Just A Daddy's Girl

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Just A Daddy's Girl Page 5

by Ashleigh Smith

  We reached the house about half 7. We had only been walking for like half hour, usually we would be getting back 8:30. The walks were getting a lot shorter and each time my Dad would have a different excuse to cut the walk short. He would still spend the evening with me but he just didn’t seem to like walking as much. I’m starting to think my Dad is really sick, I mean he used to like taking long walks and getting loads of fresh air along with exercise and now he can’t wait for the walks to be over. Maybe it’s just me being paranoid. I mean he’s 43 maybe he can’t walk for as long as he used to. I shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions like that. “Hey urm Dad how about we watch Burlesque? It’s a great film” I shouted from my room so he could hear me from his. “What’s it about?” he shouted back. I just finished getting changed then I went out to the living room. “It’s about this girl who goes to LA and finds a place where she can sing and dance and that. Also it has Christina Aguilera in and Cher, I thought you’d like it” I stopped shouting now and said it in an above average tone. “Yeh lets watch it” my Dad shouted back. We were now in the same room as each another so there was no need for anymore shouting. I got the DVD loaded in and let the trailers play. I ran into the kitchen and put a pack of popcorn in to the microwave and sorted out our drinks. Dad was sorting out the sofa so that it extended more. The microwave pinged when the timer was done. I left the popcorn to stand for a minute just to let all of it pop before I opened it or things would get messy. I filled up a huge bowl with the popcorn and made my way to the sofa with all the refreshments. I should be a waitress I thought. I must of giggled aloud because Dad was wondering what I was laughing at. “I’m not laughing at you don’t worry I was just thinking that I should become a waitress because I can carry so many things at once”. My Dad began to laugh as well. “You are so random angel but that is true you could be a waitress, you can get good tips if the customers like you” “You have a point but anyway the films starting now. Shh” I giggled and gave a smile. I forgot how good burlesque was; I watched it when it was first released a few months ago. In the beginning of the film I had Dad singing along.

  “I wish life was like burlesque, I would love you have a man like Jack well Cam Gigandet who plays him. Look he has an amazing body and wow is he good looking. Phew”. Me and Dad were cracking up at the statement I just made, but it was true he is a gorgeous lad. We stopped laughing now and focused back onto the film. “You do crack me up kiddo, especially with the things you say”. “I know I do but I can’t help but tell the truth, he’s just naturally sexy”. I gave my Dad a wink before beginning to watch the film again. We were at the part where Jacks ex-fiancé returns and catches them asleep in bed together. It’s kind of sad to see that happen but then again you shouldn’t make those situations for yourself. Me and my Dad both stayed awake through the whole of the film. It was Friday night and yet I found myself going to bed at 11 but to be fair I was really tired and stuffing my face with the popcorn didn’t help. It was the November half term so today I must have done at least 5 hours of surfing; the waves were perfect for it. It weren’t too windy and it was kinda hot for November. This global warming issue was starting to take effect I mean the temperature for this month should be somewhere between 15-26 degrees but it’s been like 30-38 degrees. I have no idea what Dad did while I was at the beach. I know that he went somewhere but I didn’t quite know where he went and to be fair it wasn’t any of my business. And if he wanted me to know he would have told me already. I decided I would get into bed and go to sleep, it took me a little while but I managed to get to sleep in the end.

  I ended up waking at around 10, I must have really been tired to sleep for like 11 hours. I decided that it was time to get out of bed; I climbed out the covers and made my way to my door grabbing my dressing grown on the way out. It had happened again, my Dad was fast asleep. I didn’t want to wake him so I didn’t bother calling him. I wanted to let him sleep, he must be really tired or he is just staying up really late. Today I was planning to go meet Leanne and my ex-Zeke. I had my breakfast quickly and went to get showered and dressed. I spent about half hour in the shower. I decided I was gonna wash my hair and have it naturally down, It has gotten so long now that it almost covers my bum but the one problem with it being so long it’s a mission to wash. Once I was finished in the shower I went to my room to get dressed. The weather was nice outside, the sun was shining bright and there were no clouds which is a good sign. I decided since the weather is nice that I was going to wear my denim shorts with my flower top which sits on the top of the shorts. Knowing Leanne she would wear the same sort of thing, she jumps at the chance to wear shorts. I got dressed and added a little bit of mascara to make my eyes stand out although having green eyes and almost black hair make my eyes stand out but I’m a girl what can you do? When I was finished getting ready I checked on my Dad to see if he was up yet or anything. He was still fast asleep. I couldn’t help but think that he had a really late night last night. God knows what time he decided to sleep. I thought about waking him up but I decided against it. I left him a note on the kitchen counter telling him I was planning to go out. I left the house around 12 and drove to the mall. We were meeting at Beverly Hills mall. We would meet by the water fountain in the centre as it was the easiest place to find.

