The Playboy Next Door

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The Playboy Next Door Page 2

by Christina Tetreault

  Put on the brakes, the last firing neuron in his head screamed. His hand ignored it and reached under her shirt, sliding up her back and coming to a screeching halt when Cat pulled away.

  He braced himself for a slap or a few angry words, both of which he deserved.

  “Do you want to come upstairs, Tony?”

  He opened his mouth, prepared to apologize, but snapped it shut. She’d invited him upstairs.

  Hell yes, he wanted to go upstairs. First though, he had to ask. Later he might regret it, but he still had to ask anyway. “Are you sure, Cat?”

  He’d be the first to admit he’d earned his reputation as a man-whore, as his friend Steve called him. However, he wasn’t an asshole. He didn’t intentionally hurt women’s feelings. He was always honest with them upfront, and if he suspected a woman might want more from him than some fun, he stayed far away.

  Cat must know that.


  He didn’t have a degree from MIT or Harvard, but he wasn’t stupid. When a beautiful woman invited him up to her apartment, he didn’t say no.

  Tony followed her up the stairs inside the converted Victorian to the third floor. With each step up, he expected Cat to change her mind and tell him to leave.

  She never did.

  When they reached her apartment door, she leaned in to kiss him, her mouth coming down on his hard and hot. Before he got the opportunity to really enjoy it, she pulled away and grabbed the keys from her bag.

  Wall lights cast them both in shadows, but he still noticed how her hand shook as she unlocked the door. He considered asking her again if this was what she really wanted, but before he could, Cat pushed the door open and tugged him in behind her.

  He didn’t need any further encouragement. Tony closed the door and reached for her at the same time.

  She tugged his shirt from his waistband then reached for the top button as he kissed her.

  When she managed to unbutton his whole shirt, he moved his mouth away from her hers. “Maybe we should find a more comfortable place.”

  “Good idea.” Her voice came out in a breathless whisper as she pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

  She didn’t bother with any lights as she led him toward one of the closed doors. Before she turned the knob, he reached around and opened it.

  A large wrought iron bed bathed in moonlight took up most of the bedroom. Grabbing the back of his undershirt, he pulled it over his head. Then he reached for Cat’s top.

  “I’ve been thinking about taking this off you since dinner.” At that point, he figured there was no point in not being honest. He tossed the top over his shoulder. “This too.” Tony slid down the side zipper on Cat’s skirt.

  Her hands had been on his back, but as his mouth came down on hers, they moved. The material covering her breasts slipped away as she undid her bra and naked flesh pressed against his chest.

  He laid her on the bed then took a step back and removed the rest of his clothes. The moon provided ample light, so he could clearly see Cat stretched out in nothing but low rise panties. Her blonde hair fanned out across her pillow, and her chest rose and fell rapidly. The sight was more than he could handle as he came down on the bed next to her.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered before kissing her mouth and sliding a hand inside her panties so he could touch her.

  When he did, she moaned and moved against him.

  “Do you like that?” he asked, kissing her neck.

  Cat nodded as she reached for him.

  He captured her hand before she touched him. “Not yet. I’m not done with you.” He moved his fingers against her again and smiled when she moaned for a second time.

  Yeah, tonight was turning out so much better than he’d expected.

  Chapter 1

  2 Months Later

  Going out with Kelsey. Are we still on for tonight?

  Tony read the text message and typed out a reply as he watched Striker walk toward him Saturday afternoon. Less than a minute remained in the game. North Salem was up by three touchdowns, and at this point, it was almost painful to watch the field. The team from Beverly High had played like crap all day, and North Salem had walked all over them.

  “Setting up a booty call for the night?” Striker stopped alongside him, his arms crossed.

  Tony shoved the smartphone into his back pocket. The last two people he wanted seeing the message was Striker and Striker’s father. So far, his involvement with Cat––he couldn’t bring himself to label it a relationship—had gone unnoticed by everyone.

  He liked it that way. He suspected Cat did too since she never suggested they meet at his place or anywhere else in North Salem. Sure, they occasionally arranged to be in the same place at the same time, but they never arrived or left together.

  “You know me.” Tony watched the field as he answered.

  Next to him, Striker shook his head as George Dalton leaped at the last minute, intercepted the ball, and then ran for thirty yards.

  “Damn, I wish Dalton wasn’t graduating this year. The team won’t be the same without him.”

  Tony agreed. George was one of the best players on their defense. “Frank’s almost as good,” he said, referring to George’s younger brother. “Some extra work during the off season and he’ll carry George’s position with no problem.”

  On the scoreboard, the clock ran out and both benches cleared as players congratulated each other on a well-played game.

  “So, who is it tonight? Anyone I know?”

  “Someone I met in Boston.” Tony watched the players rather than face his friend and fellow coach.

  “Does she have a sister or a friend?”

  Tony took a deep breath as he walked with Striker and the players up to the high school. If Striker ever knew just who he spent his free time with these days, he’d plant his fist in his face.

  “No sister.” At least that wasn’t a lie. “Aren’t you seeing Nicole anyway?”

  “Nah. I haven’t seen her in over a month.”

