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Passages from the early Greek Philosophers are mainly cited under the name and numbering system of Diels/Kranz; see p. xv.
Varia historia
III.17 246 n5
811 288 n17
1116 288 n17
199 288 n17
465 288 n17
Libation bearers
100 288 n17
I.7.13 178 n14
I.26.2 187
I.29.7 187
II.14.3 351
II.20.1 48
II.22.1 351
II.25.1 351
III.10.2 351
IV.2 268 n15
IV.3.5 268 n15
IV.5 35
IV.8 268 n15
IV.19.3 188
Alexander of Aphrodisias
Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics
36.21-25 188
II.2.3 287 n6
II.4.10 287 n6
III.2.9 287 n6
Gagarin/Woodruff [429]
6 310 n21
37 310 n21
On truth Bastianini/Decleva Caizzi; see p. 330, n19
1A.II-III 330 n19
1B.I.5 323
1B.I.6-11 323
1B.I.14-23 324
1B.I.28-30 330 n26
1B.II.26-27 324
1B.IV.9-22 325
1B.V 325
1B.V.25-VI.3 326
1B.VI-VII 325
2A.I.3-9 326
2A.I.6-7 326
2A.I.15-22 325
2A.I.17-25 325
2A.II.30-36 326
fr. 70 226
Fragments (Rose)
fr. 4 77
fr. 70 361 n32
fr. 191 72
fr. 192 73
fr. 193 74
fr. 195 73
fr. 201 82
fr. 204 83
De anima
I.1 402a7-10 29
I.1 402a23-b3 29
I.2 404a5 268 n15
I.2 404a25-31 41 n16
I.2 405a19 52
I.2 405a25-27 111 n19, 111 n27
I.2 405a19-21 268 n12
I.4 408a13-23 248 n30 52, 268 n12
I.5 411a8 205
I.5 411a17 52
II.2 413a21 ff. 250
II.7 419a15-17 264
III.3 427a21-22 255
III.3 427a21-29 41 n16
III.5 429a 248 n33
De caelo
II.13 293b25ff. 83
II.13 294b15 351
II.13 295b10-16 55
III.1 298b29-33 99
III.2 300b8-16 184
2, 4, 5 180 n32
Eudemian ethics
VII.1 1235a25 213
VII.1 1235a25-29 106, 109 n2
Generation of animals
V.8 789b2-3 184–5
On generation and corruption
I.2 315b
6-15 193
I.2 315b9 195
I.2 316a13 ff. 179 n24
I.2 316a14-b7 182
I.6 325a24-26 193
I.7-8 324a35-325a31 181
I.8 325a2 ff. 179 n24
I.8 325a13 258
I.8 325a27-28 183
I.1 981b23 21 n35
I.3-4 176
I.3 983b6-984a4 49
I.3 983b20 226
I.3 983b27-984a3 41 n16
I.3 984a2 xxvii
I.3 984a5-6 43 n36
I.3 984a5-8 110 n4
I.3 984a11 xxi, 177 n3
I.3 984a11-13 42 n32
I.3 984a18-20 54
I.3 984a23-26 54
I.4 984b23 78
I.4 985a11-15 63 n15
I.4 985b8 183
I.4 985b15-16 203 n14
I.4 985b18-19 202 n2
I.4 985b22 42 n32
I.4 985b23 68,78
I.4 985b24 78
I.5 986b18 xxviii
I.5 986b18-25 179 n17
I.5 986b21 230
I.5 986b21-4 60
I.5 986b27 258
I.5 986b31 ff. 180 n27
I.5 986b33-987a2 180 n29
I.5 987a10 32
I.6 987a29-b7 20 n15
I.6 987a29 42 n32
I.6 987a30-31 43 n35
I.6 987a31 32
I.6 987b29 68
I.9 993a15-24 248 n30
II.1 993a30-34 17
III.2 997b35-998a4 310 n21
