Fight for the Future: Symbiont Wars Book III (Symbiont Wars Universe 3)

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Fight for the Future: Symbiont Wars Book III (Symbiont Wars Universe 3) Page 24

by Chogan Swan

  After a few more words, she excused herself and walked on to another group.

  “Kest, dear,” said Amber. “Can I see your watch for a second? Just give me your arm.” She took his arm and ran her fingers inside his sleeve. Kest felt a tug as something came loose from his coat. Amber dropped a tiny wafer into her water glass. “Someone must have left a window open somewhere,” she said. “It’s getting buggy in here.”

  Kest frowned at her glass.

  “Don’t worry, it’s just part of the dance,” Amber said. “She just wanted to see if I’m any good at my job. She’s been ignoring me for two years. Honestly, I’ve felt neglected. It’s like I’ve been noticed in society at last.”

  Kest laughed, enjoying her perspective.

  “Let’s go find our places,” she said. “I’ve heard the fried lobster is great here.”

  Chapter 45 — Fried Lobster

  Kest had to admit, the fried lobster was good. With Amber sitting next to him, making it obvious they were close. He might need to dodge more assassination attempts, but at least they wouldn’t be based on his politics. The difference between now and where he had been the previous forty-eight hours made his perspective seem sharper, yet still unreal.

  They sat at the head table. Tiana sat next to el Presidente on his right then Jonah, Amber and Kest. Maya Rodriguez sat on the other side of el Presidente, then came the Native American Tribes’ ambassador to the UN and ambassadors to Mexico from other Latin American countries.

  Kest grinned, he might only be here as Amber and Ayleana’s plus one, but in the world as it was today. He didn’t turn down free food and drink.

  After finishing the flan de coco, he wiped his mouth when el Presidente stood and stepped to the podium between the two wings of the head table.

  The room was suddenly silent.

  “Buen dia, caballeros y damas,” said el Presidente. “Since many here today do not speak Spanish and those who do might complain that my Mexico City accent is hard to understand.” He paused for the laughter to die down. “And rightly so, I admit. At times I can scarce understand me myself...”

  More laughter.

  “So, I will continue in English for those reasons, and so our northern neighbors will know when they are able to hear these words that our thoughts and prayers were and are with them. Because this introductory speech, and the one to come after it, will all be recorded and transcribed for history. And yes, all days have a place in history, but later, perhaps, you will agree that today will be a turning point in a week that has seen horrible tragedy. I hope we can rise today to new hope.”

  He turned to his right and gestured to Tiana. “In a moment, I will ask Señora Senana Tiana, ambassador to Mexico and Los Estados Unidos from the Nii Federation to speak. Many of you know her though you may not have known of her ambassador-at-large offices. Señora Tiana is a person of great wisdom and insight whose work in past years has benefited Mexico in many ways. In times of trouble, she has been a staunch ally to us in ways long held close. Not that she has ever worked against another nation on our behalf, but always to improve life everywhere. I count it an honor to be permitted to call her my friend.”

  He took a short drink of water as people clapped politely.

  “What she says will seem unbelievable, but I ask you to wait and listen as I did. Her proofs are incontrovertible, and as your host for this meeting, I ask you to honor me by giving her your full attention to the end.” For some reason, Kest thought, for an instant, the president might have smirked as he motioned for Tiana to rise and led the audience in applause.

  Tiana rose and strode to the podium. “Thank you, Señor Presidente for your kind words.” She looked out over the crowd. “Many of you have never heard of the Nii Federation, please don’t berate yourselves thinking you haven’t been keeping up with foreign affairs as you ought. We have not been an organization open to public scrutiny.”

  Tiana smiled at them with open welcome. “Today that will change. The Nii Federation is an international organization that has been around a long while... Oh dear, some of you are bored already.”

  The audience chuckled.

  “Let’s move then to some of what we are doing now. You also may know of the Confederation of Native American Tribes, now recognized as an independent nation by the UN. The Nii Federation gave tactical, legal, physical and intelligence support for that cause and continues support as they face unjust accusations because of the machinations of hidden forces controlling the government of the United States. These forces, though hidden, are well-known by political analysts. Yesterday, your nations received intelligence from our satellites that reveal the truth of the cowardly EMP attack on the North American peoples. That the device came from a United States Military satellite is proved by the data in the intelligence. In addition, the timeline of military and civilian actions point to the conspirators clearly. It provides damning evidence showing they were prepared to capitalize on the device they detonated when public awareness turned against their manipulation and propaganda.”

  Tiana waited for the room to return to silence. “I recognize that you cannot take my word for that, but the evidence is in your government’s hands now. I believe the evidence is clear, but that will be for your nations to decide.”

  Tiana leaned on the podium and looked around the room. “That, however, is not the information our host called unbelievable.”

  Tiana cleared her throat.

  Kest knew it was a public speaking device or a signal; she had perfect control of her voice and had no need to clear her throat.

