Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion Page 73

by Anthology

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  Finding Anna Series

  Sherri Hayes

  Book Description

  Logan Mattson has been dating Lily Adams for a year and he wants to do something special for their anniversary. What better way to celebrate than to take her away for the weekend and indulge in all her kinky desires?

  This story is dedicated to the fans of my Finding Anna Series who've been asking for Logan and Lily's story since I first introduced them in Slave.

  Chapter 1


  “You have everything ready for this weekend?”

  I grinned at my best friend, Stephan, across the table. “I have a few things to finalize yet.”

  Stephan took a sip of his coffee and glanced out the window of the restaurant where they’d agreed to meet for breakfast. “It’s hard to believe it’s been more than a year since I introduced the two of you.”

  A bright smile lit up my features. “Life before Lily was—”

  “Peaceful?” Stephan’s comment was accompanied by a smile of his own.


  This time my best friend laughed. “Okay. We’ll go with that.”

  It felt good to relax over a cup of coffee with Stephan. Since he’d taken over The Coleman Foundation his parents had started almost twenty years ago and I’d started a new PR job at the hospital, we hadn’t been able to get together as often as we used to. Being responsible adults sucked sometimes.

  “Enough about me. How’s life after Tami?”

  Stephan snorted at the mention of his former girlfriend. “Better than life with her.”

  “That’s not hard to imagine.” I grinned at him over the rim of my cup. “You’re definitely better off without her.”

  “On that we can both agree. I only wish I’d seen her for what she was at the beginning.”

  I shook my head thinking back to all the interactions I’d had with Tami during the six months she and Stephan had been together. “She had us all fooled.”

  Stephan’s smile had an edge to it. “Yes. That she did.”

  “One of these days you’ll find someone you can’t imagine your life without like I did with Lily.”

  My best friend raised his eyebrows and lifted his cup to his mouth, his eyes alight with amusement. “Not too much like Lily, I hope.”

  I kicked him under the table. We might be adults now, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t kick his ass if need be.

  Stephan chuckled. “Sorry. You know I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that I can’t see myself with someone like Lily long term.”

  As much as I hated to admit it, I knew he was right. Stephan needed a good woman who would take care of him. At only twenty-four, he had a boatload of responsibilities. He needed a soft place to fall and someone who would love him for who he was and not how much money he had in his bank account. “The right woman’s out there. You only have to find her.”

  “I hope you’re right.” His tone of voice said that he didn’t hold out much hope of that happening.

  “I am.”

  Ten minutes later Stephan’s phone rang. “I have to take this.”

  While he answered the call, I leaned back in the booth and let my mind drift to Lily. So much had happened since that first night at the hospital gala where Stephan had introduced us. Little did I know that meeting Lily would change my life forever… in so many ways.

  “I need to go into the office,” Stephan said as he slipped the phone back into his suit pocket.


  “Nothing unusual. Karl has found an inconsistency that needs my immediate attention.” Stephan stood and gave me a wicked look. “Have fun with Lily this weekend.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I plan to make it quite memorable for both of us.”

  I finished my coffee before heading out. It was Thursday and Lily was working until five. We’d both taken off tomorrow and were getting out of the city for the weekend. As much as we loved Minneapolis, the need for privacy trumped staying home. The last thing we needed was another incident where her sister burst in while we were in the middle of a scene. Not only was it a mood killer, but Nicole hadn’t looked at me the same way since. I wasn’t sure she ever would.

  Sighing, I drove home and was pleased to see two boxes outside our condo. I unlocked the door and brought them inside. Lily and I had been talking about extending our playtime from specific scenes to entire weekends. It was something she desired and I wanted to give it a go. She’d been extremely patient with me as I learned how to be a good Dom for her.

  This would be our first weekend trying out the new arrangement. From the time we left the house on Friday morning until we left the cabin on Sunday, she would be my submissive. It would be a challenge for me, but I was up for it.

  I ran a knife along the tape holding the boxes closed and opened the flaps. Inside was the flogger I’d ordered. It was heavier than the ones I’d used on her in the past. I’d been practicing and my aim had greatly improved. I was hoping to show off some of my newly acquired skills this weekend.

  In the second box was a butt plug. It had a fake jewel on the end that would go nicely with the day collar I’d bought her. Thinking about Lily in nothing but those two items led to me imagining her bent over with her ass in the air. A beautiful sight, to be sure.

  After taking the newest items for our toy box into the bedroom, I added them to the bag I’d assembled for our trip. Lily hadn’t been allowed to look in this bag. She had no idea what I had in store for her.

  I spent the next few hours making sure everything was packed and ready to go before getting my laptop out and double checking our itinerary. As much as I would love to spend the entire weekend locked away in a cabin with Lily, I figured we’d both need some time to breathe in between sessions. Getting out to see some of the beauty Grand Marais had to offer was a bonus.

