The Sapphire Talisman

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The Sapphire Talisman Page 23

by Brenda Pandos

  “Doubt it.”

  “A little help please?”

  Scarlett’s continued silence angered me further. She knew what I could say to help, yet she stayed quiet, only flicking her tail every so often.

  “How about—” I fumbled as my brain drew a blank, but his attention shifted towards the debacle in the corner of the gym.

  Off to the side, Coach Hoffman stooped like a bird on a perch, pointing to Scarlett with Principle Brewster in tow. He held what looked like a large fishing net and an aura bubbling over with apprehension. His visibly shook as if he were hunting a tiger instead.. Unable to help it, I stifled a giggle.

  “What is he doing?” Tyler asked in amazement.

  “Heck if I know,” I said, trying not to fall on the floor in hysterics.

  “Lovely,” Scarlett said and bolted like a flash of black lightening out of the gymnasium.

  “Bye.” My face sprouted an over-enthusiastic grin. “Stray, I guess,” I shrugged, trying to look unimpressed just as the bell rang.

  “Yeah.” Then Tyler looked straight into my eyes. “Thanks.”

  I melted, giving him a consoling smile. “Anytime.”

  He nodded and walked off to Calculus alone. I stayed in a daze, watching him and everyone else leave for class, wondering where Scarlett fled to. But before she had a chance to return, I darted to History, hoping Scarlett would accidentally get locked out of the classroom. An hour of reprieve was exactly what I needed to process everything.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “What were you talking to Tyler about?” Sam leaned over and whispered while we acted like we were listening to Mr. Marshall as he droned on about the Battle of the Bulge.

  “Oh, nothing much.” Sam’s huge brown inquiring eyes wouldn’t let me leave it at that; I growled at myself while my conscience caved. Unwilling to pull a Scarlett on her, I divulged more details. “I asked him about Katie and how he and Mandy were doing.”


  “He and Mandy aren’t talking, and he’s not sure he really saw Katie, just like you said,” I lied, per his request.

  “Oh, really?”

  Mr. Marshall stopped talking and gave everyone a menacing stare, to which the class became silent. We both innocently looked down, pretending to scribble some notes. After a minute, he started again.

  “Did you see that huge black cat in the gym earlier?” she whispered once Mr. Marshall turned his back.

  I withheld my sarcasm, wanting to scream out the truth. “I did. And what’s with Mr. Brewster and the net? Was he trying to catch it?”

  “I know. What a dork,” Sam chuckled. “I guess that cat’s been seen all over the school today. But she’s like . . . gorgeous. Did you see her fur? It’s amazing . . . almost iridescent.”

  “Yeah, amazing,” I echoed.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mikey Leibos sneak into class and a black streak of light shot from between his feet to some boxes in the back of class. Internally, I clung to Sam’s aura for solace.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” I spoke in my mind with a forced exhale to which she didn’t reply. “I see you’ve avoided capture.” Dang it.

  She still remained quiet, somewhere behind me. I pursed my lips in frustration that I couldn’t inconspicuously crane my neck around to see what she was doing.

  “I don’t get you,” I finally said, always feeling like I stood on the fringe of every conversation we had, practically begging for any type of information whatsoever. “I could have used a little help with Tyler just now. What’s your deal anyway?”

  “I tell you what you need to know, all else is trivial . . . and frankly none of your business,” she said curtly.

  I snorted and kept my eyes straight ahead, aggravated beyond words. Possible detention and dire embarrassment were the only two things preventing me from standing up in the middle of class and revealing her location, feigning I had a deadly cat allergy.

  Visions of a sneezing attack seemed like a good idea until I imagined Nurse Nancy sticking me with an epi pen or worse, calling 911. Dad would reveal the truth immediately and the whole event would make me the laughing stock of the school. Scarlett would get a huge kick out of that one. I just had to ignore her and pretend she didn’t exist or else I’d go crazy. I decided I’d stop reacting to her and block out her conversations. But that might require enacting mental earplugs to block out her interrupting voice.

