Kidnapped by the Berserkers: A menage shifter romance (Berserker Brides Book 3)

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Kidnapped by the Berserkers: A menage shifter romance (Berserker Brides Book 3) Page 8

by Lee Savino

  “Good lass,” he said, thoughtfully. The words sent a shiver through my body, but I crossed my arms over my chest and sulked, laying back against the pillows.

  “I’m stronger now. I promise. Will you let me out today?”

  “Not today. But mayhap tomorrow. Unless you need to use the privy?”

  I flushed and shook my head. I had no wish to repeat that experience. I’d sneak out of the cabin when they weren’t looking.

  Thorbjorn returned with a bowl of water.

  “What’s that for?”

  “I wish to bathe you. Unless you’d rather the wolf do it?”

  “No.” I’d had enough tongue face washes to last a lifetime.

  He smirked, and ran the wet cloth behind my neck and ears.

  I sighed, relaxing into the heat.

  “I wish to go out,” I said.

  Thorbjorn clucked. “It’s too soon.” He turned to put away the bowl, and I struggled to sit up, only to find him looming over me, a hand planted on my chest.

  “None of that,” he ordered. “You’re still too weak.”

  “Please,” I said. I’d already slept a night and half the day. My body felt empty of strength, but surely they couldn’t expect me to laze about all day.

  “You were half dead, Sage. Even now, you’re eating only broth and the weakest porridge.”

  I wrinkled my nose, and Thorbjorn laughed and ruffled my hair. “Seems to me our mate is ready for some good meat.”

  Rolf straightened. “Then we should hunt. We’ll make her fat as a jarl’s daughter.” He winked at me.

  “But see that you stay abed.” Thorbjorn wagged a finger.

  Of course, as soon as their footfalls died away, I rose. I hobbled first to the door, peering out to check if they lingered on the stoop. The clearing in front of the cabin stood empty. A few ferns trembled as if a wolf passed through them. Satisfied, I inched out to relieve myself. Halfway back to the cabin, I wavered, and clutched a bush to keep upright. I took a moment to rest and absorb my surroundings. The well-built cabin with bright yellow door, the neatly chopped wood stacked to the side, it seemed a place we could stay forever.

  A wind blew through, drawing a sweet scent—floral, but nothing I recognized. The warriors were right—this place was fey.

  At last I was able to take a few more steps. I brushed the dirt from my feet and slipped back into bed, asleep almost as soon as I lay back.

  When I woke, the fire crackled and a rich, meaty smell filled the cabin.

  My stomach growled.

  I swung my legs to the floor. No warrior leapt out of the shadows to stop me. Glee filled me as I traversed the room. I had strength enough to stand. Surely I didn’t need to stay abed all day. I grabbed a pouch of tea. I would make my own brew and prove to Throbjorn I could take care of myself.

  But when I poked at a log to make room for a small pot of water, the larger cauldron unbalanced and tipped, sloshing boiling liquid across the floor. I yelped and jumped as best I could, but then slipped. The hot stew burned my feet.

  “Sage,” Thorbjorn leapt inside and lifted me clear of the mess.

  “I didn’t mean to,” I babbled, wincing at the pain. “Forgive me.”

  “Hush.” He carried me out, set me on a boulder and looked me over. I blushed a little at his touch, but he didn’t linger or tease me. He lifted each leg and frowned. I closed my eyes, flinching as he examined my feet.

  “Your soles are burned.”

  “The stew. I didn’t mean to—”

  “I know you didn’t.” He raised a hand and I winced before I remembered not to. “Lass, look at me.”

  After a moment, I did. The set of Thorbjorn’s mouth was stern, but the creases around his eyes were kind. “I’m not angry with you.”

  “I ruined the stew—”

  “Rolf is still out hunting. There’s plenty of game.” He raised his broad hand slowly, this time, and tucked my hair behind my head. “My only concern is if you are hurt.”

  “I am getting better. I thought I was strong enough to lift the pot.”

  “Next time, call for me, and I will fetch it for you.”

  I pressed my lips together.

  “Sage, promise me.”