  At a quarter to five, I got started on dinner. I loved Lily but she couldn’t cook. The first time she tried to cook us both dinner she’d charred the vegetables and the meat was as tough as shoe leather. I’d forced several bites of it down before she put me out of my misery and asked if I wanted to order a pizza.

  No, cooking wasn’t something she excelled at but she made up for it in other ways. I hadn’t realized what a rut I’d fallen into until I met her—and that was saying something considering I was only a year out of college. Everything in my life had revolved around establishing myself in my new job and turning it into a career.

  The sound of the front door opening had me smiling. Lily was home.


  “In the kitchen.”

  A few moments later Lily strolled into the room, her red hair bouncing against her shoulders. “Mmm. Smells good in here.”

  Wiping my hands, I walked over and pulled her body flush against me before planting a hard kiss on her lips. “Feels pretty good where I’m standing, too.”

  Lily giggled and rested her arms on my shoulders. “I can’t complain.”

  I gave her another quick kiss and then returned to the stove. “Why don’t you go get changed and I’ll put the finishing touches on dinner?”

  “I won’t be long,” she promised as she made her way down the hall to the bedroom.

  I grabbed the salad I’d prepped earlier and brought it over to the table along with the grilled chicken. I’d wanted to keep things simple tonight. We’d be traveling for most of the day tomorrow.

  Lily practically bounced across the living room to the dining room table. She’d changed into a pair of yoga pants and a loose-fitting T-shirt that hung off one shoulder. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail exposing her long neck.

  When she got close enough, I grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her
in close. “You are too sexy for your own good, you know that?”

  “Is that so?”

  I bent my head to nibble on her neck. “Definitely.”

  She tilted her head to the side to give me better access and hummed.

  “You ready for tomorrow?” I asked, tucking her hair behind her ear as I gazed into her eyes.

  “More than ready. You’ve been teasing me for way too long.” She was pouting, which only made me smile.

  Landing a firm swat to her backside, I went to take my seat. “I think you’ll survive.”

  Lily sat down across from me and reached for the salad. “Are you at least going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Not a chance. You’ll just have to wait and see when we get there.”

  The pout was back.

  “You’ll like it. Trust me.”

  “How am I going to know what to pack if I don’t know where we’re going?” she asked.

  “We’ll be inside a lot, but we might head into town to do some shopping, so bring something warm in case we go out.” She opened her mouth to ask another question, but I cut her off. “That’s all I’m going to tell you. And if you keep bugging me, you’re going to be spending the first half of our weekend with a sore rear end.”

  She sighed but let the subject drop. I loved Lily to death, but when she wanted to know something, she was relentless. It made her good at her job, but not so easy to keep secrets from. I’d learned the hard way, though, that while she hated to be teased, she loved it, too. Besides, I knew in this case the payoff would be worth it. I couldn’t wait for her to see the cabin.

  “How was work?” I asked, trying to distract her.

  “Fine. I’ve been brainstorming ideas for the fall gala. What do you think of a silent auction?”

  “I think it’s a great idea. You should run it by Stephan and see what he thinks.” Lily had been working for Stephan when we met. It was the whole reason why we met.

  “Speaking of Stephan,” she said, spearing a piece of chicken with her fork, “he came by to see me this afternoon.”

  “Oh?” If I knew my best friend, he probably stopped by to add gas to the fire. He knew even better than I did how she hated being kept out of the loop on things.

  “He said the two of you met up for breakfast.”

  I knew what she was doing. Lily was hoping I’d drop some clue about the weekend without her actually having to ask. “Yeah, we did. Our schedules finally matched up.”

  She nodded. “That’s what he said. I think it’s good that you two were able to hang out. You don’t do that much anymore.”

  “No time. Especially since the hospital has me flying all over the country.”

  The pout was back. “I know. I hate you being gone all the time.”

  I hated it, too. It had seriously cut into our time together, let alone our playtime.

  “I know,” I said, reaching for her hand. “But this weekend it’s just going to be us. No work. No distractions. Just you and me.”

  This time I got a genuine smile out of her. “I like the sound of that.”


  I had been looking forward to this weekend with Logan for weeks. The last year had been full of ups and downs, especially when it came to the BDSM side of our relationship.

  Logan hadn’t known anything about the lifestyle when I met him. I remember the look on his face when I dropped that bomb on him at the end of our third date. He’d been speechless until I told him that his best friend, Stephan, was a Dom. After that, he’d been full of questions.

  I’d known ahead of time that I was going to tell Logan about me being a submissive and had discussed it with Stephan. He gave me permission to tell Logan about his activity in the lifestyle. Stephan knew Logan would have questions and who better to answer them than someone he’d been friends with since high school?

  It had taken Logan a couple of weeks to come to terms with what I’d told him. He went through the normal bouts of confusion, disbelief, and then he did lots of research. I’d started to get worried when I hadn’t heard from him, but then Stephan walked into my office one day and said Logan had stopped by his condo the night before with a list of questions.