  Leanne was the first person I spotted as I walked over to the fountain. I spotted her before she spotted me; I made my way towards her. “Hey Sami, over here” Leanne shouted from where she was. “I’m coming, I spotted you before you spotted me you daft cow”. When I reached her we shared a big hug. “How you doing love?” I said in my posh voice. “Fine thanks, how about you darling?” she replied in her voice. “Very well thank you for asking”.

  “Where is Zeke, isn’t he coming?” “Oh he’s gonna meet us in HMV”. Me and Zeke were together for nearly 3 years until we broke up around 2 years ago. I think it was 2 years ago, not sure. Anyway we are still really close friends, I think going out brought us even closer as friends. I really hated guys who couldn’t move on, they thought it was pathetic to still be friends with there ex’s, they didn’t feel manly enough to talk. I mean why shouldn’t you be friends after you were friends before so why not now. Guys just need to grow up. I think some guys have jealousy issues. They hate to see their ex’s happy. “Zeke” me and Leanne said together. I gave Zeke a hug and a kiss that was totally normal for us. Everyone just thinks its weird well apart from Leanne and a couple of others but hey ho. “So guys where to now?” Zeke said looking between me and Leanne as if he was at a tennis match. “Urm lets go shake away” I suggested. “Yeh cool” Zeke replied. We all linked arms and made our way to shake away. It wasn’t busy when we got to shake away; we had about 5 minutes of waiting time till we would get served. While we was waiting we decided what we would have, I wanted a bubble gum flavoured smoothie along with haribo’s. Leanne decided to have a chocolate flavoured smoothie with crushed toblerone, she had weird taste buds but I love her for it. Zeke had a strawberry flavour smoothie with snickers. I don’t see how he could even order that, don’t get me wrong both strawberry smoothies and snickers are great by themselves but together don’t get me started. Anyway we sat there for a while talking about practically anything. Zeke was making fun of how me and Leanne have been acting lately.

  Graduation was coming up and it was less than one week away along with prom 5 days later. Me and Leanne already went out shopping for our dresses but we still needed to get some shoes to match. Zeke was going to be mine and Leanne’s date. “Guys, I still need to get heels to match my dress can we go have a look please?” I said already rising from the table. “Yeh lets go, I need to get mine too. How about we go to Macy’s?” Leanne said rising as well. “You lot think I’m a girl don’t you?” Zeke said in his sarcastic voice. He didn’t have a choice if he wanted to come or not. Me and Leanne went on either side of him and linked our arms in his forcing him up of the chair he was sitting on. We walked and talked as we headed down to Mac
y’s. I couldn’t get my Dad out of my head. He’s been acting like this for nearly 2 months now. I don’t know weather to be worried or I am just being paranoid. Anyway I had to get that out of my head; I haven’t had a day to myself in a while. Prom and graduation is a week away and I have to be ready for that. I don’t know whether I am excited yet or upset because I do like school and I am gonna miss being around everyone. School has been a big part of my life and I have been in school for 14 years of my life that is almost ¾ of my life that I have lived. Wow it is really weird seeing it from that perspective. Effectively we only had 168 hours until we left school. To me that still is a lot of time till we leave but to some it might be too long. I know Leanne is really emotional about it already, she loves being around everyone and hates the idea of being in charge of her future. Her mum has offered her a job to take over the architecture business but Leanne hasn’t decided yet, she doesn’t want to live in her mum’s shadow but also thinks that she can make her mums business more successful as she has more skill designs not to mention she is apart of the next generation. I was 18 at least 3 months ago and I don’t feel different yet Leanne and Zeke are comparing how different they feel. I still feel the same person; I think it’s true what my Dad says ‘age is just a number’.

