The Sapphire Talisman

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The Sapphire Talisman Page 28

by Brenda Pandos

  “Ouch.” Phil shook out his hand and wrinkled up his forehead. “So, that’s what Scar was talking about.”

  “Huh?” I asked. “She was talking about the talisman?”

  “Yeah, she said something about helping Nicholas choose to give the talisman to you instead of Alora, right before Scar passed out. Because with it, Alora would attempt world domination or something.”

  An earthquake from my stomach sent shockwaves through my chest.

  “What?” I sunk down into my pillows as all energy floated out of my body. “Scarlett helped Nicholas choose?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  I pulled the covers up to my chin and curled into a ball.

  “What does that mean?” Phil got up and kneeled down on the other side of the bed to face me. “What’s wrong?”

  I felt too nauseous to talk. He brushed the hair from my forehead and wiped away my tear. “Please, Julia. Don’t cry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you.”

  “I needed to know,” I whimpered. “I have to stop getting my hopes up. Just in case.”

  “That’s a good idea,” he said, but not for his benefit. He seemed to know something I didn’t—something bad. Something that would break my heart forever if I knew.

  I cringed and continued to cry.

  He continued to smooth my hair, emitting worry, obviously unsure what to say to fix my aching heart. “I’ll just stay until you fall asleep, okay?”

  I nodded my head, unable to speak. I didn’t want to be alone.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “So? Has Nicholas called yet?” Sam asked, looking up at me through her bangs, obviously afraid to ask.

  I let out a huge sigh while dissecting the uneaten Jell-O on my lunch tray. “No.”

  A month had passed since the incident at the storage place without a word from anyone. Sam thought Nicholas had undertaken some reconnaissance mission and couldn’t contact me, which allowed me some leeway to grieve publicly to her.

  “Are you allowed to call him?” she whispered, as if an undercover spy might overhear us and figure out his location.

  “His phone’s disconnected.” And so is my cute little keychain one. I bit my lip. My guess was he didn’t pay the bill.

  To avoid Sam’s sorrowful eyes, I looked away. The truth burned on my tongue.

  “Why can’t I tell her?” I spoke partially to myself and partially to Scarlett, if she’d listen.

  “The more people know, the more danger you put them in,” Scarlett whispered back from somewhere in the cafeteria.

  She’d made school visits a regular habit, not just to keep track of me, but to have something to do. High school drama apparently scored high on the entertainment scale.

  My shoulders sunk down anyway. Scarlett was right. The only reason I wanted to tell Sam was for my own selfish pity party and I already had friends to share my pain with. I just hated that Sam wasn’t in the know like the rest of us and was tired of holding up the lame façade.

  “Sorry,” Sam said again.

  “Yeah, me too.” I curled up the corners of my lips. “Thanks.”

  Off to the side, Morgan and Dena lovingly fed each other their lunch. As of late, their decadent display of affection sickened me, which they must have sensed because they’d taken a more permanent residence at the end of our table. Cameron sat with his new redheaded girlfriend, Savannah, and her friends—their new devotion less obnoxious.

  My glance happened to casually land on Tyler who watched me back. These days I hid in my own feelings, unable to cope with much. The slightest bit of loneliness sent me spinning.

  He responded by wrinkling his brow. I shrugged in return.

  Sam watched the interaction. “You two—?”

  “Just friends,” I interrupted.

  But unbeknownst to Sam, Tyler and I spent quite a lot of time together back at Nicholas’ house with the Fab Five Coven—two humans, two vampires and a half-vamp shape-shifter. We’d collectively decided to give Tyler a choice. Red pill he gets his mind wiped, returning to a normal life or the blue pill where he keeps his memories. And without the beguiling temptation of the secret vampire kiss looming over his head (‘cause we’d forbidden Katie), he began to think clearly. Well, as clearly as a hormone driven high school boy could think. Surprising to all of us though, he chose Katie and the dangers of hanging with those of the surreptitious vampire lifestyle. He became our fifth member.

  So every day, Tyler and I faked we didn’t know one another at school . . . until today. Suddenly, Tyler and Todd were on their feet, walking in our direction with their lunch trays.

  “Did you do this,” Sam whispered between unmoving lips, her face appalled.

  “No,” I said, just as surprised as Sam was.

  “Can we join you?” Tyler asked, sitting down next to me. Todd took his place next to Sam and put his arm over her shoulder. She swooned.

  “Sure.” I smiled with a thankful look into Tyler’s eyes. He knew exactly what was wrong. Our whole Fab Five knew. Daily I begged Phil to fly me to Harry’s in L.A. to which he refused and I sulked.

  “Cool,” he said, giving my shoulder a quick hug.

  At least my new coven knew why I was so melancholy. Joy for me was fast and far between. Mostly, Phil’s antics would get a laugh and visiting my new cousin, Emma always was a highlight. Her sweet little feelings were so very contagious. But things trudged on as usual leaving me boyfriendless, hopeless . . . endless.

  To top it off, there was another vampire reprieve over the city. And since Katie, Scarlett, and Phil didn’t really have anywhere to go, they took up residence at Nicholas’ place. I figured once he got back, he could kick them out.

  We also cleaned up what little mess Alora left, which was minimal. The blood slaves had escaped and skipped town, possibly with Aden and Tony. Scarlett wiped Mandy’s memory too, which made her seem a little day-dreamy and forgetful. But at least she was happier.

  So, like before, we all had nothing to do except hang out and wait. But for what, we weren’t sure. I knew eventually Scarlett would preach about my prediction and try to start an uprising. There was no other reason for her to hang out with us youngins. But without Nicholas, I wasn’t doing anything of the sort.

  “You holding up?” Tyler asked under his breath as the bell rang.

