Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion Page 2

by Anthology

  Royce put the dumbbell away. He turned his back on his friend and the memory of Ember. “You know what? Go ahead and set me up an account with Beth’s site.” He’d make use of it once, scratch his awful itch, and then Max would drop the subject.

  “Sure. We’ll take care of it.” Lost in his thoughts, Royce missed Max’s wide smile.

  * * *

  They sat in chairs or on lounges on Ember’s back deck and watched the sun set behind the lake. Full of food, wine, and nostalgia they got down to what they’d missed the most over the years. Frank, brutally honest girl talk.

  Lilly, or Tink, short for Tinkerbell, raised her hand and looked up from a deck of cards. “All right Beth, I want all the details. You’ve mentioned it a couple of times, and I get that the to-die-for choker you’re wearing has a deeper meaning, but spill your story, woman.” The petite blond had enough energy for ten men and rarely settled in one place for more than a few minutes. Put a deck of Magic, the Gathering cards in front of her, and she stayed still for hours.

  Sitting across from Lilly, Sammy nodded and pulled a card from Lilly’s hand and frowned. “I’m curious, too—way curious. Start at the beginning, and remember it’s a no judgment zone.”

  Beth sat a little straighter on her lounge chair and crossed her legs just like she would’ve when they’d been back in the dorm all those years ago. “Technically, it’s a collar, not a choker. Wearing it makes me happier than I have ever been.” She fingered the gorgeous stone dangling from the soft looking black leather. Max had to have put a great deal of time and thought into the gift. The amber stone was the exact shade of Beth’s eyes.

  “I had an idea for a website match service, but I needed it to be so much more than another forty question blind date site. I have been participating in the BDSM lifestyle for a few years now, but as my business took up more of my time, I couldn’t juggle it all. My personal needs began to fall by the wayside.

  “It got me thinking. Just doesn’t seem fair that the harder we work, the less time we have for pleasure. Success shouldn’t equal loneliness. And you shouldn’t have to make do with a mediocre relationship just to escape that loneliness. Looking for someone who is both sexually and emotionally compatible only adds more obstacles when you’re in the lifestyle. That’s why I developed Passion-Match.” Beth looked around the group. Ember imagined the rest of the women were as riveted as herself.

  Beth looked down at her hands just like she had back in school when shyness threatened to steal her words. “Every applicant goes through an extremely thorough background check. I needed someone with security smarts to help me figure out exactly what to screen for. A friend recommended a criminal profiler who was part of the lifestyle. That’s where I found my Max. He helped me to set up security measures that would make Uncle Sam green with envy.”

  Tori asked the first question. “So how involved are you in the lifestyle?”

  “Very much so, and I’ve never been happier. Truly.” Ember believed her. The super-quiet, shy girl from in college had blossomed into a glowing, confident woman. Ember couldn’t be happier for her friend.

  Sammy asked the next question in an almost cautious tone. “So, do you do the whole wait on your knees at the door thing? How submissive are you? You’re certain he cares about you?”

  “I know he does. He would gut himself before hurting me. And, honestly? I have done that, but there is so much more to the lifestyle than that. I come home from work later than he does and, occasionally, when I’m working from home, he’ll text me and give me a specific set of instructions. I look forward to those. I know it sounds odd, but there’s nothing like it. The anticipation and the, um…payoff? Totally, absolutely, well worth it. But truly it’s so much more than waiting at the door on my knees.” The bright blush staining her cheeks spoke volumes. Her sly smile said even more about what kind of payoff she enjoyed.

  Ember set down her wine glass and reminded herself that she could tell her girls anything. “I’ve tried it as well and enjoyed it a great deal. I’ve even briefly looked for a Dom, but the last one and I didn’t mesh well. While he was a nice enough guy, we just didn’t have any chemistry. The absence of heat made me think that all the talk about love and finding the one was a fairytale. I had to part ways with him before I forgot lasting love really does exist. I don’t want to settle, but don’t have the time to go to a club every week or spend hours in an online forum. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, I just don’t have the time. When I get home from the hospital I barely have enough energy to strip my clothes off for a quick shower before I fall into bed.”

