Bossed: A Steamy Office Romance

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Bossed: A Steamy Office Romance Page 19

by Kate Gilead

  Slowly, I get a hold of myself, edging my imminent orgasm back under my control.

  Now, I push and thrust myself as far into her as I can go, barely aware that I’m grunting like a beast, my cock intent upon delivering the same intense sensory pleasure to her, that her body bestows so generously on me.

  Her lips are pulled back from her teeth as I grind and hammer her, making her flesh jiggle and jump, her eyes flutter closed and her pussy tighten around my cock.

  She’s about to come. I put my thumb between our bodies and find her hard little button. Spreading my hand against her belly, I press the side of her clit as I thrust, using hard, short movements that make her gasp and moan.

  I grind into her, watching her face, feeling her clit throbbing under my thumb. The intimate, delicate pulsations of her tunnel shiver around and stroke my cock with exquisite sensation.

  Her pussy tightens, and then loosens, and her belly flutters under my hand.

  “Oh yeah, baby,” I whisper encouragingly. “Come on. Come for me, gorgeous. Come for me, yeah….yeah…”

  “Uuhhh,” she moans, her voice rising, “ohhh god….uhhh…god oh god…” and now her voice is a sob, so breathy and sweet, so hot and erotic, and her channel tightens on my cock, then lets go and then tightens hard again, and again, and again, and her voice rises from a breathy whisper into a scream as I massage her pleasure centres from within and without.

  “Uuhhh!!! Uhhhhh!” Yeah, oh yeah, it’s a good one, such a good one, her pussy squeezing my dick so tightly, over and over, the rocking of her hips punctuated by her sobbing cries and the raking of her fingernails on my straining ass.

  And, now, finally, I let go, and my own orgasm ignites. My movements still as my load rockets upwards, an unstoppable force, tearing through my cock, blinding me with such pleasure that my eyes squeeze shut and a hoarse, primordial roar erupts from my chest like thunder.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Afterwards, we put the desk lamp on its lowest setting to provide soft, low lighting and then we lay in bed, naked. Cuddling, talking and just taking each other in.

  It’s our first time together in an actual bed, and it’s lovely.

  I’m too excited to fall asleep. And apparently, so is Blake.

  Feels like I’m in some kind of ecstasy, an almost dreamy state where I can feel everything as if I’m more alive than alive.

  It’s as if I can see, hear, and feel everything with preternatural clarity. The edges of my skin almost seem to blend or merge with Blake’s, at every place where our bodies are touching under the sheets.

  His long, muscular legs entwined with mine are like silk-encased marble; the downy hairs on his legs against my naked skin feel softer than velvet somehow.

  My ear, resting against his sculpted chest, picks up all the sounds of his body; from the steady thump-thump of his heart to the small rumblings and creaks of any human body at rest.

  One of his arms is curled around me, that hand stroking my skin; or making little circles with the tips of his fingers; or playing with a lock of my hair.

  He has hold of my free hand with his. Now, he’s feeling the outer shape of my hand; now, taking each of my fingers between his thumb and forefinger, restlessly tracing their length, from palm to nail; now, running the edge of each of my fingernails over the ball of his thumb.

  He can’t seem to stop kissing my head. And I can’t seem to stop kissing his chest, or whatever part of him is in reach at that moment.

  I’m head-over-heels in love with Blake and there’s no point in pretending otherwise. It’s on the tip of my tongue, and I want to say it. I’m dying to say it, to shout it, but I want him to say it first. It seems important to me that he does.

  I am not sure why, because I already know that he feels the same way. It’s in the way he touches me, and kisses me, the way he’s so magnanimous and generous with me, and the newly careful way he talks to me, making sure not to be too crusty with me.

  And it’s in the hopeful edge in his voice when he asks if I’ve ever thought about marriage, and children.

  “When I was growing up, that’s all I thought about,” I reply. “I never dreamed about having a job or career. I just wanted to be a wife and a mother.”

  “But your mother worked. Don’t little girls usually want to follow in their mother’s footsteps?”