  We got to Macy’s finally, it was on the other side of the mall to where shake away is. We got given some funny looks when we walked into the shop, I mean we were dragging a guy into a shoe shop and the only time guys ever walked in there Willy Nilly was if they were gay. Not many straight guys walk into Macy’s. Well if they all thought about it Zeke didn’t really have a choice so…

  I giggled to myself because if was true, we forced him to come bless him. I bet he feels awkward. Oh well he loved us so he don’t care or he would of kicked up a big fuss. We walked in and went straight to the back to work our way to the front. There were a lot of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ at the shoes as we walked between the isles. We must have been in here for about half hour before I heard this. “OMG, look at theses” Leanne said disappearing from my side and then reappearing. In her hand she had these heels. “I love these ones”. She’s such a girl at times, but I love her. She was waving the heels around showing me every angle so I could see. They were black high heels, when I say ‘high heels’ I mean really high heels. They had lace around the ankle and a zip on the inside. They were actually really gorgeous. I kept looking around but I saw nothing. My dress was a baby blue colour while all my accessories were black. Leanne ended up buying the heels like I expected her too. They were kinda expensive but she didn’t care and to be honest if I found a pair I wouldn’t care the price it’s our prom it’s a once in a life time thing so why not pay out. They shoes were $82 but to be fair they were worth it. They were high heels for Christ sake not to mention the lace which is kinda expensive. After she paid we decided there was no point in staying in the shop any longer than we had to. It was only because we was on the way out I noticed them. I only saw them by chance and I am glad I did they were absolutely sexy. They were black tie ups with the same high heel as Leanne’s ones. They went up to about my ankle all the way around. They weren’t open toe which was great and they were just so bloody eye catching I can’t believe I didn’t notice them sooner. I picked up my size and went straight back to the till I didn’t even have a look at the price tag, I didn’t care there was no way I was going to look for another set of heels I have found the perfect ones. I thought they would be a lot more but they were only $78 which wasn’t bad and at least I paid less than lee.

  It was about 4 o’clock now and even though I decided not to think about it; I really want to check on my Dad. Leanne and Zeke wanted to go surfing so that was good cause then I can go home and check on him but also get my surfing gear. We decided to make our way back to my car and placed the 2 bags in the boot. We would go back to Zeke’s then Leanne’s then go back to mine.

  It took about half hour to go back to their houses but we also had to strap the surfboards. I parked up the car and left them two to unload their stuff from the car. They were gonna get changed down by the beach so it was cool. I made my way in to my house. I was relieved to find my Dad up and doing something.

  “So Dad what time did you finally get up?” I asked in my mocking voice. “I got up about 1 half 1, I had a really late night last night princess” he replied. “Oh what did you do?” He took longer to reply this time. “Oh sorry, urm I did a lot of work that needed to be done on computer and I had to finish evaluations for some videos it took half the night so I am not even really sure what time I went to bed last night” he laughed a little to himself, I don’t see how he found that funny he looked half dead when he didn’t get sleep. I didn’t like questioning him about work, I knew he was a busy man being manager and that but has he been working all of those other times? Work won’t make him this tired that he can’t walk as far as he used to. To be fair it’s none of my business. If he is lying to me then he obviously has a perfectly good reason. “Anyway urm Dad I am going surfing, Zeke and Leanne are down by the beach waiting, and I was wondering would you come and watch some of my new moves please?” Zeke has been teaching me new tricks and I really wanted to show my Dad my new moves. It’s quite funny really because I have been teaching Leanne surfing too, she has only been interested in surfing for about a year and a bit but she has come so far since then. She isn’t able to do any tricks yet but she is managing to keep her balance while on the waves. She is so determined, I am happy that she shares the same passion as me and Zeke. It makes us all little bit closer than the other friendship groups as we can all get involved with it together.