  “It does not seem right that you serve me,” I spoke to the ground.

  He ducked his head to meet my gaze. “We are your mates. We wish to care for you in all ways.” He touched my chin and chuckled. “And now we shall, for you’ll be in bed longer.”

  I groaned.

  “Not to worry. We’ll find something for you to do. For now, let’s clean you properly.” He lifted me again, swaggering down the path away from the cabin. “Truth be told, I expected you to disobey, but not so dramatically. But if you were good, I was going to reward you.”

  “You were?”

  “Indeed. But now I’ll have to punish you instead.”

  I sucked in a breath. He didn’t look at me, but his grin broadened. His good humor made me relax, though I wondered what punishment I’d receive at his hands.

  Perhaps it would not be so bad.

  He walked to the pool, steam rising from the surface.

  “Where’s Rolf?”

  “He’s hunting. I may wait. He will want to see you punished, too.”

  I whimpered, and Thorbjorn laughed. “Calm yourself. Nothing to fear from us.”

  “The punishment… will it hurt?”

  “Nothing you can’t handle in your fragile state. But you certainly won’t want to disobey again.”

  I didn’t understand. He acted almost jovial as he walked into the pool, clothes and all.

  “Wait,” I cried, clutching at his shoulders. The water lapped at my ankles, warm enough, but I wore my only shift. It was stained and threadbare, but it was all I had. “What about my clothes?”

  “Rolf is getting you new ones.”

  He sank down, seating himself on a rock with me in his arms. I left my arms wound around his neck, enjoying the strong feel of him under me. I felt some surprise that my body had missed his.

  “Comfortable?” His voice was rough.

  “Yes,” I settled myself in his lap, only to realize his cock had grown long and hard under my bottom.

  I met his gaze; his eyes were gold.

  “Nothing to fear, lass,” he said quietly.

  He washed me with gentle hands, sending tingles through my whole body.

  “Soak here, sweet one, while I clean the cabin.” He set me down, and I feasted my eyes on his awe-inspiring body. Rivulets of water ran down the grooves between his broad muscles. The breadth of his upper arms were so large, I wouldn’t be able to span them with both hands. Such a man should never look twice at an orphan like me.

  He smiled and my stomach flipflopped. “Promise me you will stay until I come for you.”

  “I promise.”

  He tapped a finger against my nose, and headed off, muscles flexing in his back and buttocks under the loincloth he wore. I stared after him until he hit the door, then snapped my gaze back to my hands, clenched under the water. A hard-throbbing sensation spread between my legs.

  What was happening to me?

  I kept my gaze averted when Thorbjorn returned. He lifted me as if I weighed nothing and carried me to the cabin, where he peeled off my wet clothes and wrapped me in a soft pelt. He set me on a stool.

  “I’ll put you to bed in a moment. First I’m giving you more medicine.”

  “Oh, no, please,” I whined, thinking of the bitter brew. “I don’t need it.”

  “I’ll say you need a double dose, one for your illness, one for your burns. Both will make you mind.”

  “Please, Thorbjorn.” I put out a hand and caught his forearm, caressing the knotted muscle. “I’ll be good.” My heart thudded at my bravery. These men responded to my touch, and I wanted to see what weapons I had at my disposal.

  He gave me a heated look, but shook his head. “I wouldn’t be a very good mate if I didn’t care for you. Now.” He took the
pelt I wore and dropped it at his feet. “On your knees, lass, here.” With a firm hand, he guided me onto the floor.

  I knelt, holding an arm over my bosom. “Like this? Naked?”

  “Yes. You have no secrets from me.”

  My cheeks throbbed with my embarrassment, but excitement tingled in my nethers as he regarded me. All of me. “Thorbjorn, please.”

  “I am your mate. I care for you. Now hush. Head down. And put your bottom in the air.”

  “What?” I tried to rear up but he caught me and placed me in position.

  “Do it, Sage, or I’ll redden your bottom on the bare.”

  Sucking in a breath, I positioned myself. I ducked my head to hide my flushed cheeks in my arms. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “This is medicine. T’will make you well.”