III.4 1000b12 ff. 217
IV.4 1007b18-25 302
IV.5 1009a6-15 302
IV.5 1009a38 ff. 194
IV.5 1009b7-17 189
IV.5 1009b11-12 194
IV.5 1009b12-15 255
IV.5 1009b12-32 41 n16
IV.5 1010a10-15 41 n19, 99
IV.7 1012a24-26 97, 110 n4
V.2 1013a31-32 284
VII.1 177
VII.1 1028a36-37 249 n38
VII.11 1036b8 85 n11
IX.3 1047a4-7 310 n21
XIII.4 1078b17-31 20 n15
XIV.3 1091a15 246 n6
357a24 f. 361 n32
Nicomachean ethics
III.1-7 287 n8
VI.1 1139a 248 n33
I.1 184b15-21 30
I.1 184b18-22 179 n18
II.1 179 n17
II.4 196a24-28 186
II.8 161
III.4 203b7 64 n17
III.4 203b10-15 206
III.4 203b13-15 53
IV.5 213a32-34 183
VI.2 233a26-31 142
VI. 3 234a24-b9 152
VI.9 239b5-7 151
VI.9 239b9 141
VI.9 239b11 142
VI.9 239b14 142
VI.9 239b18-20 142
VI.9 239b30-33 153
VIII.1 252a32-b2 187
VIII.8 263a5 142
VIII.9 265b17 ff. 180 n36
1 1447b17-20 333, 360, 361 n32
4 1449a26-28 353
19 1456b15 294
I.11 1259a9 347
Posterior analytics
II.1 89b24-35 29
II.8-10 249 n39
II.11 94b33 74
II.23 1399b6-9 210
II.23 1400b5 211
II.24 297, 308
II. 24 1402a23 309 n6
II.25.8-11 296
III.5 1407a34 f. 361 n32
III.5 1407b13 xxii
III.5 1407b14-18 358
De sensu
442a29 265
Sophistical refutations
14 173b17 309 n3, 309 n14
34 183b17-33 32
I.11 104b1-8 28
I.11 104b21-22 99
I.14 105a34-b25 29
VIII.5 159b30-33 110 n13
On Melissus, Xenophanes, Gorgias
974a12-14 127
977a31 210
On the nature of the gods
I.10.26 178 n14, 223 n1
I.25-41 42 n30
On the parts of oratory
64 42 n28
Tusculan disputations
V.4.10 359
Clement of Alexandria
I.64 xxviii
VI.15.1 40 n15
11 Thales
A12 49
A22 52–3, 268 n12
12 Anaximander
A9 56, 228
A10 47, 55
A11 47, 55–6, 65 n26
A18 56
A26 55
A30 48
B1 56, 272
13 Anaximenes
A1 79
A5 57
A6 58, 79
A7 59
A10 53, 58
A15 59
A20 59
B1 59
B2 59, 223 n1, 252
21 Xenophanes
A1 79
A1.20 229
A22 xxviii
A24 226
A25 229
A30 60
A32 60, 229
A33 60, 229
A35 209, 229
A39 209
A40 60
A49 230
B1 210, 230
B1.21-23 353
B1-3 xxviii
B2 211
B2.11-12 353
B5 59
B7 52, 70, 211
B8 xxviii
B10 337
B11 210, 337
B14 xxviii, 59, 209
B15 59, 209
B16 59, 209
B18 212, 227, 231
B21a xxviii
B23 210–11, 228
B24 210, 229, 258
B25 210–11, 229
B26 210–11, 229
B27 211, 229
B28 230
B29 60, 209
B30 60, 231
B31 230–1
B32 60, 209, 231
B33 60, 209
B34 10, 81, 212, 229, 231, 246 n10, 257, 347
B35 248 n25, 347
22 Heraclitus
A1a 357
A15 111 n23
A16 268 n18
A17 111 n23
B1 10, 89, 92, 257, 358
B1.4-5 238 n34
B2 92, 109 n2
B3 100
B4 95, 235
B8 232
B9 94
B10 105
B12 94, 235, 268 n18
B13 95, 235
