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ChangingPaths Page 15

by Marilu Mann

  “Smelled you coming. Did you bring me my puppy?” Talia’s face was set in what he recognized as her mutinous pout. Sighing, he scooped her up.

  “No, T. I told you they aren’t ready yet. Two more weeks at least. They have to spend time with their own kind so they can be strong when they leave that Pack. You don’t want a scared dog, do you?”

  She nuzzled into him. “No. But I just can’t wait! And I can’t go to the Gathering either. It’s not fair.”

  “Aww, it will be your turn before you know it.” He swung her in the air until she giggled then released her. “Go tell Micah I’d like some of his time.”

  The deep rumble from the doorway told him he’d completely missed his Alpha’s entrance. “Sorry. Didn’t see you there.”

  Micah grinned. “Come on back. Tell me what it is you need to see me about. Is it Harmony?”

  He nodded. “Yes, but not what you think.”

  He shut the door to the office, making Micah quirk an eyebrow at him. “I think she’s not one of the Denied.”

  Swinging into the issue, he laid out what he knew, what his nose told him and what she had said. He left out the wolf claws and growling-during-sex incident.

  As he finished, Micah nodded. “I agree, but Olivia thinks she may be like her. A shifter who doesn’t know how to shift.”

  “What? Is it in the water or something? How can we get two?” Gareth frowned.

  Micah acknowledged the seeming coincidence with another nod. “My grandfather tells me that my Gift may draw them here. He is a wise man, but I have difficulty believing that. Still, here we are. Another shifter who does not know how. What do you want me to do? How do you think I should handle this?”

  A feather could have knocked him over. He’d never expected Micah to ask him his opinion. Still, he did think he knew Harmony well. “I think we should have Olivia talk to her.”

  He and Micah strategized for another half hour then pulled Olivia into the discussion. Her input was invaluable. At her insistence they also snagged Kaj. With his Denied experience the four of them had all the information they needed. By the time another hour was over the four wolves had a plan on how to help Harmony.

  Chapter Ten

  Harmony glared at her aunt. “I’m taking you to the doctor. This is the fourth time you’ve had an excuse for still being in your nightgown at lunchtime and I know something is wrong.”

  “Don’t fuss, Niece.”

  “Fuss? I’ll show you fuss.” Knowing exactly what cards to play next and how to ensure her aunt would cooperate in going to the clinic in town for a complete physical, she sat down to take Willow’s hands.

  “Aunt Willow, I need you. Rain needs you. I have to know that you’re all right and that you’ll be there for my daughter. She’s going to need another female to talk to after her first shift. And since it can’t be me it has to be you. Please? Please do this for us, even if you don’t want to do it for yourself. Besides, with Tom in the area, I have to know you’ll be there for Rain no matter what.”

  Since Willow had been more of a mother to her than an aunt, she knew playing that family card was kind of a low blow. Still, if it got Willow to the doctor she really didn’t care. With a heavy sigh Willow nodded. She slipped her hands out of Harmony’s.

  “I will get dressed and go with you but you will not mention any of this to your uncle.”

  She watched her walk down the hall. Willow’s steps were slow. She hunched over slightly, looking twice her age. Harmony had known something was off. She felt bad it had taken her this long to get around to convincing her aunt to take care of whatever it was. Willow just hadn’t smelled right. Harmony needed to know what was wrong.

  She needed to get this out of the way before the Gathering tomorrow night because Rain would need all her attention then. First they needed to know what was up with Willow’s health. Then deal with Rain’s first Gathering. Only then would Harmony feel good about concentrated on getting Tom out of their lives. She had no doubt Gareth and Micah would do whatever necessary with Pete’s help to keep Tom away from them.

  Willow came back down the hall. After checking to make sure there wasn’t anyone lurking outside the front door, Harmony led the way out to her car. They’d go into town, find out what the heck was up with Willow’s health then maybe just spend some quiet time together. She needed to hit the library too, to fill Rain’s request list for books. She could see if they had any new books she might want to read herself.

