Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion Page 53

by Anthology

  “Three years?” she was in shock. He’d been celibate for three years? Why in the world would this dark, sexy Dom not have a sub in his bed regularly? “I don’t understand. Why would you pick a newbie if you haven’t been with a sub for so long?”

  He turned, and gave her a half smile that would have been cocky if it weren’t for the sad light in his eyes. “Don’t underestimate your charms, princess. You’re sexy as hell. When you walked through the door tonight every nerve inside of me sat up and took notice. You might have a bratty mouth, but every word you say turns me on.”

  “But, I’m sure there are plenty of women—”

  He cut her off with a snort, “You don’t understand. It’s not for lack of opportunity. I just never wanted to play the field. I have a daughter, another person who depends on me to be fully focused on her 24/7. I haven’t had the time or the energy to devote to a relationship, and taking on a sub is the deepest sort of relationship there is for me. It didn’t seem fair, and when my sub told me that I wasn’t giving her enough of me, it suddenly felt like she locked a chastity belt on me. I couldn’t find it in me to fight for her, so we broke it off.”

  There was nothing to say to that. He was right. His daughter deserved his full attention, but it broke her heart to realize that the attachment she was already feeling for him was one-sided. She couldn’t and wouldn’t compete with his daughter. There was no relationship worth dividing a father’s time from his child.

  “I understand. It’s okay Lex. Like I said, I’ll handle it, so that it doesn’t come back to bite us. It was just a mistake,” she said, moving gingerly off the bed so that she didn’t put any pressure on her aching backside. Between the butt plug and the spanking she was sure she was going to feel this night for a few days.

  “Here, let me take that out for you.” He reached for her, but she was suddenly feeling extremely exposed. Even though he’d been the one to put it in, she wasn’t sure she wanted to let him take it out.

  “That’s okay, I need to go wash up, and I’m sure I can take it out myself.” She hurried to the bathroom as gracefully as the awkward instrument would allow, and shut the door behind her, leaning against the cold countertop with a sigh.

  What would happen now? They’d had fantastic, spectacular sex, but he’d just made it very clear that this was a one-night-only event. He didn’t take subs for a reason. A good reason, but a heartbreaking one nonetheless.

  Well what did you expect, Marley? A glass slipper and a white carriage to carry you home in the morning? Her own inner voice berated her making her feel even worse for investing so much of her heart into what was ultimately going to be a one-night stand.

  Feeling empty and vulnerable as she removed the toy, she giggled seeing its real size again. It felt a whole lot bigger when it was in her ass. Who knew there were so many nerves in the anus? She’d never see a butt plug again without remembering this night. A soft knock on the door startled her.

  “Marley, are you alright? You’ve been in there for a while. Do you need a hand?” Lex’s voice called through the door. She was relieved that he hadn’t just burst in. Standing in front of him holding a used butt plug wasn’t the sexy image she hoped to leave him with when she dressed and went home for the night.

  “I’m good, thanks. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She washed the toy, and set it aside on the counter, unsure what exactly one was supposed to do with a used toy. After cleaning herself up, and using the facilities, she took a deep breath and went back into the bedroom. Her tongue prepared to say the words that her heart couldn’t.


  Lex sat on the bed with his back propped up against the pillows, staring at the bathroom door as he waited for Marley. He wasn’t sure if she was upset about the missing condom, or if she was just coming down from the sexual high, but he was determined to find out. Dawn was still a few hours away, and he’d be damned if he’d let her go before the sun rose without hearing her safeword first.

  When she stepped back into the room, her eyes darted away from his nervously, and he frowned. “Come here.”

  She shifted on the balls of her feet awkwardly, and then reached for her scattered clothes. “I think it’s probably time for us to call it a night, don’t you?”

  “No. I absolutely do not.” He snapped, shoving himself to his feet and marching across to take the clothes from her. Dropping them to the floor, he grabbed her arms and tugged her body against his. He relished in the heat of their skin-to-skin contact. “What’s going on, Marley? Talk to me.”

