Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance) Page 115

by Sy Walker

  “Oh, baby, that is it. That is what I want, give it to me man, oh yes you know where to put that!” She asked before her need for him was so strong she could only gasp. He lifted himself above her, and she had no fear, only desire. He plunged into her opening and reached her deepest place. The place her lust was waiting, and he touched it with each hip movement. Over and over. Her body built with higher and higher lust until when he came she shook with a matching orgasm that did not want to end. When it finally did she was gasping for breath, and it took her a few minutes to get her breath back. He too was out of breath. Finally he slid off of her and lying next to her whispered in her ear.

  “There are no words Lily for how that felt. You matched my desire for you in ways I could not dream. We are going to have a good time together, I can tell,” he said kissing her neck. It tickled and she giggled. She agreed. They were a match for each other. After a minute she heard engines approaching the house. Many engines. Startled she pushed herself up. So did Mike.

  “Well their timing could have been better,” he said. He rolled out of bed reaching for his pants.

  “Who is it Mike, Luther’s gang?” She asked with a tinge of fear. He laughed.

  “No Princess. Mine. You have body guards now. I called earlier,” he told her putting on his shirt and going down the hall. Lily was stunned and got up to dress quickly. Apparently she had guests.

  Chapter Five

  It was several months into fall, and Lily was as happy as she had ever been, despite the danger she knew they were in still in. She would still see Luther around, in the distance watching her. It was always when there was no one close enough to catch up to him. She was aware of the risk, but was not worried about it. She and Mike were ready if he tried anything and the Montana Thunder Bears, Mikes Biker pals, were backing them up. She had a drink of her shake and sighed, stroking her extended belly. She was four months pregnant now and this girl was going to be a big baby if she was so big already. She drank down the rest of her protein shake, and waddled over to the couch. Mike had accepted her invitation to move in and they had real furniture now. She lowered herself carefully to the couch and smiled, stroking her belly again. Nothing was what she would have ever expected. It was better.

  She had fallen in love with him in record time. He already had been in love with her, he said and she believed him. The gang liked her and welcomed her with open arms as well. Several of them had moved trailers near hers so that they now had a community of friends surrounding them. Luther was stupid, but not so stupid to try anything here. Shelly was letting her work part time because the doctor had thought it would be best, considering the baby's growth. Everything with her baby girl was healthy though, and they had nothing to worry about as long as they took care of business. Lily rocked herself forward with her legs spread a little to accommodate her big tummy. She reached out and picked up her sandwich and began eating.

  She brushed her hair back as she swallowed a bite and looked at her reflection. She still thought she looked good, she had that pregnancy glow. Her boobs had swollen as they were supposed to when pregnant. She had gained quite a bit. According to the doctor with the size of her baby, it was necessary. She promised Mike she would lose the extra weight. He of course said not to worry about it. She did though. He was so great to her she had to do her best to be as great back. So she planned on getting back to the weight she had been when they met. Now she always wore oversized clothes that seemed to stretch and fit her the best. Then large sweat pants for her home life. For work she had a set of maternity clothes to look more presentable. Mike said he found her sexier at home. He proved it to her as often as safely done with the baby.

  He was ecstatic about the little girl on the way which had been a surprise to her, and a greater joy. He was everything her previous boyfriend had not been and more. They were going to get married in a private ceremony after the little girl came into their lives. Lily couldn't wait. Now though they had to find a name and they were stuck on several. Shelly was a possibility. Angel was another they both liked. Then again Tina, for Turbo Tina the biker chick who lived down the road was a good tribute as well. She sighed and picked up the other half of her sandwich. She heard a sharp click, click.

  “Well, well, look at the fat pig, stuffing herself. It makes me glad I never got with you. I still owe you, and that monster you live with though,” Lily turned as best she could as soon as the voice started and froze at the sight of Luther Daniels. She had picked up a few things from Mike. She growled softly and pushed herself to her feet. Luther was pointing a gun at her midsection. The only thing that came to mind was the thought, no way he lives. Mike had took away her fear.

  The front door flew open, and in came Turbo Tina and Crazy Red, her biker chick neighbors. They both had guns but as soon as he heard them Luther had leaped, and put his arm around her throat and gun at her waist. Lily was scared for the baby, but her anger for Luther was even greater still. Tina and Red froze.

  “You’re dead Luther. As of this moment you are a walking dead man,” Red told him with a little giggle. Lily did think that woman was crazy.

  “Mike is going to rip you to pieces boy. Or you are going to get shot cleanly. Promise it won't hurt near as much as what he is going to do to you,” Tina told him reasonably. Luther laughed.

  “Mike does not scare me. Do you know what I am? I know what Mike is, and he is no match for me,” he said with a humming like growl.

  “Then why have you been on the run from him Luther,” Lily asked him. He was half holding her up so she was bent backwards. If she could get her feet under her she might be able to do something.

  “I haven't been running you fat pig! I have been bidding my time,” he said silkily.

  “Oh, so you were waiting for Mike to be out of town, is that what you were biding for. You stupid asshole, what makes you think he is out of town,” Luther started laughing until Mike walked in behind the women.