  “Yes, I suppose. But Mom didn’t start her career until I began school. Maybe that had something to do with it, I don’t know. I just know that I always saw myself with a handful of kids.”

  “Me too. I’m an only child like you, and I think that’s why I wanted a big family. You think maybe it’s the same for you?

  “I think it has a lot to do with it, yep.”

  We both lay quietly for a long moment. “Jennifer,” he says. “I’ve waited a long time for the right woman. I was about ready to give up, I think. Just settle for being single, forever.”

  I say nothing.

  “Then I met you. I know it might seem early still. I know we need to get to know each other better. But…”

  He stops, and pulls a little away from me. His big hand lifts my chin so that I’m looking into his face. He smiles, places his palm flat against the side of my face and caresses my cheekbone with his thumb.

  “Jennifer…I’m in love with you.”

  Ahhhhh… oh my gosh! His words, so simple, direct, and forthright, make my heart leap, and race, and sing.

  In his expression I see…vulnerability. Maybe a tinge of fear.

  But also…trust. And hope. And yes….love.

  His handsome face blurs as tears well up in my eyes. “I love you too, Blake.”

  We kiss, then he cuddles my head against his chest, but not before I spot the sparkle of a tear in one of his own beautiful, clear eyes.

  I pretend I don’t see it.

  He adjusts his pillow, and turns his body more towards me, pushing one of his legs between mine and curling his big, beefy arms around me protectively.

  I snuggle against him with a contented sigh.

  We lay like that for a long time, just breathing together.

  “You still awake?” he whispers, after a while.


  “You know that Angel is planning to stay here permanently, right?”

  “That’s what Mom said, before I left for Brenda’s tonight. Hey, that reminds me. I didn’t tell you…”

  “Just a sec. Let me finish, okay sweetie? It’s important. Angel says he’s tired of LA and that whole scene out there. But he’d’ve stayed if I was planning on going back.”


  He explains his relationship with Angel, how they met, how close they are and how they were each other’s only family out West.

  “And so, I was planning to go back…until I met you.”

  My heart skips a beat. I press my face against his arm and say nothing.

  “Tonight, at your Mom’s, we talked about what he might do, and…”

  “And now my Mom knows more about your plans than I do?”

  “Sweetie? I’m trying to fill you in.” He glares at me in joking exasperation.

  “Yes, okay. Sorry.”

  “Geez, woman. Have some patience! Anyway. It couldn’t be helped. Angel took a shine to your Mom and blabbered his whole life story to her. And mine, pretty much. Including, things I’ve said to him about you.”

  “And what did you say to him about me?”

  “Can’t you guess?” he teases, pinching my nipple ever so lightly.

  “Yes but I want you to tell me!” I squirm, his touch making my pussy throb.

  “That I’m smitten with you and that I think you’re the one.” His eyes twinkle but he keeps talking. “Which is basically what I told your mom myself when I met her anyway. However, Angel is moving even faster than me. He’s going to be staying at your place until he sells his house in LA and buys something here.”

  He thinks I’m the one! He thinks I’m the one! He slip
ped that in there casually then tried to cover it up by talking about Angel.

  But I heard it!

  I heard it and my heart just jumped straight into third gear.

  I keep my cool outwardly but inwardly, I’m leaping through a flower-filled meadow surrounded by rainbows and butterflies, as triumphant music plays and fireworks shoot through the sky.

  “Oh? Okay,” I say, trying to play it as casual as he is. “Right before I left for Brenda’s, Mom asked me if I’d mind if she offered him the spare room. So, obviously, she went ahead and offered it.”

  “Uh huh. By the time I left, it was very apparent that she likes Angel too. So…fair warning. If early indicators hold true, your mom might have a beau now.”

  “Wow!” Mom has a beau and it’s my boyfriend’s cousin. A relative with whom he has a very close and warm relationship. Geez! “I’m not sure how to feel about that. I…I know she’s paid her dues. She’s grieved and been alone for a long time now. And I want her to be happy. But, I suppose…I’ll need a little time to get used to the idea.”

