Tackled by Love

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Tackled by Love Page 20

by Rachael Duncan

  “In public she puts on this front of being this down-to-earth, devoted wife,” a friend who wished to remain anonymous told us. “We’re actually shocked to hear she’s so shallow and greedy.”

  And as if that wasn’t enough, we’re told she’s going after Stone for the house and alimony. “I feel bad for the guy. She’s just sucking him dry. If he’s lucky, he’ll be able to keep his underwear,” our source says.

  Here’s to hoping the judge sees Valerie Stone for the ravenous viper she is and awards her with nothing.

  “Oh my God.” I cover my mouth as I devour each word of the article. “How did they get this information?” Looking up to Landon, he shrugs his shoulders.

  “I have no idea. Most times those articles are full of shit, but that one is spot on. I want to know who this ‘source’ is.” Handing him back his phone, he gets up and excuses himself to make a few phone calls.

  “Sorry,” Kelsey says quietly beside me.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. He would’ve seen it eventually I’m sure.” While I try to reassure Kelsey, there’s only one thought that goes through my mind.


  I’m sure she’s going to make Landon’s life hell for this.

  Once I’m outside in the cold, I quickly dial my lawyer’s number. I’m sure Valerie will have my balls for this article, even though I had nothing to do with it.

  “Hi, Landon. To what do I owe the pleasure?” His greeting makes me suspicious. Usually he tells me I’m his favorite client. I’ll bet he’s already seen this and knows he’s going to have his work cut out for him to get Valerie to back down.

  “I saw an interesting article published by TMZ a moment ago. Have you seen it?”

  “Yep.” Really, that’s it? Yep?

  “You don’t seem too worried about this.” I’m pacing in front of the diner, hoping this isn’t going to blow up in my face.

  “Why would I be worried?”

  “I don’t know, because of all the shit they said about Valerie. I’m sure she’s going to try to make me pay for this.”

  “Relax, Landon. You just let me handle this, okay?” He’s too calm, even for him.

  “Is there any way you can track down this source?” I want to know who opened their big fucking mouth. I know it’s not Autumn, so it has to be someone on my payroll, and if that’s the case, then their ass is fired immediately.

  “No need to do that, I already know who it is.” I hear the sound of papers shuffling in the background.

  “How? Who is it?”

  “It was me.” The statement is so casual, like he doesn’t care the ramifications this could have on me and my pending divorce.

  “Are you shitting me?!” I shout. “What the hell happened to client confidentiality?! You had no fucking right to put my personal life out there like that!” I’m fuming. Raking my hands roughly through my hair, I pace faster, like a caged animal.

  “Again, let me handle this. It’s going to be okay. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I sure as hell would like to know what you’re doing. How the fuck is this going to help my case?”

  “Enough.” His tone is firm and stops my pacing as I listen to his explanation. “What’s the one thing Valerie values as much, or more, than money?” Drawing a blank, I remain silent. My brain is unable to think hard enough to figure out this stupid fucking riddle. When I don’t say anything, he responds, “Public image. How much hate mail do you think she’s getting right now? How many people are talking poorly of her on social media websites and other public outlets? You read what TMZ wrote. They called her a gold digger and a ravenous viper. Do you think she likes that?”

  “No,” is all that comes out of my mouth. I’m actually quite stunned by all this new information and it’s a lot to take in.

  “Exactly. I guarantee she drops the alimony claim real quick. She can’t risk the public knowing what she had to do in exchange for the alimony. It wouldn’t look good if everyone knew she lied to a woman she tormented relentlessly in high school, now would it? Plus, it’s the only way she’ll be able to save face.” I’ve got to give it to the guy, he’s a genius. I just hope it all pans out like he’s predicting it will.

  “Thanks. But next time a little heads up would be nice.”

  “Hopefully there won’t be a next time.” He promises to keep me in the loop before we hang up.

