Her Winged Mates

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by Ruth D. Kerce

  Snowfire: Her Winged Mates

  Ruth D. Kerce

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2009 Ruth D. Kerce

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  ISBN: 978-1-60521-193-0

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  Changeling Press LLC

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  Editor: Chrissie Henderson

  Cover Artist: Reneé George

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  Snowfire: Her Winged Mates

  Ruth D. Kerce

  While Sheridin Jacoby is bird-sitting three snowy owls, the mysterious predators shift into hunky men. Sheridin is shocked, terrified… and aroused. Starving to breed, Mast, Maze, and Mason seduce her with savage pleasures, binding her to them as their one true mate. Forever.

  Snowfire: Her Winged Mates

  Sheridin Jacoby admired the house on the hill as she ascended the stone steps. When she reached the top she’d have a spectacular view of the lake. Her friend, Josh, had asked her to bird-sit while his team conducted another animal rescue, and she’d readily agreed. She needed to get away.

  After a dozen more steps, she finally stood at the front door. The winter air blew her hair about her face, and she felt grateful for the heavy coat she’d worn. Another storm was moving in. More snow.

  She had just split from the man she’d been seeing for two years and needed a change of scenery. This place would be perfect. Though the lights were on, she knew Josh had already left for the airport. Other than the snowy owls, no one else should be here. She looked forward to the alone time. She unlocked the door and stepped inside.

  Josh had told her to take her pick of bedrooms. She knew the layout of the house, having been here before. Because animals came and went, Josh hadn’t indulged in expensive furniture, but everything from the overstuffed couch to the rocker-recliners shouted comfort.

  When she entered the living room she saw the tall cage in front of the sliding glass doors. The snow shrouded lake loomed large below, creating a breathtaking winter view.

  Inside the cage, on a long branch, sat three snowy owls, side by side. She hadn’t expected them to be so large. Or so impressive. Their mostly white feathers looked soft and fluffy, a stark contrast to their dangerous-looking claws.

  She shrugged off her coat and laid it across a chair, then neared the cage. An envelope hung next to the cage door. Her name was scrawled on the outside. “I guess this is for me.”

  She opened the envelope, figuring additional instructions were inside. She didn’t know anything about birds, but as long as she kept them fed, they should be fine.

  Josh had told her they were part of a special breeding experiment. She didn’t know a lot about what he did, other than his rescue team was funded by some top secret government agency. He always skirted her questions for more details.

  She slid out the paper inside. “Let’s see. Oh. Names. How cute. The one with the scar above the right eye is Mason. The one with a mixture of white and darker feathers is Maze. And the one with --” She barked out a laugh. “The one with the big cock is Mast.” She peeked underneath him but couldn’t see anything resembling a cock. Josh was playing with her. “Mason, Maze, Mast. Alliteration lives.”

  A breeding experiment? With three males? She stared at the owls and they stared back. Their black eyes unnerved her somehow. Silly. They’re just birds.

  Their water dishes looked full. The paper instructed her where to find their specialized food. “Sounds easy enough.”

  She set the paper on the coffee table and retrieved her bag. She headed down the hall, knowing she should take one of the smaller bedrooms, but she couldn’t resist the master with its massive bed and decadent feel. All dark browns and emerald greens. Very masculine and very sexy.

  She carried her bag into the bathroom to set out some toiletries. As she unzipped the suitcase, a clanging drew her attention. She heard flapping and a strange trill. What were they doing? She’d better check to make sure the owls were all right.

  When she stepped from the bathroom, her heart leapt and she froze. On the far side of the bed stood a large man, well over six feet. His black hair hung to his shoulders and his black eyes bored into her. He was completely naked and not an inch of him was without muscle. His cock drew her eyes, which was as massive as the rest of him, even though it hung flaccid.

  She couldn’t think. Her heart and mind raced too fast. She should be screaming. But one thing stopped her -- the large, white wings that spread out from his back. Fear and disbelief, but also curiosity, gripped her.

  Still… figuring it best to flee now and question her sanity later, she managed to engage her feet. She eased to the side, toward her only escape route, but stopped flat.

  Two men stood in the doorway, blocking her exit. One with oddly-colored black and white hair that disappeared down his back, the other with a scar over his right eye. Both also naked. All three men looked at her with interest, but said nothing.

  Then it hit her. Josh’s note. The one with the scar over his right eye. Mason. The one with black and white feathers. Maze. The one with the huge cock. Mast. Her gaze shot back to the man beside the bed. Impossible.

  “Sheridin…” Mast rumbled, and his wings twitched.

  His deep voice sent an unexpected sexual thrill down her spine. “How -- how do you know my name? Who are you? What are you?” Three naked, hunky men. At least one with wings. This was either very, very bad or very, very good.

  “We must breed now. Come.”

  Breed? Her spine stiffened. “Excuse me?” Certainly she’d heard wrong. Josh’s words returned to her. A breeding experiment. Had she been set up? No. Josh would never --

  “We will not harm you.”

  Maze had spoken. Or the man she now thought of as Maze, with the dual-colored hair. She knew it nuts to think the owls had shifted into men, but what else could she think? Although, she didn’t notice wings on the other two.

