Aqua's Achilles

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Aqua's Achilles Page 7

by Kate Cambridge

Aqua realized that she was squeezing Blake’s hand and released it. He put his arm around her shoulders and she risked a glance. His eyes were dark and smoky as though he could read where her mind had gone. She hadn’t thought about the waterfall in a very long time, but as an adult, it helped her understood just how much he had cared her back then. Aqua had never met another guy like him since. Could it be possible they would rekindle their relationship? Aqua forced the notion out of her head—there’s no way. Things were different now.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” Blake asked. He leaned closer to his next question as he murmured the words. “Go somewhere quiet?” The second part sounded like a carnal growl. Clearly, he was a mind reader.

  Aqua’s heart pounded as she sensed the heat of his lips close to the curve of her neck. There were plenty of excuses she could have given— There were more items to bid on. She didn't want to seem rude by walking out. She'd had a long day. But instead, she said, “Yes, I'd like that,” before she could change her mind. She tipped her head to the side just enough that she could have kissed him if she wanted to, and she really wanted to, but she resisted. The anticipation was maddening.

  Blake smiled. “Let’s go.” He stood up, reaching for Aqua’s hand as he helped her to her feet. Blake kept his hand wrapped around hers as they walked toward the door. All eyes were on them until the transition to a new item up for the auction brought the eyes of the attendees back to the auctioneer.

  Aqua assumed Blake would take her to his car. Instead, he directed her down a path that was paved. It wound into the woods, which were thick and dark. A few minutes into their walk, she felt him tug at her hand. When she glanced in his direction, he spun her against his chest and gazed down into her eyes. His eyes looked dark blue with an occasional flicker of white when the moonlight broke through the thick foliage above them.

  “I can't pretend anymore, Aqua. All I can think about when I look at you is kissing you. I've tried to ignore it, but…” Blake brushed a lonesome strand of hair away from her face with a gentle touch. She shivered. “I don't want us to be just friends.”

  The heat that traveled through Aqua was intense. It was as if ten years hadn't passed, and he was that boy and she that girl, leaning in for their very first kiss. She was just as nervous and just as excited as she had been back then. Blake was here again and ready for the taking. All I have to do is lean forward and taste him. Will it still feel the same after all of these years?

  Yes, screamed a voice in Aqua’s head. Even better. The silk of Blake’s lips caused her heart to race. The graze of his tongue against hers made her knees weak with desire. Crickets chirped their approval as they continued to kiss under the moonlight that barely managed to squeeze its way through the umbrella of treetops all around them.

  A soft sigh escaped Blake’s lips as he finally drew back and cupped her face, his eyes explored every inch and then settled on her eyes. A zing ran through her core—was this real? He parted his lips as if he might say something, but before he could speak, Aqua drew him into another kiss. Soft laughter passed between them as they stumbled between kisses and breaths.

  “Wow.” Aqua rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  “Yeah, that about sums it up well.” Blake rested his chin on the top of her head as he held her close with his arms around her body. Blake seemed to drink the moment in like a man taking his last breath. “I didn't think it was possible,” he said in a muffled tone.

  “What?” Aqua moved back, her eyes curious.

  “That ten years could just disappear like that.” Blake closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, she could see the blistering heat in them. “Aqua, I don't want to scare you off, but what I'm feeling, it's… nothing like what I've ever felt with anyone else, ever, and believe me, I’ve tried.”

  Aqua smiled, but just as quickly she felt an ache. As hard as she tried, she would never fully understand what it must have been like for him to be rejected by her parents, and for ten years never even know that they hadn’t told her he’d come to propose to her. Sadness transitioned to guilt; although she’d desperately missed him at first, she definitely hadn’t pined for him as he clearly had for her. Pushing the guilt to the recesses of her mind, Aqua smiled and tilted her head forward to kiss the corner of his mouth. “I feel it, too, Blake.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes.” Aqua frowned. “I am just so sorry that I didn’t see it earlier. I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like for you…” She paused as her earlier feelings of guilt rose to the surface.