  “You already have an advantage reading their feelings. You don’t need me to tell you anything more.”

  I bit my tongue, reminding myself of my pact.

  “Besides, I do not use my abilities in that manner. I’m respectful,” she continued.

  Ooof. That’s it! “I’m in History right now, and you aren’t shutting up. How is that respectful?”

  Silence followed. I smiled, finally getting a reprieve, until Mr. Marshall’s beady eyes met mine. I unplugged from Sam for a minute to feel his haughty contempt.

  “Julia?” he asked caustically, apparently repeating himself. “The answer please?”

  The heat burned out from my cheeks like hotplates as the time slowly passed. I had no idea what to say.

  “The answer is Baltimore,” Scarlett said, her voice exuding sympathy.

  “Baltimore,” I blurted out, hoping she wasn’t purposely trying to embarrass me more than I already was.

  He squinted, slightly shocked. “That is correct.”

  Disappointed, he resumed his place at the board, pen in hand, blathering on. When I looked at Sam, she blinked back at me, astonished as well. I shrugged. In fact, everyone seemed surprised. Whatever question I answered, no one knew, making me appear smart for once.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  Scarlett didn’t say anything more for the rest of the period. The bell rang and I collected my books and headed for English. By fourth period Chemistry my chest ached with the unknown plaguing my mind.

  I felt left out, unsure of the plan Phil and Scarlett devised to conquer Alora. If there even was one. And in the quiet moments, my mind always wandered to Nicholas’ well-being. Pretending everything was okay and walking through my day like a zombie exhausted me.

  I crumpled on the inside, not paying a ton of attention to the make up Chemistry lab I rushed through, one of the many I’d missed when out sick. My astute lab partner, Jessica, happened to be home sick, along with half the class. According to the board, she’d already completed this lab without me. Even still, all I could think about was that Scarlett knew what Nicholas really was feeling, mixing inside me jealousy and despair.

  “Stop,” Scarlett said abruptly.

  I froze, holding the two flasks of liquid in my hands, just about to combine them in the beaker in front of me.

  “What?” I yelped, instantly agitated, thinking I was going to blow up the joint.

  “If you mix those together, you’ll . . .”

  A shriek from the corner put everyone on high alert. Mr. Walentine ran over and mopped up the foamy mess, consoling Emily who’d burst into tears, holding two empty flasks. Her lab partner was apparently out sick too. I set down my containers and retraced my steps, realizing I’d measured my liquids incorrectly.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled out loud.

  Wiping the sweat from my brow, I readjusted my goggles and paid more attention to the chemicals in front of me. Twice she’d saved me today and didn’t need to.

  “So is there any kind of plan at all?” I finally asked after moving to the next lab, a less messy PH testing assignment.

  “We have been discussing alternative methods.”


  “Apprehending Alora isn’t feasible and neither is exterminating her. We’ve agreed a “shock therapy” type of treatment would be effective.”

  I turned and caught her icy-blue eyes staring back at me from under Mr. Walentine's desk, the only thing shimmering outward to alert her location. Alora getting a nice jolt of electricity put a smile on my face.

Is that possible?”

  “Not with electricity.” My disappointment turned my lips to a straight line. “We believe a healthy dose of Alora’s future might sober her up, like it’s done to Phil and the others I’ve recently enlightened. Phil’s obviously been inspired to make some new life decisions based on the grander scheme of things. Though, I’m unsure how long her conversion would last, since our session could only be for minutes, not months.”

  I let the idea sink in and trembled. The thought of Phil trapped in Hell for months sounded horrific. But he had mentioned Alora wasn’t keen on reading his past and avoided mental interactions ever since he’d given her a glimpse. And the incredible reaction from the thugs in the alley made them beg for forgiveness instantly.

  “How would you do it?”

  “Through touch I could open the gateway of his mind and channel the memories, forcing Alora to see, live, and experience Hell as Phil remembers it. But the experiment wouldn’t be isolated. Phil and Alora would experience his past simultaneously in a very real way, which could create emotional distress on Phil.