  When she looked back at Mast, his wings were no longer visible either. What? She hadn’t imagined them. She knew what she’d seen.

  “Remove your clothing so we can begin,” Mason said in a low voice that came out as a trill.

  The sound had a strangely hypnotic effect on her. She shook her head, determined not to check out mentally over this. “Wait, wait, wait.”

  Maze stepped closer. His hand glided down her arm and his fingers wrapped around hers. “Come.”

  Sheridin pressed herself against the wall. Her body betrayed her though, for her pussy grew moist at his touch. He tugged her hand and her feet moved forward.

  Okay, what was she doing?

  The men smiled at her and their cocks became semi-hard. She almost swallowed her tongue. At the same time, her nipples hardened and pressed against her bra. She felt itchy all over, in need of hot, decadent sex.

  Mason eased behind her. “What are you
…” He pulled her sweater over her head. Mast’s eyes zeroed in on her breasts and he licked his bottom lip. Sheridin felt like her bones had melted. Mason unhooked her bra. She clutched the material over herself.

  “Let us see,” Mast urged. The compassion and need in his eyes undid her. Compelled beyond reason, or so she told herself, she lowered her arms, dropping the bra. He moved slowly closer, until he stood directly in front of her. She took a step backward and bumped into Mason. He felt hard as a rock. Maze appeared at her side.

  Her pants, underwear, and footwear were stripped from her in a flurry of movement. She gasped, but didn’t protest. Mason gently grabbed her arms. His hands slid to above her elbows, and he tugged her arms behind her, restraining her.

  Instead of panic, a jolt of need hit. Mast moved slightly to one side of her while Maze remained at the other side. They leaned down and each took a nipple into his mouth.

  “Ah…” Sexual pleasure arrowed to her pussy as they sucked. When Mason slid his tongue around her ear, her legs buckled. Only his hold kept her upright. Mast’s large palm rested on her stomach. He eased his hand down her belly. “Oh, yes.” She wanted this, so she didn’t intend to question what was happening. For now.

  Maze released her nipple. She heard him whisper to Mason, but the words weren’t understandable.

  Mast’s finger pushed into her pussy. When he grazed her clit, she almost came right then. He released her nipple and cupped the back of her neck with his other hand. “What?” He pushed until she bent forward awkwardly. Mason still held her arms. He nudged her feet further apart and shifted sideways. Mast kneeled. His long finger plunged deeply into her pussy and he began fucking her.

  Yes! The awkwardness she’d felt vanished.

  Two strong hands rested on her butt and pulled the cheeks apart. Oh! She felt something wet. A tongue. Maze’s, she assumed. He licked the rim of her hole, over and over. Her whole body shook. When she didn’t think she could stand it any longer, he stabbed his tongue inside.

  “Ah-ahhh!” No man had ever done that to her. Being restrained while getting her ass tongue-fucked and her pussy finger-fucked was an incredible feeling.

  Then, like a flash, they released her. She’d have fallen if Mast hadn’t caught her. He rose and laid her on the bed. She squirmed uncomfortably, disappointed they’d stopped. She needed to come so badly.

  Maze and Mason each gripped one of her legs and pulled wide, opening her for Mast, who stood at the bed’s foot, his hand around his huge, deep-red cock. Yes.

  “I will come inside you, Sheridin,” he rumbled.

  All she could do was stare. He moved forward and kneeled on the mattress between her thighs. After positioning himself, he pushed his cock into her pussy, one slow inch at a time.

  Sheridin held her breath. She’d never had such a thick cock inside her! She exhaled slowly, rising onto her elbows. She wanted to see. She also intended to explore Mast’s back when she got the chance.

  Mason and Maze released her legs. Mast’s large palms cupped her hips. He surged forward, plunging the last few inches of himself inside her.

  “Oh!” she shrieked. She reached for him, but Mason and Maze grabbed her arms and pulled her flat. They tugged her arms over her head and tied her wrists to the headboard. “What? Wait.” She pulled against the restraints, wondering where they had come from.

  The two men’s hands began massaging her breasts and her complaints died. She did wonder if they’d secured her so she couldn’t search for their wings, or if it was simply part of their planned seduction.

  Her gaze locked with Mast’s. He didn’t move, only stared at her, an emotion she couldn’t discern on his face. His cock remained deeply embedded inside her, filling her completely. She squirmed against him. Only then did the corner of his mouth hitch into a small smile. He pulled halfway out of her, then plunged forward to the hilt.

  “Oh!” She arched her back.

  As Mast again withdrew his cock, Maze reached down and rubbed her clit until she was panting heavily. He nodded at Mast, who plunged in once more.

  “Yes!” She was going to explode.

  Mason and Maze leaned over her, sucking her nipples into their mouths. When she arched, the two started lightly biting the fleshy nubs. “Ah!” The pleasure became so acute Sheridin swore her eyes rolled back in her head.

  As Mast fucked her, moving hard and fast now, their eyes met and locked. Something passed between them. A deeper connection.