  The drive into town was almost silent since both women had a million things on their minds. Still, Harmony couldn’t help but look around as they pulled into the parking lot. She didn’t think Tom would be stupid enough to attack her in the middle of town but she wasn’t sure, given his frame of mind the last time she’s seen him. She held her aunt’s hand as they entered the clinic but she waited, at Willow’s request, until after the doctor had seen her. When Willow returned to the waiting room, she wore a big smile, the first one she had seen on her face since first arriving home.

  “Well? What did the doctor say?”

  “There is something going on with my stomach but the doctor says it can be treated. He thinks it might be an ulcer, so he drew some blood. I’ll know for sure in a few days. For now I have to fill this prescription.”

  “Oh, Aunt Willow.” She hugged her aunt hard. The fear for her aunt’s health had been weighing on her. Since the doctor hadn’t been alarmed enough to send Willow to the hospital, Harmony felt a huge relief. Now if she could only make sure Tom didn’t come back again, she would be able to spend more time thinking about her relationship with Gareth. Things like where it might be going. Should she make room in her closet? The thought made her a bit giddy.

  “We need to celebrate. Ice cream? Can we get ice cream?” She practically dragged her aunt out of the clinic, holding tight to her so that she wouldn’t make a fool of herself by dancing down the street.

  “No ice cream for me, my darling. Very little dairy, as a matter of fact. The doctor has given me a list of foods to avoid. He’s really sure it’s an ulcer, so he wants me to start making changes now. If it’s anything else he’ll let me know. And does this make you understand how important it is to trust your nose? Hmmm?” Willow waved a piece of paper. Harmon just shook her head.

  “Okay, so no ice cream.” Searching for childhood memories while ignoring the pointed remark, she grinned. “Waffles?”

  Willow laughed, shaking her head then pulling her into a hard hug. “Waffles, but let’s go home for them.”

  They headed for the car. When it came into view they both came to a dead stop. Harmony held in a scream of frustration even as she searched the street and surrounding area with eyes and nose. Two tires on her car were completely flat, slashed beyond any repair. The word whore had been scratched into the passenger-side doors. The sour scent that hung in the air made her want to vomit. That bastard!

  Willow’s hand on her arm brought her attention back. Harmony pulled out her cell phone. She kept her tone even, though it cost her a great deal. Inside she shook with anger and frustration. If she was honest, a little dose of fear as well. “I guess we’ll be calling Uncle Pete to make a report and ask for a ride first.”

  An hour later they sat in the backseat of Pete’s patrol car on the way home. He’d arranged for a wrecker to come get her car. He’d growled low in his throat as he’d taken the report. His fury boiled out in a rare curse word. There was no doubt that Tom had been the one to do the damage. With that stench, there really wasn’t anything to say. She wondered if she would ever really be free of Tom, of his insane behavior.

  Pete pulled up in front of the house. Harmony breathed a sigh of relief to see Rain, Keme, Rion and Gareth all sitting on the porch. At least she knew Rain was safe. No way would Tom get to her with three shifter males around her. He didn’t have the guts to take on two fully grown men plus a shifter teen who was probably sweet on Rain.

  Before they could get out of the car Gareth was at her side,
reaching for her. She leaned into his warmth, taking the comfort he offered as they explained what had happened. She saw Rain’s face drain of color but she also saw that Keme took her hand.

  Gareth growled, low and long, before he cleared his throat. “Could you track him?”

  “No. Bastard’s masking his scent somehow. I’ll increase patrols in the area. He has to be staying close. Niece, we will find him.”

  Again she felt Pete’s support when he walked by, touching her shoulder. He still cared for her, even if he tried to mask it. Stubborn old wolf. When Willow reached out to her Harmony smiled as she took her aunt’s hand.

  “Thank you. Thank you all. I know Rain and I are in good hands.” She took a deep breath. “Now we want waffles. Everyone inside and I’ll fire up the waffle iron.”

  They all made it inside the house. For the next three hours she concentrated on family and happiness rather than the insanity trying to encroach on her life again.