  “You really are an idiot Luther. You are going to let Lily go, then you and I will fight it out. Winner take all boy,” Lily was startled Mike said that, but knew it would be a bluff. Lily wiggled a little, sliding her feet until they were planted more secure. Because he was holding her so low against his body her longer legs were bent and positioned perfectly. He eyes briefly met Mikes, and knew he knew she was going to try something.

  “So Luther why don't you just...” Lily's left hand swung down and knocked the gun out of his hand, and she shoved against the ground with her feet, levering her whole body into Luther’s. It shoved him back and he lost his grip on her. She rolled to the right away from him and soon had Red and Tina standing over her with guns. There was a blur of movement and Mike landed on Luther before Crazy Red could fire her sawed off shotgun.

  “Damn that boy. He does like to ruin my fun,” she cursed cheerfully.

  “And don't you worry about what he said. There is a less than one percent chance Luther can take Mike. If that happens I will blow Luther’s head right of his body. No worries Strawberry Lily,” It was her biker name now.

  Mike and Luther slammed into one wall and then Luther pushed Mike across the room into another leaving his body imprinted in the drywall. Mikes hands came up breaking Luther's hold, and with an almighty shove from Mike, Luther was flying across the room. It was then that Lily learned the last secret about her man and her enemy. As he flew backwards Luther's body began to change. It was like a weird movie only it was happening in real life. He morphed and his limbs changed until when he hit the wall he was a Mountain Lion. I cried out in amazement and staggered back. The she saw Mike begin to grow and expand as his limbs seemed to get smaller until he was a huge grizzly bear. His clothes had torn of as if made of paper. Red and Tina dragged Lily behind the kitchen counter with their guns pointed at Luther the cat!

  “Hate for you to find out this way Strawberry, but he was nervous about telling you. Screw Luther anyway for forcing it,” Crazy Red said. Lily stared in amazement as the two animals now, squared
off with loud deafening snarls and growls. The way the bear moved was amazing and forceful. As if nothing could stop it. There was a beauty she perceived that forestalled her immediate shock of her man being a Grizzly bear. She did not have time to digest it when the Grizzly, Mike rushed the big cat, Luther. Luther came up on his hind legs just in time for Mike to slam into him with tremendous force. It blasted them against and through the wall out into the lawn. Lily screamed and rushed forward with her friends help.

  Looking out the whole in the wall she heard the Grizzly scream in pain as Luther's claws raked his back and his teeth bore down on his shoulder. Lily screamed her lovers name and he reared up and turned. Luther was swung within reach of Mike’s claws and they tore into his guts, throwing him fifteen yards away. Lily saw blood and guts dropping out of Luther the cats belly as he tried to stand and fell back down. There was a loud boom and the smoke of gunpowder floating in front of her as multiple gunshots echoed around the house. Luther was not getting up as several bikers walked out of the woods bordering their yard.

  “Get me down there,” Lily commanded and her friends helped her down to the yard and she rushed to help Mike. In other circumstances she might have been hesitant about approaching her lover turned bear. But he was injured and needed her. She got to him and he was swaying in place. He leaned his muzzle against her belly and she gripped the soft fur of his neck amazed at the softness. She dropped to her knees and Mike lowered himself down with his head laying on her bulging middle. Tears sprung to her eyes for his pain as she felt the hair shift under her hands and he began changing back. He cried out as he became human again. He still had his head against her belly with an arm around her waist. She could see the fang marks in his shoulder, and the claw marks across his back. She heard him whisper in the silence, and she lowered her head.

  “My Princess.”


  It was Christmas day and Lily, due to her size, had played Santa for everyone that morning. She had a wonderful time being able to contribute to her friends in some way. Her mobility was much less now. At least she now understood that the size of her child so early had a reason. Baby Angel was going to be a shifter. She stroked her red velvet covered belly that was now much bigger. Mike came over after the friends had left them alone for the afternoon. He sat next to her and kissed her. He put his hand over her on her wide waist.

  “You are always so beautiful it is too bad we have to wait to ah, celebrate you always being so beautiful to me,” he said.

  She kissed him back with a smile. He was always saying things like that even though she knew she was indeed huge. He never seemed to care, and was generally turned on by her. They had many plans for their future. By next summer she would have a bike, and they were going to take Angel with them all over the country. They and the gang were going to be a mobile family for awhile, coming back here for the fall and winter. Lily would also be taking classes to get her degree. There were many online courses, and others she would have to take in person. She would do that during the fall and winter terms. Everything was coming together perfectly, and she was glad she had decided to give to this amazing man. His being a shifter was not something that concerned her at all. Somehow the way she found out and the pain he endured to protect her made any problem she would have had seem irrelevant. They were living the dream and nothing more needed to be thought about it.



  Wild for the Wolf

  Chapter 1

  “You promised you would come back!” Raven shouted into the shortwave radio. She knew they had to be out of range. Somebody would have said something by now. The radio tower was the highest point for miles in any direction. Raven peered out over the trees looking for smoke from their campfire. She knew that they wouldn’t stay close by, but she scanned the trees every day, looking for Travis, looking for anyone.