  She shook her head against his chest, and gave him a small smile, “Nothing, Lex. I’m just wiped out after everything. It was fantastic and you know it; I just don’t want to overstay my welcome. I’d rather we part as friends.”

  “Friends?” he spat the word out. It tasted foul on his tongue. “Is that what we are? Friends? I have to tell you, I don’t usually put my fingers in my friends’ asses.”

  She giggled, and tried to pull away from him. “Stop it, you know what I mean. I just thought—”

  “That we’d had wild sex and I would bid you goodnight, and we’d walk away without another word? You thought that we were finished?” he interrupted with a lifted eyebrow.

  “Well, yeah.”

  Lex bent and planted his shoulder against her upper abs, lifting her into the air, and marching her back to the bed. “Not by a long shot, princess.” He dropped her on the mattress, smiling when she bounced. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  She gave him a funny look and then stretched her muscles like a satisfied cat. “You’re going to have to take it easy on me, Sir. I’m feeling a little achy after that last round.”

  Lex winked at her, and went searching for the discarded bag of toys. “I’ve got just the thing for those achy muscles. Usually after a scene there’s aftercare, princess, and you won’t deny me the pleasure of holding you and rubbing you down with this.” He held up a tin of scented cream.

  Massaging it into her muscles would help her relax, and the eucalyptus scent would refresh her so that she wouldn’t feel as tender. He knew it would be in the bag as surely as he knew condoms would be there. The cream was Killian’s preferred choice for aftercare, even though Killian wasn’t a Dom who liked to do aftercare. Lex had seen him fuck a submissive into subspace, and then turn her over to another sub for cuddling afterwards so that he didn’t have to get too close.

  Before he could begin, a knock sounded at the door, and she jumped nearly a foot off the bed, hurrying to cover herself with the blanket.

  “It’s alright, Marley, I asked a friend to sneak us a snack. I noticed you didn’t eat earlier, and I figured you were hungry.” Lex went to the door. Opening it wide, he admitted Ashton Reid, fellow Dom and current Dungeon Monitor on duty—not to mention one of his best friends. “You’re a lifesaver, Reid, thanks.”

  Ashton lifted an eyebrow at him, and then smiled Marley’s way, “Always willing to help out a damsel in distress. Wow, aren’t you a pretty little thing.” Before Lex could stop him, Ashton pushed the tray of fruit, cheese, and crackers into his hands, and darted across the room to the bed. He jumped on the mattress with a bounce next to Marley, and she squealed in surprise. “You know, if you get tired of a boring, old, hard ass in your bed, you’d be more than welcome to join me, sweetness. I’m off duty when the sun rises.”

  Marley giggled. She actually fucking giggled at the man’s forwardness. Lex felt a growing sense of rage fill his chest, and he roughly dropped the tray down on top of the night table knocking several toys to the floor. Ignoring the scattered toys, he reached for his buddy’s arm. “She will not be joining you tonight, or ever. I asked you for food, not flirting. Get your ass out of here, Ashton.”

  “But we haven’t even been introduced, I’m Ashton Reid, sweetness.” Ashton was a big guy—around six foot four, with a muscular build to match Lex’s, and blond unkempt hair. He was a true manwhore, through and through, and there was no way Lex was l
etting him get his hands on Marley.

  “Ashton this is Marley, my sub, and she’s currently on speech restriction, so get your ass out of here.” Lex snarled, wrapping his hands around the other man’s wrist, and yanking him bodily from the bed.

  “All right! All right! Chill, man. I just wanted to meet the sexy devil who managed to entice you from your stint in the monastery. It was a pleasure, Marley. I’ll make sure you see me around later.” With that, he winked at her and let himself out, leaving Lex fuming and Marley giggling at him.


  He had to bite back a snarl at her obvious interest in the other man. “Don’t bother, he wouldn’t remember your name next week.”

  Her smile vanished, replaced by a frown that only appeared for a second, before she cocked her head and gave him an amused look. “Jealous much?”

  “I don’t get jealous.” He protested, but he knew she was right. It had been years since he’d felt so possessive of a woman. What was she doing to him?