  Gareth and Rion even got in on the sharing, telling everyone about their lives in Oregon, before they’d become estranged. She studied their features. Without the patch and if Rion’s hair was longer, it really would be difficult to tell them apart. They even smelled alike but she could tell the difference. Gareth’s scent was more like a pine tree in the summer sun, clean and strong. Rion’s pine scent had a slight overtone of earth as if his pine came from a winter wood. But they told of how their own birth Pack found it hard to tell them apart by scent alone.

  When Pete, Keme and Willow had left, Rain said goodnight before going to her room. Gareth kissed Harmony’s cheek, telling her he’d be in soon. It had become a habit for him to spend two or three nights a week at her place. Sometimes they made love. Sometimes they talked into the wee hours. And sometimes they just fell asleep holding on to each other. Tonight she wanted his comfort but she watched with a smile as he followed his brother out onto the porch. When he returned thirty minutes later he was holding Rion’s clothes. At her raised eyebrow, he grinned.

  “Kaj and Micah came by. They’ll be watching the cabin tonight. Rion offered to help. I told him I’d hang on to his stuff until tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She shook out her dishtowel and put it on the rack to dry. “Do you mind if we go to bed? I’m exhausted.”

  “Not at all.” He tossed Rion’s clothes onto the couch and crossed the room to her side faster than she’d seen him move in a while. He’d wrapped his arms around her and picked her up before she could blink.

  “Gareth!” She laughed. “I can walk.”

  “I know, but I enjoy carrying you.”

  “You’re going to hurt your back.”

  “Now that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say.” He shook his head at her and she smiled at him.

  “I’m not thin like Olivia.”

  Gareth sniffed her hair, making her giggle. “I’m not interested in carrying Olivia. Aside from the fact that Micah would tear me limb from limb and scatter the pieces to the ends of the Earth, Olivia doesn’t set my blood boiling. You do.”

  “So you don’t mind that I’m…” She tried to continue the argument but when he let her go then easily caught her, she gasped.

  “Watch what you say about my woman. I might take offense. You could land on your sexy ass.” He nipped at her nose.

  She laughed as he carried her into the bedroom then booted the door closed. He set her on her feet just inside the bedroom then kissed her softly.

  “Get one of those huge t-shirts you like to sleep in. I’m going to check the house and I’ll be right back.” He kissed her again, closing the door quietly behind him.

  She stood for a moment, just basking in the fact that he liked her body. That he liked her…well, probably more than liked, if she was honest. She’d felt his emotions, just as she knew he must have felt hers. Though neither of them had said anything, she wondered if it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to say something before he left for Oregon.

  That depressed her. It shouldn’t. He shouldn’t mean so much after such a short time but the fact of the matter was she loved him. Even if they couldn’t run together through the woods there were many other things they could do.

  With that in mind she let go of her earlier idea of just holding each other until they both fell asleep. A slow smile spread as she stripped. Harmony slid into bed, conveniently forgetting to put on one of her big t-shirts.

  When he came back into the room he stopped to stare for just a moment. The look in his eye told her everything. He smiled then stripped as he walked across the room. By the time he reached the bed she had opened her arms and her legs. Harmony wanted to welcome him into her heart just as she had welcomed him into her home.

  He paused for just a moment to look at her again. She felt beautiful. He made her feel sexy as if she moved something in him. Her hips lifted up from the bed as she offered herself to him. This was the relationship she’d always wanted—loving, sharing and generous. Then his face changed.

  “Gareth? Is everything okay?” She let her ass slide back to the bed. Something flashed in her eyes. Even though she turned her head away, he saw it. Recognized it instantly. She thought he was going to reject her. Him. Reject the amazing gift she was. He chuckled.

  “Yeah, babe. It’s all good I just had to take a moment to make sure you weren’t some fantasy about to go poof.”

  He loved the easy way she gave herself to him. His heart felt full—somehow complete with her in his life. Her exasperated-yet-relieved choke of laughter made him grin. He’d gotten the reaction he wanted. How she couldn’t know she held all the power in their…he stopped. Their relationship? Yeah, relationship. How she didn’t know he was putty in her paws—it staggered him. The anger he’d kept in check surged. That bastard ex of hers had seriously done a number on her.

