Tackled by Love

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Tackled by Love Page 7

by Rachael Duncan

  “Okay, thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I reply with a grin and walk out of the gym.

  When I get into my car, I check the text.

  Thanks 4 the tour sweetheart see u 2morrow

  And for some stupid reason, this puts a big cheesy grin on my face.

  The whole way home.

  That evening after leaving the gym, I find myself still thinking about Autumn. She had a faraway look on her face momentarily, and I could tell it had to do with something that still plagues her. I don’t know what could have triggered it though, but I wasn’t going to ask her and make the situation worse.

  I didn’t really need a tour of the gym. They’re all pretty much the same. Whether it’s the state of the art facilities I used while in the NFL, or the small town gym I’m using now. Working out is working out. But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend just a little time with her. And, if I’m being honest, it was nice to see her firm ass swaying in front of me as she led the way.

  My mind is spinning in a million directions. I’m not legally divorced, but here I am, finding ways to talk to this girl who intrigues me. It makes me feel a little guilty, but then I think about what a gold digger that viper is and the guilt quickly fades away. The thing I can’t really figure out is, why am I not more torn up about my marriage crumbling? If I loved Val like I always thought I did, wouldn’t I be more upset? At the very least, I shouldn’t be having thoughts about someone else, right? I don’t really know the protocol on these things or what the proper mourning time for a failed marriage is. All I know is there’s something about Autumn that draws her to me. It could be her inner triumph that blocks out all her prior sadness, the way she lights up the room with her presence, or the way her full, dark red hair shines in the light. I’m not sure, but I have to get closer to her.

  I walk downstairs into the den—AKA my dad’s “man cave”—to talk to him about my new idea I was thinking about. He’s sitting on the couch, feet kicked up on the coffee table, remote resting on his round belly, watching TV.

  “Hey, dad. You got a minute?”I sit down in the recliner next to him.

  “Sure. What’s up son?” He turns off the TV and turns his body toward me, giving me his full attention.

  “I wanted to talk to you a little about my future plans and maybe using that account I had set up.”

  “You don’t need to ask for my permission to use that account; it’s yours. But I would be interested in hearing what you’re thinking of doing with it.”

  My last year of college I knew I was going to get drafted. People were actually shocked when I didn’t enter my junior year, but my parents convinced me to finish school first, saying it’d give me something to fall back on. Now, I couldn’t be more grateful for that. Before the draft started, I got an agent. There were big talks that I was going to go in the first round and I wanted someone to guide me through the process. That’s how I met Dustin. When I got picked up, it came with a fairly large signing bonus. It was more money than I ever dreamt of making in my lifetime, let alone for playing a sport that I loved.

  Valerie and I weren’t married yet, but we were engaged. Before I cashed my bonus check, Dustin wanted to have me sit down with him and an accountant—Brian-- so that I invested wisely. They both told me that I needed to get a prenuptial agreement done before I got married. I immediately shut down the idea. Valerie was with me long before I made millions, so I argued that I didn’t need it. They kept pushing the issue before I finally put my foot down. Nothing says romance like starting a marriage by saying Hey, I love you right now, but in case this doesn’t work out, I want to keep my shit. Once we got married, everything would be mutual property they told me. She would get half of all my assets. I already knew this but didn’t care. Hindsight is a bitch, right? When they both realized that I wouldn’t budge on the issue, they convinced me to set up an investment account in my dad’s name where I could deposit a portion of my bonus money. They said if I never needed it, then great, but it was a good safety net in the worst case scenario. Well, I was living in the worst case scenario.

  “I wanted to actually use that degree that I earned in college. Do something with architecture, you know?” My dad’s approval has always meant the world to me, so I’m a little nervous at what he’ll think of my idea.

  “Okay? Anything specific?” he asks.