  “Okay. But, you know that she needs to move on, sooner or later.” He’s watching me under half-closed eyelids.

  “Yep. Yes, I do. And it’s about time. Mom deserves to be happy. It’s just that…I never expected it to be someone who’s…well, a relative of my boyfriend.”

  “Course,” he says, offering a reassuring smile. “This whole thing is pretty strange. But like they say, truth is stranger than fiction.” He grins from ear to ear. “And the truth is, Angel’s a pain in the ass, no question. I hope he doesn’t wear her out. But your mom seems like she has just the right amount of…I dunno. Intestinal fortitude, I guess, to deal with him. She’ll need it.”

  I laugh. “She definitely has guts, if that’s what you mean. And courage. And she knows how to handle a stubborn man. Your cousin may have met his match.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping! He might even let her be his personal care worker. He prefers a male worker to help him, but he no longer requires the same level of care he did at first so…she might fit the bill now.”

  “She can give any level of care he needs. She’s a nurse, you know, not just an aide.”

  “Yes but Angel’s a man and a man has his pride. He would not want a woman he’s trying to date to, you know….help him on the toilet, for example.”

  “Oh. Right. Of course.”

  “But mostly, he needs help with his physiotherapy and stuff like cooking and shopping. He’s still fairly wobbly. He hates to admit it, but he needs a full-time helper to stay close, for now. Just in case.”

  “He’ll have to hire someone, then. Mom still has a full-time case load of patients.”

  “Uhhh…that may have to change. Angel will want her exclusive attention.”

  “Well, Angel can’t have her exclusive attention, Blake. His contribution for room and board will help, but that won’t pay all the bills.”

  He stares at me, then a grin curves that saucy mouth of his.

  “What?” I say.

  He chuckles. “Hey, you hungry? I’m starving. Wanna get some room service?”

  I frown, wondering what that grin is all about. “Not really. I had a huge dinner. But you go ahead. So…what about expenses, Blake? Mom can’t quit her job.”

  He untangles his legs from mine and gets out of bed. “I know, but, she won’t have to work. Now, where’s that room service menu?”

  “Pardon? What did you say?”

  He opens a drawer, and then another, ignoring me.

  “Ah, here it is.” He brings the menu back to the bed. “What looks good? Oh, they serve breakfast around the clock here. I think I want breakfast, myself. Breakfast in bed!”

  “Blake,” I say. “Stop being mysterious. Mom has to work. Taking care of one patient won’t pay our bills, even if he’s paying rent as well. Come on.”

  “Three eggs, over easy, yeah! Texas toast, bacon…and sausage. And ham, too! Aaannnd….orange juice. That’s what I’m having. What’ll you have?”

  I take the menu from his hands, then throw it over my shoulder onto the floor. “I’ll have a boyfriend who isn’t a pain in the ass,” I say.

  He laughs. “Okay, okay. Your mom won’t have to work for anyone else besides Angel. Is that better?”

  “Ummm…no. Because her agency won’t allow that, first of all. She has to see more than one patient. She gets paid per call, so many minutes per visit, so many patients per day. That’s how it works.”

  “Jenny. Listen now. They still have to work out the details, but…your mom is considering taking a leave of absence from the agency. Angel is…he has the means to pay. Okay? He’s…self-made.” He grins again. “You’re familiar with the Angel Wing Rope Descending device?”

  He knows damn well I am. “Yeeesss…of course. Why?”

  “Years ago, Angel designed and patented it. He owns it. Well, we own it, together. ” He smiles devilishly, raising his brows.

  My jaw drops.

  Room service forgotten, I listen, gobsmacked, as Blake tells me the story of the Angel Wing Rope Descender. As a safety professional I’m well-versed in all fall protection products. In fact I’ve held many types of descenders in my hands, given demonstrations of their use in training seminars for our workers…with Blake standing right next to me.

  And until now, he never said a word.

  Now, he tells me that the world-wide annual sales of Angel Wing Descenders support Angel and himself in a very satisfactory fashion, even without his other investments and savings from his twenty-plus years of working.