  “Sorry, can’t help you, buddy. I’m sure you’ll survive.” Striker never lacked for female companionship. He’d find himself a new girlfriend soon enough.

  “Easy for you to say. While you’re getting laid tonight, I’ll be hanging around Sean’s place.”

  Tony cringed and readjusted his baseball cap. Sean had invited him over as well. When he’d said he had other plans, Sean only gave him a knowing smile. If Sean knew whom his plans were with, he’d probably punch out a few of his teeth in an attempt to knock some sense into him. Perhaps that was why he’d avoided his best friend as much as possible for the past month.

  “Have fun this weekend. See you at practice on Monday, Striker.” Before Striker could make any other comments about Tony’s sex life or plans for the weekend, he left the locker room and headed for his car.

  Lemon exploded in his mouth as he bit into the lemon poppy seed muffin a short while later. No one made lemon muffins better than Peggy Sue’s Café. Reaching for his coffee, Tony took a gulp and watched the front door. His mother should arrive any minute, yet it wasn’t his mother he saw walk through the entrance.

  Cat had told him she planned to go shopping with her friend for an outfit for Mrs. O’Brien’s wedding, so he hadn’t expected to see her until much later that night.

  But there she stood.

  He watched her walk toward the counter. Every few tables she’d stop and say hello to someone else. So far, she hadn’t noticed him, and, unfortunately, he couldn’t call out to her without someone noticing.

  While no one would question him and Cat talking in such a public place, he saw no need to draw extra attention to them. All he needed was one person to suspect they were dating, and soon the whole town would be gossiping.

  Not that they were really dating. They rarely went anywhere together. Much of their time they spent naked and in her bed.

  Theirs was a physical relationship. The type he preferred.

  The image of them t
alking and cuddling on her couch over the weekend took shape.

  Okay, maybe it wasn’t only a physical relationship. Still, if he had any intelligence, he’d end this thing with her before anyone found out. Secrets often found their way out.

  Sure the sex was fantastic, but every time they got together, he risked his friendships with both Cat’s brother and her father.

  He’d reminded himself of that numerous times since the first time they slept together. Once, he’d even convinced himself to tell her they’d had fun, but their time together had come to an end.

  His resolve had lasted right up until she opened her apartment door. The minute she smiled at him and asked him about his day, he’d changed his mind and kissed her. Since that day, he hadn’t entertained the idea again.

  Across the café, Cat stopped to speak with Sue Adams, and she looked in his direction. She gave him the tiniest of nods and then said something to Sue before joining the line at the counter.

  Thanks to the location of his table, Tony could watch her as she waited in line without anyone the wiser. While she waited, she spoke with the other customers in line, and he couldn’t look away.

  Cat radiated friendliness. She had this sunny personality that called people to her. A person couldn’t be around her and remain in a bad mood. Even people she didn’t know well appeared at ease and happy around her.

  He told himself that was one of the reasons he couldn’t stay away from her. He simply liked the way he felt around her.

  Brendan Michaels, another lifelong North Salem resident, joined the line behind her. Right away, he placed a hand on her shoulder and started up a conversation. As Tony watched her shake her head at whatever Brendan said, he forced himself to remain seated rather than bolt across the room and rip Brendan’s arm off. Although many people wouldn’t mind seeing Brendan put in his place, residents would wonder why Tony had intervened because, by the looks of it, Brendan and Cat were only talking.

  Tony ground his teeth together as she said something in response to Brendan’s statement. What was taking so long anyway? How hard was it for Skye to make Cat a cup of coffee? From behind the counter, Skye handed Cat her order. Cat stopped two more times before reaching him.

  “Hi, Tony. How did the game go?” She made no move to sit. Instead, she sipped her coffee.

  “We won by three touchdowns. It was like Beverly sent their JV team to play today.”

  His hands itched to reach out and pull her close. Since that was out of the question, he wrapped his hands around his coffee mug.

  “Big plans for the afternoon?” he asked.

  “I’m meeting Kelsey here. What about you?”

  “Waiting for my mom. She asked me to meet her. Why don’t you sit and keep me company until Kelsey gets here.”

  She took the seat next to him, her knee bumping into his leg.

  “So what kind of trouble are you and Miss Bancroft planning to get into today?”

  She scooted her chair a little closer to him. “Shopping. She needs something for Mrs. O’Brien’s wedding.”

  No one would ever call him a saint. Tony released his coffee mug and reached under the table. “A Saturday night at the mall, where’s the fun in that?”

  He caressed her thigh, wishing she had on a skirt instead of jeans.

  “Shopping can be fun, especially when you plan to get a few new things for yourself. Ella told me about the two new stores that opened last week. I can’t wait to check them out.”

  He’d gotten an earful from his mother after her last trip to the mall about one of the new stores. She’d gone on for a good thirty minutes about how inappropriate the outfits on the mannequins were and how the store shouldn’t be allowed to hang photos in the windows. He loved his mom, but sometimes she could be a bit of a prude.

  “Besides, it won’t take all day. I told Kelsey I need to be home by seven because I have other things to do.”

  Under the table, Cat ran her fingertips over his hand, and it reminded him of the way she’d caressed his chest earlier that week.

