Love Me With Fury

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Love Me With Fury Page 22

by Janelle Taylor

  Alex cried for hours. She envisioned Stephen in the arms of another woman. She cursed him and swore vengeance upon his head. If she only knew what that code said, she might tell him in hopes he would release her.

  As she lay there, a daring plan came to mind. She hurried to his clothes chest and withdrew a pair of tight black knee breeches and a white shirt. She quickly put them on. Since they were close to shore, she could jump off the ship and swim to safety and freedom. She would go to the authorities and give them some tale about escaping from ruthless pirates. She would tell them about her uncle and surely they would send her to him.

  Dressed in Stephen’s baggy garments, she knocked on the door until a man came to answer it. “What’cha need, ma’am?”

  “I fell. I think my arm is broken. Is there a doctor on the ship?” Just as she hoped, he opened the door and came to check on her. Before he caught her deception, she landed a heavy blow to his head with a paperweight.

  Alex struggled to pull his body inside to prevent anyone from seeing it. She stuffed the money from Stephen’s desk into a pocket and concealed her flowing mane of gold beneath a black bandanna. She eased the door open and looked out. All was quiet. Terror filled her as the steps creaked beneath her footsteps. Still, she bravely continued her plans.

  The door to the deck was open. With only a quarter moon, it was very dark. She strained to see if anyone was about. She tensed. There was a man on guard near the bow. He was leaning against the rail, staring in the other direction. She glanced at the rail nearest her and calculated the distance to it. She was agile and light. She could doubtlessly make it before he could reach her. Her only drawback was the distance to the water. How soon could he sound the alarm if she was sighted? How quickly could they pursue her?

  She soundlessly made her way across the wooden deck to the rail and looked down. The water was a long way off. White waves could be sighted lapping against the hull of the ship. It was now or never. She had already gone too far to turn back now. She summoned her courage and placed her leg over the side. Throwing the other one over, she momentarily hesitated as she sat upon the wooden barrier to her freedom. Should she dive or just drop in?

  The ship lurched suddenly and her decision was made for her. Feet first, Alex struck the water with force. Alarmed, she struggled to regain the surface. Finally, she rose to the top and struck out for the shore.

  She didn’t realize she had cried out as she was tossed from the rail into the deep water. The man came running over to see what had happened. Her scarf gone, shimmers of golden hair reflected the moon’s light as she swam toward shore. He called out to her, but she ignored him. Alarmed at discovery, Alex increased her speed. He shouted again, but the shore was near.

  Nearly breathless, her feet touched bottom. She fought the pull of the water against her slender body and saturated clothes and staggered toward the shadowy beach. At last, she was standing upon dry ground. She sank to it to catch her wind. She had made it this far. Yet, she needed to conceal herself before they could pursue her.

  She forced herself to her feet and raced toward the woods. As she passed the first large tree, a hand snaked out and grabbed her. She screamed and fought with this unseen villain who was hindering her progress.

  “What do we have here?” the stirring voice of Joshua Steele taunted. “A mermaid escaped from the sea and her master?” he teased.

  “You! You said you would be gone all night,” she shrieked, trapped in the iron confines of his arms.

  “I changed my mind,” he lazily stated. “I discovered you’re far more satisfying than most females.”

  “Let me go. I’m getting your clothes all wet,” she foolishly ranted.

  Tugging at his stolen shirt, he roguishly concluded, “Both sets from the looks of it. Just where did you think you were going?”

  “I don’t know, just out of your reach!”

  “You could have been injured jumping off my ship. Not to mention eaten by sharks.”

  “Sharks?” she fearfully stammered. “You mean there’re sharks here?”

  “Plenty of them,” he lied most convincingly. “I’m surprised they missed a delectable piece of meat like you.”

  Alex nervously glanced out across the darkened waters. She hadn’t even considered that danger when she planned her daring flight.

  “What should I do about you, Angel?” he devilishly teased her.