  Taking a deep breath, I lean up against the wall of the diner and run my hands over my face. I can’t wait for Valerie to be out of my life and to have all of this behind me. It’s mentally exhausting. As I’m about to walk back inside, my phone buzzes. When I see the name that pops up on the screen, my body fills with dread. Knowing I need to get this over with, I answer it.

  “Hello,” I say into the receiver.

  “Landon, did you talk to fucking TMZ about me?!!” She’s livid, shrieking into the phone. Just as I suspected, this isn’t going over well.

  “No, I actually just read the story myself about five minutes ago.”

  “Then who the hell did?” I can picture her in my mind with her hip cocked out and hand resting on it. Her classic ‘bitch’ pose. How I ever found this woman attractive is beyond me.

  “I really don’t know.”

  “I can’t believe the shit they put in there! Now everyone will know I’m—“ she stops abruptly.

  “You’re what? A bad person? A liar? Self-centered? Yeah, looks like the world is getting a glimpse at the real Valerie Lane.” Spitting my words at her, I grow angrier. Yet again, she’s making this about her. Fuck the fact that she’s making my life hell. I can hear her quietly sobbing on the other end of the phone. A part of me feels bad, but the other part knows this is exactly what she deserves. Karma is a bitch, and it’s coming to get her.

  “I can’t believe you were willing to give up alimony just to save your relationship with Autumn,” she finally says, sniffling through her words.

  “You know, I would’ve given it all up for you at one point too.”

  “I’m so sorry for the way I acted, Landon. You know I loved you, right?” The venom that was in her voice is gone and is now replaced with remorse. A little late for that.

  “No, Val, you didn’t love me. I don’t think you really know what love is, because if you did, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. I wish I could say I’m sorry that we’re divorcing, but I’m not.” In fact, I don’t regret severing my marriage with her at all. She completely blindsided me and I’m glad I didn’t waste another ten years of my life or bring kids into the equation for it to end in divorce anyway. Even though I didn’t initiate it, I think it’s one of the best things to happen to me. It brought me to Autumn, and I’m so grateful for that.

  She cries for a moment longer. “I don’t know where I went wrong. It’s like all the money, fame, and luxury went to my head. It changed me until I became this person I don’t even recognize. I wasn’t always like this, you know that.” Her failed attempt to gain sympathy from me makes me laugh.

  “You really believe that, don’t you? You were always this way. I’m just now finding out about it. You’ve been a mean, calculating, greedy girl since high school—hell, maybe even before that. All you have to do is ask the people of this town. I’ve learned all kinds of things about you since I’ve been home. Don’t call me anymore. All communication needs to go through my lawyer. I just want this divorce to be done and over with so I can move on with my life.” Silence is all I get on the other end. Looking at my phone, I verify that the call wasn’t dropped. “Goodbye, Val.” As I hang up, I get a sense that that chapter of my life is over. Yeah, the papers aren’t signed, but I don’t think I’ll be hearing from her anymore, and that’s an amazing feeling.

  It’s the beginning of February and the last bite of winter is sinking her teeth in before the coming spring. A month has gone by since the gold digger tabloid, and so far Valerie hasn’t bothered us. But I won’t get my hopes up on that one.

  Snuggling into the croo
k of Landon’s arm, we head up the walkway leading to my dad’s house. I’ve been dreading this moment for a while now, but I can’t avoid it any longer. After much pestering from Landon and a stern warning from my father, I’m bringing Landon over to meet my dad. Fingers crossed this goes smoothly and Dad doesn’t scare him off.

  Sensing my apprehension, Landon stops and takes my chin between his fingers, turning my head to face him. “Relax, sweetheart. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Sighing, I relax slightly in his arms. “You don’t know my dad. He’s going to give you the third degree and run you off.”

  His chuckle vibrates through my body. “Is that what you’re worried about?” I don’t say anything, I just stare up into his eyes. “Well don’t, because I’m not going anywhere.” Kissing me on the tip of my cold nose, he smiles down at me. “Shall we?” Gesturing forward, we walk the rest of the way to the door and ring the doorbell.