  I wanted to protest, but he sounded brisk and unrelenting. I could run for the door, but he’d only catch me—and punish me further.

  Besides, I couldn’t resist his firm commands.

  “Widen your legs, dear one.” He tapped my inner thighs until I moved my knees further apart.

  “Will it hurt?”

  “There might be some discomfort. But you are safe with me, Sage, always.”

  My body softened.

  “Now,” he continued. “Reach back and part your bottom cheeks for me.

  Our mate crouched on all fours, her face to the pelt. With a little moan she did as I asked.

  Her pussy lips had a slight sheen. I swallowed a smile.

  “Now, Sage. Part your bottom cheeks.” I repeated the order, pulling down another pelt from the bed to cushion her front half further. “Lean on this, sweet one.

  I rose to prepare the cleansing water, and examined the metal piece the witch had given me, one end was shaped like a bulb, a wide opening for water, while the other was thin and reed-like.

  I took a deep breath and turned. Just as I hoped, she’d done as I asked, holding open her bottom cheeks to show off her crinkled little hole. She took small shuddering breaths. Embarrassed no doubt. I inhaled the scent of her humiliated arousal.

  “Good girl,” I praised, and knelt behind her. “Now, hold very still.” I stroked her bottom. At first, she flinched, but after a few moments settled to my touch. My cock hardened, threatening to punch a hole in my breeches. I adjusted myself before dipping a finger in oil. I had to stretch her bottom hole, to make her ready for the thin nozzle.

  I let the oil drip from my fingers over her exposed crack. She sucked in a breath, her muscles clenching.

  “Easy,” I soothed as I oiled her rectum and probed a little. She was clean and shiny, pliant and soft. Her bottom hole yielded to me. My balls ached from holding back, and for once I was grateful for the years I’d spent reining in my bestial desires. If I had one less ounce of control, I would have pushed her onto the bed and claimed her. I’d take her mouth, pussy, ass, and give her so much pleasure, she wouldn’t be able to walk.

  There would be time for all that. For now, she was my patient.

  I held back from plundering her back passage. With gentle probing I stimulated her, making her know she could enjoy my touch.

  At the same time, moisture gathered in her fragrant cunny. Her heady scent filled the air. Such a small little vessel to hold so much lust. She couldn’t have had many outlets for her desires, trapped in that abbey. Soon she would understand she was free, and revel in it.

  Until then, we all would burn.

  Need help? Rolf asked. He ran as a wolf, fur wet from brushing against the dewy undergrowth, on the trail of prey. For a moment, I reveled in his freedom.

  My head cleared. Thank you.

  She soon will be well. We will then claim her.

  Soon, I half agreed, half prayed. When I opened my eyes again, and returned to the room with the obedient woman on all fours, the scent of arousal punched me in the face.

  Sage stared at me from over her shoulder, eyes wide and liquid. I would prove that she needn’t fear me. I would prove she needn’t fear any man, ever again.

  “Almost done, sweet one. Then I’ll fill you with the medicine. You’ll hold it in for me until I say you can let it out.” I couldn’t resist slipping my finger lower, finding her folds and stroking them. “Be a good girl, and you’ll be rewarded.”

  I left her like that, on all fours, quivering with anticipation of my touch. Her bottom glistened in the firelight. My cock was hard as bone. I made myself focus on readying the water, testing it and adding cool water to the hot brew I’d boiled. The herbs smelled bitter. I hoped the medicine wouldn’t leave her too uncomfortable.

  “You’re doing so well,” I crooned, kneeling beside her. My fingers found her tight pucker again, and wormed their way inside. Her shoulders rose and fell with a shuddering breath. I set the flute like part of the clay device at her bottom.

  “Oh.” Her limbs jerked.

  “Be still,” I ordered her, and watched her body fall into obedience. “You can let go of your bottom,” I conceded, and waited until she’d braced her hands on the floor.

  “Is this a fitting punishment?” I asked as I pushed the nozzle in.

  “Yes,” she huffed, and I laughed.

  “So quick to answer? Are you afraid I’ll check your cunny, and learn the truth?”