  Blake placed his hand on her lips and planted a kiss on her forehead. He kept his lips there for what seemed like an age. Both basking in the intimacy that Aqua had denied them for so long. “Your dad once told me something. In retrospect, it was some of the best advice I ever got.” Blake lowered his head so that he could look into Aqua’s eyes.

  “Really? My Dad? What?”

  “He said that if it was true love, it would find its way in its own time and that it couldn't be rushed.” Blake took a deep breath as the memories of old threatened to consume him whole.

  “He said that after you turned up at our house with the ring, right?” Aqua’s lips quivered.

  “Yeah…” Blake sighed. “He told you, huh?”

  “Yeah. He told me.”

  “As you can see, I waited.”

  Aqua burst into laughter. It was such a relief to finally feel relaxed with Blake. Ever since arriving back in Burnt River, her emotions had been in turmoil, her mind constantly analyzing things, because some habits died hard.

  “I’m so glad you did. I regret that I didn’t come sooner.”

  “You can’t rush what’s meant to be, Aqua.” Blake moved in and they kissed. This time, having found their rhythm, they were both completely absorbed in the moment. It was as if the years of forlorn kisses were hurled into this single embrace. It had both Aqua and Blake breathless as they broke apart.

  Trying to pace the searing heat that threatened to overwhelm her, Aqua wiped a strand of hair from her forehead. She moved her hands over his, savoring the feeling of skin on skin. “Blake, I can't say I expected… this. The way I feel when I am around you is even more intense than it was when we were in high school. I’ve missed you, I just didn’t realize how much. To be honest, I’m not even sure what to do with this, but I like it.” The corners of her mouth turned up as she waited for his response. His pupils flared, and she licked her lips.

  “I’ve missed you, too, Aqua.” Blake’s voice was husky and unwavering. “More than you know.”

  Chapter 11

  When Aqua arrived home that night, her heart was still pounding with a mixture of passion and exhilaration.

  She'd said goodnight to Blake at the auction and driven all the way home despite her desire to go to his place and prolong their time together. When she locked the door behind her, turning off the outside light, she found herself wishing that he would text her or call. Yet as much as she wanted him to, she also hoped he wouldn't.

  Things had become intense, very fast, maybe too fast, and it felt incredibly overwhelming. She wanted him. But she knew that desire and love were two different things. This time she didn’t want to confuse that.

  She'd already broken his heart once, and she didn't want to do it again. A thousand questions soared through her mind—all without answers. Was it possible that she was just caught up in the nostalgia of being back home and all the memories of their young love?

  She had always heard that your first love was the toughest to get over, could it be that this was all that it was? Was she living in the past? Was moving back to Burnt River the right answer?

  She'd just settled into her new home and her new office—maybe that was enough new beginnings for the moment. She was a logical person, and capable of analyzing even the most baffling situations. Surely she could figure this one out, too.

  But the memory of his lips on hers and the sweltering heat that radiated between them
obliterated logic. Her body didn’t care about logic right now, and that scared her more than a little.

  As Aqua settled into bed, her cell phone rang. She rushed to grab it with fumbling fingers. There were only two people in the whole world who would call so late—mom and dad—what if something had happened to her mother? Her heart raced as she glanced at the caller ID, but when she saw it was Blake, as she let out a big sigh of relief and her heart left into her throat.

  “Hey, you,” she managed, unable to keep the breathless out of her voice.


  “Umm, Blake, it's midnight,” she giggled. Did I seriously just giggle?

  “Which means it's almost morning—no it IS morning.”

  Aqua laughed as she stretched out on her bed, purring like a kitten being stroked. She had missed Blake’s sense of humor, her smile widening as she remembered just how frequently he made her laugh in just about every situation. She had almost forgotten how easy-going he was. “If you stop by in the morning, I'll make you breakfast. Is that what you’re asking?”

  “Morning, as in, shortly after midnight, or morning as in a respectable hour?”