  “How does that sound?” she whispered, her voice almost inaudible.

  Visions of her in some new lacy outfits formed, and his heart rate accelerated.

  “Four sounds better,” he answered, grateful for the noise in the café.

  “Kelsey loves to shop. If I’m lucky, I’ll get her out of the mall by five.”

  “I’ll be at your place by six then.” An hour should be enough time for her to get home. “Text me if you get home earlier,” he whispered.

  Under the table, she squeezed his hand. “Your mom just walked in.”

  Tony looked up as his mom walked toward them. Right away, Cat released his hand and reached for her coffee.

  “Catrina, how are you?” His mom joined them at the table.

  “Great, Mrs. Bates, and you?”

  “Fabulous. I love being retired. Right after Maureen’s wedding, I’m off on a cruise with my sister for a week.”

  He shifted in his seat as his mother and secret lover discussed Maureen O’Brien’s upcoming wedding, an event the entire town was talking about.

  “Do you want a coffee or anything, Mom?” Anything to get him away from the table.

  His mom looked in his direction. “That would be lovely. I’ll have a blueberry turnover too,” she answered as he stood.

  By the time Tony returned with the coffee and turnover, Cat had left and his mom had out her pocket calendar.

  “Catrina asked me to say bye to you.”

  Tony set the coffee and pastry down without a comment.

  “She’s such a sweet girl. I wish you’d date someone more like her.”

  Not again. His mom routinely lectured him on his choice of women. She wanted him settled like his older sister and younger brother.

  “Actually, she’s single now. Jane told me her and Zachary broke up. I was shocked. I assumed they’d get married.” His mom paused long enough to take a sip of coffee. “Maybe you should ask her out one night. I think you’d have fun together.”

  Oh, they had fun together all right. Just not the kind his mother had in mind, and he was looking forward to having more tonight.


  Cat flipped on her bedroom lights. She loved everything about fall in New England except the fact it got dark earlier.

  Dropping the new clothes she’d bought on the bed, she pulled off her sweater. Tony should be there soon. A shiver of anticipation started in her chest and spread. For a second, she closed her eyes and thought about their time together on Wednesday night. Immediately, the thought made her ache for his touch again.

  Sex with Tony was so different than it had been with Zack. She now understood what someone meant when they said a guy rocked their world.

  With Zack, sex had been nice, but not mind-blowing. Zack had always been gentle and loving, but while he’d always climaxed, it hadn’t been uncommon for her to be left less than satisfied. The same wasn’t true for her time with Tony. He always pushed her right over the edge.

  Before Tony, she’d wondered what the big deal was about sex. Yes, it felt nice, but she could easily go a week or two without making love. She’d assumed that was normal.

  Now she knew better.

  It’d only been a few days since she’d been with Tony, and she missed him. Cat paused in removing her jeans. She didn’t miss him. If she said she missed him, then that would mean she’d developed emotions for him, which was something she kept reminding herself not to do. Tony didn’t do permanent. This thing with him was a fun fling—something she’d never had before. Once she got him out of her system, she’d look for a serious relationship that might lead somewhere.

  No, she just physically wanted him. It was just her body talking not her heart. It wanted him pressed up against her with his hands and mouth everywhere.

  She slipped on the emerald green teddy she’d bought. Kelsey had asked her about it when she got in line at the lingerie store. She should’ve considered her friend’s reac
tion before she walked in the store, because as far as Kelsey knew, Cat remained single. Thankfully, Kelsey accepted her lie that the outfit was a bridal shower gift for a friend from college.

  She really needed to be more careful.

  Cat tossed her discarded clothes in the laundry hamper and then set out the new candles she picked up that afternoon. Before she got them all lit, her phone range and her brother’s favorite heavy metal song filling her apartment.

  Better now than in a half hour. “Hey, big brother, what’s up?”

  “I’ve got a favor to ask you, Trina.” Her brother was the only person in the world to call her that.

  “Shoot.” Cat lit the last candle and then popped a few bottles of Tony’s favorite beer in the refrigerator.

  “I need to be out of my apartment building on the thirtieth, but can’t move into my new condo until the twelfth. Can I crash with you?”

  Striker wanted to live with her, not good.

  The heavy brass doorknocker banged against her apartment door before she answered Striker. While she tried to come up with a good answer, she crossed to the door and looked through the peephole. She didn’t want to pull open the door and find Mr. Fox from next door standing there.

  “They won’t let you stay at your apartment a little longer?” She opened the door and watched Tony’s face for a reaction to her outfit.

  He took a step forward, then stopped. His eyes raked boldly down her body, making her hot everywhere. Then he smiled and walked inside.

  “The new owners want everyone out.” Her brother’s voice killed a little of the heat coursing through her.

  That didn’t last long, however, as Tony wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

  Normally, she’d do anything for her brother and vice versa, including letting him move in with her. If she let him move in now, even if for a short time, it would mean she and Tony would have one less place to meet. They already had a short list of options.

  “What’s wrong with Mom and Pop’s?” She hoped her voice sounded somewhat normal. The path Tony was making with his lips down her neck made that difficult.


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