  “If you reach under your chairs,” Tiana continued, “you will find a folder you may take with you and examine at your leisure. In it are photocopies of documents pertaining to different movements familiar to those of you who study Latin American history. You will find documents from many historical sources, authenticated by well-respected historians. You will also find drawings by prominent artists of the past—all have been authenticated and your own historians and experts may examine the originals. I show you these to make you understand that the Nii Federation has been working for freedom since the early 1800s in your home countries. Such as in Brazil with the slave rebellions of the early 1800s and on. We supported the movements for independence from Spain. We fought alongside Simon Bolivar... but fighting for freedom and justice is a never-ending battle and our resources were limited by our small numbers on your soil. Please go ahead for a few minutes and look through your folders. Signal me by raising your hand and lowering it when you have discovered the common denominator between the documents and my presence here today.”

  Tiana stood straight, calm and patient as the people in the room went through the documents, talking to each other and pointing to this or that, making comparisons. Hands raised and lowered. Tiana nodded to each until no one was looking for clues anymore.

  Tiana continued. “Would anyone share what they discovered?”

  An older gentleman from Venezuela stood. “The woman pictured in four drawings from before the invention of photography and ten photographs afterward in a period spanning seventy-six years all appear to be the same person. Who is identified on the artwork as ‘Tiana’, ‘Princess Tiana’ or ‘Senana Tiana’, and all look like you, though in the later ones the skin is lighter. As a historian, I can say the documents appear authentic. I’m hoping you have a credible explanation.”

  “Gracias, Señor Vargas. I do.”


  Kest took a drink of water and looked at Amber. Her eyes were wide, and her face looked as frozen as his felt. His tie felt too tight.

  This is a coming out party.

  Tiana smiled. “All of them are me.”

  Chapter 46 — Out

  The room was silent.

  “I know that several of you have medical degrees, may I have three of those who are physicians volunteer to come forward? Also, please send a trusted and level-headed representative forward from each of your tables as well.”

sp; She turned to her left. “Señor Presidente and Mister Ambassador, since you are aware of this information already, would you please join them?” Tiana looked across the room to see that Vargas was still standing. “And you as well, sir,” she said to him. “I welcome your insight and logical mind to the inquiry.”

  Vargas stepped forward, eager as a greyhound at the gate.

  When the panel for Tiana’s examination had finished assembling, the medical doctors, two of them women, stood slightly to the side.

  Tiana stepped away from the microphone and smiled at the three doctors and seven representatives from the audience as well as Vargas. “I am going to ask you all to keep your voices low,” she said. “I will present compelling evidence that this is contact with a sentient being not part of the Homo Sapiens species or any earthly relative. If you will not abide by the steps I am taking to avoid an unseemly display, you will have to leave the room. Do you all agree to abide by reasonable stipulations? That you refrain from outcry and that you keep your voices low?”

  When she looked at each of them in turn, they nodded, though they all looked dumbfounded.

  Kest felt tight as a drumhead as he watched. He put his hand on Amber’s leg to try to settle his own thoughts. Humans could be so crazy.

  Could this work?

  The people in the room leaned forward, paying close attention, though they wouldn’t be able to hear.

  Tiana continued, speaking in a quiet voice. “Doctors, I am counting on the three of you to behave as befits the science community as an example to all here.”

  She waited until the doctors nodded. “I will show you three things. After each, please tell me if you are convinced or not. You may all see each piece of evidence whether you are convinced right away or not. Understood?” Tiana waited for their nods then turned to Vargas and the table representatives.

  They nodded as well.

  “Doctors, please come forward and examine my hands. The rest of you may come closer.”

  Tiana sat on a chair, crossed her legs beneath her long dress, and held out her hands. The doctors stepped forward. Tiana pulled off her half-finger gloves and held her hands out to them, moving her fingers and wrist joints through their full range of motion. Her skin had returned to its natural pattern of dark chocolate and deep cherry. Kest noted, however, that she did not extend her filaments. One of the doctors requested to touch her hands in the examination, and Tiana nodded with a smile. Then, other doctors examined her hands by touch as well.

  “Convinced?” said Tiana.

  One of the woman doctors nodded, looking panic-stricken.

  “You are Doctor Ramirez the orthopedic surgeon correct?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Would you like to sit down?”

  “No, I’ll be fine.”

  Tiana smiled. “Well done, doctor.”

  “You others, still not convinced?”

  One doctor shrugged, though his face was anything but casual.

  The other shook her head. “Hands aren’t my specialty.”

  Tiana motioned for them to step forward. “You may examine my feet and lower legs. I will be glad to move them as you direct.”

  Doctor Ramirez had recovered her equilibrium enough to be first again. This time the other doctors watched her examination and listened to her brief medical and anatomical assessments. When Tiana demonstrated the springheel movement of her feet and legs—also returned to their natural skin coloring—the male doctor whispered, “Dioses! Es increible.”


  They all nodded.

  Kest noticed el Presidente was circulating through the tables. Kest could hear him assuring the guests that all would be clear soon and that they were all fortunate to be here. His solid public presence and calm kept the crowd pacified.