  Exhaling a large breath, I knock on the door and walk in. We pause in the doorway as I yell out, “Dad! We’re here.” Picking at my nails, I wait for my dad to come to the foyer to greet us.

  “Stop fidgeting,” he whispers in my ear. His breath causes goose bumps to break out down my neck.

  At that moment, a throat clears and gets our attention. “Oh, uh, hey, Dad.” Leaning in, I give him a kiss on the check.

  “Hey, honey.” Giving me a big squeeze, I take comfort in his warm welcome. Maybe this won’t be so bad. “And who are you?” He’s staring at Landon in a lethal way with hard eyes and a commanding tone to his voice. And I swear I see my dad puff his chest out. So much for thinking this won’t be so bad.

  Holding his hand out, Landon steps up. “I’m Landon Stone, sir. Nice to meet you.” Neither one of them breaks eye contact as they give a firm handshake. The tension is so thick I think the people across the street can sense it. This is going to be a disaster.

  “Can we come in and sit or are we going to hang out in the entryway?” I ask, trying desperately to move this along. My dad steps aside to let us pass. Going to the living room, we all take our seats. I sit on the love seat and Landon sits next to me. My dad takes the seat directly in front of him in the recliner. I really want to get out of here and am two seconds away from bolting, when Landon grabs my hand. Looking at me, he gives it a small squeeze. That little bit of reassurance is all it takes to keep me in my seat.

  After my dad completely ignores Landon by excluding him from our conversation despite my efforts to include him, he turns the tables and starts his interrogation.

  “What are your intentions with my daughter, Landon?” I want to die. Could he be any more cliché if he tried?

  “I care about your daughter deeply, sir. I can’t predict where this will go, but I promise I have nothing but good intentions.” He speaks with such unwavering confidence in the face of my dad’s death stare, and I have to admit it’s hot as hell. Seeing this side of Landon is quite a turn on.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, my dad continues. “And by good intentions you mean getting my daughter naked in broad daylight, arrested, having her face plastered all over the tabloids, and inviting your wife to bother her again? I don’t know if that’s the kind of man I want my daughter with.”

  Slumping down in my seat, I prepare for the white flag to come up. How can Landon explain those things in a favorable way? They’re all true and we all know it.

  “I’m not going to try to talk my way out of those events by making excuses, Mr. McCray. I’m responsible for those things happening and I wish I could change them. But I’m also the man that’s broken her walls down to show her that she doesn’t have to fight her battles alone anymore. I want to help carry the burdens of her past and help her move forward. I’m the man that tells her how extraordinary and beautiful she is, knowing that one day she’ll believe it and see herself the way I do. I love her, sir.”

  My heart skips a beat as I look at Landon’s gorgeous profile. Never have a felt so loved in my life. Holding back the tears from his words, I turn my attention back to my dad. After several seconds, he gives a curt nod and stands up. “You want a beer, Landon?” Exhaling the breath I didn’t know I was holding, I smile at my dad.

  “Sure, that sounds great.”

  Once my dad is out of the room, I grab Landon’s face and kiss him hard, slipping my tongue into his mouth. Pulling away so Dad doesn’t catch us, he rests his forehead against mine. “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “For what?” He gives me another chaste kiss on the lips.

  “For being you. For not backing down to my dad. For loving me even when it’s hard.”

  “Loving you is the easy part. Everything else just falls into place.” Giving me a wink, he kisses the tip of my nose and sits back in his seat to wait for Dad to come back in.

  The rest of the afternoon goes well. We talk, laugh, and have dinner. Watching the two of them interact with each other makes me realize how lucky I am. I haven’t had an easy road to travel, but I would do it again in a heartbeat if I was guaranteed to have these two amazing men in my life.

  While Autumn is working at the bakery, I decided to go over some of the details of my new business model. In the two weeks since I met her dad, I’ve been in touch with the bank and discussed some of the foreclosures they have listed around here. There aren’t many people buying up crappy homes and flipping them around here, so that’s good news for me. No competition.