  “Don’t you dare give up on finding what makes you happy. I promise you, it’s worth the wait. You should totally use my site. I’ll set it all up for you.” Unspoken thanks for Ember’s support shone in Beth’s smile.

  “I’ll think about it.” And she would. She’d been without company for so long. The need for someone who understood her desires grew by the day.


  Standing in the bedroom of the hotel’s suite, Ember read over the instructions for the second time. A warm, not at all unpleasant, flush stole through her. She’d come this far. She wouldn’t let her fears take this from her.

  Her Dom for the night waited in the other room. As she set her tote bag in the corner chair, she pondered the steps that brought her here. On an impulse, she’d given Beth the reins and let her friend do everything except fill out the preferences questionnaire. Her friend insisted that Ember at least do that part herself. A couple of days later Beth emailed her a set of directions from her prospective Dom. She’d looked them over and gave Beth the green light.

  He’d instructed her to come to this hotel, this room and go immediately to the bedroom. There she’d find her next set of instructions.

  He’d also insisted that they stay anonymous for their encounter.

  She agreed. With no thanks to her schedule, she didn’t have the time to invest in a relationship. Not to mention, it wouldn’t be fair to her partner. Still, it didn’t mean she had to spend her nights alone.

  Laying on the bed next to a black silk hood was a letter written in neat, bold handwriting. She was to strip down to nothing then put on the provided matching robe and hood.

  How she needed this. Her fingers trembled as she unbuttoned her top. Work had been brutal over the past month and a warm bath with even the best book wouldn’t rid her of the oppressive stress. She just needed a few hours to block out the world. A desperate, clawing need to be someone else, even for a short time, threatened to drag her down to her knees.

  She removed her bra and freed her breasts. Already they felt heavy, hypersensitive. She slid down her pants, folded them then placed them on the chair with her things. Hooking her fingers in the waistband of her panties, she took a deep breath. She slid them down her legs and bared herself to the empty room. Though the temperature was comfortable—perfect, even—her nipples hardened. The thin silk of the robe whispered over her skin as she pulled it on. The soft material rasped over her beaded nipples and they tingled with excitement when she pulled the robe closed and tied the belt around her waist.

  She twisted her long hair into a knot at her nape then pulled the hood over her head, blocking her vision. Dim light came through the soft fabric and the world became a fuzzy, muted place.

  Taking the last instruction to heart, she stood facing the foot of the bed with her back to the door and waited. Anticipation made her alert, eager.

  Long seconds ticked by.

  Please let this be what I need. Hope beat a dangerous rhythm in her chest. Driven to the point of desperation, she didn’t know how she’d stand the disappointment if it didn’t work.

  “Good girl.” Sounding quiet, a little rough, and all masculine, he whispered right into her ear. She hadn’t heard his approach and wondered how that could be possible. His warm presence bathed her five foot nine-inch frame. How could someone so large move so quietly?

  “Since you followed my directions, w
e can get to business even faster.” She held her stance and waited. “Turn around, sub.”

  Oh, that voice. The decadence hidden behind it alone just might make this worth it. She turned around. Before her stood a tall, broad, shadowy figure. She waited breathlessly for his next command, eager to hear him again.

  “From this point forward you will refer to me as sir, and I will call you sub.” A single finger traced the line where the V of the robe’s neckline met her skin.

  “Yes, sir.” All of her focus honed on him and the world fell away. Finally.

  He paused, as if in thought. “No questions? No games? You’re ready?”

  “Yes, sir. I want this.” She waited for what seemed like an eternity before he finally responded.

  * * *

  “Let’s see what beauty waits for me tonight.” Royce watched his sub closely. There was something about her soft breathy voice that got to him. It grabbed him by the balls then her sweet, willing obedience made his cock buck. Max assured him that this woman would suit his needs, but he’d had doubts.