  “He’s all for trying it, but his past is very debilitating to him. The vision could be so real, he could believe he’d returned and forget the scenario is only a simulation. If someone could talk to him during the process, it might help him stay grounded long enough to endure it.”

  “I could do it,” I volunteered quickly.

  “Yes, but you’d need to stay disconnected. The feelings could pull you under as well.”

  “Okay,” I said, feeling a burst of excitement. If the treatment worked, we could bring Alora to her knees, repentant to only serve the good side. Then Nicholas hopefully would be more inclined to do the same thing. No one would need to die. “And, what about Katie . . . oh, and Mandy?” Controlling Katie seemed like another important thing to worry about.

  “She needs to comply, or else.”

  “Or else what?”

  “She’s not bound by any bloodlines we are aware of, being the newest vampire. She’ll be exterminated if she’s a liability.”

  I gasped. Katie selfishly wreaked havoc with her inappropriate appearances, but that didn’t deserve her death. She’d only been drinking from blood slaves as far as I knew and was actually a victim in this whole debacle. “Whoa, we need to discuss this.”

  “I’ll need to alter Mandy’s mind too,” Scarlett interrupted, ignoring me completely. “She’s crippled with fear and it’s wearing on her sanity.”

  “She is? What did Katie do to her?”

  “Threatened to hunt her down if she even goes as far as to look at Tyler,” Scarlett said somberly.

  Oh crap! “Then we need to do a Hell mind-meld with Katie too.” And quickly.

  “We’ll see about that,” Scarlett replied. “First things first.”

  And that we will do. Finally in the “know” of their plans, I could figure out what I needed to do.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Where’s Cameron?” Sam asked, scanning the sparse lunchroom.

  Never mind Cam, where’s Scarlett?

  I’d darted out of fourth period so fast, I didn’t look to see if she’d followed me to the cafeteria or not. The thought of her locked up in the science lab all weekend seemed funny.

  “I don’t know, he was here earlier.” I skimmed across my classmate’s faces and under tables, catching Tyler’s quick glance to which he smiled, brimming with fondness for me. I blushed and returned the sentiment.

  His heartache wrenched my gut as I watched him gaze quickly at Mandy who sat the farthest away she possibly could, her back to him—unknowingly paranoid and petrified. The scene made me vow to stop Katie from using intimidation and vampire seduction to break them up.

  “Is that Todd over there?” I said, squinting purposefully in the direction where Tyler and Todd sat between a few cheerleaders.

  “Yes.” Sam’s anxiety bounded forth and she tilted her head down, only glancing towards him beneath the glossy brown curtain of her hair. “Stop gawking at them, will you?”

  “What’s the big deal? Aren’t you guys dating? Let’s motion for them to come sit with us,” I suggested playfully.

  “Uh.” Sam’s agitation escalated. “No. That’s fine. He’s hanging with the team. I don’t want to intrude.”

  “He’s only with Tyler.” I started to stand when Sam’s hand caught my arm.

  “No, he’s busy. Let’s have lunch, just you and me today. Please?”

  The fact Todd kept their relationship under the radar angered me, conveniently deciding when or if it was appropriate to be seen together. “Doesn’t it bother you that he won’t eat with you, hold your hand, or even really talk to you while he’s at school?”

  “Not really,” she lied. “He just doesn’t like public displays of affection.”

  “Personally, I think it’s rude and he shouldn’t treat you like that. Either you are together and he’s proud to show people, or you’re not.”

  I stood up and grabbed my tray of half-eaten food.

  “Please, Jules. Don’t do this.” Sam pleaded with her eyes.

  On a saving rampage, I waffled, wanting to walk over and tell Todd exactly what I thought of how he treated Sam. But for Sam’s dignity, I sat back down and let out an over-exaggerated sigh.

  “I’m going to talk to him about it tonight actually,” Sam said, looking down at the table, her cheeks reddening more by the minute. Her bravery suddenly spiked. “But you’re one to talk. Look at you and Nicholas.”