  Turns out, Blake doesn’t even need to work anymore…for money. But he wants to, for other reasons. He wants to continue to put to use the training he received at college. He feels the need to continue to develop himself professionally.

  And he says that a man needs to work…for his own sense of masculinity, his own pride and self-confidence.

  And even though he doesn’t need it, the money from Delcroft was too good to turn down.

  “…just the proceeds from the sale of mine and Angel’s LA homes alone would probably cover three or four mortgages like the one on your mom’s house,” he finishes. “So…yeah. Your mom will have a case-load of one pain-in-the-ass old man from now on.”

  “Wow! I mean…wow! You…you sure can keep a secret when you want to, huh Blake?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t wanna think that you were after me for my money,” he grins.

  “And I wouldn’t want you to think that money is more important to me than who you are as a man and a human being.”

  “I know it isn’t, sweetie. I spent my adult years on the West Coast. You think I can’t smell a gold-digger from a mile away by now?”

  “Yes, no doubt you can.” And off course I understand why he’d keep his financial position to himself. “Besides, some secrets are better untold, especially if they can cause problems between people. Especially money. What if it…changes things? What if…oh! Secrets…that reminds me…I know all about Delcroft and their shenanigans. I know it’s not an accident that counterfeit goods are showing up on job sites across the state.”

  I tell him all about my conversation with Amanda.

  “So, Nick’s wife, and his sister, are both childhood friends of yours? Sheee-it! Small towns! I forgot how everyone knows everyone else.”

  I shrug, smiling.

  But now he’s looking at me seriously. “Listen to me Jenny. This could be a dangerous situation.”

  “So why didn’t you tell me? Try to warn me?” By now, I do know, but again…I want to hear him say it.

  He narrows his eyes, giving me a saucy look. Uh oh, looks like he’s onto me. “Because it’s none of your business?” His hand sneaks back to my breast and rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  I bite my lip but say nothing, just give him the old fish-eye. He chuckles.

  “Okay. Because I don’t want you getting hurt. Just in case something slips out to the wrong person. Besides, I do
n’t know exactly what’s going on, myself. So…better safe than sorry.”

  He leans forward and kisses me, softly, his tongue touching my lips fleetingly. Then he gives my other nipple the same loving attention.

  I shiver, my eyes half closing. He kisses me again, and then once more before leaning back and gazing at me with a half-smile.

  “Alright. Fair enough.” I sigh. “Also, Amanda offered me a job. Or, both of us, actually. They need a dedicated compliance staff at Bennett Contracting. She said she’d talk to Nick about it about it.”

  “Nick mentioned they were short-staffed during our meeting, yeah. But he didn’t say they were ready to hire.”

  “It sounded like they might have to hire people whether they’re ready or not.”

  “Hm,” he grunts noncommittally, running his hand down my arm. He lets his finger trail across my hip, then reaches back to my ass, giving it a squeeze. “I don’t know if I’d be interested, frankly. I’m not prepared to take another job just yet, in any case. I have to sort out my contract with Delcroft. And sell my house in LA and wrap up my life there.”

  He pulls me closer to him, and inserts his rambling hand between my legs. I lift my upper leg and crook my knee to give him access. The corners of his mouth quirk as he cups my pussy, finding me damp and getting damper.

  His middle finger pushes my labia apart and then inserts itself oh so gently. My eyes half-close as he makes delicious circles, rubbing his digit upwards, using my juices to slick and tease my hardening nub.

  “When do you plan to do all that?” I ask, rather breathlessly.

  My heart’s beginning to pound, not just with erotic arousal, but also, with a growing sense of joy.

  “Immediately.” His face is close to mine, his voice quiet and intense. He nuzzles me, and I nuzzle him back, rubbing our faces together like a couple of alley cats. “I want to start looking at properties here in Maple Mills. I need a place to live and that trailer isn’t going to cut it. In fact, I’m thinking of buying a big house, out in the country. Something family-sized.” He lays his head on mine. “You think you’d like to come look at houses with me?”


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