Hunter 3 : Lost Souls

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Hunter 3 : Lost Souls Page 17

by Heath Stallcup

  I had no time to brace for the impact and I think every bone in my body either shattered or popped out of place. I fell to the concrete floor and felt pieces of the wall collapse on top of me.

  What the hell was I thinking? Attacking Thor? I must have lost my god damned mind to think that I could take him on and survive. The only reason I’d survived previously was because he allowed it.

  I pushed the debris off of me and rolled to my back. If I craned my neck just so, I could see him pulling the bolts from Loki, releasing him from the wall.

  “No!” I tried to scream. It sounded more like a frog croaking.

  I rolled over to my front and tried to push myself from the ground. The pain that shot through my body was white hot and I saw miniature explosions in my vision. As it cleared, I saw two very large boots before me. I lifted my head as much as I could and saw that the boots were connected to two very thick and solid legs. They were like trunks of corded steel wrapped in flesh.

  I could feel the pain before he ever delivered it.

  The air escaped my lungs as he hefted me high in the air. “Why can’t you just let things be?” He shook me like a rag doll and it was all I could do to keep my teeth in my head.

  “Him. It was…him.” It was all I could get that out as he continued to shake me. I really felt like my god was trying to flick me away from him. Like an unusually sticky booger that just won’t come off your finger.

  The concrete leapt up and smashed into me again. Damned floor. Always attacking a fellow when he least expects it.

  “Why do you continue to hunt Loki?” His voice echoed in my head like thunder. It took me a moment to suck in enough air to answer him.

  “Loki did it.” Suck in more air. “He called me here.” More air. “Trade his power for…” more air, “my soul.”

  I fell back and landed on my knees. I don’t know how my body remained in an almost upright position. It felt like my bones were made of gelatin. I watched as Thor turned toward Loki.

  “Is this so?” I took the opportunity to bleed out my ears a bit more. I also tried to concentrate what little god juice I had left into healing. I really wanted to be in better shape when Thor stepped on me like a bug.

  Loki leaned against one of the columns and glared at me. “He had my power!”

  “It would rebuild eventually, brother.”

  Loki screamed at him, stomping his foot like an insolent child, “I want it now! All of it!”

  Thor spun and stared at me. “You took that which is not yours.” I tried to shake my head at him as his hand pierced my chest. I’m telling you, I looked down and his fingers were inside my body! I didn’t see any torn flesh or rivulets of blood, but I could feel him pulling the last of Loki’s god powers from me.

  I shook my head and tried to say no. I remember pulling my hand up and gripping his wrist. It was as thick as my calf. And I have a big calf.

  He withdrew his hand and I collapsed on the floor. If there was any Nephilim or angel juice left in me, I needed every ounce just to keep from passing out.

  I rolled my head to the side and watched as Thor pressed the hand to his brother’s chest and the light was almost blinding.

  When they finished, Thor pushed him away. “Go. Now. Before I finish you myself.” He turned and marched back toward me and I saw Loki fade away like a bad dream; I’m pretty sure he gave me the finger just before he left. I groaned as Thor lifted me from the ground.

  “How did Loki steal your soul?”

  I shook my head. “You threw it out of Valhalla…Loki told me. He said you threw it into the great beyond.”

  Thor’s eyes widened and he stepped back. I think he forgot that he was holding me up because I was reintroduced to the concrete when he did.

  I groaned and looked up. My god was bent low, trying to pick me up again. This time he placed me against a column and he squatted beside me. I expected him to say something heroic like, “Die well, Draugar” or “Let me introduce you to Loki’s daughter.”

  Instead he placed a hand on my shoulder and I felt a glorious warmth spread through me. Suddenly I could breathe again and my body didn’t hurt. Somehow, Thor was restoring me. I wanted to ask him how he did that. There’s a certain squirrel out there that wouldn’t mind my having that knowledge.

  I stayed seated on the floor and feared what he might do next. I was left speechless when my god turned around and sat across from me. “I did not throw you soul to the great beyond.” He looked at me and I swear, I could see all of the hopes and dreams of our people in his eyes. He gave me a reassuring pat on the leg. “I returned your spirit to you. For not killing Loki. It was the only way to remove the draugar from your body.”

  I couldn’t speak. Quite literally, at that moment, since I still felt rather weak from trying to go through a wall. I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly, so I had to ask the great God of Thunder to repeat himself. That’s a piss your pants experience in itself.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He gave me a smile that made me want to serve Asgard forever. “You could have killed Loki twice. Even though I came to stop you, you still could have carved out his heart before I intervened. You chose not to. That was why I returned your soul to you.”

