Faster Than the Rest

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Faster Than the Rest Page 14

by Shirleen Davies

  “Hello, Jamie.” Victoria hesitated before slowly walking towards him. “I was just getting ready to come see you at the ranch…” then her eyes took in a beautiful woman with striking red hair.

  “Jamie, would you like peach or berry preserves with your biscuits?” Madeleine called out as she started toward them, holding two tins while looking at the labels. She stopped and looked first at Jamie, then the woman in front of him.

  “Jamie,” she wound her arm through his and looked up at her escort, “are you going to introduce us?”

  “Uh, yes. Madeleine, this is Victoria Wright, I mean Wicklin. Victoria, this is Madeleine Rutherford. She’s our new school teacher.”

  Torie smiled at Madeleine, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m Hen and Anna Wright’s daughter. They own this mercantile as well as the hotel. Jamie and I grew up together, but we haven’t seen much of each other for quite a while. I’ve been visiting in San Francisco. Just returned home last night.”

  Visiting? Just returned? Home? The words played over in Jamie’s head. She sounded as if she’d planned to return all along. Had he been wrong about the reason for her leaving?

  “Miss Rutherford?” Hen interjected. “Is that all you’ll be needing today?”

  Madeleine tore her eyes from Victoria long enough to place the tins on the counter.

  “How much?” Jamie tried to focus his thoughts as he fished in his pocket for coins and counted out what Hen requested.

  “Well, it was a pleasure, Mrs. Wicklin. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around town.” Madeleine took the package Hen offered and turned her gaze up to Jamie.

  In an instant, Madeleine’s gracious smile and adoring look at Jamie changed all of Victoria’s plans. He’d moved on. No longer wanted her. She’d waited too long to come home.

  Jamie finally found his voice. “Victoria, how long will you be in town this trip? Will we have some time to visit or is your calendar already full?”

  Victoria looked at Madeleine, then back to Jamie, ignoring his question. “Enjoy your picnic, Jamie. It’s a lovely day and you have a beautiful woman with you. We’ll catch up another time.” She turned and walked to the back room, closing the door softly behind her.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jamie dropped Madeleine off at her cottage around three that afternoon. He begged off coming inside for coffee. His mind had been consumed with the need to see if Torie would speak with him. He couldn’t have mistaken the pain he saw in her eyes when she looked at him with Madeleine. The letdown she tried to conceal was all too apparent to him. He knew her too well. What could she be thinking after seeing him with Madeleine?

  Madeleine had him laughing a great deal during their time together. She kept the conversation going but wasn’t chatty, just fun to be around. Beautiful, and from what he could tell, generous and smart. Any man would want to be with her. Any man except Jamie.

  He drove the buggy to the Wright’s home, but Hen told him she’d taken a room at the hotel. Her parents were disappointed, but she’d said she needed time to think, decide what to do next. Hen implied that her seeing Jamie with Madeleine had changed Victoria’s plans.

  “It was just a buggy ride. She’s the new teacher and she doesn’t have any transportation. How was I to know that Torie would show up? She left without a word and has been gone for weeks. Hell, what a mess.” He ran his hand through his hair in a gesture of pure frustration.

  “I understand, son. Best you go find her and explain. Something tells me she came back just for you.”

  Jamie went straight to the hotel, asking for Mrs. Wicklin, but was told she’d gone out. Would he like to leave a message? No, Jamie had replied, he’d come back.

  As he turned to leave he noticed one of the hotel clerks, stopped him, and whispered briefly in his ear. The young man nodded, and cast Jamie a quick smile before dashing up the stairs to the upper rooms.

  Jamie settled himself in the hotel dining room and waited for an answer to his request. He didn’t wait long.

  “She’s in room two-two-five, Mr. MacLaren, but she’s out right now. One of the other employees told me she went to dinner with Sam Browning and his fiancée.”

  “Thanks for letting me know which room. Is the rest all taken care of?” Jamie had given the boy explicit instructions. The clerk’s smile was wide.