  He forced the fury down for another time. Now was for loving his woman. Leaning down, he stroked a hand from her cheek to her breast to her belly. He drew lazy circles on her sensitive skin until she grabbed his hand.

  “Do something,” she demanded. Her breath was shallow. He could smell her arousal—sweet honey in the air. Do something? He planned to. He parted her legs then knelt between them. She moaned deep in her throat as he hovered his mouth over her curls. Letting his hot breath flow over her, he flicked her clit with his tongue. Once. Twice. Again.

  “Gareth, I swear I will knock you over then fuck you silly if you don’t stop teasing me.”

  He glanced up. “Okay. I’m trying to figure out how that’s a bad thing?”

  A pillow whipped past his head just as he moved back to eating out her pussy. Her arousal coated her outer lips. He let himself take long, slow licks that ended on her clit. Her cunt jumped up to him as her hips flexed. Her hands dove into his hair then she flung her arms wide as if she needed to anchor herself.

  The heat of her inner flesh maddened him. He growled softly then nipped gently at her throbbing core. Her near-shriek was muffled. Looking up, he saw she’d covered her face with a pillow. He rubbed his mouth into her cunt then got serious.

  He eased two fingers inside, relishing the warm, soft walls of her pussy. His cock throbbed in unison as he pushed in then pulled out. He fucked her with his tongue as his fingers slid out of her. When his fingers were in her he sucked at her clit. Her legs wrapped around his head as her body shook in orgasm. He blew on her after the tremors had subsided. Her ass flew up as she planted her heels on the bed.

  “No more.”

  “Yes more.” He deliberately misquoted her. Levering himself up, he guided his cock to her entrance. She looked at him with eyes heavy with sexual satisfaction. He touched his cock to her wet pussy. And waited.

  “More. Yes more. Fuck me, Gareth. Please. I l…” she swallowed. “I love it when your cock fills me up.”

  He slid home. The velvet smoothness of her pussy nearly undid him. He bent to capture a nipple. She groaned then laughed as it popped out of his mouth. Her hands came up to cup her breasts together for him. He gro
wled his pleasure. When she growled hers he exploded inside her.

  He woke before dawn. A sound, something out of place. He got quietly out of bed, moving slowly so as not to wake Harmony. Pulling on his jeans, he opened the bedroom door and moved through the cabin toward the living room window. He stared out into the fading night, the almost-full moon illuminating the yard around the cabin. A flicker of movement at the edge of the woods caught his gaze and he waited patiently.

  A white wolf stepped out of the trees, raised his head, scenting the air, then trotted around to the left side of the cabin. Before he could move away from the window a light-gray wolf came out right behind him but turned toward the right side of the yard.

  He shook his head, knowing he could go back to sleep—or at least back to bed—without fear of anyone, especially her ex, getting near the cabin. Rion and Kaj would see to their safety. It felt weird to depend on his brother for anything. At the same time if felt good. Real good.

  Almost as good as Harmony’s arms sliding around his waist. He put his hands over hers as she kissed his shoulder blade.

  “What’s wrong?” Her voice was soft, just a little scratchy from sleep.

  “Nothing. Just checking things out. Rion and Kaj are out there patrolling the woods.” He turned in her arms to pull her close. “Let’s go back to bed.”

  She smiled up at him. He opened his mouth to speak then shut it again. He was leaving in two days—who knew how long he’d be gone. Micah and Pete would make sure she was safe but he had no right, really, to ask her for any declaration.

  He would wait until he got back from Oregon. If she still welcomed him, then he’d see what he could do about getting her to fall in love with him. He might need some advice from Olivia. That thought ensured he wouldn’t get much sleep for the rest of the night. So it was only fair that he make sure she didn’t either.

  He reminded himself that he still needed to talk to Micah more about Harmony’s comment about how the moon made her feel. He could have sworn she’d grown wolf’s claws again. He grinned. Time to follow his woman to bed. Maybe he could get those claws to rake down his back again. His growl was sexual as he moved down the hall.


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