  “I’m not interested in Ashton, Lex. I’m more interested in that tray of food he brought. You asked him to get food for me?”

  Lex shrugged, and tried not to feel like a moron. “Of course. It’s a Dom’s duty to take care of his sub. I assumed your stomach would be growling, and that might interrupt my beauty sleep later, so…”

  “Thank you.” She murmured, watching him way too closely.

  “You’re welcome. Let’s eat, and then get back to that massage.” He said, taking a seat next to her on the bed, and lifting the tray to his lap.

  She accepted the bites of food that he fed her, before lifting a piece of cheese to his lips. When he took the bite, he nipped her fingers playfully, and she laughed growing more relaxed by the moment.

  “How did you become a Dominant?”

  The question caught him off guard, and he had to take a long swig from the water bottle before he could answer her. “The way most people do I suppose. I was a young dumb kid, and I let my hormones lead me anywhere there was sex.”

  She rolled her eyes, “Surely there’s more to it than that. You didn’t just randomly decide to be a Dom one day.”

  Lex shrugged, “Yeah I guess I kind of did. I was in college, and a girl I was fuck—er, dating, asked me to join her at a munch. Do you know what a munch is?” When she nodded, he continued, “I was curious, so I went, and afterwards, I couldn’t get it out of my head. I started attending regular events, and eventually an experienced Dom took me under his wing, and I began training. Killian came in about that time too, and we trained together. Funny story, my sister—Analise—found out about the lifestyle when she walked into my apartment one day to find me using a violet wand on a sub. She asked me a million questions, so many that my sub actually got dressed and left in a huff. Next thing I know, she’s asking me to help her find someone to train her as a Domme. After all these years, it feels like D/s has always been a part of my life.”

  “So you’ve known Killian for a long time then.”

  “More than fifteen years. He’s one of my closest friends.” Lex answered, “Eat more or I won’t answer your questions.”

  She slid a strawberry between her lush lips, and juice squirted down her chin making his mouth water. Without even thinking about it he reached out and swiped his thumb over the pink track, and then slid it into his own mouth.

  It seemed to rattle her a bit, and her eyes darkened. When she asked the next question, her words were breathy, “What did you do before you were a pilot?”

  “I went into the Air Force right out of college, so I’ve been flying for my whole career. When I got out of the military, I flew commercial for a couple of years, and then signed on with Killian. Honestly, my life hasn’t been that exciting. I met my ex as I was getting out of the military, and then Kaia came along. She’s my whole world nowadays. Like I told you, I tried once a few years ago to have a collared sub, but it didn’t work between us.” Lex answered honestly. He didn’t usually talk about himself, so he was feeling very exposed. “It’s your turn to answer a question for me.”

  She pushed herself into a better position, and smiled, “Okay, what do you want to know?”

  “Why are you so scared of being bound?”

  Thankfully, she didn’t freak out at his question, and her calm reaction surprised him. She shrugged, and reached for a cracker. “I don’t know. It’s one of those phobias I’ve just always had. When I was a kid I remember hating sleeping bags, and I’ve never worn necklaces because I feel like they’re choking me. Even long ones make me panic.”

  Lex’s eyes skimmed over her elegantly curved throat, “I wondered why you had bracelets, but no other jewelry. I guess that means taking you camping is out of the question, huh?”

  “Have you ever heard of glamping?” she asked, making him laugh. “Until now my phobia hasn’t been a big deal, but when I started investigating BDSM I realized that it might be a bigger issue. I don’t think I could ever wear a collar, and I know I couldn’t let someone tie me up into one of those pretty rope braids. Considering how bad I am as a sub too, maybe I’m not cut out for the lifestyle.”

  Lex shushed her with a finger over her lips, “You’re doing just fine, princess. Don’t worry so much. I like the fact that you don’t always make it easy for me, and any Dom worth his salt would understand and accommodate your fears. There are lots of variations on collars nowadays.”

  “Yeah, Foster was telling me a bit about that. He said some people do anklets or tattoos.”

