Furious with the way he was handling things, he strode down the stairs, marched the short distance to his snowmobile and climbed aboard. The sly grins on Mason and Alex’s faces made him snap. “Not a word.”

  “I wasn’t going to say anything,” Mason replied.

  “Not that we have to after that display. Oh Cole, you’re so dreamy,” Alex said mockingly before gunning the engine and taking off, cackling like a moron.

  Cole gritted his teeth and followed the two knuckleheads to the storage garage behind the lodge.

  Mia had looked at him with such hope in her eyes that it nearly cut him to the quick. And Cole knew he should leave her alone. That he shouldn’t touch her again. That he should consider their time at his cabin as a fun fling and not allow their relationship to proceed any deeper than that.

  It was the right thing to do. But he owed her an explanation.

  And, at the end of the day, he realized he was a selfish basta
rd. Because if he touched her again, he didn’t know if he had the fortitude to walk away.

  Chapter 21

  Mia was a fool.

  On their ride down the mountain, Cole had erected a distance between them. And as he stared at her with regret in his black gaze, Mia seethed. After everything they had shared, the fact he could discard her so willy-nilly, as if she meant nothing, left her floundering. Like a hand squeezing her heart, pain eviscerated her as she stood, fumbling for the words to say. The last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene in front of Cole’s brother and her intrepid fan.

  She didn’t want to appear more pathetic than she already had and closed the door on him. She didn’t watch him leave with Mason and Alex through the window. That would be a tad too melodramatic, even for her.

  With her heart hurting more than she wanted to admit, deep in thought, she unpacked her backpack. Rubbing her arms, she decided a bath was in order. She was still frozen solid from the hour-long trek down the mountain and it would help thaw her out a bit. A bath first and then she’d make some tea. In the bathroom, she disrobed and spied pale bruises on her hips and marks on her breasts. The physical reminders of what she’d shared with Cole. She climbed into the tub and lay back, replaying the events of the last two days. Reliving every glance and look, every whispered touch and caress.

  Her body hummed at the memory.

  Cole had felt something for her. No man looked at a woman the way he had at her and didn’t feel something. Then again, it could be just that she was trying to make herself feel better, since she had given him every part of her and, in the clear light of day, he’d not reciprocated. He’d not made her any promises other than what he had given her, some of the best orgasms of her life. Perhaps she should chalk their time together at the cabin as a great life experience, one she’d remember for the rest of her life, and leave it at that.

  Mia stayed in the water until it turned tepid and her skin mimicked a prune. Stepping from the bath, she slipped her robe on and patted dry the few tendrils of hair that had escaped her topknot.


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