B17 109 n2, 257
B18 91
B19 90
B20 109 n2
B23 235
B24 111 n23
B25 111 n23
B26 268 n18
B27 109 n2
B28 109 n2, 110 n11
B29 103, 109 n2
B30 99–100, 132 n21, 178 n14, 233
B31 99–100
B32 108, 213, 233
B33 214
B34 90, 234, 257
B35 89, 246 n14
B36 111 n22, 268 n18
B37 95, 235
B38 110 n5
B39 89
B40 9–11, 62, 71, 89–90, 109 n2, 213, 233, 332, 338
B41 107, 233
B42 109 n2, 338
B43 102, 111 n25
B44 214
B45 104, 232, 234, 268 n18
B46 111 n25, 234
B47 109 n2, 110 n11
B48 357
B49a 235
B50 11, 91, 105, 232, 234, 348
B51 95, 110 n15, 235
B52 107
B53 106, 218
B54 91, 235
B55 89, 234, 262
B56 91, 94, 109 n2, 257, 338
B57 95, 101, 109 n2, 233, 235, 337–8
B58 94, 235
B59 94, 235
B60 94, 235
B61 95, 301
B62 103, 213
B64 101, 178 n14, 233
B65 233
B67 95, 101, 109 n2, 178 n14, 213
B67a 268 n18
B70 109 n2, 110 n11
B72 257
B74 110 n11
B76 111 n2
B77 102, 111 n25, 254, 268 n18
B78 104, 246 n3
B79 104
B80 106, 110 n5, 224 n8, 232
B81 71
B82 95, 235
B83 235
B85 111 n25, 268 n18
B86 109 n2
B88 102, 235, 268 n18, 362 n39
B89 93
B90 100, 232
B91 235
B91a 99
B92 235, 359
B93 91, 213, 235, 359
B94 106, 109 n2
B96 103
B97 110 n11
B98 103, 268 n18
B100 233
B101 104, 234
B102 110 n14, 111 n29, 214
B103 94, 235
B104 109 n2, 226, 234
B106 338
B107 90, 234, 262, 268 n18
B108 89, 107
B110 109 n2
B111 94, 235
B113 104
B114 92
B115 104
B116 104
B117 102, 111 n25, 254, 268 n18
B118 102, 235, 268 n18
B119 103
B121 109 n2
B123 91, 213, 235, 357
B124 111 n31
B125 94
B126 235
B127 109 n2
B128 109 n2
B129 129
B136 111 n23
23 Epicharmus
B20 226
24 Alcmaeon
B1 226, 246 n11
28 Parmenides
A34 238 n27
B1 208, 236, 262
B1.1-3 354
B1.4 216
B1.8 215
B1.11, 13 237
B1.14 224 n9
B1.22-31 354
B1.27 215
B1.28-32 20 n23, 170, 215, 241
B1.29 215
B1.29-30 236
B1.30 123, 241
B1.31-32 237
B2.1-2 114, 354
B2.2 247 n19
B2.3-5 114
B2.4 236
B2.5-8 238
B2.6-8 354
B2.7-8 116
B3 120
B4 122
B5 122
B6.1 120
B6.1-2 116
B6.3-9 117
B6.4-6 247 n19
B6.4-7 236
B6.4-9 114
B7 117, 238, 262
B7.2 247 n19
B7.3-6 261
B8 117, 261
B8.1-4 238
B8.2-4 118
B8.4 237, 248 n34
B8.5-6 118
B8.6 179 n19
B8.6-9 118
B8.9-10 118
B8.10 248 n34
B8.11-13 118–19
B8.12 236
B8.13-15 118
B8.15-16 115
B8.22-25 119, 169, 183
B8.26 79
B8.26-33 119
B8.27-28 122, 236
B8.30-31 124
B8.34-36 120
B8.36-38 132 n5
B8.34-41 119
B8.37-38 120
B8.38-41 120
B8.42-44 121
B8.42-49 119
B8.5off. 123, 215, 236
B8.50-52 165, 168, 239
B8.53-54 123, 168, 179 n26
B8.53-59 237, 239
B8.54 179 n19, 240