  “Let me go,” she instantly answered. “Please, Stephen…”

  He looked up to see a small boat heading their way from his ship. “It seems you saved me the trouble of signalling my ship. My men are hot on your trail now.” He motioned to the boat about to beach. Noticing the way his white shirt clung to her wet body, he removed his jacket and ordered her to put it on. “You leave little to the imagination, love. I wouldn’t want you to tempt my crew. It’s been a long time between shore leaves.” Roguish deviltry sparkled in his sapphire eyes.

  Her eyes flew to the revealing condition of the shirt. She gasped and picked at the material to conceal her breasts from his laughing eyes. She quickly slipped into his proffered jacket and held the sides tightly together. “It’ll be ruined,” she stated apologetically. “Thank you, Stephen,” she added softly.

  “Your manners never cease to amaze me, Angelique. You were well trained, love,” he complimented her in an insulting tone.

  Two men came forward, their expressions sheepish. “Sorry, Capt’n. But I didn’t see her in time to stop her. We came as quickly as we could.”

  “Doesn’t matter, Tom. Angel’s a sly and daring vixen. Let’s get back to the ship. We sail at dawn.”

  “We can’t!” she wailed. “Please, Josh, let me stay here.”

  “I’m almost tempted to let you. But it isn’t safe. You’ll come with me until I say you can go home.”

  What little moonlight there was seemed to play in her wet locks, and Spencer gently reached out to wipe the beads of moisture from her nose and chin. She pondered the tenderness in his expression and touch. If he was furious with her, he certainly didn’t act like it. Yet, his keen mind seemed to be on some disturbing topic.

  She smiled as she realized he had not spent the night with that female he had mentioned earlier. “Do I detect some amusement about something?”

  “I was just thinking you came home mighty early,” she flippantly hinted.

  “I did, didn’t I?” he murmured, alertly catching her insinuation. “Were you looking for me?” he jested, an arresting grin upon his sensual lips.

  “Naturally. I can’t afford to allow some other woman to take my place.”

  “You’re a brazen flirt, Angelique. Come along, my slimy siren.” He grasped her hand to lead her to the waiting boat.

  “Ouch!” she cried out, leaning over as if she had something in her foot. She rubbed it, eying him from beneath her trailing hair. While he waited patiently for her to solve her problem, he turned away to scan the horizon. Too much was happening too fast to suit him.

  She rashly grabbed his ankles and tripped him, then ran for the cover of the trees. The sand slowed her progress, as did her wet and baggy garments. Spencer was upon her in an instant, throwing them both to the ground. A struggle followed. With little exertion, he had her pinned to the gritty surface beneath her.

  “That was a foolish thing to do!” he snarled at her, glaring down into her defiant features.

  “I won’t let you take me back to your ship! I’ll scream until someone comes to help me,” she threatened.

  With a few swift moves, she was gagged and bound, his belt surrounding and immobilizing her arms. Alex squirmed in the sand, but Spencer only laughed. He lifted her and tossed her over his powerful shoulders and calmly walked to the boat. His two men couldn’t suppress their grins at this humorous sight. Spencer captured her feet and pinned them against his chest to prevent her from kicking him in the groin, which is what she appeared to be trying to do. What a little she-cat to tame!

  He settled himself in the forwar
d section and placed her in his lap. The craft was shoved into the water and they headed for the ship. With Alex dangling over his shoulder, he agilely climped the rope ladder to the deck. He placed her bare feet upon the wooden surface and chuckled in amusement. Alex angrily twisted her shoulder to slam into his rumbling chest. The stalwart captain imprisoned her against him, taunting, “What a little she-cat you are.”

  He lifted her in his arms and strolled off, whistling merrily. He called over his shoulder, “Back to your duties, men; the fun’s over for now.”

  They encountered Tully, the ship’s cook, along their way. Spencer ordered, “Tully, send a tub and some water to my cabin. I have a slimy fish to bathe.”

  Tully laughed heartily and went to comply. Once inside his cabin, Spencer sat Alex down in a chair. “You’re a lot of trouble for such a little package. Sit still before my temper gets out of hand.” Following a knock on his door, Spencer went to let Tully inside with the tub. “It’ll take a while to warm some water, Capt’n.”