  “No…” she drew out the word. Her little fists squeezed the pelts, but she kept her bottom half still.

  “Easy now. Let me fill you.” I tipped the pot of medicine, and let it fill the funnel and flow in.

  “It’s strange,” she gasped.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No.” Then, “Yes. I don’t know. How much longer?”

  “A few minutes. Be still, Sage.” I stroked her back as her stomach murmured in protest. My other hand fisted at my side. I hated to cause her discomfort. “This will make you well.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “I know, sweet one. But if you’re so eager to get out of bed, we will make sure to flush the ill humors out.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’ll be good.”

  “I know,” I caressed her smooth rear cheek, enjoying her little shiver. “No need to apologize. You are very, very good. Sometimes too good,” I added with a grin. “You must cross us sometimes, so we can punish you. We enjoy it.”


  “To see you sweet and obedient like this. Uncomfortable, but yielding to my commands.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It is the way of the beast. It hungers for a woman’s submission. But you are the only one who can sate it. Now,” I poured in the last of the water. “How do you feel?”


  I set my hand at her stomach to test it.

  “Please don’t,” she whined.

  “Hold it in. You can do it.” Her belly felt taut and engorged. When she expelled the water, she’d be so clean and empty. Perfect to slip my cock inside…

  I found my hand stroking her velvety lower lips, teasing her as she struggled to hold the liquid inside. Her body moved in little jerks, responding to my touch.

  “Please,” she begged. “This isn’t right.”

  “You do not like me to touch you here?”

  “Not now... when I am… full.” She hung her head.

  “You like this,” I whispered in her ear. “You are wet and willing. So sweet and pleasing.”

  “Thorbjorn,” she gasped. “I can’t do this any longer.”

  “All right.” I took my hand away, resisting the urge to taste her sweetness. “I’m going to help you to the chamber pot. Hold onto me.”

  “Can you leave me?”

  “No, sweet one. You are weak, and I am here to care for you. Hush, no protest. I am your mate. You will hide nothing from me. I will see to your every need.”

  I steadied her while she used the pot, and guided her back to the pelts where I washed her carefully with a soft cloth and warm water collected from the pools.

  “Good girl,” I told
her, over and over. “Such a good girl.”

  She kept her head bowed and eyes half closed, but submitted as I ministered to her. When I was done, I lifted her in my arms, and carried her to bed.

  “Rest now, while I clean up.”



  I lay in bed, feeling weak inside and out, as if the cleanse had purged the very fight from me. For some reason, I couldn’t stop shivering.

  “Cold, lass?” Thorbjorn didn’t wait for me to answer, but climbed into bed next to me. I waited for him to pull me close, but he paused with his arms loose around me.

  “Do you prefer the wolf?”

  In response, I tucked myself against him, shaking my head.

  “Shhh, sweet one. I’m not leaving. I’ll never leave you.”

  For a while we lay like that, his fingers meandering up and down my side. They strayed and found the curve of my breast, tickling and sliding around to heft the weight.

  I sucked in a breath, held it.

  “You did so well, obeying me.” His lips found my ear. “I wish to reward you.”

  His hand skated down, straight to the tender area between my legs. My folds throbbed. When he traced the seam, I tensed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you pleasure,” he murmured. “Do not fight it, sweet one.” One finger circled around, exploring. I twitched and shivered, fighting to hold my feelings in. When he found a little golden spot that sent pulses of pleasure through me, I turned my head to his bare chest and pressed against him to keep from crying out.

  “Shhh,” he soothed, taking his hand away and rubbing my arm. “There’s no shame in this. Only pleasure.” Catching my chin, he tipped it up and kissed my lips. “You belong to us, Sage. We will give you what you need.”

  The firelight flickered on the far wall. I blinked, coming awake to soft voices above my head.

  “—can’t reach the Alphas.”

  “It doesn’t matter. We’re not going back. Not until she’s properly claimed.”

  “It’s dangerous to stay away from the pack so long.” That was Rolf, in a low voice.

  “I care not. Nothing matters but our mate. I’ll not risk returning to the mountain when she doesn’t bear our marks.”


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