  There was no question that the body barely hidden by the robe’s thin, sheer silk appealed to him. A wealth of tempting curves waited for his exploration. He clenched his hands, willing them to obey his command. How could he expect to give her the dominance she needed if he could barely control himself?

  But was she the real deal? The information in her profile said that she had experience as a sub, that she wasn’t a novice experimenting. Yet it wouldn’t be the first time he’d been with a sub who balked when things got deep.

  Allowing himself a sample, he traced the skin along the robe’s lapel. Hot and satin-soft, the luxurious texture tempted him to investigate further. He yearned to dive into the haven of her body.

  But not yet. They had to get to know each other.

  He fingered the knotted belt at her waist and imagined letting the fabric fall open. She visibly tensed beneath his stare. Did she worry about what he thought? He swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke the truth. “Lovely. Absolutely lovely.”

  Barely visible, pale creamy skin, waited beneath the material like an ethereal being, taunting him with dreams he couldn’t have. Her breasts were large, and her dark brown nipples poked at the silk, making him thirst for a taste of her flesh. A vivid, graphic vision burst into his mind. He saw himself pounding his cock into the wet heat of her pussy. He’d make the heavy globes bounce with each hard thrust.

  Her belly was flat but soft, perfect for cushioning his every plunge. Flared, curvy hips that looked just right for his large hands to hold onto tapered down to a small, neatly trimmed patch of blond curls. The enticing nest shielded her pussy from view and suddenly he couldn’t wait to see it. He wanted to spread her legs wide and explore every delicate fold and hollow. Physically, she couldn’t be anymore beautiful.

  “Stunning. Utterly perfect.” He ached to run his hands over her flesh, savor every silken inch. To feel the soft flesh of her cheeks in his palms as he thumbed open the pink and red folds of her sex.

  But that wasn’t to be.

  “Come with me.” He took her hand in his and drew her to follow him. He pulled her into the suite’s sitting area and released her hand. “Kneel on the ottoman facing the TV and assume your pose.”

  * * *

  Her Dom’s voice rasped over her in the best way, and a shiver of titillation rushed through Ember. Her breath hitched. “Yes, sir.” The large footstool sat just a few inches from the couch. She placed her knees on the bench as far apart as the space would allow and with her back straight, knelt until her ass touched the cool leather. She placed her hands on her knees, palms up and waited for her next command. A hundred questions bombarded her.

  What would he do to her? What was his name? Would this be even half of what she needed?

  What ifs had no place there. She concentrated on silencing the voice in her head and put everything into the now.

  His shadowy form silently walked a circle around her until he stopped at her other side. Silence filled the room, heavy and expectant. She waited.

  And waited.

  Something cold, with a hard point pressed low into her back, not painful, just attention grabbing. “Your form is flawless, but I want your ass up, above the footstool.” She raised herself up a few inches.

  His large palm cupped one butt cheek and lifted her into position. “A little more. There.” His hand left her bottom but the heat of his touch remained even through the robe. “Your profile said you have long hair. I want to see it. Remove the hood and let it loose. Keep your back straight and face forward at all times.” The couch at her back creaked as he sat behind her and she had the impression that he rested sideways with his body behind hers and his legs stretched out lengthwise along the couch.

  Holding her position steady, she slipped off the hood and tucked it beneath one knee. She released her hair and let it tumble down her back. Silence ticked by in slow seconds as she waited, her body poised, ready and waiting. If only she knew what she waited for.

  Something rustled behind her and she concentrated on the sound. Paper? Was he reading a newspaper?

  The hard object poked her in the back again. She’d relaxed her legs and weakened her pose. Reflexively, she straightened her back and raised her bottom back up. The object moved away and then she heard a tapping sound, like the tip of a pen on a pad of paper. So, that’s what it was.