  Four days later Logan called to ask if we could meet for coffee. I’d been so afraid that he’d tell me he couldn’t do it—I liked him so much. The last thing I wanted was for him to leave, but I also knew what I needed.

  He’d surprised me when, instead of telling me he couldn’t see me anymore, he’d presented me with a list of things he’d be willing to try with me. I’d been so excited that I’d squealed loud enough that everyone in the restaurant turned to look at us. That day started us on the path we were on now… one I hoped we would continue on for many years to come.

  The sound of Logan moving around in the kitchen signaled that I needed to get up. He’d wanted me to sleep in my room last night to help us both get in the right mindset for today. This would be our first full weekend as Dom and sub.

  With my other Doms, I’d been happy with limiting our playtime to specific scenes. I didn’t want that with Logan. He owned my heart and I wanted to give my whole self to him for more than just a few hours at a time.

  Throwing off the covers, I hopped out of bed and grabbed my robe. Logan hadn’t given me any specific instructions last night as to how this morning would go, so I was going to play it by ear until he told me otherwise.

  I padded down the hall and into the main living space. The first thing that hit me was the smell of pancakes and bacon. Second was the sight of Logan standing at the stove in nothing but his underwear.

  “Morning,” I said as I crossed the room.

  He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Not bad.” I shrugged and leaned against the counter to face him. “Tossed and turned a little, but that’s par for the course when I’m sleeping without you.”

  Logan chuckled. “Well, if you’re a good girl then maybe I’ll let you sleep in my bed tonight.”

  “Oh, I plan to be a very good girl.”

  He raised one eyebrow and went back to the pancakes. I knew him well enough to know something was coming. What it was, though, I had no idea.

  “Should I get our drinks?” I asked.

  “Yes. The food should be ready in a minute.”

  By the time I had our drinks on the table, he was bringing over the food. It smelled absolutely delicious. I couldn’t wait to dig in.

  Logan held out my chair for me and waited for me to sit down. He wasn’t usually so formal unless we were out, but I appreciated it nonetheless. It was one more thing to signify that this wasn’t a normal morning at home.

  He took his seat beside me. I reached for the bacon, but then I noticed he was staring at me.

  “This weekend you will not start eating until I do,” he said.

  I retracted my arms and placed my hands in my lap.

  “Also, you will serve me before you serve yourself.”

  I nodded.

  “Any questions?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good.” Logan grinned and tipped his head toward the food in front of us.

  Not needing any further instruction, I reached for his plate and began filling it. I knew from experience how much he was likely to eat, so I gave him as much as he would normally give himself. By the look on his face when I placed the plate back down in front of him, he seemed pleased.

  For good measure, I waited until he’d begun eating before I fixed my plate.

  Several minutes passed before Logan spoke again. “I’ve put together a list of basic rules for you to follow this weekend.”

  He reached for a piece of paper at the other end of the table and placed it in front of me.

  1. The submissive’s first priority will be to serve her Dominant at all times. She will do this in a variety of ways including at meals, bathing, and through other various tasks assigned by the Dominant throughout the weekend.

  2. The submi
ssive will defer to the Dominant in all things even when in public.

  I knew that one would be the hardest for me to follow. It was difficult to contain myself when I was out shopping.

  3. The submissive will refrain from wearing panties the entire weekend unless the Dominant says otherwise.

  My pussy clenched at the thought of not wearing underwear out in public. I was a bit of an exhibitionist, which was why I liked when we went to parties.

  That was the extent of the list—just three rules.

  “Do you have any questions?” Logan asked.

  “No. I understand the rules.” I paused. “Do I have any speaking restrictions?”

  He shook his head. “Not for the weekend, no. This is our first time doing this and I’m going to want feedback from you.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “That doesn’t, however, mean you aren’t to be respectful when talking to me. We are in our Dom and sub roles. Remember that.”

  I knew what he meant. It wasn’t unusual for me to get carried away… especially when it was something I felt strongly about. “Yes, Sir.”

  We finished with breakfast and I went to get ready. I was in the process of going through my closet looking for something to wear when Logan knocked on my door. “I have what you’re to wear laid out on the bed.”

  Nodding, I followed him into the bedroom we normally shared. There on the bed was a blue skirt with lace trim around the hem and a white shirt with a V-neck. It was a cute outfit… something I would have picked out for myself. Considering Logan wasn’t all that into fashion, I figured he’d had some help.

  “I’ll leave you to get ready,” he said. “Meet me in the living room when you’re done.”

  Chapter 2


  It was almost ten by the time Lily walked into the living room. She wasn’t the fastest at getting ready, but the end results were usually worth it. When she appeared in the little blue skirt I’d picked out for her, she had her hair and makeup done to perfection and I could smell her favorite perfume wafting up from between her cleavage. I was going to have so much fun with her this weekend.


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