  “Of course, Mr. MacLaren Here’s the key. But if the manager finds out, I’ll lose my job.” The young man sounded anxious.

  “He’ll never hear it from me. Thanks for your help.” He handed the boy a gold coin as he stood, and headed straight up the stairs to room two-two-five.


  Victoria inserted the key to her room in the lock about ten o’clock. She was tired but glad Gloria had asked her to join her and Sam for dinner. Facing her parents this evening after the encounter with Jamie was more than she could endure. They’d want to know if seeing him with someone else had changed her plans to stay. Honestly, she just didn’t know, but dinner with Gloria and Sam had helped her sort out her thoughts.

  “You love him, you know. You always have. And Jamie feels the same. He’s never wavered all these years. Believe me, taking a woman on a picnic won’t change the man’s heart.” Gloria stopped at the look from Sam. “Ok, dinner at the hotel and a picnic. Still, not anything that would change the way you two feel. You’re back. He’s turned in his badge to help with the ranch. It’s time, Victoria. Find him. Tell him the truth.” Gloria smiled and hugged her friend.

  “She’s right, Victoria. Jamie’s not one to change his feelings in a few weeks. Give it time. I’m sure it’ll work out for you two the way it worked out for us.” Sam smiled at Gloria and put his arm around her. Victoria was so happy for both of them. They’d made the decision to marry and stay so that Sam could continue in his job. It was the best news Victoria had heard since her return.

  She’d made the right decision to stay at the hotel. After seeing Jamie with the other woman, she needed time to think and decide how to approach him and what to say. Gloria and Sam were probably right about Jamie’s feelings, but what if they weren’t? It had taken her six weeks to handle the property and finances. What if he’d finally grown tired of waiting and found someone else?

  She closed the door, noticing that candlelight flickered from the table by the bed. The fireplace glowed and a soft scent of roses floated through the air.

  The candles and fire cast just enough light to see, so she took off her wrap while walking toward the fireplace to warm her hands. It wasn’t cold outside, but still she felt a chill.

  “You know I ought to throttle you for running away again, Torie.”

  She jumped at the sound of the familiar voice, deep and sensual. Her heart raced as she turned to look towards a dark corner where a figure was barely visible.

  “I tell you how I feel, and what do you do? You bolt. Take off for San Francisco.” His voice was like steel, unforgiving. He stood and stalked toward her, his grey eyes intent, taking his time.

  “Jamie, I can explain...” she started but he silenced her with an angry glare.

  “Don’t make any more excuses, Torie. I know about Wicklin’s threats to have me killed.” At her shocked look he continued. “I neither want nor need your protection. Never did. And you damn well knew it seven years ago. What I do need is the real reason you married Wicklin.”

  When she hesitated, he grabbed her arms and pulled her within a few inches of him.

  “Now, Torie. No more waiting. I want to hear it from you.” His unsmiling face told her there would be no more chances.

  This is it then, she thought. I’ll tell him and he’ll walk. But he was right. He needed to know, deserved to know.

  Without preamble, she told him the simple truth. “He raped me, Jamie. Raped me and said he’d tell you that I had offered myself to him.” She paused, remembering that night and Hamilton’s words. “He said if I didn’t marry him he’d kill you and my parents.” She stood erect and looked him the eyes as th
e story unfolded. Tears glistened but she fought to keep her emotions controlled, closed. At least when he left the last thing he’d see would be her standing tall, no longer a scared victim.

  The truth slammed into Jamie. He’d suspected it, but always pushed it out of his mind. It had been easier to believe she’d left him for the bastard’s money. Her leaving because she wanted Hamilton was one thing, but her leaving because another man forced himself on her was something different. It meant he’d not been able to protect her, save her from the actions of a depraved man. It had always been too painful to face that possibility. But now he had to face it. It made him want to murder Hamilton Wicklin himself, saving San Francisco the trouble of dealing with such a sorry piece of human flesh.

