Ultimate Sin

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Ultimate Sin Page 12

by Clarissa Wild

  A devilish grin spreads on her lips. “Not so fast … I have one more requirement, and then you’ll have a deal.”

  I have the feeling I’m going to regret this already.


  A few hours later

  When I’m back home and open the door with my card, I already feel a huge weight hanging over my shoulders. I push the door open, sighing, awaiting my demise.

  Instead, I see her, shifting in her seat to look at me.

  For a moment, there is only silence as I realize she’s still here.

  I’m surprised.

  After the way I treated her, I expected her to run. To have somehow found a way out of this place by stealing one of the cards or by plainly smashing the windows.

  But she hasn’t.

  She’s sitting comfortably in the chair in front of the fireplace reading a book.

  And she didn’t run.

  She’s still here, despite everything I said. Despite everything I didn’t say.

  She should hate me right now.

  Yet the first thing she does is smile.

  So beautiful.

  It breaks me.

  She places the book on the table in front of her and gets up.

  “You’re … still here,” I say, unsure what else to say.

  She clasps her hands. “Where else would I be, Master?”


  I am her master.

  I’m actually grateful to hear the word for the first time.

  I smile at her and breathe out a sigh of relief, averting my eyes. “For a second there, I thought I’d lost you.”

  She comes toward me, and then she does the most peculiar thing.

  She hugs me.

  Buries her face in my chest.

  Grabs ahold of my coat as if it’s the last thing she can hold onto.

  Her arms wrap around me like a warm cocoon, enveloping me with her unconditional love.

  Love that’s misplaced but welcomed anyway.

  “I wanted to run,” she says. “I really did.”

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “I can’t,” she whispers. “I need you, and you need me.”

  “Even though I work with the same men that hurt you?”

  “It’s not your fault, Master … I don’t blame you. I’m not angry with you.”

  “You should be,” I say.

  “I’m not,” I say.

  “Aren’t you scared of me?” I ask.

  “No. I don’t believe you’ll hurt me. You might say you do, but your actions show different. They show me that you do care and that you don’t want me to feel bad.”

  God, if I only knew sooner how much she could read me …

  I place my hand on the back of her head, petting her soft hair, letting her know it’s okay. My heart is beating steady but fast. It’s because she’s still in my arms, safe, unharmed. Protected. I shouldn’t feel this way but I do.

  I care for her.

  And I feel so fucking bad knowing what I’m about to do to her.

  What I’ve already done to her.

  “You shouldn’t hug me,” I say. “But I’m glad you do.”

  “I will hug you for as long as it makes you happy, Master,” she murmurs into my shirt.

  “Thank you,” I say, looking down at her as she bats her eyelashes at me. “It means a lot to me.”

  “Is something wrong, Master?” she asks, her eyes worried.

  “No,” I lie, accompanying it with a smile. “Everything is fine.”

  Nothing will be fine when she finds out what deal I made.


  Two days later

  I hesitate to knock on her door when I see her gleefully reading through one of the books I gave her, but before I can change my mind, she’s already spotted me.

  “Master Marcus.” Her cheerful voice makes me smile, but it immediately disappears again when I remember the purpose of this intrusion.

  “Do you have a few minutes to spare for me?”

  “All of it is yours,” she says, closing the book and sitting up on the bed. “What do you need from me? I’m at your disposal.”

  “I want to ask you something,” I say, stepping into her room. “But I don’t want you to freak out.”

  “Ask me anything, Master,” she says.

  I pull out a small box that I was carrying behind my back and show it to her. “I want you to wear this for me tonight.”

  Her neck stretches as she peeks up at what’s inside the box. “Is that …”

  “A butt plug,” I say.

  Her lip tremors, and I already regret asking her. “It’s okay if you say no.”

  “I will do it,” she says, sucking in a breath. “For you.”

  My heart feels heavy. Why must she always agree with me? Can’t she give me a reason not to use her? Can’t she for once fight me on something?

  I frown. “It will be uncomfortable.”

  “I know. I’ve worn one before.”

  “Did you do it because you wanted to?” I ask, sitting down beside her on her bed.

  “My Master wanted it inside my ass as an adornment, so he put it in me.”

  “He didn’t even ask …” I say with a sigh.

  “No … but you did,” she says, smiling up at me.

  “Doesn’t make it okay if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to if it pleases you, Master.”

  She makes it so easy. All the fucking time.

  I should say no. For her sake.

  But then again … not doing this means even more pain for her.

  “Lean against your desk,” I say, pointing at it in the corner.

  She stands and walks to it, bending over as I told her to. She listens so well … too well.

  It’ll end up being her undoing. And mine.

  I get up and position myself behind her. Carefully, I slide up her little black dress, exposing her panties. I hook my finger underneath them and peel them away until her ass is bare.

  “Stay here,” I say.

  I go to my room to grab some lube from my nightstand. When I’m back, she’s still bent over the desk, head buried between her arms as if she’s done this many times before.

  She probably has, so I keep telling myself that this time is different. This time, someone asked her permission before taking advantage of her.