  “You belong to us, Sheridin,” a voice whispered in her head. Imaginary or real? She wasn’t certain.

  She felt right on the edge of coming. Their mouths on her breasts, their hands touching her everywhere, and Mast’s fucking became almost frantic. Savage. Her body couldn’t take any more. The orgasm shot through her like a missile. The most intense pleasure she’d ever felt in her life.

  She heard herself scream and couldn’t control it. Her body stiffened. The men didn’t stop, and she came again, certain she would die if the pleasure didn’t ease. Waves of ecstasy crashed through her.

  And then it was over… or so she thought.

  Mast pulled out of her. She looked at him in awe, for his cock was still hard. Mason and Maze stepped back. Mast eased her onto her stomach. The ties around her wrists dug into her skin, but not painfully.

  Strong hands gripped her hips from behind, guiding her to her knees. Mast’s cock slid inside her pussy. He hesitated only a moment, then trilled and fucked her like some wild beast.

  “Ah, ah, ah.” She grabbed the slim post she was tied to. The sound of his body slapping against hers filled the room.

  Mason reached beneath her and roughly rubbed her clit, while also making trilling noises that were oddly erotic. Maze tugged and twisted her nipples.

  “Oh-ah!” She couldn’t do anything but let them have their way. She felt at their sexual mercy. And she loved it. “Eee!” A sting shot through her, sensitizing her even more. Someone had smacked her ass. She didn’t know who, nor did she care. Two more smacks caused her to squirm and mewl at the incredible feeling.

  Mast’s fingers dug into her hips as he plunged into her cunt hard. “Sheridin…” He stiffened. Then he came.

  She felt his cum shoot into her, and she came too. Long and hard. “Yes! Oh, yes!” Her body shook almost violently with her response.

  Finally spent, Mast pulled out.

  She collapsed onto the bed. Almost immediately, she felt a pair of hands on her butt, pulling the cheeks apart. “Wait,” she whispered, totally exhausted. She couldn’t take any more.

  She felt the head of a cock pushing at the entrance to her ass. She looked over her shoulder. Maze. He smiled and waited. No matter her weariness, she couldn’t deny him, for she craved to know how it would feel to have him inside her like that. “Do it,” she whispered. “Come in me.”

  “Yes, I will give you that part of me.”

  As he pushed his lubricated cock inside, she buried her face against the mattress. Her ass pressed back, taking him deeper. Oh, fuck. What a feeling!

  His hands held her shoulders down while he slowly pumped her ass. Again and again. For how long, she wasn’t certain. Time had no meaning any more.

  Maze stiffened. “Ah, Sheridin.” He groaned deeply as he climaxed and his cum filled her asshole.

  “Yes…” Though she hadn’t come herself, a sense of satisfaction filled her, knowing she’d given him the orgasm he’d wanted.

  After Maze pulled out, the men rolled her over. Mason straddled her shoulders and pressed his cock to her mouth. She opened without protest, feeling like some sex slave now. His cock slid into her mouth and she sucked.

  Someone spread her legs and a tongue touched her clit. Her body jerked. Her pelvis was raised and a second tongue pushed inside her, tongue-fucking her. She squirmed and sucked Mason harder, craving to taste his cum.

  His black eyes locked with hers. As if understanding her need, his fingers tightened in her hair and he came in her mouth. He came so hard she coul
dn’t swallow it all. His cum overflowed her lips.

  While his cock remained in her mouth, two thick fingers stabbed inside her pussy, replacing the tongue there. Ah! She felt a sharp prick as her clit was bitten. She squirmed. “Mmm.” Three licks, then another bite. “Um-mmm.”

  The fingers twisted inside her, fucking her hard. A hand pushed under her butt and a finger worked its way up her asshole. She whimpered.

  Mason pulled his cock from her mouth. He shifted and leaned over her. His tongue licked her lips. “Our mate,” he said roughly, the words barely recognizable.

  “Yes,” she sobbed as she came once more.

  They didn’t stop after she came, but continued to fuck her. Mason moved so she could see Mast licking her and Maze finger-fucking her. Mason sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and twisted the other one with his fingers. She came again, totally broken down sexually. Whatever they wanted. Whatever they did to her, she’d accept. And enjoy.

  Their hands gently stroked her body and all three trilled to her, soothing her. That’s the last she remembered before everything went dark.

  * * *

  A flapping and clanging brought her back around. Sheridin’s eyes opened. She felt sore, but satiated. Her wrists were no longer tied. She glanced around the room. She was alone. How long had she been out? She eased off the bed, her nerve endings still sensitized.

  After cleaning herself up in the bathroom, she dressed and walked into the living area, not knowing quite what to think. Her gaze immediately snapped to the cage where the three owls sat quietly.

  Before she could question things, the front door opened and a man stepped inside. “Josh? What are you doing here?”

  “The rescue was called off.” He dropped a backpack onto the sofa. “Sorry to get you out here for nothing.”

  “That’s okay. It’s been… exhilarating.”

  He cocked his head and a smile crossed his face. “I’m glad. You know, we have an open spot on the team. We need women. Are you interested?”


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