  The tower had once been a part of the Tillamook Airport. A collection of sheds beside a runway, airport was a fairly generous title. After the first wave of infections the whole town had moved to the airport. “It isn’t worth the risk.” Travis had said when Raven fought to stay in her family’s home. There was no way to disinfect the homes, many of which still housed dead bodies. The survivors left everything, even the clothes on their backs, behind.

  Ignoring the obvious devastation it had actually been a fun day. It was the first time in months that people had come out of their homes. The mayor, Tom Hodgkin had organized the move to the airport driving around town in his SUV with a megaphone. Everyone brought soap and a smile to the splash zone in Danbury Park. Travis and Raven had even held hands as the survivors looted the stores downtown for clothes and food.

  Travis had never been Raven’s boyfriend. In fact when people asked she introduced him as her complication. They were never really together, but never really apart either. Except for now. He hadn’t even looked back as they shut the large rusted tin doors of the Tillamook Air Museum. Raven had been locked up with everyone else that had been infected in the second wave. It had started right after they had made the decision to burn the houses of Tillamook. No one wanted to stay at the airport forever, but in hindsight it seemed like a bad idea. Raven had been the only person in the second wave to survive.

  The virus moved fast. In the first two months 10,000,000 people died. The people of Tillamook weren’t worried. There was no way a virus was going to spread somewhere so remote. By the third month Tillamook had its first case of the lumps. It’s a weird name for a virus, but it made sense when you saw the deformed bodies of its victims. The virus had been released from the Russian permafrost by mining companies. They were strip mining gold and other resources that had been trapped under the Earth’s surface by ice and snow. They had no idea what else they were going to release.

  All of the scientists who were trying to cure it had died. All that anyone had found out for was that it was highly adaptable. The lumps immediately adjusted to any environment. They could infect any living creature. Raven had even heard that they were infecting buildings and inanimate objects. It didn’t really matter if it was true, there was no way to get rid of the virus once it reached an area. There were even stories about the people who survived the lumps and walked the earth as monstrous contortions of their former selves.

  “I am fine,” Raven yelled into the mic, “It was allergies, or a cold, I can’t believe you left me!” Letting the mic fall from her hand, Raven sat in the tower fighting the urge to cry. She didn’t know how, but she knew that no one could hear her words. She started moving down the stairs. It was her new philosophy. Raven had been in a rut since graduating from high school. She was going to take a year and make a plan for her life. That had been almost 4 years ago. “It only took a worldwide pandemic to get me to move out of my parent’s house,” she laughed to herself.

  When a second wave of infection struck the Tillamook Airport Commune, Raven thought her life was over. Of the 300 survivors living in the airport 200 were laid out on cots under the vintage planes of the Air Museum. Raven was sweating and nearly delirious for what seemed like days. The only thing that she could see in the dark was the silver fuselage of the Fouga-CM 170 Magister. Raven didn’t know much about planes, but Travis had worked a summer at the museum. He had given Raven the official tour, just before the museum had become a tomb.

  Then it was like a switch went off in her head. She heard a voice telling her to stand up. At first Raven didn’t believe it, she had already died in her own head. Slowly she tested her muscles. She looked down at her arms expecting to see lumps and welts, but they were smooth. Raven got up and ran to the bathroom mirror. The lighting was very dim, but she could see that her skin was actually nicer. Before getting sick she had had acne scars on her face and black heads. Now her skin was smooth. Her long black hair had its shine back, even though it hadn’t been washed in weeks.

  Raven remembered moving slowly. She didn’t want to step on anybody and risk getting infected. She would never forget the bodies
she saw that day. They didn’t even look like people any more. Motionless mounds of stretched and bruised skin lay scattered all over the cement floor.

  Raven found a small man door and left the airport behind for good. She ran straight for the radio tower. Travis had shown Raven how to use the short wave radio when they first got to the airport. Travis had always loved tinkering with things and he had tried to communicate with other groups. The people of their town were all hoping that there were other groups. It seemed like a waste of time to Raven, but Travis thought short wave radios would be the only lines of communication still open.

  Cell phones were getting no signals and the internet was not working anywhere in town. Tillamook had always been remote, but since the first wave hit it truly seemed like the people of the town were on their own. No one more so than Raven. She realized as she reached the bottom of the tower that she couldn’t stay at the airport. She was nearly out of food.

  Bam! Klunck! It was coming from the makeshift kitchen they had built in the main building. Raven grabbed a bat that was lying discarded by the tower and went to investigate. “Screeeee!” The deformed racoon reared up and started to run at Raven. She was going to fight for the food, a few boxes of crackers and granola bars, but at the last second she chickened out and ran. She didn’t want to hit any living creature with a bat, especially not one that was going to infect her with lumps.

  “I guess that settles it,” Raven said to the wind. She had packed a small bag the day before. She didn’t need much. Lately she had only been changing her clothes every couple weeks. It wasn’t like she had a way to get them clean. Raven had grown immune to her own stench. All she needed was food, and to be as far away from the smell of rotting corpses.


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