  I squirt some of the lube over my finger, coating it thoroughly, after which I slide it over her puckered hole.

  “This might hurt a bit,” I say. “But know that it’s for my pleasure.”

  I’ll give her the satisfaction of doing something for me, so I’ll be the only one to feel the pang of guilt.

  Her puckered hole allows me entry with ease as if it doesn’t hurt at all, but her fingers clenching the desk tell me otherwise. She persists without making a sound, breathing out slow breaths as I insert my finger into her asshole. I swirl it around, thrust in and out, and play with her for a little while.

  My cock twitches in my pants from delight, and the thought of pulling it out to jerk myself off over her beautiful ass flashes through my mind. Toying with her always makes my cock hard. But then I remember there’s much more to come, and I shouldn’t push her too much.

  When she’s sufficiently loose, I pull out my finger and lube up the butt plug, then place it at her entrance.

  “Relax,” I command.

  She glances at me while biting her lip, and then drops her head on the desk to accept her fate.

  She knows what’s coming, and just that look of surrender in her eyes makes me horny as fuck.

  Not yet, Marcus. Not yet. Your turn will come soon.

  I don’t know why this depravity turns me on so much.

  I should be revolted by my own desires, but I’m not.

  The only thing I can think of right now is how good my cock will feel as I thrust it up her ass.

  But I shouldn’t give in. Not now. Not when I can avoid it.

  She won’t survive otherwise.

  I push the toy inside, slowly easing it into her as a moan slips from her mouth. My cock twitches at the sound she makes.

  “All done,” I say, rubbing her ass.

  I lift up her panties and cover her ass again, sliding the black dress back to where it should be. Such a shame. She looked so nice.

  “Thank you, Master,” she murmurs as she lifts her head.

  “Don’t thank me for this,” I say. “You’ll regret it later.”

  I grab the bottle and make my way out.

  “Wait,” she says, and I glance over my shoulder at her. “Aren’t you going to play with me?” she asks, a confused look on her face.

  I smirk, realizing that perhaps she wants it just as much as I do.

  God, I’m such a sick bastard for even enjoying this.

  “Soon, Ava. Soon.”


  Later that night

  When the first guests arrive, I know there’s no going back on my deal.

  Amelia came in to help with serving the guests, and she knows exactly what’s about to go down. It happened before, a long time ago, in a different house where she was serving for my predecessor when he was still the leader of the Tribunal. Except, now it’s my turn.

  Every single one of my guests brought someone to play with, and some even brought two. They sit on my couches and chairs, eating my food and drinking my alcohol while laughing and chatting. Some are playing with each other, fondling, touching each other everywhere. Most of them have luxurious outfits on with masks to cover their identity. Not that it’s needed. We’re all part of the same company anyway, and it doesn’t change the fact that this is debauchery in its ultimate form.

  This is what The Lady wanted. Not just any party … a sex party.

  In my goddamn house.

  Sultry music plays and people are dancing to the music as they are dry humping each other, fucking with clothes on in a room full of people. Someone almost knocks over a bowl filled with punch. I’m glad I removed my valuable items from the room, but I still feel disgusted knowing what they are doing.

  And I agreed to it, for God’s sake.

  I’ve lost my mind, but then again, I had no other choice.

  I must have him.

  When The Lady arrives with her guest, I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing it’ll all be over soon. Just one night, one evening of luscious, uncontrolled, animalistic partying, and it’s done.

  She’s wearing an exposing gown, her voluptuous breasts almost spilling from the top. If I didn’t know she was rotten to the core, I might have thought she looked pretty.

  “Evening,” I say, as she lets the guy next to her take her coat.

  “Evening, Marcus. So glad you decided to go ahead with the party,” she says, smiling deviously.

  Her guest, number five-eight-six-two, stands beside her, head down, completely silent. He doesn’t make eye contact with anyone and doesn’t move unless she does.

  “You trained him well,” I say, nodding at the boy.

  “Yes, I think so too. What do you think, boy?” she asks.

  “Yes, Mistress. You trained me to be perfect,” he says softly as if speaking isn’t even allowed, despite the fact she asked him a question.

  “Go on, grab me a drink.” She taps him on the back and he immediately scuffles off. My eyes follow him as he steadily walks toward the punch bowl, his muscular features quite outspoken. It surprises me he’s this docile.

  “Beautiful, don’t you think?” The Lady muses and she readjusts the position of her red, ribbon-laced mask.

  I turn my head toward her again. “I can see why you like him.”

  “Oh, I don’t ‘like-like’ him. But he has a hot bod and a mind like no other.”


  “Yeah, he’s quite the protector, you know …” She raises a brow as if it should impress me. It doesn’t, but I play along anyway.

  “Very good,” I say.

  “I can totally understand why you’d want to buy him,” she says, eyeing his ass.

  “Hmm … yeah, well, that’s why you brought him here,” I say.

  Her eyes narrow briefly. “Not so quick, Marcus. Let’s enjoy the party first, shall we?”