  I’m pulled away from my task when my phone rings beside me. “Hey, Mr. Henderson.”

  “My favorite client, how are you?”

  “Fine, what’s up?” Leaning back in my chair, I wait for him to tell me why he’s calling.

  “Well, do you want the good news, or the better news?”

  Confused as to where he’s going with this, I answer, “Uh, the good news I guess.”

  “Valerie’s attorney called me and she’s forfeiting the alimony and has agreed to sell the house.” It’s a good thing I’m sitting down, because I’m sure I would’ve fallen on my ass with that news.

  “You’re fucking with me, right?” With my mouth hanging open, I hold my breath to wait for confirmation that I heard him correctly.

  “Nope. Looks like your lovely soon-to-be-ex-wife didn’t like all the bad press she was getting.” He sounds smug and I know it’s killing him not to say ‘I told you so.’

  “Holy shit, you were right. I can’t believe she’s letting it all go. So what happens next?”

  “We’ll meet with a mediator and sign the papers sometime later this week, once the new documents have been drafted.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Henderson. You have no idea what a relief this is.” Leaning my head back against the chair, I let out a relieved sigh, thankful that this is almost behind me. If this is the good news, I can’t imagine what the better news is. “What else was there to talk about?”

  “You need to be at Moe’s in the town next to yours in 30 minutes. Can you make it?”

  “Maybe, why?”

  Apprehension must ooze off of me because he says, “Trust me. Have I steered you wrong yet?”

  With that, I get my ass in the car and head that way.


  Checking my watch, I see that I’m running late. Shit. Once parked, I climb out of my car and jog the rest of the way to the restaurant. When I walk through the doors, I scan the room, looking for the person I’m supposed to meet. Our eyes meet and I feel a slow burn form in the pit of my stomach as the sight of him makes my blood boil.

  “Stone,” Wade greets me as I take a seat in front of him.

  “Wade.” My voice is raw and I all but growl at him in response. It’s so fucking hard to sit across from the man that ended the one thing I woke up for every morning. Bastard.

  “I assume you know why we’re meeting.” The waitress walks over, but I wave her off. I don’t want the interruption. I’m in no mood for niceties and I just want to get to the point before I choke this motherfucker out.

, Andrews came at me the other day saying he knew about what Brandon and me did to you. Then your lawyer called yesterday about it too.” He at least has the decency to look contrite during this.

  “Okay, then I’m going to cut to the chase. Did Brandon pay you to take me out during that practice game?” I’m grinding my teeth so hard, I’m afraid I’ll shatter them. He pretty much said they did it just a second ago, but I want a concrete confession.

  “Yeah. I didn’t know it was gonna put you out for good, though. I just thought you’d be out a few games,” he says, shrugging. His nonchalant attitude pisses me off more.

  “It’s not that big a deal, right? Just a few games. What harm could that do? What the fuck were you thinking?!” I pound my fist on the table top, making the silverware rattle, which startles Wade and causes the people in the restaurant to look our way.

  “I’m sorry, dude. I told you that in the locker room.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he looks uncomfortable. Good, because he’s going to be a hell of a lot more uncomfortable if he doesn’t do what I ask of him.

  “If you’re really sorry, then you’ll come with me and my attorney and tell the police that. I’ll let you off the hook as part of a plea deal to help prosecute Brandon. That means testifying too.”

  “Nah man, I’m no snitch.” Leaning back in his chair, he waves his hands through the air to emphasize that he won’t do it.

  Resting my forearms and elbows on the table, I lean toward him and drop my voice. “Then I hope you like prison. Do you think for one second Brandon is going to save your ass? That, if given the chance, he won’t take the plea deal?” I sit back up in my chair. “Ha, he’s going to give you up so fast, your head will spin.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I continue. “You see, someone is going to pay for this. Who’s it going to be? You or him?”


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