  “What do you think about flipping houses? I know the housing market is unstable, but if I can come in and sweep up these really cheap foreclosures, I could turn a pretty penny I think. I’d do the redesign and have a team of people to carry it out. In the long term, I could see this becoming a national business where I have small teams scattered throughout the country. I’d need managers at each site to oversee the work, but I would design all the rebuilds. Is that a stupid idea? Would it be a waste of money?” I look at him and hold my breath.

  “No, I think it’s a pretty good idea actually. There are lots of cheap foreclosed houses that need a good deal of work. Not a lot of people are going to want to buy something like that, but if you do all the hard stuff, I think you could make a profit off of it. Got any ideas on who’d do the rebuilds for you?”

  “No, not yet. I need to do some research. I was thinking about looking up some of my old buddies from high school. When I got together with Elliot, he was filling me in on what some of the guys ended up doing. A couple of them work in construction, so maybe they’d want to help.”

  “I think with a little more planning, you’ll be good to go, son. I’m proud of you for getting back up when you’ve been knocked down. I admire that you’re striving to pull yourself out of this and turn your life around again.” He leans over and pats me on the shoulder. He probably doesn’t know how much his words mean to me. My whole fucking life has snowballed out of control. At first, my problems started out as a small snowball, like one you’d throw at a friend. But soon, that snowball was rolling down a steep hill, picking up momentum and getting bigger until it crashed into my life, completely smothering what I used to know. Now I’m just trying to dig my way out and find a fresh start.

  “Thanks, Dad. I’m glad I have your support.”

  “I do have a question, though. If you start this business before your divorce is finalized, can Valerie come after it?”

  And that douses my newfound hope with a big bucket of ice cold water. “I’m not sure. But she’s clearly stated she doesn’t want me anymore, so that shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

  “Never underestimate that girl, Landon. If she’s taught you anything, it’s that you need to double check and protect yourself against her from everything. Go talk to that fancy lawyer of yours and ask him.”

  “I guess I’ll have to.” With that, my dad turns around and flips the TV back on. Part of Valerie’s last statement starts ringing in my ears.

  It’s called alimony, Landon. You see, I know you won’t be unemployed forever. And when you do get a new job, I plan to collect on it. Take care, love.

  I’m really starting to hate that damn woman.


  The next morning I wake up early to get a start on the day and make the deliveries for the bakery. Also, I’m a little anxious to talk to Autumn again. I was able to keep myself from texting her last night. Barely. I didn’t want to look like a major pussy or anything. But now that it’s morning and I told her I’d text her, it’s fair game.

  Me: Good morning sweetheart what time r u opening up?

  About five minutes go by before she responds.

  Autumn: Oh my God. Are you a morning person? I was still sleeping. I’ll be there in 1 hour.

  Oops. I’m used to being with Valerie, who takes half an eternity to get ready to go to the grocery store. I guess Autumn isn’t as high maintenance.

  Me: Go back 2 bed I’ll see u in 1 hr sorry for waking u I’ll bring u a surprise ;-)

  After I hit send, I pull up my contacts and dial my lawyer’s number. The man never sleeps, so I’m not worried about waking him.

>   “Well if it isn’t my favorite client,” he answers. I roll my eyes. I’m sure he says that to all his clients. Especially with as much as we pay him per hour.

  “Sure I am. Look, I need some legal advice,” I cut right to the chase.

  “I figured as much since you’re calling me.” Always the smart ass.

  “If I want to start a business now, can Valerie come after me for half of it?” I’m holding my breath hoping he’ll give me good news and tell me that bitch can’t touch a damn thing.

  “Are you legally separated?” I hate when he does this. He’s my fucking lawyer so he knows we’re not legally separated.

  “No,” I draw out.

  “Then yes, she can. You guys are still in a legally binding marriage, and until it’s dissolved, she has 50/50 ownership of everything.”


  “Then I need you to speed this shit up. I need this divorce finalized. Like yesterday,” I add, raking my hands through my hair.