  “Respectable hour, you rogue.” Aqua’s heart smiled, but her mind cautioned her. “If you can find time in your busy schedule, that is.”

  “I do have appointments by nine.”

  “No problem, how does seven sound?” She bit her lip, wondering if she should have offered that.

  “Sounds great to me. See you then.” Without further preamble, Blake cut the line. He always was quick to the point. It was something that Aqua appreciated in a guy. She had no space for games in her life.

  As soon as Aqua placed the phone on the bed next to her, reality struck. The house was a wreck! Nothing was settled, she had painting supplies everywhere, and she had to stop and think whether she even had the necessary kitchen utensils or food to pull off breakfast.

  She set the alarm for five o’clock so she could get up in time to get the house in order and figure out what the food options were before Blake arrived. As she fell asleep, she felt happy mixed with anxious—but mostly just happy. She couldn't wait to see him again, and she would worry about the rest later.

  She’d been careful long enough, maybe it was time to throw caution to the wind and go with the flow.

  Who are you and what have you done with Aqua? She wondered as she fell asleep with a smile on her face.

  * * *

  The next morning when she opened her eyes, Aqua’s heart jumped at the thought of seeing Blake. She stretched languidly and allowed herself the pleasure of basking in the leftover feelings from last night, imagined his voice, and his intelligent eyes taking everything in and processing all of it without missing a beat.

  She loved his intelligence, and yes, even his intensity.

  A few moments passed before she realized that she was feeling very rested, and her room was far too light for it to only be five in the morning. A glance at her bedside clock confirmed that she had overslept. Shit! It was six-thirty, and she would barely have enough time to get dressed, let alone clean up or prepare a gourmet breakfast in 30 minutes!

  In a panic, she started to search for her phone. She looked in the blankets, under her pillow, and finally found it under her bed. As she grabbed it, she tried to prepare her text message in her mind and find a plausible excuse to cancel on such short notice. But all it took was seeing his text from last night to know that she really didn’t want to cancel this chance to see him, and she turned to race into the shower.

  After the shortest shower ever, she whirled around and picked up any dirty laundry lying on chairs, and tossed her hair into a ponytail. She managed to clear enough room in the kitchen to prepare some eggs, nitrate-free bacon and toast. At exactly seven o'clock she heard a knock on the door. When she answered it, Blake stood outside with two coffees. As always, he looked incredibly hot. He looked refreshed, as if he had over twelve hours sleep, and Aqua realized she hadn’t even taken the time to glance at her own reflection.

  "I hope you didn't already make some,” he said as he offered her a cup. “I remembered that you like strong coffee, and the diner has some of the best. I brought us both a cup."

  "Thanks, Blake. How thoughtful." Aqua smiled and took the cup of coffee Blake offered her. "Maybe we should have met there." She cringed. "I'm really sorry about the mess." She stepped back into the house, feeling him following her close behind.

  "Yes, my mother mentioned that the house would need some work." Blake swept his gaze around the living room and kitchen, appraising the place with a knowledgeable eye. "Are you going to hire someone to do the work?"

  It surprised Aqua that he and his mother had been discussing the house, but she decided not to focus on it. Instead, she tilted her head toward the kitchen, indicating that he should follow. "No, I think I can handle most of it myself."

  "Really?" He smiled as he met her eyes. "That's impressive."

  "That I can paint?" She laughed. Aqua picked up the pan and placed it on the stove. She flicked a switch and waited for the clicking to be followed by a flame.

  "That you're willing to." Blake rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and looked around again . "I'll be over by six tonight to give you a hand. If you like that is."

  "Goodness, Blake. I don’t expect you to do that. You’re busy enough with your practice, and I don’t want to take advantage of you… of your time, I mean." Nearly dropping an egg, Aqua turned back toward the stove, silently cursing herself for the Freudian slip. She desperately hoped he hadn’t caught it, but of course, she knew he had.