  I shook my head in total confusion. “But…we can’t find my soul. We’ve searched and…” I turned sad eyes to him. I felt like I had failed him by not capturing my soul when he released it.

  Then I heard something I’d never thought I’d hear. He laughed. It was glorious and the sound pulled me into it. I laughed with him. When he stopped he patted my shoulder. “You are funny, Sven, son of Eric.”

  Oh my gods…Thor knew my name. He knew me. Yeah, so I fanboy a bit.

  “I still don’t understand, my lord.”

  His smile lit the room and he chuckled as he spoke. “Where did you think your soul would go? It is your soul. It returned to you the moment I released it.”

  The realization struck me like the wall had. How could I have been so blind? No wonder the witches couldn’t find it…it wasn’t lost! I turned to him slowly, “You mean, I’ve had my soul…”

  He nodded. “From the moment I released it from Valhalla.”

  I slumped against the wall. “That’s how Laura got…” I started laughing and was relieved my ribs were no longer broken. “My woman. We just found out that she’s with child.” I clasped his arm with gratitude. “Now I understand how.”

  He raised a brow at me. “You’re a Viking warrior and you don’t know how children are created?” We both laughed at that one.

  After a moment, I had to fight back the tears. “Thank you. You have given me the grandest gift…ever.”

  Thor smiled then suddenly sobered. “When did she become heavy with child?”

  I shrugged. “We just found out today. Within the last month, I suppose.”

  Thor’s eyes widened and his great hand trembled. “You had Loki’s powers….”

  I nodded. “Yes. But you said you gave me my soul back. I’m positive that’s what–”

  He sprang to his feet, cursing as he marched in a slow circle. “This is a problem.”

  The realization was slowly sinking in. “You’re saying it’s Loki’s child?”

  He gave me that look. Yeah, the universal one. I guess I have a wide dumbass streak running through me. “Of course not. The child is yours.” He squatted beside me again, his voice low. “But you had Loki’s powers. Your child will be a demigod.”

  I knew it. I knew that was the right word. But I chose not to celebrate that little triumph in front of Thor.

  “What does that mean?”

  Thor exhaled hard and slow. “It means that unless his mother is a god, you will need to be able to control the child. It’s not a simple matter; you can see how well Odin did with Loki.”

  I was considering just what that meant. I watched as his mighty hand clutched his chest. A soft warm glow escaped the edges of his fingers and he pulled away what looked like a miniature s
un. He pressed it to my chest and for a moment, all of the answers of the universe were mine. I felt this incredible warmth shoot through me and I was more than whole again.

  The power was till surging through me as I turned my face up to him. “What have you done?”

  He gave me a crooked smile. “Tell no one.” He held a finger to his lips. “Especially my brother.”

  “Your power?”

  He shook his head. “Ha! Easy now. A bit–just a small piece. I will replace it soon enough. But if you allow it to, it will continue to grow within you.”

  I reached out and grasped his hand. “Why?”

  He thought for a moment then clutched my hand with his other. “Because some are worthy. You have proven yourself.”

  He pulled me to my feet and I felt ten foot tall. I had a swelling of pride that words cannot describe. Thor clapped my back once more before he turned to leave. “Now I call you brother.”

  No sweeter words had ever touched my ears. Before I could try to thank him, he was gone. No fanfare, no lights, no explosion.

  I was left in the warehouse where I had twice nearly killed Loki. And, I suppose…if Thor is my brother now, that makes Loki my…ugh. Thank the gods he’s adopted.

  I was about to transport home when the first rays of light broke over the eastern horizon. I stood just outside the doors of the warehouse and let the rays bathe me in their radiance.

  I am a new man.

  I have a family waiting for me to return to them.

  I…holy shit. I truly am a god now.

  I am a man. A god. Soon to be a father.

  And I am a hunter.

  About the Author

  From the desk of Heath Stallcup

  A personal note-

  Thank you so much for investing your time in reading my story. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment and leave a review. I realize that it may be an inconvenience, but reviews mean the world to authors…

  Also, I love hearing from my readers. You can reach me at my blog: or via email at [email protected]

  Feel free to check out my Facebook page for information on upcoming releases: find me on Twitter at @HeathStallcup, Goodreads or via my Author Page at Amazon.