  Tiana spoke to the representatives. “There is one final piece I will show you, doctors first, then you representatives. I expect I could convince everyone here without it. However, honestly, it is going to come out eventually, and I’m just tired of hiding it. I would like the doctors to walk behind me and look at my lower back, specifically the sacrococcygeal area. Please remain there as the other representatives come to see for themselves. When everyone is finished with that, I would encourage each of you to think how best to communicate what you have seen to your constituents.”

  Tiana nodded to the doctors and stood. Kest now saw that her long dress, though it draped across the back of her body from both sides, could be pulled apart for a complete view from the back of her neck to the floor. When the doctors walked behind her, she opened the dress.

  At that moment, Kest was proud of them. They were able to control their astonishment and remain calm. He wondered how many times Tiana had tested various method of disclosure on groups of XYMBI Foundation employees before this. He suspected as many as she could. He noticed hidden smiles from the Native Americans at the head table who, he was now sure, had already been through this dance.

  The doctors spoke softly to each other then motioned to Vargas who walked confidently to them and turned. His eyes went wide, but he nodded and stepped aside, though he remained behind Tiana. Kest smiled. She had already won that one over.

  The remainder of the representatives filed behind her one at a time. Some stayed, others went back to where they’d been standing.

  When they had all seen the end of the demonstration, Tiana motioned to them to wait and stepped back up to the podium. “Señores y Señoras,” she said. “What you have just witnessed is your representatives being convinced that I, Senana Tiana am, in fact, not a human being.”

  The room was silent.

  “What I tell you now will take more time to comprehend. I am, in fact, a long time resident of your planet, but I am from another part of our galaxy. I will remain here for discussion, and am willing to allow you to see for yourself the evidence these others have already seen, but first I am going to let them address your questions and concerns.”

  Tiana turned to the representatives behind her. “Representatives, you have deported yourself in the highest way in the scientific and democratic ideal, I want to thank you and I ask you to return to your companions.” She turned back to the room. “And for all of you, I want to welcome you to the first First Contact Party in human history. The bar will remain open for those who might need a stiff drink.”

  She smiled, and though Kest could scarcely believe it, she got a laugh that started with the doctors and representatives, but a few in the crowd joined in.

  Vargas, on his way back to his table, stopped to speak with her. “Señora, I am going to fulfill my responsibility as a representative, but please, I would like to speak to you in a few minutes perhaps. Not only about what is going on today in the world and the galaxy, but what you have seen on our world. Perhaps I am too Earth centric, but I would appreciate your indulgence.”

  “Señor, I could not possibly deny such a charming request. I would be delighted to speak with you many times though I cannot say when exactly, but certainly a few minutes today if you hurry back before the others pluck up their courage.” Tiana held out her hand, and he shook it, smiling like a young boy on Christmas morning,

  Chapter 47 — Meet the Press

  When Vargas returned to his table, Amber stood and grabbed Kest’s hand, looking down at him with shining eyes. “Can she work a room or what?” She pulled Kest to his feet to start them moving towards Tiana.

  Tiana held up her finger to signal Amber and stepped back to the podium and the microphone. She tapped the microphone and spoke. “El Presidente has scheduled a press conference that will take place here forty-five minutes from now. I would also like to invite you to remain for that, but, knowing the press, you may want to get your drinks before security lets them inside.”

  This time the laugh was louder.

  When it died down again, Tiana continued. “If you will allow me a few moments to change to my native dress for the press conference first, I will be available to s
peak with you individually. I should warn you that my people’s traditional dress would not be considered modest by most Earth-based standards, but I will not hide what I am or who I represent from the press. You may be assured, however, that if any of you invite me to dinner, I will arrive in proper modest Latin American style, with perhaps a few alterations. But for the rest of this afternoon, I will be wearing what we wear on my home world. I will understand if anyone wishes to leave now if you feel that might make you uncomfortable.”

  Tiana stepped away from the microphone and Amber moved next to her. “Whoa, when you throw a coming out party, you really lay it on hard,” Amber said.

  Tiana laughed. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” She turned to Jonah as he joined them at her side, carrying a small bundle of washcloths. Tiana took one of the cloths from the bundle and wiped her face. Kest felt his stomach jump. Under her face makeup, Tiana had let her original skin patterns return. “I am so tired of this makeup,” she said between her teeth as she turned the rag over and scrubbed.

  Jonah took another cloth and cleaned up a few spots she’d missed. Between them, they managed to return her skin to its vivid chocolate and cherry swirls. When Tiana removed her headscarf, Amber said, “You look like Kest's favorite ice-cream flavor.”

  Tiana smiled and untied the dress at her neck. With a dramatic swirl, she swept the dress from front to back and draped it over her shoulders converting it to a cape. The slit in the front now became a slot for her tail. On her body, she wore a bit more than Kest was used to seeing her wear in the house. Her breasts were partly covered by a black stick-on bustiere, and a belt with a clinging, v-shaped loincloth hid her sex. An ornate kukri knife strapped to her leg completed the outfit. Behind him, Kest heard gasps from those in the room who’d been brave enough to approach. As for himself, Kest had to agree with Amber’s assessment. Swirling with colors, vivid red and warm black, dressed in leather and a dark green cloak, she looked good enough to eat.


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