  I slam my lips together and nod. “Right.”

  She grabs the drink right out of his hand as he comes back. “I’m so thirsty,” she muses, looking at his lips which seem chapped. “Aren’t you thirsty too?”

  “Yes, Mistress. Very,” he says.

  “Hmm … maybe I’ll let you have a sip later.” She grins as if it’s some sort of cruel joke. I’m struggling to keep a straight face … and not to punch her in hers.

  “So … where’s your girl?” she asks me.


  “Well, she must be done sometime. Can’t you bring her out? I’m here. Why not get the party started?”

  My nostrils flare. “Fine. I’ll bring her out in a minute.”

  She cocks her head. “Good.”

  It sounds more like a threat. Like she’ll cancel the agreement if I don’t do what she wants. And that’s the last thing I want to happen.

  “Go on then, you go get her. I’ll get the crowd going.” She grabs his hand as if he’s her boy toy and tugs him along. “I love this song. Let’s dance.”

  She jazzes off, sensually seducing the boy on the dance floor, touching him in all sorts of ways. And the worst part of it all is that he’s probably convinced himself that he likes it. It’s sick. It’s twisted. Perverted. And now, I’m playing along with the same fucking game.

  As a waiter passes me, I grab two glasses of pure vodka from his tray and gulp them down one by one. The heat that passes through my esophagus provides a much-needed boost of vigor as I go to Ava’s room.

  When I open her door, her sexy outfit is the first thing I see. And fuck me. It is hot. Pantyhose lined with lace strapped to a tiny thong, and a black corset that barely covers her nipples. She looks ravaging. Edible. Like a fuck-toy. Something I shouldn’t see her as but can’t deny I do.

  The only thing that goes through my mind right now is that I want to fuck her. Badly.

  And it makes me a beast. Something I regret more and more as her eyes spot me and the flush creeps onto her cheeks.

  What am I doing?

  I force myself to gaze at the scars on her body, reminding myself that even though I didn’t put them there, I’m part of the problem.

  “Yes, Master Marcus?” she asks.

  Even now, with her sexy outfit and her red flush, she’s still submissive. My plug is still in her ass at this very moment and she doesn’t seem to care. Not even the slightest bit. It’s as if nothing else matters to her other than pleasing me.

  So why am I even thinking about this?

  “Are you ready?” I ask.

  There’s no turning back anyway. What’s done is done.

  “Yes, Master. Can I ask … what’s happening out there?”

  I haven’t told her who’s coming and why. She just knows I have guests and that she was supposed to stay here until I came to get her. Which is now.

  “I’m having a party. A very … special party.”

  “Oh …” She smiles. “Well, whatever you need, I’m at your disposal.”

  I grab her hand. “I want you to come with me.”

  “Right. Of course, Master.” She nods, and I smile back at her.

  “You know … you look gorgeous in that,” I say.

  “Thank you, Master. You picked out the best.”

  I wish I hadn’t.

  I wish she didn’t look this good.

  And I wish I wasn’t so goddamn turned on by her right now, but I am.

  “Do you know why you were asked to dress this way?” I ask as I pull her out of the room.

  “No, but I assume it’s for the party. Maybe everyone is dressing up. Would you like me to assist with serving?”

  “No,” I say. “But you are right. It is for the party.”

  I pull her with me through the hall
and closer to the music. Closer to her fate.

  When the doors open, her eyes widen and focus on all the people in the room that are dancing … and fucking.

  She freezes.

  She doesn’t need to say anything.

  I know what she’s thinking. I can see it in her eyes.

  So when I say these next words, I know she’ll probably despise me for the rest of the evening … if not forever. “Welcome to the party. You’re the special guest … the one everyone’s been waiting for.”



  These people … they’re having sex and dancing or having sex while dancing. It’s crazy, and I didn’t think it was possible to see something like this ever again, but it’s happening right in front of my very own eyes.

  “A sex party?” I mumble.

  “Shh …” He places a finger on my lips and pulls me closer toward him, clasping his arms around me. “It’s okay.”

  “What … why?” I mumble gazing up at him with a confused look in my eyes.

  “Yes, it’s a sex party. Don’t feel ashamed. It’s okay to look. Everyone here is enjoying themselves,” he murmurs.

  “I …” I don’t even know how to respond. I feel like I’m violating someone else’s privacy. Like I should apologize to everyone and try not to look. But I can’t stop looking at all the hot bodies—twisting, turning, melding together, sweat mixing with juices in one hot orgy.

  “Didn’t your former master used to do this?” he asks, slowly inching backward with me in his arms.

  “Yes,” I whimper. “But I thought … I thought …”

  “You thought I wouldn’t like these parties?” he says.

  My body shakes. “Yes.” I hate to admit it, but it’s the truth, and my Master would want me to speak the truth.

  “Don’t be scared,” he whispers close to my ear, and then he plants a kiss on my neck. “Nothing will happen to you. I’m here and I won’t leave your side. No one will hurt you. There’s only me.”

  He pulls me into the crowd, and people look at me as if I’m the star of the show.


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