  “I don’t know,” I said, holding back my tears, feeling extra weepy for some reason. “I don’t know how much longer I can stand this. I have to know something. It’s killing me.”

  “Let’s talk to everyone later,” he said quietly. “Maybe someone can go and get word.”

  “Yeah.” I looked into his concerned eyes but knew the truth.

  I didn’t trust Scarlett to go alone. Phil couldn’t go because he was wanted. Katie would get lost, feeding on some cute, frat boy or captured by the bad vampire gang. My only option was to drive myself, or write Preston another letter and beg for information.

  Something had to change.

  After school, I walked into the house and slammed my book bag on the counter.

  “Rough day?” Luke asked apprehensively, sitting at the kitchen table.

  I turned and scowled, betting the next question would revolve around my period or something. “Why do you care?”

  “I don’t. I just thought I’d say something since you haven’t talked to me or been around in weeks.”

  “Humph.” I went to the fridge and found it barren as usual. I finally settled on an orange.

  Luke felt bad and so did I. After Alora and Nicholas threatened his life, I felt extra close to my family but couldn’t verbalize it. Luke finked and I couldn’t make myself apologize since I felt he needed to first.

  “Nicholas hasn’t called, has he?” Luke said with a sympathetic look on his face.

  I swirled around, ready to spit fire balls at him but Luke wasn’t trying to start a fight. He’d known something was up for a while and just guessed correctly, emanating genuine concern.

  I gulped, holding back
the tears. No one had mentioned Nicholas by name since that day. “How’d you know?”

  Luke looked away and took another bite of his cereal. “I could just tell something was bothering you. I guessed. It’s too bad. I’m sorry.”

  I sat across from him and peeled my orange. “Yeah, I’m sorry too.”

  We exchanged a glance and Luke smiled. We’d finally managed to make up. Then, unable to withstand the sappy silence any longer, Luke jumped up and washed out his bowl.

  “Hey,” he said, just before leaving. “You’ve got a letter.”

  He pointed towards the counter.

  I rose and spotted a manila envelope on the counter. My heart flip-flopped as I picked it up and studied the front. My name and address was typed and the stamp had a Los Angeles imprint on it. My heart raced as I opened the flap on the back.

  Three pieces of paper fluttered out into my hand: the lyrics to the song Nicholas was working on—the one I’d found in his house the night we’d broken in, along with a letter.

  : : :

  Down by the ocean tide

  the still of the moonlight

  Its come at the right time

  The moment we caught eyes

  The sun hits your eyelids

  an hour too early

  and your heart starts racing

  too quick for the morning

  Ill equipped

  for pretty sights

  we're just ships

  passing in the night

  Just say the words

  and I'll be right over

  I'll meet you

  at your bedroom roof top

  The porcelain doves

  chime above the highway hum

  serenade the setting sun

  I’m caught in your balcony breeze

  Turn around

  the winter jasmine crowns are born

  they're waiting for a head to adorn

  a pretty little head like yours

  a pretty little little head like yours.

  Ill equipped

  for pretty sights

  we're just ships

  passing in the night

  : : :


  I’ll be home soon.

  Missing and thinking of you often.

  Keep the faith.

  < N.K.

  : : :

  I stood, mouth agape, and reread the beautiful words. Then, I spun around in the kitchen and let out a whoop, holding the papers to my chest.

  He was coming home.



  I’ve found that it takes a village to birth a book. With the birthing of a second book in a year’s time, my village has grown. I’m surrounded by the most amazing people who continually nurture me and give generously of their talents and time. This book is a part of all of them.

  First and foremost, I give thanks to God for giving me the talent to express my imagination on paper and people like you to share it with. Secondly, to my husband, Mike: thank you for your endless love and patience. You are my biggest source of encouragement and strength—from dealing with all my emotional ups and downs, to taking care of our children and our home. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to even attempt this. Thirdly, to my family: for believing in me, listening to my rave reviews and promoting my books.

  Pookie: I still <3 hot vampires too. Your friendship is such a treasure. Lisa: you’re the best beta reader ever and all the horn tooting you do for Indie writers is priceless. (I’m afraid to put this in here ‘cause I don’t want to share you!) The book is on time because of your dedication and awesome feedback. Dori: my editor and friend, for your insight and helping me find my voice and see its worth. Laura: my partner/editor/hand holder, for all your hard work you do to further our pursuits. Donna: you’ve got eagle eyes and I’m so glad you painstakingly read each line many times with a smile. Lori, AnneMarie, Jennifer, Shannon, DeeDee: for being amazing proofers, cheerleaders, extra eyes and plot hole finders. A special thanks to Mikey Leibovich of Sherwood: Thank you for writing Nicholas’ love song to Julia. It’s perfect! I love you all.

  To Jennifer: for my sweet care package that helped keep me going. To Eleni: for hosting and putting together my book tour for TET, hosting the remake cover contests, Twitter party and being a pseudo-publicist. I’m going to snatch you up someday. To Kari and Kelsey: for organizing the awesome pre-launch book tour with TST. To all the book bloggers: who have reviewed my work, promoted it and continue to voice the value of reading—thank you. To Kim: for designing such lovely jewelry to go with the book. To Rhonda: for being my #1 fan. To the winners of the remake contest: Caitlin George, Amelia Robinson and Miriam Robinson—thanks for entering and making choosing a winner very hard! To the girls in MOPS: for supporting me and cheering me across the finish line. To Savannah: for being an amazing babysitter to my kids.

  To everyone else who gave me words of praise along the way, became a Facebook fan and/or purchased a book: without you all, I’d not be here today! I wrote this sequel for you.

  You can find more information about the author and the next book in the series: &


  1 - Fate

  Table of Contents

  1 - Fate




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