  “That’s different,” I said, speaking before thinking.

  “Really?” Sam looked me dead in the eye. “Explain to me how hiding your boyfriend from everyone, including your family, is different.”

  Unwilling to fight with my best friend, and frustrated I couldn’t tell her the truth, I caved. I needed to tell someone my heart-wrenching news.

  “Doesn’t matter. We broke up.”

  Sam gasped. “What? When?”

  The tears bubbled from nowhere. My confession hit harder than I wanted. “Monday.”

  “After your weekend?” Sam screwed up her face in horror and curiosity. “You didn’t —?”

  “No. He’s a gentleman actually,” I breathed softly. “He’s going through some rough stuff right now. His mom, who left him at birth, magically showed up and wants him to move away with her.” Among other things.

  I pressed my eyelids shut to stop the tears. When a few slipped down my cheeks, I ducked my head and wiped them away with the sleeve of my shirt. The sympathy of a few neighboring girls wafted over to our table anyway.

  “Oh.” Sam bit her lip. “Sorry.”

  “It’s not like we kept things a secret because he’s embarrassed to be around me, it was for my protection because—” my mind fumbled to find the right words to define his dangerous ties, “—he’s a bounty hunter.”

  Sam blinked back at me with huge awestruck eyes, suddenly enlightened. “No way,” she whispered. “As in, hunts down the bad guys and stuff?”

  I nodded my head, thankful the rest of the exaggerated story flowed effortlessly. “Remember the Dirty Harry stuff in the newspaper? That was Nicholas actually. So, he had to keep me a secret to protect me from his enemies.”

  “But he’s so young. How did he land a job doing that?”

  I licked my lips. “He works with his . . . uncle and he’s been training him since he was young.”

  A huge weight lifted off my chest even though I glossed over the finer details. After holding the vampire secret for over six months, I finally revealed to her a fraction of the truth, receiving some form of moral support for once.

  Why hadn’t I thought to tell her this rendition before today?

  “It sounds really dangerous.”

  I nodded my head, wondering why Scarlett wasn’t interfering with my conversation. She’d be snapping if she knew I was revealing Nicholas’ past to Sam.

  “Do you think he’s in contact with the cops and might know what’s going on with Kat
ie?” Sam asked with tears brimming in her own eyes.

  I gulped, forcing down my emotions, and hid within a bubble away from everyone so I could keep it together. Any excuse I thought to make—joining a ruthless gang, getting kidnapped, or running away—all sounded unbelievable. We’d known Katie since the fourth grade and though she’d been doing crazy stuff lately, nothing but the truth would suffice in this situation.

  “I don’t know anymore,” I said, putting my face in my hands as the tears flowed freely and my body trembled. I’d been the pillar of strength for so long and didn’t want to pretend I was fine any longer, even if I sobbed in the middle of the half-empty cafeteria.

  Sam scooted closer and put her arm over my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay, Julia.” She produced a tissue.

  I wiped my nose as the grief, responsibility, and guilt poured from my being, raining down on me and drenching my soul. Sam’s concern became my umbrella.

  “I’m—I’m so sorry.” I snuffled loudly. “Nicholas literally changed overnight and he stopped talking to me.”

  “I know you cared for him a lot.”

  I looked down, feeling like a dummy as everyone gawked. “I need to use the restroom.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  Just as I stood, the warning bell rang for fifth period.

  “No.” I drug my finger under my eyelids to check if my mascara ran. “I’ll come in a minute.”

  “Okay,” she said in hesitation.

  I forced a smile and shooed her off, then made a beeline for the bathroom.

  “I have to leave,” Scarlett said, her voice sounding rushed, interrupting my exit.

  I skidded to a stop and looked around the room, still unable to find her black furry body.

  “I’ll be back at the end of school. Stay in class and on campus until I return.”

  “Wait. Where are you going? Is Nicholas okay?”

  My question was followed with silence.


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