  My stories so far:

  The Monster Squad Series



  Forneus Corson, The Idea Man

  Heath Stallcup was born in Salinas, California and relocated to Tupelo, Oklahoma in his tween years. He joined the US Navy and was stationed in Charleston, SC and Bangor, WA shortly after junior college. After his second tour he attended East Central University where he obtained BS degrees in Biology and Chemistry. Heath then served ten years with the State of Oklahoma as a Compliance and Enforcement Officer while moonlighting nights and weekends with his local Sheriff's Office. He still lives in the small township of Tupelo with his wife and three of his seven children. He steals time to write between household duties, going to ballgames, being a grandfather to an ever increasing number of wee beasties and being the pet of numerous animals that have taken over his home. Visit him at or for news of his upcoming releases.

  Also by Heath Stallcup

  The first saga:

  Humanity has spent its time enjoying a peace that can only be had through blissful ignorance. For centuries, stories of things that go “bump” in the night have been passed down and shared. When creatures of the night proved to be real, the best of America’s military came together to form an elite band of rapid response teams. Their mission: to keep the civilian populace safe from those threats and hide all evidence of their existence.

  This time, they face the largest threat ever to rise against mankind as it prepares its own twisted Apocalypse. The only thing standing in its way is the Monster Squad. Man and monster will fight side by side in an epic battle to the death to try to defeat an evil so great, it could only have been created by the hand of God Himself.

  * * *

  The second saga:

  An ancient evil is awakened by a naïve pawn. Planned centuries in advance by fallen angels, the reign of Lilith is put into motion. With a legion of demons at her command, she plans to enact her revenge upon the world’s largest religious group before thrusting herself center stage and taking her seat upon the throne as Queen of the World.

  With threats coming at them from every angle, the Monster Squad turns to an ex-member to form a new team—a team made up of the most unlikely warriors to hunt down and face the Demon Queen.

  However, when it comes time to remove the Queen in this grand game of chess, will they be able to sacrifice their own game pieces to do it?

  * * *


  For years, the biggest threat Yellowstone was thought to offer was in the form of its semi-dormant super volcano. Little did anyone realize the threat was real and slowly working its way to the surface, but not in the form of magma. Lying deep within the bowels of the earth itself, an ancient virus waited.

  Recently credited with wiping out the Neanderthals, the virus is released within the park and quickly spreads. A desperate plea for assistance reaches the military, but are they coming to help those battling for their lives or to wipe out every living thing in an effort to prevent a second mass extinction? Can humanity survive the raging cannibals that erupt from within?

  * * *


  How does a sheriff’s department from a small North Texas community stop a brutal murderer who is already dead and buried?

  When grave robbers disturb the tomb of Sheriff James ‘Two Guns’ Tolbert searching for Old West relics, a vengeful spirit is unleashed, hell bent for blood. Over a hundred years in the making, a vengeful spirit hunts for its killers. If those responsible couldn't be made to pay, then their progeny would.

  Even when aided by a Texas Ranger and UCLA Paranormal Investigators, can modern-day law enforcement stop a spirit destined to fulfill an oath made in death? An oath fueled by passion from a love cut down before its time?

  * * *

  Forneus Corson

  Nothing comes easy and nothing is ever truly free. When Steve Wilson stumbles upon the best-kept secret of history’s most successful writers, he can’t help but take advantage of it. Little did he know it would come back to haunt him in ways he’d never have dreamt… even in his worst nightmares.

  With his life turned upside down, his name discredited, his friends persecuted, the authorities chasing him for something he didn’t do, Steve finds himself on the run with nothing but his wits and his best friend by his side. When a man finds himself hitting rock bottom, he thinks there’s little else he can do but go up… unless he’s facing an evil willing to dig the hole deeper. An evil in the business of pitting men against odds so great, they risk losing their very souls in the attempt to escape…

  * * *

  For a refreshing change of pace, check out this exciting Young Adult Zombie thriller from JJ Beal.

  Lions & Tigers & Zombies, Oh My!

  The cold war has heated up again. This time the battle will be fought in every street of America.

  Trapped in a major city, hours from their small town country home, a team of young girls find themselves cut off from everyone they know and left to fend for themselves as the world spins out of control.

  With nothing but their wits, their softball equipment and their friendship to hold them together, they face incredible odds as they fight their way across the state. Physical, emotional and psychological challenges meet them at every turn as they struggle to find the family they can’t be sure survived. How much more can they endure before reaching the breaking point?

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