  Jamie released her and stepped back. They’d planned to marry. He should’ve taken care of her, protected her, but he’d failed. Failed miserably, and Torie had paid a horrible price. Now he needed to convince her that he still wanted her, loved her more than life. But her defensive stance told him she had prepared herself for his rejection.

  Victoria watched as his expression changed from one of surprise, to anger, then hurt, and finally acceptance. She held her breath and waited for his response.

  Jamie’s features softened as he walked forward a step and wrapped his fingers in hers. He stood looking at her, his thumbs rubbing circles on the back of each hand, sending electricity up her arms. Then he pulled her to him, wrapped his arms around her, and buried his face in her hair.

  “Ah, Torie. Did you think I wouldn’t want you after what Wicklin did? That I’d no longer love you? You must’ve thought my love for you very weak.” He stroked her back and placed soft kisses in her hair, breathing in her unique scent. “Even then, when it happened, I would’ve stood by you, married you. I loved you. I can only think that I failed by not giving you a reason to wait for me to come back.” She started to pull away, but he held her to him. “You must have believed I would walk away, be too angry, and believe his lies. If you’d trusted me, you would’ve had faith in me. I’m sorry, Torie. I failed you in the most basic way.”

  He did let her go this time when she edged back and looked into his eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks. “You were such a proud man, Jamie. We’d waited to make love until our wedding night. I thought you’d despise me for coming to you ruined. Many men would. I’m sorry. So sorry I didn’t trust you. I know now that your reaction couldn’t have been worse than the pain I felt in leaving you. All the years without you.”

  “It’s going to be all right now. We’re older, but we have the same love as before. We’ll work this out, sweetheart.” His hands stroked her arms, rested on her shoulders and pulled her to him. His lips brushed across hers, once, twice, then settled more firmly to sip at her bottom lip, sucking it in. His hands had come up to cup either side of her head, holding her still so he could take what he wanted. She opened for him. His tongue swept into her mouth, moving in and out until she caught it and sucked it in with greedy passion.

  “God, Torie. I want, need to make love to you. Will you let me?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Make love to me Jamie. We’ll start our life right now. No more waiting,” she breathed against his mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him down to her in an invitation that had taken so long to offer.

  He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed, setting her down and turning her away from him. “I want to undress you,” he whispered into her ear as he placed feathery kisses down her neck. He made short work of the buttons, kissing his way down her back to just above her pantalets, pushing the dress over her hips and down her legs until it lay in a heap on the floor. His hands returned to release the fastenings of her camisole. It followed her dress to the floor. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her flush to his chest while his hands cupped her breasts, teasing and caressing.

  She turned in his arms and captured his head to pull him down for a long, drugging kiss. His hands moved up her arms, pushing her far enough away so his gaze could wander from the long curve of her neck, to the full globes of her breasts, and down to her trim waist and rounded hips.

  “Ah, Torie, you are so beautiful. More beautiful than I could’ve ever imagined.” He began to pull her back towards him before Torie stopped him.

  “You still have all your clothes on. I want to see you, too. Touch you.”

  Jamie smiled, then gently moved her backwards so that she could sit on the edge of the bed. He pulled his shirt from his pants and began to work the buttons.

  “Wait, let me.” Torie stood, her hands reaching for his shirt, her fingers working the buttons, releasing them one at a time until she could spread the fabric wide and place her palms on his warm chest. She stroked in small circles, learning the feel of him, creating a path of heat that followed her hands around his chest to his back as she pulled him to her. His course chest hair felt wonderful against her skin. She pulled away, moving her hands so she could use the pads of her fingers to explore his nipples, causing him to curse softly before grabbing her hands in his and pinning them to her sides.

  “Enough. It will be over too soon if I let you continue.” He sat on the bed and pulled off his boots before shucking out of his shirt and standing to remove his belt. Torie’s eyes never left his hands as he unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down his legs.