  “We can try to do a mediation and get you two to agree on the terms of the divorce. If that goes smoothly, then there’s no need to see a judge about it. But I’m going to warn you, I don’t think it’s going to work out. She’s hungry and looking to get everything she can out of you.”

  I start pacing the room, this whole thing makes my blood pressure rise. “She can have it. There’s nothing left anyway. She spent it all in case she forgot.”

  “Okay, I’ll call her attorney and set up a meeting.”

  “Thanks, I’ll talk to you soon.” I hang up the phone. Mediation should be easy. We don’t have kids to fight custody over, and there really aren’t any assets left. I don’t want any of her fucking handbags or the ugly shit she bought for the house. We’ll have to sell the house because she can’t afford to keep it and I don’t want to, but everything else should be cut and dry. For some reason though, I have a feeling it’s not going to be.

  Stumbling through the back door of the bakery, I flip on the lights and set my stuff down. I didn’t get much sleep and Landon’s early wake up text didn’t help. I hate that he woke me up with a sweet text. Yep, absolutely hated it. A few minutes later Landon walks in carrying two cups of steaming hot coffee.

  “This is for disturbing your beauty sleep.” He holds a cup out to me. The aroma floating with the steam is heavenly, letting me know it’s coffee. I take hold of the cup, but his hand lingers, not letting go. I raise an eyebrow at him, “You know I can’t drink it if you don’t let go.”

  He pulls his hand away starting to ramble, “I didn’t know how you take your coffee, but I figured we have sugar and creamer here. You know, since it’s a bakery and all.” He’s looking around the room, and if I didn’t know any better I would think he was nervous. If anyone here should be nervous it’s me. That simple brush of his hand next to mine ignited my body.

  “Thanks, you didn’t have to do that, but I’m glad you did.” I take a small sip so I don’t burn my mouth and savor the yummy goodness that is caffeine. “Mmmm, just what I needed this morning,” I say with my eyes closed. When I open them, Landon is looking—no, devouring me with his eyes. I clear my throat and walk to my station to get the day started.

  “I have to put a few more details on this and then it’ll be done,” I tell him, gesturing to the cake I’m about to pull out of the fridge. “But the delivery isn’t until this afternoon, so you can go home if you want and come back, since there won’t really be anything for you to do until then.”

  “Would you mind if I just hung out a little bit? I don’t have anything really going on and the walls at my parents’ house are starting to close in on me.”

  “Sure, I don’t mind.” I’m trying to play it cool, but inside I’m kind of freaking out. This is different than showing him around the gym. He’s going to be watching everything I do and it’s going to make me a nervous wreck.

  Laying out all of my supplies, I take a seat on my stool and get started on adding the finishing touches to this anniversary cake. I’m about to start when I feel his eyes drilling a hole into my face. I pause and look at him from the corner of my eye. “Are you going to stare at me like that the whole time?”

  “Yeah, why not? You’re the most attractive thing in this room.” He doesn’t break eye contact while complimenting me. I feel every red blood cell in my body rush to my face, causing my flesh to burn. Was Landon Stone hitting on me again? Surely he comes by it naturally and can’t help himself. If there’s a vagina in the room, he’s going to turn on the charm for it.

  “Real smooth, Stone. Play a game on your phone or something and if I need you I’ll holler, okay?”

  He’s trying not to grin, but it finally breaks through before he lets out a soft chuckle. “I must be losing my touch. You wounded me, sweetheart,” he jokes, clutching his heart. “But if it bothers you, then I won’t stare at you.” He backs away with his hands up in surrender. Walking over to the other long table across from me, he pulls out a stool and sits on it. Then he makes a big show of pulling out his phone and I have to hold back a smile.

  About ten minutes later, I hear Landon let out a long, loud sigh followed by some grumbling. Glancing up at him, I see his eyebrows are furrowed and his jaw is clenched. “Everything alright over there?”

  “Yeah, it’s great,” he deadpans.

  “As convincing as that was, do you want to talk about it? I’m not trying to pry or anything.”