  His eyes twinkled when she finally dared to look at him. "Well, I can't let you do all of this on your own. I have some free time in the evenings as long as a patient call doesn’t come in. Would tonight work?" Blake rested his lower back against the kitchen counter.

  Aqua shrugged. “I guess that it would be okay.” She chuckled. “Listen to me.” Aqua rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Blake, that would be fantastic, and thanks.”

  “Think nothing of it.” His eyes glinted of something she couldn’t quite discern. “Are you going to crack those eggs or wait for the hens to lay some more? I am starving.”

  “Oops. Yep, sorry.” Aqua turned around and started preparing the eggs by cracking the shells on the side of the pan and dropping the eggs onto the hot surface of the skillet. “Over-easy or sunny-side-up?” she asked as she quickly checked on the bacon in the other pan.

  "That smells delicious,” he growled. “Sunny-side-up, please,” he said, as his forehead furrowed. “Why is the bacon drenched in water, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “Hah, that is my little secret. When you cook bacon this way, it makes it crisp and there is no chance of it burning.” Aqua blinked her eyes seductively. “And besides, there’s a lot less fat this way. Only good cholesterol gets released when you prepare it like this. It’s also nitrate-free.”

  “I see. A little something you picked up from your mom, I guess?” Blake smiled knowingly.

  Aqua rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right? As if my mom and dad eat bacon or meat of any kind for that matter. They would never harm an animal. Unlike me,” she added for good measure. No, I picked this up at a cooking class in New York. I was invited to this event with a master chef...” she paused realizing she didn’t want to go into all the details, especially in light of the fact that it involved a former guy friend. "It's not much, but hopefully it will fill your belly. You don't have to help me with any of this; I can handle it on my own. Just go sit down and breakfast will be ready in a jif,” she ordered trying to redirect the conversation.

  “Sure—.” Blake raised an eyebrow as though he knew there were more, but simply set his cup of coffee down and placed a hand lightly on her lower back. Aqua drew the side of her lower lip between her teeth in an effort not to suppress the reaction in her body. “You are a marvel, Aqua.” Blake nuzzled her neck and bit into the flesh there lightly. “And you taste pretty good too. If you don’
t give me my breakfast soon, I might start looking for other options.”

  She froze. Heat coursed through her body, but she simply closed her eyes, desperately wanting to give in to the moment, yet not. She needed to put space between them, and fast.

  Fortunately, the eggs cooked quickly and the bacon was ready; she pushed Blake away gently. “Time to eat.”

  Disappointment flared through his eyes, and Aqua impulsively planted her lips on his. His eyes widened and the moment reminded her of the way her mom and dad acted together. It was deliciously intimate. She lifted her eyebrow at him then turned to scoop eggs onto his plate, and then added the bacon and some toast, pushing it between them. “Here you go. Breakfast for champions,” she said handing him the plate.

  As they sat down together at the small table in the kitchen, the topic switched to a plan of action for getting the house in order that evening. Despite being an independent woman, it felt good to have a man who was so eager to help. She appreciated that Blake had followed her lead and not pushed the issue of intimacy.

  They toasted their plan with an inaudible tick of their paper coffee cups and laughed. It felt natural. It felt good.

  Chapter 12

  That evening, just as Aqua opened a can of paint, there was a knock on the front door. She smiled in anticipation of seeing Blake, although he was earlier than expected. Whistling, she walked to the front door. When she opened it, she found her mother and father standing on the porch. "Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" She gasped.

  "Hm, if I didn’t know better I’d think you didn’t want us here,” her mother said as she pushed past her and walked into the living room. "Aqua, I couldn't go another night letting you sleep here without doing some cleansing." Her mother held up a bunch of sage, a package of candles, and a bag of crystals. "May I?"

  "Oh, uh..." but her mother didn’t wait for her reply as she and Aqua’s dad pushed further into the house. Aqua heard Blake's car pulling into the driveway before she saw it. She had a sinking feeling tonight was going to get interesting, very fast.


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