  Paper shifted again and she focused on him. She didn’t think it was a newspaper, but…

  “Clark, I’m reading through the Mark Three proposal. It’s close to what I envisioned, but it’s not there yet.” He’s working?

  The pen poked into her back again, this time a little harder.

  Ember took a breath and reminded herself that she’d promised to give this night her all. Even if it wasn’t what she envisioned, if that meant spending it on her knees while he burned the midnight oil, then so be it.

  This time, determined to hold it until he said otherwise, she righted her position. Paper rustled behind her again. “I think you need to talk to Lisa. She had a couple of good ideas the other day. I suggest we set up a brainstorming session with her on Monday.”

  Although she wondered if watching paint dry held more excitement than the conversation she listened to, she realized that if she gave herself over to the depth and cadence of his voice, the sound soothed her. On some deeper level, it smoothed the rough edges of her stressed consciousness. She closed her eyes and immersed herself in the moment.

  Then he spoke again. Said something else so barely perceptible, she almost missed it. A light touch caressed over her hair. “You call Johnson, and I’ll call Max. I want to bounce something off of him. No, he does far more than criminal psychology. I’ll see if he’s available to consult.” He paused as she gave herself over to the growing haze of pleasure enveloping her. “Yeah, I’ll talk to you later.”

  The muscles of her back burned and her knees ached. More paper rustled and her ears went alert, waiting for his words and not caring what he said. “Hey.” Another soft touch to her hair accompanied the single word. “Uh, yeah. That’s happening tonight actually, but that’s not why I called.” A warm palm briefly lighted on her shoulder then left her. “No, I’m—”

  Something touched her lower back again, and she poised to fix her position, but then she realized it was fine. The touch was dull and warm as it traced a path up her spine. “Now, but listen, I didn’t call to discuss my social life. I’m talking about work.” Was that a trace of frustration she heard? Then he spoke again and she knew he was getting frustrated with whoever Max was. “Yes. I’m working. Butt out.”

  Wait. Is he talking to Beth’s Max? But it didn’t matter did it? Theirs would likely be a single encounter. She probably would never see him again. During the long pause, she felt the faintest tug on her hair followed by a caress of two fingers down her spine. And, wow, didn’t it feel good. She relaxed into the sweet sensation. But then it was gone.

ng snapped and a sharp, electric streak of fire bit into the flesh of her ass. Her eyes popped open. She barely cut off her startled cry and pressed her lips together. Her breasts jiggled making her nipples rub against the robe. She knew that sting. She both dreaded and craved the hot lash of a crop.

  Reflexively she righted her position. Her knees burned against the footstool’s leather.

  “Do you have a few hours to spare Monday? I’d like to run a few things by you.” His voice paused, and she closed her eyes, hoping to hear more. “Great, see you then.” A light tug on her hair mixed with the glide of a single finger down her back. Determined not to lose it, she held her pose, even as her legs ached.

  When he rewarded her with another run of his fingers her through her hair she bit back a sigh. She’d give nearly anything in exchange for more of the soothing sensation. Such a simple act, filled with a subtle pleasure. She didn’t understand why someone playing with her hair gave her so much joy, but it always had. Yet, this went light-years beyond any satisfaction she’d ever received from it before. Attuned to every sound he made, she waited, focused on nothing beyond him and the fingers combing through her hair.

  When he spoke next, his tone seemed almost absentminded. “Answer me this, sub. What did you hope to get out of tonight? Tell me the truth.”

  Ember knew better. In the short time she’d been with him, she already knew that very little got by him. What did it matter? He didn’t know what she looked like, didn’t know what kind of profession she held. He didn’t even know her real name. “A few hours of escape.”

  “That’s all? Truly?”

  “Yes, sir. My job can be extremely demanding. I love it, but there’s no escaping the long, stressful hours. I’ve only been able to find the release I need with a Dom. I just want to forget it all.” Her knees had gone numb and the muscles in her thighs burned, but she held still.


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