  “No need, Tully. Bring it on now,” he indifferently commanded.

  Alex sat there wide-eyed as cool water was hauled in and the tub filled. What was this fiend up to now? When the men left and Spencer cautiously locked his cabin door, he came toward her and pulled her to her feet. Her curses were muffled by the gag which she still wore.

  He undid the belt and let it drop to the floor. He forcefully pulled the shirt over her head as she wiggled to get free. The thin camisole quickly followed it. She clutched her small hands over her breasts in embarrassment. Outraged, she had no choice but to move one to yank the gag off. As she did so, Spencer practically ripped the pants from her slender body. Her hands struck out at him to prevent the removal of her last garment.

  His greater size and strength were no match for hers. One hand over her bosom and one before her most private region, she stood trembling naked before his leering gaze. “You’ll pay dearly for this insult!”

  “You’ll pay, love, for trying to make a complete fool of me! When I give orders, I expect them to be obeyed,” he revealed his tightly leashed anger for the first time.

  He picked her up and promptly deposited her in the tub. “I don’t want sand and salt in my bed. You’re prickly enough.”

  He took the washcloth and soap and began to scrub her, none too gently. “Ouch! You’re hurting me! Stop it!” she protested as he laughed and worked on.

  When her head and body were to his liking, Spencer seized Alex from the tub and began to dry her off. “I’m not a child, Steele! I can do it myself!”

  “But I prefer to do it, love. I’ve never washed a mermaid before—and a man should do everything once!”

  “Stephen! You’ll regret this unforgivable insult! My father will see you flogged and hanged!”

  “Who is this all-powerful father?” he snapped, hoping to trick her.

  “He’s…none of your business!” she halted just in time.

  Her hair settled around her shoulders, making her a wild and alluring creature. Her flesh was pink from his intense scrubbing. “Get into bed,” he commanded harshly.

  “No!” she rebelliously declared.

  In no mood to argue, Spencer seized her and threw her onto the bunk.

  To hide her nudity and humiliation, Alex quickly scrambled beneath the covers. What else could she do? He stripped naked and joined her. To her surprise, he turned his back to her as if to go to sleep!

  Irritated with the perilous turn in events, Spencer punched his pillow several times to vent some anger. His keen mind flickered back to his previous meeting with Madison and other officials. He had fully intended to tell them about Angelique but hadn’t, for some strange reason. Maybe it had to do with the fates of those other spies captured. After hearing about their tortures and executions, he couldn’t bring himself to turn this lovely girl over to those headstrong men. The mere fact she knew his identity made her a deadly risk to all of them, or so he used that logical excuse to keep silent.

  He had been tempted to send her to his plantation, but thought more wisely of that idea too. He couldn’t trust this mysterious piece of fluff! His mind was in a turmoil; it was dangerous to keep her aboard, but just as perilous to release her. If only she would confide in him, his decision would be easier.

  The war was a fact now. The American fleet had put to sea this very day. He went over the list given to him by Madison: Rodgers on the President, Smith on the Congress, Decatur on the United States, St. Clair on the Argus, and Hull on the Constitution. What a measly force to send out against the mighty Royal Navy! But for these captains and a few trusted officials, no one knew the Black Mist was in the employ of the United States government.

  Considering the British fleet already in this area, the open seas were dangerous. That last dispatch Spencer had taken from Thackery was a real gem. Madison was pleased to have a partial list of the British ships dogging the coast. There wasn’t too much concern with the African, Aeolus, Nautiles, and Shannon; but the Belvidera and the Guerriere were definitely ships to be reckoned with. The build-up around the northern border and Great Lakes didn’t sit well with any American.

  Spencer wondered why Madison was ignoring Andy Jackson’s offer of assistance in the southern areas. A man of his courage and skill should be used to their advantage. Perhaps political rivalry was at the bottom of it. If Mathews and his group were forced to leave the Florida territory, someone needed to guard the southern borders. It was too bad Mathews, Campbell, and the others had arrogantly and aggressively overstepped their orders and infuriated the Spanish government.