  He stood before her, allowing her eyes to roam, inch by inch, up his body, to finally settle on his face. His nostrils flared as he caught the passion in her eyes.

  “Lay back on the bed,” he rasped in a ragged breath.

  Jamie stretched out beside her and again began slow kisses that started at her eyes, moved down her face to her neck. He lifted his head to stare into eyes that had turned a dark violet. “I love you, Torie. You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Show me, Jamie. Show how much you love me,” she encouraged as his dark grey eyes searched hers.

  He took her face in both hands, bringing her mouth to his and took the rest of the night to show her how much he loved her.


  “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me the truth. The past few years I thought all I needed was the truth. Now I realize that while I wanted the truth, what I needed, have always needed, was you.” He pulled her closer and kissed her hair.

  It was just before dawn. They’d made love for hours and finally slept until one would wake the other to start again. Neither knew a night such as this could happen.

  “Jamie?” Victoria’s sleep tinged voice was soft against his skin.


  “There’s something else I need to tell you.” Her voice waivered and Jamie could feel her tremble.

  “All right.” His senses went on alert. He couldn’t imagine what else could be troubling her. He waited, thinking she may have fallen back to sleep.

  “Hagan. He…he…,” Her voice broke. She couldn’t get the words to form as the pain sliced through her, remembering that day in the dirty room.

  “Shssh. It’s all right, sweetheart. You don’t need to say any more.” Jamie pulled her close and stroked her hair. “He’s dead. Whatever happened is behind you, behind us. I’ll listen if you want to talk about it, but nothing that he did was your fault.” He hugged her tight and wished he could take away her pain.

  “No, I don’t ever want to talk about it. I just thought you should know everything.” She took a shuddering breath.

  Jamie rolled her over on top of him and touched his lips to hers for a long, lingering kiss before settling her on his chest.

  She looked up into his eyes. “I do have a question.”

  “All right,” he chuckled at the unease in her eyes.

  “Who’s Madeleine?”

  “Ah. I figured we’d get to that. I met her a week ago. She’d just arrived and didn’t know anyone. I took her to dinner last week and offered her a buggy ride to see the sights today. That’s it, Torie. No more than that.” He gently rolled her to her back and
looked into her still sleepy eyes.

  “I love you, Torie. There’ll never be another. Not ever. Marry me.”

  Her relief was immediate. She brought her arms up around his neck, staring straight into the darkest grey eyes she’d ever seen and nodded.

  “I love you too, Jamie. I’ve always loved you. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “What are your plans today?” Jamie asked as he tucked his shirt into his pants and walked to the dresser to grab his gun belt. Strapping it on seemed so natural. The weapon had become a part of him.

  She sat on the edge of the bed, watching him, entranced at his smallest action. They’d be married soon. He wanted children, lots of them, and so did she. They talked of building their home by a small creek that ran through the MacLaren ranch. He and Niall had spoken of it, but Jamie had envisioned the construction far out in the future. Now all that had changed. They’d speak to his family tonight, after meeting with her parents.

  “I’m to have lunch with Mama downstairs, then shop with Gloria. Why?”

  “I’d like to come by your house this afternoon, when Hen is through at the hotel. I want to ask for your hand today, not wait. I know there are still legalities with your divorce, but they shouldn’t take much longer. We’ll marry as soon as we can.” Jamie stopped to look over at her. “If you’re still sure it’s what you want? To marry me?”

  She laughed and ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing each cheek before reaching up to place a soft one on his lips. “I love you too much not to marry you. This afternoon is fine. They’ll be so happy for us.” She stopped abruptly at a knock on the door. “I wonder who…?”

  “You’d better get it. I’ll step into the closet. I knew I should have snuck out earlier.” He stepped inside and closed the door to the tiny space behind him.

  Victoria pulled the door open only to be met by the grim features of her soon to be ex-husband. “My God, Hamilton, what are you doing here? How did you find me?” She stood firmly in place. She wouldn’t let this man into her room or back into her life.


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