  Horror filled Lex’s chest, “No tattoos. You should never have a tattoo. It would mar your perfect skin.”

  Marley snorted out a laugh, “Perfect skin? I have freckles all over my face. My skin is far from perfect.”

  Refusing to find humor in the statement, Lex cupped her jaw and drew her lips to his before he whispered, “It’s absolutely perfect the way it is, love.”

  After a warm moment of staring into each other’s eyes, they broke apart and returned to their tray of snacks. They took turns playfully feeding each other, and filling their stomachs. Once he was satisfied she was full, he put the food aside to focus on getting his hands on her body once again.

  Rolling her onto her stomach, he straddled her hips and moved her hair away from her back admiring the long line of her spine and her pale, white skin. He smiled when he spotted the pink flush still adorning her ass cheeks from the spanking earlier. “This is going to be cold when I start, but it will warm up quickly.”

  She hissed out a breath when he smoothed the cold cream over her tender ass, but she didn’t flinch. He took his time, smoothing it over every inch of skin on her back, bottom, and thighs, and when he finished, he rolled her so that he could begin again on her front. She giggled when he massaged it into her belly button, and then laughed out loud when he tried to do the same with her arm pits.

  “I don’t remember any of those muscles being used.” She said batting his hand away.

  “You’d be surprised what will hurt after a good hard fuck, princess. Besides, I wouldn’t want to leave any bit of you feeling neglected.” He bent and pressed a kiss to the smooth skin of her underarm, smiling when she giggled and arched away from him. “Hmm. It seems someone has a ticklish spot.”

  Her eyes went wide and she jerked away, “No way! We’re not going there. I’m too tired for tickling.”

  Moving to capture her lips, he kissed her as deeply as he could. His tongue mated with hers, and they exchanged a breath. They were both panting when he finally released her lips, and she smiled up at him. The nervous apprehension was gone from her eyes now, replaced with relaxed pleasure.

  “Is it my turn to massage you now, Sir?”

  His cock twitched back to life, and he moaned, pressing his face between her breasts. “I’ve never let one of my subs give me aftercare.”

  “It’s not aftercare exactly. I want to show you how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me. Before tonight I wasn’t sure if BDSM really turned me on, or if it was ju
st the fantasy of it I liked. That spanking sealed the deal for me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding his head against her chest, and he pressed his lips to the curve of her breast.

  “Good, because you have a lot to learn, sub.”

  Throwing his weight to the side, he rolled so that she was straddling him, her breasts hanging in his face. She laughed, and dipped her head for a kiss. “Maybe I should take a submissive training course?”

  “Fuck, you have to let me be there, please! Killian teaches the only course around here, and I can’t wait to see his face when you offer him twenty dollars for your punishment.” Lex said, laughing loudly now. She harrumphed, and then wiggled her hips down until her soft pussy rode his half hard cock.

  “Not laughing now are you, Sir?” she said wickedly, bending her head to bite at his nipple.

  Lex narrowed his eyes, and reached to push her hair back from her face. “Just what are you about, Marley-girl?”

  “Nothing at all, Sir” she said, batting her eyes innocently, “Just showing my appreciation for your earlier performance. Enjoy it, would ya?”

  Lex grumbled under his breath about impertinent subs with switchy tendencies, but she actually did take the massaging lotion and begin rubbing it into his skin. It felt fantastic to have her hands on him, touching him tenderly as though she might actually have some affection for him, and he felt himself relaxing.

  * * *

  Marley loved the sweet smile on Lex’s face. She loved knowing that her touch pleased him. Logically she knew that was the submissive side of her, but she couldn’t deny the power she felt being the one in control. From this position she could take him if she wanted to, or tease him if she’d rather. It was heady, and enlightening. Maybe there was a bit of a switch in her. Either way, she knew that she wanted to figure out a way to keep seeing Lex until she figured it out. Maybe he would be willing to just be her Dom at the Lusty Fantasies Parties once a month. That way, their situation wasn’t over-complicated. Surely she could survive on one wild night a month.


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