  He finally looks up and locks eyes with me, and I can’t look away. He’s got me trapped in his gaze and it’s making me a very weak person. I hate it and I love it at the same time. I’m so confused.

  “Just some bullshit I’m trying to sort out with Valerie and my lawyers.” He pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut. Whatever is going on is obviously causing him a lot of stress.

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I wish there was something I could do to help.” I figured that would be the end of the conversation. I didn’t want to ask any more questions and appear nosey, so I’m prepared to go back to work and let the silence settle over us again.

  “Everyone knows we’re getting a divorce. Hell, the tabloids have been splashing my face across their covers for months now. But what they don’t know is that I’m broke. She spent almost every penny I ever made.”

  My eyes go wide. I definitely wasn’t expecting that. He had told me she left because he wasn’t making all that money anymore, but I had no idea she spent it all. I guess no one does.

  “Oh my God. That’s terrible.” Lame response, I know. But what do you say to someone who just told you that? I would never ask, but I’m sure that’s a shit ton of money she went through. “What are you going to do?”

  “That’s the thing; I’m stuck until the divorce is finalized. As long as we’re married, she can take half of whatever I do. Now I feel like my life is on hold, when all I want to do is move on, you know?” I think I understand more than he knows. This small town is filled with memories and images that I would rather forget. Every day I walk by the same people at the grocery store who made my life hell and act like all was right with the world. I think they look back on it now like they were just a bunch of dumb kids goofing off, but I was left with major self-confidence and trust issues. It was so hard to compartmentalize that part of my life and start a new one.

  “Trust me, I know what you mean,” is all I offer him. I don’t want to bring up my past with him.

  “You do? How?” He sounds genuinely curious and that makes me nervous. No way I’m ready to open up to him about all the shit I keep locked up.

  “Let’s just say high school wasn’t that fun for me. I don’t really want to talk about it, but things were hard for me then. It was difficult to put that aside and move forward and not let it hold me back,” I tell him.

  He studies me for a moment and opens his mouth to say something, but stops. Finally he breaks the silence, “The only people that know about the money issues are my parents, my agent, my lawyer, and my accountant. Th
at’s it. I’m not even sure why I told you, but it kind of feels good to get it out there.” He still seems stressed, but at least his shoulders have relaxed some.

  “Anytime you need to talk, I’m here.” I smile at him and go back to work.

  “Thanks, I might take you up on that.” He takes a sip of his coffee.

  When it’s time to send the cake out for delivery, Landon asks me something that just about has me falling off of my chair in disbelief.

  “Would you go to dinner with me sometime this week?” He’s got his hands in his pockets, nervously rocking on the heels of his feet waiting for my answer.

  “W-what? You want to go to d-dinner with me?” I point to myself to confirm that he is in fact asking me and not an imaginary girl I can’t see.

  “Yeah, is that okay? You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it might be nice to get together outside the bakery or when you’re not all sweaty.” He crinkles his nose in a playful way. At the mention of my sweat, I start to blush. Damn you cheeks; you’re always giving my embarrassment away! This causes him to laugh. He walks closer to me and leans into my ear, “Don’t be embarrassed, baby. I’ll take you any way I can get you.” With him leaning into my ear, my brain has lost all ability to talk. Actually, it’s lost the ability to walk, blink, think, pretty much everything. I’m just standing there like a statue afraid to move. “Just text me if you want to go.” He pulls away, grabbing the cake and heads out the door for the delivery.

  Once he’s gone, I fall back on my stool and finally take in a full breath. Holy shit. Did Landon ‘Sex-On-Legs’ Stone just ask me on a date?! I need an outside opinion, and quick. I whip out my phone and quickly text my friend, Layla to get her take on this.

  Me: SOS! If a guy asks me out to dinner, should I assume it’s a date or just friends?

  I start pacing the room waiting for my phone to go off with Layla’s words of wisdom. However, that’s not what I get.

  Landon: If u r referring to my invite then u should assume it’s a date


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