  I gave my Dad a hug and a kiss before I started to head out. “See you later Dad” I shouted from the back door. “See you later angel” he shouted back. I grabbed my surfboard from the garage and ran to meet Zeke and Leanne. “Everything okay with your Dad?” Zeke asked. “Yeh he’s fine, he didn’t get any sleep last night, work and that” I replied. “Ready” I said. “Ready” Leanne and Zeke said at the same time. “Let’s go” I said already turning heading for the waves. We left our board wax and our stuff all together, where we could see everything. The waves were terrific, they were just perfect. The sea was a light blue shade from where the sand sat on the bottom of the sea bed. It was just a matter of time before we would be splashing and ruining the beautiful colour. We ran straight into the sea, regardless of the temperature, well Leanne still hasn’t got used to the coldness of the sea yet but she has improved. I remember when I first came here and my expression of how cold the sea was, I was asking myself how the hell the surfers could go in the sea but then again I answered my own question because here I am in the sea at this freezing cold temperature. I really had to laugh aloud when I heard Leanne screeching. We climbed onto our boards and were preparing to ride the next wave. Once the wave came, we were off. Zeke was in front and went straight into doing tricks. He was clearly pulling the superman. It looked as if flying through the waves. I just kept it simple for the first wave. I waited until the next wave came along so I could try and do one of my other new tricks; Zeke has taught me how to do the Chop Hop. The next wave we caught was even bigger than the previous one so I changed my trick to the backside tube. My other new one was so fun to do, it was the front air reverse, I can do it okay I guess but I am still having trouble when I land it. I could see Leanne doing the Eskimo roll it was quiet funny really, she gave a few good attempts to stand and ride the waves. She managed a few duck dives as well, that was just too also give her a confidence boost when she feels like she wasn’t going to make a wave.

  After about an hour or so of surfing, I decided that I was gonna head back up to mine. I was beginning to shrivel up like a prune. I started to paddle back; I didn’t want to get caught up in the next wave. “Zeke I am going now” I shouted over the waves so he would hear me. “Ooh okay” he shouted back. “Do you want me to stay to give you and Lee a lift?” “Nah me and Lee will just get the bus back its si
lly for you to get changed and drive again”. At this point Zeke had managed to paddle up to me and was now casually sitting on his board. “You sure?” I asked. “Yes I’m sure, ill see you later”. Zeke leaned over and gave me hug; it was kind of awkward as I was wobbling all over the place. “Bye babe” he shouted after I started to paddle to shore. “Bye” I shouted back from over my shoulder. I reached the beach on no time, so that was easy. As soon as I climbed out of the water, I had to shiver it felt so cold being out of the sea. I started to walk up to the towels and dragged my surfboard behind me. To be fair I couldn’t care less if sand got all over it, the sand would just dry out and fall off anyway. I began drying myself of and sorted out all of their stuff, so that when they got out it would be sorted. The pair of them are both so messy all their stuff is just everywhere, and Lee wonders why she can ever find anything. I finished drying off before shouting goodbye to Leanne. I said I would call her sometime tomorrow. I turned around and headed for my house, by now all the sand that was on my feet had gone, I didn’t like trailing sand through the house as it meant that I had to hover it up. I placed my surfboard back in the garage and walked back round to the stairs and went straight through to the living room. I found Dad just casually sitting on the sofa flicking through TV channels. “I saw you out there by the way, very impressive, Zeke has been teaching you very well angel” he turned to face me putting his arm on the back of the sofa. “You saw me? I didn’t see you watching” I said. “Angel you asked me to come and see you and I did, if I didn’t see you doing anything would I know that you still need to work on the landing of the front air reverse?” “Okay Dad you have proven you point you were there and I need to be more observant of my surroundings”. I giggled because it is funny, I am 18 years of age and didn’t even notice my Dad but I notice everything else. Just goes to show I weren’t paying attention. “Next time you see Zeke tell him nice job, and tell him that he is such a show off he could have done better on his superman if he waited to get more speed which would have given him more performance time. The boy never learns does he?” my Dad gave me a wink and smirked. He turned himself back round so his attention was facing the TV again. “Will do Dad, ill be out in half hour, just gonna get shower and changed”. I gave my Dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek from behind. I really do love my Dad. I don’t have a clue what I would do without him.


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