  In light of the letters from Russia from Adams, things didn’t look good over there either. Napoleon was pushing too hard. With the Russians and other countries joining England to battle him, they could make a quick finish of the infamous pirate. In that case, England would have more men and supplies to attack America. No matter, Spencer still couldn’t pray for Napoleon to keep the English busy in Europe.

  Spencer recalled his argument with Madison. Was the President so certain the Black Mist would be of more help than the Wandering Siren? If Madison wanted him to continue as before, he had no choice. In this role, he did secure an awful lot of vital information. So he would do as requested; he would sail up and down the American coast acting the part of a greedy and daring privateer…

  But what about Angelique? Madison had found the petticoat of great intrigue, but no one could imagine what the curious code meant. He planned to turn it over to his best agent to decipher. Spencer was unsettled at having to lie to Madison about where he had obtained it. From the look on Madison’s face, he had suspected Spencer was deceiving him. Why he had allowed this odd situation to go unquestioned, Spencer couldn’t venture a guess.

  “You awake, Angel?” he asked, turning toward her.

  She tensed, but did not reply. “What will it take to win your trust and help?” he went on, knowing she was listening. “I gave the Americans the petticoat, but they couldn’t make heads, or tails out of it. They wanted to know where I got it.”

  “What did you tell them?” she asked in a tremulous tone.

  “I didn’t turn you in, if that’s what you mean. The last two spies were tortured and executed. I thought I’d give you another chance to comply before…” He didn’t complete his threat.

  She remained silent, relieved they couldn’t read the messages.

  “The war’s getting nasty, love. I can’t hold you here forever, but I can’t free you either. What should I do about you?”

  “You have the petticoat, my jewels, and my vow of silence. What more can I offer?” she sadly inquired.

  “I need information,” came the demand she knew by heart.

  She sat up, holding the covers before her. “I can’t, Stephen.”

  “Damnit, Angel! I don’t want to be responsible for your hanging!”

  “Then take me home and forget you ever met me,” she pleaded.

  “I own property in America and I plan to settle there o
ne day. I can’t permit England to win this war. If those codes mean what I think, they outline our defenses. If it comes to a choice between you and my country…”

  “I see,” she murmured, her voice shaky. “I can’t read the code, Stephen, but I can swear it is about business. My uncle is American and my father English. Neither would betray his homeland. With all my heart, I know that to be true,” she fervently vowed.

  “One or the other is a spy, love. Don’t be so naive, Angel. They’re using you and you’re too blind to see it,” he harshly retorted.

  “You’re wrong! They love me and only want what’s best for me. If the messages were dangerous, they wouldn’t have asked me to carry them,” she heatedly argued.

  “In light of your present circumstances, you don’t consider them dangerous? You don’t find it suspicious you were told to dispose of them in case of trouble? If your father’s in England, I can’t touch him. Why risk your life to cover for him?”

  “You came there once before! Are you forgetting how we met?”

  “For as long as I live, I’ll never forget that day,” he murmured softly.

  “Nor will I,” she snapped.

  He smiled in secret pleasure. To disarm her, he tenderly asked, “We’re caught in the middle, aren’t we? I didn’t expect to ever see you again, but surely not under these conditions. I wish it weren’t so, love.”

  “Does it have to be this way, Stephen? Do I mean nothing but profit to you?” she wretchedly challenged.

  “If that were true, you wouldn’t be here now. I want to protect you, love, but you make it impossible.”

  “Would you really turn me over to the colonial authorities? If you don’t believe me, they never will. Nothing has gone right since I met you.”

  “Good. At least you’re as miserable as I am. It’s bad to want something and can’t have it. If matters were different, I’d take you home with me right now.”

  Stunned, she asked, “Would you really?”

  “In a minute! You’re a breath of fresh and invigorating air, Angel. I’ve never met a woman like you. Frankly, you irritate the hell out of me.”


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